Princess Bubblegum walked down the stairs letting out a yawn covering herself up with a pink robe. Looking to the side to see many of her workers going to work on an elevator along with rebuilding the room that was destroyed in which Jason was found in. She still didn't know how he got in without being noticed plus she couldn't tell what happened for the fact most of her cameras she took down herself and the few that remained active only showed static during his arrival. Finally reaching her destination the kitchen groggily walking inside going a straight beeline towards the coffee maker. Turning the machine on knowing the ingredients were already in, waiting patiently for the coffee hearing the machine heat the water as small droplets slowly drip into the canister the intoxicating smell slowly waking her up. A thought reached her mind of how Finn and Marceline were handling the kids.

~At Marcy's place~

Finn was making breakfast, Marceline was at the table making sure the two didn't start another fight, since arriving they've only been at each others necks both figuratively and literally. Jason was eating his eggs eyeing Felix. Felix was finishing his third plate, his stomach not even half full but the food was satisfying. Marceline continuing to watch the two miscreants making sure they didn't get into anymore trouble then they already have.

-Knock, knock, knock-

Marceline and Finn looking at each other thinking on who would have come to their house. Before they could go answer. "Hey, Finn, huh, hey little guy who are you?" Both of them looking to the empty seat where Alex should have been seated. "Hey you look a lot like, uff, hey,huh, ahhhhhhh. Get it off, get it off, get it off, get it off." Jake continued to yell flailing his arms around and rolling on the ground while Alex bit on Jake's head.

"Ow, ow, ow." Jake winced in pain while Marceline applied some bandages onto Jake's head where Alex's teeth marks were noticeable on the skin.

"Hold still will yah, this is hard enough with all the fur in the way." Marceline told completing to bandage the rest of Jake's head. "There."

"Good, now tell me who is that?" Jake told pointing at Alex who was in Finn's arms. "And that, ow." Jake winced after pointing at Jason to have Marceline slap his hand.

"Stop that. That's what got you those scars in the first place." Marceline told floating towards Jason picking him up carrying him within her arms while eyeing Jake.

"Finn." Jake asked towards for an answer.

"The one that Marceline is holding is named Alex." Finn told Jake looking towards the child seeming harmless in Marceline's arms then back to Finn. "Bubblegum brought him to us."

"You couldn't have told me I was an uncle already." Jake asked.

"It's not our child, long story short Bubblegum found him and we decided to take care of him until our child arrives. For practice you know till ours comes." Finn told keeping Felix within his arms.

"Oh, well how is going." Jake asked to the two to have their cherry expressions turn to gloom.

"It's harder then we thought." Marceline told.

"We've only had them for a day." Finn told looking exhausted as he laid on the couch. "We can't leave them out of our sight for one second or they will start fighting, get hurt or who knows what. Ugghh, I don't think we're cut out for this."

"What! Come here you two. Look it's only been a day, I've gone through this once, you're just worrying too much and- * EXPLOSION*" Everybody turned their heads to see the kitchen on fire slowly spreading across the entire room.

~Time Skip~

Finn, Marceline and Jake breathed heavily having slight burns and scars after escaping the burning inferno and using the river nearby to put out most of the fire. All of them outside seeing the damage of the fire that had burned down one wall of her house leaving a gaping hole on the side of Marceline's house leaving scorch marks on the walls and floor of the cave making it slightly impossible to live in. The house seeming as if it could tumble over at any minute.

"What the Glob was that?" Jake screamed holding Jason and Alex in his enlarged hands while they played with his stretchy fur.

"I think I left something on the stove." Marceline told while her injuries healed instantly seeing what happened to her home within a blink of an eye.

"No, it was something else. Thanks for getting the kids Jake." Finn told putting out a small fire on one of his bear hat's ear.

"No problem, Finn." Jake told, Alex looking over towards Felix pointing towards Jake's hand that was morphed and shaped to a message that read, 'you missed.' Felix morphing a message of his own once finished reading, 'like you could do better.'

"Well the good thing is nobody got hurt." Finn spoke till a bit of rubble and dust fell on his shoulder looking up to see why.

"Well I guess we won't-"

"Look out." Finn yelled pushing Marceline out of the way. Marceline looking towards Finn as a stalactite struck Finn smashing him against the ground. The stalactite hitting the ground smashing through the ground like a nail being hit with a hammer against a hard surface. Cracks spread from the hole caused by the stalactite. The dust settled to let everyone see the damage caused and to see Finn nowhere in sight.

"FINN!." Marceline screamed going near the stalactite that just hit her boyfriend. Alex turning his head towards Felix with a smug look in his face showing the success he has accomplished. The stalactite began to shake and quake steadily beginning to rise a powerful grunt was heard as the stalactite was thrown 15 ft away landing on the river having it sink to the murky depths of the water. Out of the hole Finn crawled out of it having a few scratches and dirt on his shirt. "Finn." Marceline screamed in excitement and relief to see him alright.

"Hey, aw man my shirt." Finn whined seeing a giant hole on his shirt where the stalactite should have driven through his stomach if Finn didn't catch it at the right time it would have impaled him and most likely killed him.

"Your shirt? What are you thinking? You could have been killed? What are you talking about your shirt?" Marceline continued to yell at him smacking his arm while Finn flinched at every hit even though it wasn't that hard.

"Alright, come on you two." Finn told wrapping his arms around the two placing them on his back with the other two little ones. "Let's go home, considering Marceline's house won't be any good." Jake told beginning to walk out of the cave towards the tree-house.

~At the tree-house~

Jake sat at the table imitating the sound of a plane with a spoon trying to get the two children to eat to instead give him blank angry stares. "Finn, they don't want to eat." Jake yelled for his failed attempts to try and get the two to eat anything. He even tried to trick them by tempting them with candy still nothing they just continued to stare at him with their blank angry stares.

"Well try something." Finn told as he was fixing up an empty room so that the two kids could sleep in.

"Alright but this isn't easy as it-" Jake's words cut short as his face got splattered with the apple sauce he was attempting to feed the kids. The food sliding down his face his expression was not amused as the kids chuckled at him. "Alright that's it you two are, hey, hey." Jake spoke towards Jason for looking away at him towards the front door. "You two need a -"

Knock Knock

Jake stopping his ranting to go check on the door turning his back around to keep an eye on the kids so they wouldn't do any more damage to anything. Opening the door keeping his eyes on the kids. "Yes." Jake spoke not looking at the person that had knocked on the door.

"Hello, Jake I have some questions for you." The person spoke his voice sounding familiar but Jake couldn't put his finger on who. Taking the chance to turn around to see the person. In the somewhat living flesh was Hudson Abadeer.

"Hudson?" Jake screamed out of surprise.

"Hello, Jake long time no see. Is my daughter home."