I'm sorry this took so long! Please forgive me! It's been a year and I know that's bad but writer's block and life in general has gotten in my way.

But enough of excuses. I hope you enjoy this 7,000+ word, chapter!

Chapter 24

Katara stood dejectedly in a little pond a little ways from camp. Everything except her head stayed submerged in water. Usually Katara would feel comfortable being completely surrounded by her element. But at the moment, it failed to bring her contentment.

Katara was troubled.

She always acted as though she knew what was right, but at this moment, she was at a loss. Maybe Toph was right and she didn't understand.

No, Katara tried to ease herself. It was Toph who was endangering the group. That girl needed to get some sense knocked into her.

However, a part of Katara's mind would always whisper otherwise.

The waterbender sighed. "I just don't know anymore."

"Katara," called a gruff and deep voice from a few feet away. "May I speak with yo-"

As Ludwig trudged through the grass and his gaze fell on the little water tribe girl, his face contorted into one of pure horror. Katara blinked in confusion when the tall man's whole face turned bright red and he turned to retreat. "I APOLOGIZE!" he shouted, his shoulders shaking.

It took a moment for Katara to realize what had made him so frightened. Her own face tinted red, but she quickly explained, "L-Ludwig, it's fine! Honest! I'm wearing clothes!"

The German immediately froze and faced her once more.

Katara walked closer to shore, revealing her white grey-tinted swim suit. "See? It's fine," she tried to reassure him.

Ludwig gulped before letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," he murmured. "Once again, I am completely sorry."

"I-It's fine," she told him, easing his worry. "What did you want to talk about?"

His body suddenly tensed at the question. "I wished to … apologize." When Katara didn't say anything, he continued stiffly, "My interference has caused great unrest within your group. It wasn't my intention to make you all angry. And I had no right to try and control Toph's actions."

Katara's brows furrowed. "But you were right. We can't keep pulling off scams or one day we might get caught."

"Indeed," Ludwig nodded. "But, I am still not at liberty to tell her … or any of you, how to live your life." He then hesitated. "And I think you should all stick together through thick and thin."

Katara gave him an incredulous look, feeling as though he were accusing her. "Why do you say that? That's what we always do!"

"I'm …" Ludwig sighed, hoping to explain correctly. "I'm trying to say that perhaps, you should try to understand Toph's side of the story."

"But weren't you against her and the scams?!" Katara questioned, anger rising in her tone. What was with this guy anyway? Wasn't he the one who put a stop to it in the first place?!

Ludwig's exasperated expression eased a little as if thinking of a far-off memory. His gaze softened and Katara felt her tense shoulders relax along with him.

"Listen," Ludwig began slowly. "I don't have many friends and the people I can even consider friends, well … our relationships are strange. All my life I've been more of a parent anyway. Even when dealing with my older brother-" Katara perked up at the mention of a sibling "I was usually the one taking care of him, other than him taking care of me. I tend to intrude on circumstances that I usually have no say in. If someone does something wrong, I'll scold them, give them a punishment, do anything to get them to see that they were wrong. B-But, I've never been the best at trying to understand others. And because of my lack of friendships, I have no experience in doing so …" His far-off gaze was suddenly aimed at her. "A-All I'm saying is that, because you are her friend, Toph needs to hear she was wrong, but she also needs you to comfort and reassure her that everything else will be alright despite my griping … well, that's how I believe it works."

At Katara's unreadable expression, Ludwig quickly added, "T-Trust me. I've done some questionable things before, and when I finally realized how terribly wrong I had been, there wasn't anyone to …" He looked away quickly. "There really wasn't anyone to tell me everything would be okay."

Katara's eyes widened tremendously and leaned closer towards the man. She hadn't been sure, but he looked about ready to cry. Ludwig stepped back and held up a hand. "I-I'm alright," he told her. "That's all I had to say. Thank you for listening."

And with that, the German fled the area. Katara's hand reached out towards his retreating back, but immediately she pulled it back down and sighed. Honestly, now she was even more confused. How should she feel? Was Ludwig right? She didn't know …

"So let me guess," came a distant, familiar voice. Katara jumped in surprise after hearing Toph. "You called me out here to tell me that your sister isn't as annoying as I make her out to be?"

Sokka's voice immediately followed after. "Nah, she's pretty much a pain."

Katara frowned and lifted her gaze towards the ledge over the pond. Toph and Sokka took a seat dangerously close to the edge. Quickly, Katara slipped back into the water, hoping to get out of their line of sight. Well, Sokka's sight.

"She always has to be right about everything," Sokka continued. "And she gets all bossy and involved in your business."

"Yeah, I don't understand how you can deal with it," Toph agreed. Katara crossed her arms over her chest and felt her heart sinking at her brother's comment.

"Actually in a way, I rely on it."

Katara's eyes widened.

Sokka went on. "When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life. Our family was a mess," he admitted, his eyes downcast. "But Katara was so strong. She took up so much responsibility and helped fill the void that was left by our mom."

Toph's harsh expression eased slightly. "I never thought about that."

Sokka sighed. "Yeah, well, I'm going to tell you something crazy. I've never really told anyone this before but," he glanced at her, "honestly, I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like. My whole life, it feels like Katara's been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there …"

Katara's heart filled with warmth at her brother's words but she couldn't help her pained expression. This was a secret that Sokka had never told anyone before, and about her no less! But for some reason, she kept on listening. She wanted to know.

"And now, when I try to remember my mom, Katara's is the only face I can picture," Sokka told Toph solemnly. Following after the confession was silence.

"The truth is," Toph spoke up, causing Sokka to face her, "Katara does act motherly. But that's not always a bad thing. She's compassionate and kind and she actually cares about me- you know, the real me." Before any tears could fall Toph immediately rubbed at her eyes. "That's more than my mom."

Katara couldn't help the small droplets of water that ran down her cheeks. And finally, she had made up her mind; She would make things right with Toph.

"Don't ever tell her I said any of this," Toph quickly threatened with an affectionate punch.

Sokka rubbed his arm and smiled sheepishly. "Hey, my lips are sealed."

"Please don't tell me that's what I think it is," Arthur muttered as he gazed upon a wrinkly piece of paper in Aang's hand.

Aang lowered his gaze. "It is."

Matthew sighed. "This is not good. I thought we were staying in hiding."

"We are …" Aang trailed off guiltily.

Alfred laughed at the WANTED poster in Aang's hand and exclaimed. "This looks just like her!"

Michelle elbowed him ineffectively. "Don't be rude."

"I no lie. I speak truth!" Alfred shouted jokingly.

"Git! This is serious! Stop joking around!" Arthur growled.

"What do we tell Ludwig?" Matthew asked quietly. Surprisingly they all turned to him, their eyes wide with horror.

"Tell me what?" Ludwig gruff voice interrupted, causing everyone to jump. Aang immediately hid the poster behind his back and the others stared at the German man warily.

"I-It's nothing …" Michelle answered.

"Does it perhaps have anything to do with the wanted poster behind Aang's back?"

They all tensed.

"What wanted poster?" Toph's voice materialized as she and Sokka approached the group.

"There's a wanted poster of you," Ludwig stated with a raised eyebrow.

Toph froze and a small smile made its way onto her face … only for it to slip away immediately. Ludwig stared in surprise at the girl's change in reaction.

"Ludwig! Were you standing there listening to us this whole time?!" Arthur questioned.

The German turned to look at Arthur and nodded gruffly. "Yes. And I have the strong urge to tell you all that I told you so. But for now, we have to leave …" He paused and his cheeks grew red. "I-I mean if that's what everyone else wants … that is ..."

The others stared at him in in response to his sudden bashfulness before Aang spoke up once again, trying to break the awkward silence and continue the conversation. "I found it lying next to Sokka's bag."

Everyone quickly faced the Water Tribe boy. Sokka raised both hands. "Hey! I was going to tell you guys what I found after buying Hawkie … But I got side tracked."

"You actually bought a Fire Nation hawk?" Aang asked, blinking.

Sokka grinned proudly. "Did you ever doubt me? But I don't know where he is. I think he might be with Momo and the demon bear … and that weird bird."

"That doesn't matter now!" Arthur shouted. "What are we going to do now that we know the town is after Toph?!"

"The town's after Toph? W-What? Why?!"

All heads spun to face the approaching Katara. She then stopped and placed her hands on her hips. "What's going on here?"

"Um …"Aang trailed off, not knowing how to tell her.

"You see …" Sokka also trailed off.

It was Alfred who finally answered completely, albeit way too enthusiastically. "Toph now has a bounty on her head!" he exclaimed, snatching the WANTED poster out from Aang's grasp. "See! Look at the cool poster!"

"It's not cool you idiot!' Arthur scolded.

Alfred huffed. I was only lightening the mood, he thought, annoyed.

"What?! When did this happen?" Katara exclaimed with a gasp. Her outburst was surprisingly tame compared to what they had expected.

Sokka sighed. "When I went back to town I found it. I swear I meant to tell everyone. But then there was this whole fight and I got side tracked and-"

"Okay, okay, I get it," Katara huffed. "… So does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this?"

"We could just run away with our tails between our legs if that's what you all are into," Arthur said, almost sarcastically.

Katara's eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you have any other ideas?"

Arthur crossed his arms over his chest. "Not really, no. There's the question of whether we stay here but keep everyone who has already been into town out of sight or we just leave … but if we go with the latter, where exactly would we go? You all," he said, motioning towards the Gaang, "are the main operators here. We are only tagging along thanks to your generosity. The decision is all up to you."

Sokka, Katara, and Aang all looked at each other, neither of them knowing the right answer. While staying but keeping an extremely low profile could work, it'd also be easier just to run away.

Katara looked over at Toph, the reason they were in this mess in the first place. When she arrived to find everyone shouting and freaking out about Toph's wanted poster, she had been furious. But she reeled in her temper knowing full well it wouldn't help the situation. Talking to Ludwig and overhearing Toph's true feelings were eye-opening to say the least. While Katara hadn't been completely out of line earlier she hadn't been all too understanding. But now she realized she really did need to make it up the girl, just as much as Toph had to make it up to her.

Make it up …

Katara gasped as a thought came to her. It was stupid, reckless … but it would be Katara's plan for the group to move forward, and also a way to make up with Toph. Yes, it was perfect, rash … but perfect!

Everyone's attention was drawn to her as a smile slowly made its way onto Katara's face. No one knew how Toph-like she could actually become. "I have an idea," she proclaimed. She then made her way over to stand in front of their resident earthbending master. "Toph …" she began.

However, Toph immediately interrupted. "… If you're about to apologize, then don't because-"

"No, no. I'm not going to apologize. My idea is just going to need your help."

Eyebrows rose all over.

Their confusion made Katara's smile stretch wider. "I want to pull a scam with you."

"WHAT?!" the whole camp seemed to shout in unison.

Toph's eyes were wide as she asked, "You want to pull a scam?"

"Yes," Katara nodded squashing any ounce of doubt. "But not just any scam. The ultimate scam!" She pulled the girl over to her side. "What do you say Toph? Me and you, one last go … You in?"

"N-Now hold on …" Ludwig began, but was immediately stopped with Toph's, "Heck yeah! This is gonna be awesome!"

"Wait just a minute!" Germany bellowed agitatedly. Everyone turned to him with wide eyes. The German instantly pulled back after realizing the weight of his shout. After talking to Katara earlier he had decided he was going to try harder not to act like a leader. It wasn't his world they were in. And they weren't his fellow nations, or his officers. They had graciously allowed for him and the others to travel alongside them … Did he have the right to act in charge?

Admittedly it was almost a part of his personality. Something he couldn't shake. But he had to try, right? And screaming orders at them was not trying hard enough.

"I-I mean …" he murmured with frantic eyes. "… I, uh, is this scam g-going to put us all in danger?"

Katara's features softened, having an understanding of the man's internal struggle from their conversation earlier. "Since we're already in danger, I figure this scam won't be too big of a deal. And it's a sure way to get more money." And Toph and I need this.

Seeing the almost pleading expression on the young girl's face, Ludwig sighed and nodded. "Okay."

Arthur, Matthew, and Michelle blinked at his easy acceptance of the situation.

"AWESOME!" Alfred suddenly shouted. "So does this plan include the rest of us?!"

Katara gave him an apologetic look. "Nope, just Toph and me. Sorry."

"Phooey," the American sulked.

Sokka frowned. "Will you guys be alright?"

Aang was quick to nod. "You won't need any back up?"

"I'm almost positive," Katara answered. "But … if you want, I guess you all could tag along and watch from the sidelines as long as you guys don't bring attention to yourselves."

While not everyone was entirely okay with this turn of events, no one seemed up to arguing about the matter. Toph, especially was happy, surprised even. She knew this was Katara's way of apologizing. How could she possibly say no? "So," said the blind girl. "What's this plan of yours?"

Only a few hours later, and the plan was in motion.

"It's simple," Katara had said. "You're worth a lot of money, right? So I'll get you captured and they'll give me the award. Once you get to jail, all you have to do is metal bend yourself out of there and we're on our way!"

It was at this moment that Katara had alerted the guards about Toph's whereabouts. The young bandit had been hiding around the market place but at the sight of Fire Nation soldiers, she began to run seldom using earthbending along the way. They chased her towards the town square where a large statue of Fire Lord Ozai breathed fire from his mouth and fists.

On the sidelines Ludwig and Arthur watched from beside an alley as Toph turned around to see her pursuers, only to be caught in a net. Michelle, Alfred, and Matthew stood by an empty stand across the way while Sokka and Aang were nowhere to be seen.

Ludwig groaned. "I don't like this idea one bit."

Arthur hummed in what the German assumed was agreement. "At least they can act," he muttered as they watched Katara turn her back to Toph in an attempt to show her betrayal. Toph growled at her, "Traitor!"

"I wanted to speak up against this …" Ludwig admitted. "But I've done enough lately."

Arthur scoffed. "I think you haven't done enough." Hearing this, the German's eyes widened in surprise. "Maybe it's just the old man in me, but these children have been acting extremely reckless. Each of their nations is at war with this Fire Country yet they attract attention everywhere they go. I'm not going to lie, this is a good plan … I just don't think it's smart for them to have to go through with it." He paused. "I wasn't kidding about running away with our tails between our legs you know."

Ludwig cocked an eyebrow. "So what you're saying is … You like the idea, but it's an unnecessary risk?"

"Exactly. It reminds me of something I would have done back in my early years before I became a captain."

"Ah, yes. You were a pirate at one point weren't you?"

"A bloody amazing pirate if I do say so myself," he huffed. Germany rolled his eyes. "But back to the children …" the man sighed. "While I wish they hadn't agreed to do this, I can't help but be amazed and … a little anxious."

Germany gave him a look of confusion. Seeing this, England rolled his eyes as well. "You can't tell me you haven't thought about it. These children are in enemy territory and they all have amazing skills … they're fighting in a war, Ludwig. The oldest of them can't be over sixteen years of age and they're fighting an adult's battle. It reminds me of the religious wars Europe would have with each other. Children would be used to fight … sometimes their only purpose was cannon fodder." There was a dark look in the British man's eyes then. "I remember it clearly … The boys around me who were barely older than thirteen, rushing into battle. I remember their screams and their blood. The ground had never looked so colorful … What a nightmare …"

Ludwig had never seen the Englishman like this before. His gaze was far off, remembering a time when Ludwig was just an infant. It was times like these the German remembered just how old England was … and just how young he truly was.

To ease the man, Ludwig placed a hand on his shoulder. "Those times have long been over. And, I believe these kids aren't doing anything against their own will."

Arthur blinked, trying to shake himself out of his memories, before turning to look at the man beside him. "You think so?"

Ludwig nodded. "For example, Katara, she's a very kind, loving girl and has a strong sense of justice. I can't imagine anyone forcing her to do anything she wouldn't want to do. That goes for the rest of them as well. Toph is too head strong and she does what she wants, when she wants. Sokka, while gifted, doesn't appear to have the formality of a child soldier nor the patience. Not to mention Aang …" He trailed off.

There was something about Aang. He couldn't place his finger on it but he knew for a fact he wasn't the only one feeling it. The other nations, although reluctant to say anything, all felt at peace around Aang. He was, while not the leader, the person that created balance. He liked to keep arguments to a minimum and listened to what others had to say. He was kind, caring, heck he was even a vegetarian! (Something that horrified both America and Germany greatly). All around something about him was just too peaceful.

"They've decided on their own to put themselves in the position they are in today," Ludwig continued, watching as Katara sweet talked the Fire Nation soldier in charge.

England huffed. "I figured. That's why I believe these children are remarkable."

It was then that the fire nation soldiers hauled Toph and Katara began following what appeared to be the soldiers' captain towards their headquarters. A confident smile was glued to the waterbender's face at the success of her scam so far.

Once they were out of sight, Alfred, Michelle, and Matthew approached their fellow nations. "They put on quite a show," America commented proudly.

In a rare moment, Arthur agreed with him. "Indeed. I might have believed it, if it weren't for the fact that we were there for the planning."

Michelle blinked. "Um, where did Sokka and Aang go? We walked into town together but after that …"

"Who knows," Arthur grunted. "I'm quite positive that they can take care of themselves though."

Ludwig nodded. "Yes, let's start heading towards the rendezvous point."

"Wait!" Alfred whispered loudly. They all looked at him in annoyance and confusion. "One of those fire country soldiers is coming towards us," he warned frantically, his eyes glancing to his left where said soldier approached.

The nations stiffened.

"You all!" the solider called out. They cautiously gave him their attention. "Didn't you get the notice? All citizens had to clear the square by now. You shouldn't be lingering around here. Go home or leave the city until it's over!" he ordered agitatedly.

"Y-Yes sir!" Matthew responded for everyone, grabbing hold of both Alfred and Michelle's shoulders and leading them away. Ludwig and Arthur followed with taut postures. Luckily for them, as soon as they began to leave, the soldier turned his gaze away from them and started in another direction.

"Oh man," Alfred muttered. "I actually thought we were caught or something."

Michelle took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah, but think about it. How would they have known we had anything to do with Katara or Toph?"

"Well for one thing," Matthew began, "Arthur was with Toph, Aang, and Sokka for some of their scams. Not to mention that one time Ludwig showed up in town to drag them all back."

"So we're possibly still not in the clear?" Alfred whined.

"… Probably not," his brother confirmed. "But besides that, is anyone concerned as to why the town square was supposed to be evacuated?"

"Is it possible that they're having a drill or something?" Michelle questioned.

It was at this time that suddenly, an explosion shook the town. As the earth shook, Arthur was knocked off his feet. He stumbled into Matthew, who tried to catch him, but ultimately fell to the ground himself. Ludwig struggled to keep his balance while Michelle clung to Alfred's shoulder.

"That was not a drill! I repeat that was not a drill!" Alfred yelled after the ground's rocking subsided.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Arthur huffed as he and Matthew jumped to their feet.

Matthew frowned. "Whatever it was, it's definitely the reason why the town square was evacuated."

"And somehow," Ludwig grunted, "I have a feeling it has something to do with our new acquaintances."

"VE!" Italy cried as pots and pans fell to the kitchen floor. The pasta he had been cooking swooshed back and forth in its pot, as Italy clung to it for dear life. China glared in annoyance as some of his noodles slammed into his face. It stung but he easily ignored the pain.

"M-Maybe we should have left the shop, ve!" the Italian suggested warily as the floor stopped shaking.

China began picking up what had fallen. "No, aru. We're not leaving this place behind. We just got it! And it's amazing!"

Italy wailed. "B-But half of the town decided to leave! They're probably safer too!"

"And some of the town stayed. They understand the importance of irreplaceable possessions! They cannot be left behind, aru."

"But our restaurant is replaceable!" Italy argued. "I-I'm sure if we asked the mayor he would help. He loves my pasta, ve~! Besides, who knows how many more explosions will come!"

China spun to face the Italian. "It does not matter, aru! I am not giving up this restaurant-"

Another explosion cut him off and the two nations swung to the ground as more kitchen utensils collapsed onto the tile floor below. The candles fell, luckily missing flammable materials and the pasta spilled all over the stove and counter.

Italy got to his knees and stared sadly at his now empty pot of pasta. He solemnly turned to his companion. "Now can we go …?"

China sighed in defeat. "… Fine, we can go …"

"VE~!" The Italian cheered.

Aang and Sokka fled for their lives as a tall hulking man with a metal arm confidently made his way towards them. He breathed in through his nose and thrust his head forward, causing an explosion to ignite in their direction.

"Ahh!" The two screamed before avoiding the attack and hiding behind a wagon.

"We can't take this guy!" Sokka shouted. "He shoots fire from his brain!"

Aang frowned in thought. "We should split up. He can't chase us both."

Sokka nodded and the two ran separate ways. Aang leapt onto the roofs as Sokka kept to the streets. Of course, the airbender wasn't surprised in the least when the recently dubbed "Spark Sparky Boom Man" came after him first.

He jumped and fled, balancing precariously on the tiled rooftop. Despite his immense fear, he decided to chance looking back to catch a glimpse of his pursuer. He regretted it instantly, barely dodging a blast that may have singed the small amount of hair he had.

Sparky Sparky Boom Man was hot on his tail, keeping to the streets while still managing to track Aang's movements. In a hot second, the Avatar jumped two rooftops over and landed in the street below. He tried to catch his breath but shrieked in terror when the walls behind him exploded into flame and debris.

Aang's whole body seemed to freeze and he began to hyperventilate as the sound of uneven footsteps floated to his ears. Aang's attacker emerged from the smoke and faced him. A sinking feeling of dread washed over the boy. The firebender's deep inhale snapped Aang out of his trance.

The Avatar made a futile effort to evade the oncoming attack but was saved when the explosion was intercepted by a stray flying cabbage. Aang and his attacker stared in utter confusion before suddenly Sokka's voice rang out, "AHA! Take that Sparky Sparky Boom Man!"

The Water Tribe warrior stood confidently beside a wagon filled with more of the vegetable and a small gray haired man who looked on in horror. The teen then swung his sword down and cut a length of wood off the wagon which he then brandished at the assassin.

The assailant smacked the rod away with a flick of his metal arm. He glared before taking a large breath and sent an explosive wave in Sokka's direction.

Sokka and the horrified man both ducked into a side street just as the cabbage stand exploded into smithereens.

"MY CABBAGES!" cried the older man in devastation as Sokka ran to drag Aang away.

As they retreated, Aang chanced a glance back at the older man whose wagon of cabbages was just destroyed. "Hey Sokka, does that guy seem familiar to you?"

"Nope, not at all."

China and Italy swung their red sacks of reserve food over their shoulders and ran through the city streets. Loud explosions could be heard from behind them and each time Italy found himself screeching in fear.

While annoyed with the Italian's loud reaction, China couldn't help but feel just as scared as his companion.

It was then suddenly, that he spotted five silhouettes approaching from the distance.

Why are these idiots running towards the destruction? China internally screamed at their stupidity. Upon closer inspection the Asian nation could make out their features. The group of idiotic people consisted of a tall man with blonde slicked back hair wearing a black uniform, two men who seemed almost identical in appearance wearing light red attire, a girl with brunette hair as well as a red flowing dress, and another blonde man with scraggly hair and large, humungous eyebrows-

"AIYAH!" China screamed in recognition. He halted, a puff of dirt floating behind him, causing Italy to stop as well (only to have the Italian fall face first into the ground).

The five people also abruptly stopped and stared in shock.

"V-Ve … Why did you stop?" Italy moaned as he gathered his things and hopped to his feet.

China's mouth was so far agape that he couldn't answer in time. Instead, the sound of a gruff familiar voice spoke up, "Italy?"

The Italian's eyes sparkled as he gazed ahead at the tall blonde. "G … GERMANY, ve!"

"Hey! It's you guys!" The obvious American exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"We could ask you the same question!" China said as Italy ran to give his German friend a hug.

Arthur frowned. "We've been looking for you. For everyone, really."

"Um, what're you guys doing with all that kitchen supplies?" Michelle couldn't help but ask in curiosity. China stared down at his cluster of pouches and pushed down a bowl that was ready to fall out. Before he could reply, America gasped. "Don't tell me you've become thieves! Who did you steal this stuff from?!"

China growled. "That is not what happened you stupid American!" Alfred muttered, "Racist," as the Asian went on to explain, "Italy and I have been running a restaurant in order to support ourselves in this … strange new world we've found ourselves in," he narrowed his eyes at England, "no thanks to you."

"Listen here," Arthur began, irritated, "What Sealand did is in no way shape or form my fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame the person who granted him access to a bloody magic ball!"

"You guys ran a restaurant?" Alfred asked Italy, ignoring the two arguing nations.

Italy nodded in confirmation as he jumped off of his German friend. "Yeah! It was muy bueno! We had such good business until-"

It was then that another explosion rocked the streets.

"Until that I'm guessing," Matthew muttered.

"Speaking of which," China raised a degrading eyebrow at the others. "Why in the world were you running towards the danger?! Are you all becoming even more suicidal?! The younger generation makes no sense to me!"

Alfred frowned. "We have friends that way, man. We can't just leave them."

"Not to mention, there's a ninety percent chance that the destruction is being caused because of them," Germany added.

"Friends?" China and Italy questioned in unison.

Germany rubbed a hand over his hair and groaned. "There's really no time to explain. We have to go, now."

Without receiving any other response, Italy and China watched as the other nations continued forward towards their destination.

China grumbled curses under his breath before shouting, "Wait for us, aru!"

Italy stumbled behind him. "V-Ve! Wait!"

"We can't hold off against him any longer!" Sokka screamed as they ran through the city square. An explosion followed and the two barely managed to escape as they ducked behind the statue of Ozai. "Also, I've been thinking."

Aang blinked at him.

"We really need to change his name. Sparky Sparky Boom Man just isn't really working for me anymore," Sokka stated and the young monk nodded in agreement.

It was then that their opponent unleashed yet another explosion in their direction causing the duo to run from their hiding spot and into the open. The ground rocked Sokka off his feet, while Aang struggled to keep his footing. "Are you alright, Sokka?!" he cried.

The Water Tribe warrior tried to scramble to his feet but froze as he realized the position they were in. There was nowhere to duck- to hide. It was just them, him, and wide open space. "Oh, crap."

The bald firebender once again inhaled, ready to set free another explosion. Sokka, in a panic, climbed to his feet with Aang clasping at his arm, urging him on. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap-"

Before the detonation occurred, however, 'Sparky Sparky Boom Man' was slapped to the ground by a wisp of cool water.

Aang and Sokka stopped in their tracks and looked back in surprise. "Katara!" they exclaimed.

"Not quite." There stood Michelle, in a battle ready position, as she steadily controlled a whirl of water at her side. Behind her were the rest of their friends and two others they had never seen before.

"Oh man! That was the rest of our water!" Alfred whined. "Thanks a lot Michelle. You wasted our drinking water on a sweaty, stinky, bald guy."

"Shut up!" she shouted in annoyance, almost losing control of the loose liquid.

"W-What in the world, aru!" China exclaimed. "How is she doing that?!"

"We don't have time to explain that, either," Matthew told him.

Michelle glanced back at the others. "Please stand back. I'm the only one here who has some experience with my element. Let me see if I can take him out."

"Michelle!" Aang shouted. "He's too strong! Let me-"

"No Aang," Michelle interrupted. "You and Sokka can't bend and I don't want you guys to get hurt anymore. Let me at least try!" Sha glanced at the others and nodded at them. Germany nodded back in silent agreement before leading the nations towards Aang and Sokka to keep them all together.

Sparky Sparky Boom Man rose to his feet and glared dangerously at the waterbender. Michelle gulped, anxiety rushing over her. My first battle … she internally cried.

The man inhaled and shot out another explosion. Frantically, Michelle used the water to push her out of the way of the fire. Escaping by a hair, the islander found herself tumbling to the ground before reaching for the water soaking the dirt and spraying shards her attacker's way.

The bald man shattered the first few but lost his footing, allowing for one to slice his right shoulder.

Frantically, Michelle gathered the rest of her water and took advantage at his wavering stance to knock him off his feet with a wave of her element.

From the other side of the square, Alfred clenched his teeth. "Gah, I can't take this! I hate being on the side lines! Is there anything we can do?!"

Arthur's eyes narrowed at the fight taking place as he replied, "None of us know our elements well enough to help. Hell, I don't even know what mine is. If we entered the battle we'd only get in the way and make it worse."

"Not to mention, some of us don't even bend," Matthew added somberly, thinking of how he couldn't reveal his own bending.

Aang's head lowered in shame, his thoughts similar to those of Canada's.

"Who is this guy anyway?!" China asked heatedly. "It's like he shoots out beams with his mind and they combust at the slight contact with solid objects!"

Sokka folded his arms over his chest. "Well, I don't really think that's how it works but-" His eyes widened suddenly as a thought came to him. "I got it!" The others blinked at him. "His new name is Combustion Man!"

"Not a bad name," Alfred said with agreement.

Arthur facepalmed. "You're naming him?! Why is that so important?!"

Sokka and Alfred cocked an eyebrow at him.

"How are we going to tell each other who it is if we don't have a name to say?"

"Yeah! Like what if I had to shout, "Combustion man's coming!"?"

"Besides, it had to be name that sounds cool and is fun to say or else, we'd get tired of it really quickly."


"OKAY! I get it!" Arthur growled in annoyance, his own uselessness in the battle adding to his anger.

Ignoring the trio, Germany decided to keep his eyes on the clash in front of him. It was extremely nerve wrecking that they had to have Michelle fight alone! She wasn't even that experienced!

It was then that Germany's fears were realized and the bald firebender let out another explosion that knocked Seychelles off of her feet. The ice wasn't enough to protect her. As it shattered into a million pieces, the force of the destruction jolted her back into the wall of the building behind her.

On the sidelines, her companions froze upon seeing this. The Square was once again quiet, save for the clanking of their opponent's metal leg as he approached the whimpering Seychelles.

It was unsurprisingly Alfred, who broke the silence. "That bastard," he growled before taking a step forward. "Screw this, I'm gonna help her."

Germany glared as he cracked his knuckles. "So am I."

"V-Ve?!" Italy cried in worry.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" China questioned. "You said Michelle was the only one who could do that magic stuff, isn't that right?"

Germany ground his teeth together. "Not entirely. We all can, however, Michelle was the only one who had the training necessary to enter a fight." Part of him regretted not pushing harder to ask the Toph-girl to teach him.

"Besides," Alfred butted in. "That doesn't matter anymore. We gotta help Michelle." Before anyone could argue any more on the subject the American sprinted towards Combustion Man in a fiery anger. Germany wasn't far behind him.

"Hey! Bastard!" Alfred screamed taking Combustion Man's attention away from the fallen nation. He didn't give the man time to take in the oncoming attack as he slashed a random whip of fire in his direction. Combustion Man dodged but was then fisted in his gut. The man grunted in pain before grabbing for the American's hand and shakily throwing it away from him only to suddenly yank Alfred to him once again. Alfred couldn't react fast enough as his opponents knee slammed into his stomach.

Alfred tumbled back, allowing for Germany to follow up on the attack, slamming his knuckles into Combustion man's chin. The Fire Nation assassin stepped away from his opponent only to once again receive an onslaught of fists flying into his abdomen.

Finally able to get away from Ludwig, Combustion Man bent low and swept the nation's feet out from under him with his own. Germany fell to the dirt before suddenly a blast of fire shot over his head and towards the bald fire bender. Alfred ran past Ludwig and followed up his attack with another ray of sweltering blasts. Combustion Man was able to cancel most of them with his metal arm. Before he could unleash his signature attack on Alfred, however, Ludwig (now kneeling) slammed his hands into the ground below and a wave of earth smashed into Combustion Man.

The man landed harshly on his butt and glared viciously at the nation attackers.

Alfred whistled in appreciation at his German companion. "That's pretty good for someone who hasn't practiced."

Germany surprised himself by responding conversationally, "I could say the same to you."

Combustion Man steadily got to his feet and readied himself to release another explosion when Michelle, now standing, slapped him again with a wave of her water. Not doing much but throwing him slightly off balance, the bald assassin turned to her and unleashed an explosion. She jumped out of the way, barely escaping the blast as the man then turned to Germany and America before attacking them.

The two nations evaded the first eruption. However, the second threw Alfred off his feet, causing him to fly into the air. Germany and Michelle gasped as he collapsed back-first onto the ground. A yelp escaped the American as he cringed in pain. Unfortunately, as they were distracted by their companion, Combustion Man sent yet another attack their way.

Both nations were too slow to respond and were instantly hurled to the side.

"Aiyah," China gasped out in worry, seeing his fellow countries fall.

Italy whimpered. "No, Germany …"

Aang frowned and stepped forward. Before he could get far however, Sokka yanked him back by his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing, Aang?" he hissed, trying to keep quiet. Of course, they all heard him.

Aang faced him with a glint of determination in his eyes. "I'm going to help them. They can't do this alone."

"But!" Sokka cried. "If you do that then-"

"It doesn't matter, Sokka," Aang cut him off. "I have to do this or they'll get hurt even worse. They proved themselves trustworthy already." The image of Germany apologizing to him with a faint blush on his cheeks crossed Aang's mind. "They're nice people and they care about us. They came running towards us when we were in danger. It's time I do the same for them."

Knowing deep down that Aang was right, Sokka's hand hesitantly slid from his shoulder, finally giving him the approval he needed to enter the battle.

Aang ran forward until he was barely fifteen feet away from his adversary. "Hey! You want me? Come get me!"

"What is Aang doing?!" Arthur exclaimed. "The lad might get hurt!"

Sokka sighed. "Even so …" An unfamiliar solemn look loomed over the warrior's face. "It's what he has to do."

The other nations gazed up ahead as Aang stood his ground against the bald assassin. He jumped out of the way of blasts and suddenly waved his hand in the air. With this movement an air current swept down and slammed into Combustion Man, causing him to fly into a building.

China, Italy, and Arthur's mouths flew open in surprise at Aang's attack. Germany, America, and Seychelles, now on their feet, also stared on in alarm.

Matthew however, was the one to put his shock into words. "… Airbending …" Sokka's head immediately shot towards the Canadian as he continued, "That's airbending isn't it? I thought … I thought no one could do it anymore!" Matthew's expression morphed into one of pure happiness, confusing Sokka

As Aang exchanged blows with Combustion Man, Germany, America, and Seychelles approached their comrades on the sidelines.

"No one said Aang could bend!" Alfred exclaimed in excitement.

"And Airbending no less! Isn't this great Matthew?!" Seychelles said with Matthew nodding in response, puzzling the Water Tribe warrior even more.

"Hmm, what an interesting turn of events," Arthur hummed in agreement.

"Wait! What's going on?" Sokka interrupted before anything else could be said. "Why are you all so happy Aang's an airbender?" He gave them a suspicious stink eye.

Matthew, however, only smiled at him and explained, "Because I'm an airbender."

The group grew silent as they watched Sokka's expression change from confused to bewilderment. "WHATTT?!" he cried. "No way is that possible!"

Arthur, Michelle, Ludwig, Alfred, and Matthew all looked at each other. "Um … yeah it is possible," Alfred spoke first. "I mean, Aang can airbend, right? Why not my bro."

"Well, first of all, you're brothers and one of you is a firebender!" Sokka shouted.

Matthew raised an eyebrow and honestly responded, "I'm not sure why it happened this way either. But …" Instead of explaining any further, he concentrated and wove his hand around in a circle, generating a wisp of air currents.

Sokka blinked disbelievingly. "T-That was just a trick of the wind!"

Matthew deadpanned in slight annoyance before slashing his arm through the air and using the element to push Sokka away. "AHHH!" The warrior shrieked.

Stopping, Matthew spoke, "See?"

It was then that they heard a cry of pain unexpectedly coming from Combustion Man as Aang used his earthbending to knock boulder after boulder into him.

The group of nations once again looked on in shock. "Uh … Why is Aang earthbending?" Michelle asked.

Sokka facepalmed, realizing the truth was now officially out of the bag. "That was another reason why I was going to say Matthew airbending didn't make any sense."

The others stared at him.

"The only airbender left is the Avatar."

They blinked.

"The Avatar … you know? Master of all four elements? Well, Aang technically hasn't mastered fire yet, but he's got water, earth, and air in the bag," Sokka explained.

They blinked once more.

Sokka grumbled. "In simple words … Because he's the AVATAR, Aang, and ONLY Aang, has the ability to bend all four elements!"

The blood then drained from Matthew face. "W-WHAT?!" Everyone plugged their ears upon hearing this. "There was a person like that here?! If I had known I would never have revealed that I could bend air! Gah!"

"Wait, why would you try to hide that?" Sokka asked. "I mean, I get why you'd hide it from the Fire Nation, but from us?" And how is it possible in the first place?

Matthew released an exasperated sigh. "It's complicated …"

"AHHHH!" Aang's cry echoed throughout the Square as he was slammed into the statue of Ozai. Using his airbending he lightened the fall, but nonetheless still landed on his stomach.

"Oh no! Aang!" Michelle shouted. She, Germany and America once again fell into a battle stance.

However, before they could attack Combustion Man, his head was encased with a large block of ice. The assassin stumbled to the side, revealing Katara and Toph who had just arrived.

"Aang! Let's go!" Katara cried, grabbing ahold of the boy with Toph at her side.

"There you are!" Sokka exclaimed. "Where have you been?!"

Toph grunted. "No time. We need to get out of here!"

China was quick to agree. "Here! This way!" he ordered running down a narrow side street. The others began to follow just as Combustion Man broke through the ice with his metal arm.

Germany growled in annoyance and halted in his spot. "Keep going!" he commanded to the others, as he slammed his left foot into the dirt below. Once a block of earth rose from the ground Germany, with the aid of his clumsy earthbending, kicked it towards Combustion Man before once again making a break for it.

The assassin released an explosion and the rock shattered into pieces. However, one shard made it through the wreckage and slammed into the third eye on his forehead. Seeing them escape, Combustion Man attempted to unleash yet another blast, but the explosion backfired on him and sent him flying backwards.

Upon Ludwig catching up with the others, Toph found herself smirking. "Good job … for a novice earthbender."

The German nation couldn't help feeling a little bit pleased with the comment. But the feeling plummeted upon remembering what awaited them back at camp:


Sorry, the ending is a little flimsy but I told myself I'd upload this chapter today so I did. Also, I apologize if you were expecting any other nations to appear. Especially, if you were hoping for Russia. Russia will not appear any time soon because I have a special plan for him which sadly takes place AFTER Sozin's Comet.

Thank you all for your lovely reviews! Reviews give me life! I almost gave up on this story, but going through your reviews has pushed me to continue. This chapter was half way done when I lost the urge to write this story. Not only had I hit a writer's block but I didn't have the motivation nor the time to finish it.

But! I got through it thanks to you guys. Thanks a lot.

Everyday Is A Horror Story: Lol! Don't apologize! I'm sorry in advance that LudwigxAang and MichellexKatara will not be in this story. However, I'm glad I got you to ship them primarily because it feels as though I was able to convey that, yes, Michelle and Katara are close and yes Aang and Germany will become good friends. I'm happy that those specific relationships were spotted.

GermanFanfictionfan: Thanks for this review! It made me really happy! And I wanted to explain why I decided to make Germany an Earthbender. I was torn at first because making him a firebender seemed to match better with his history (Germany started a war, the Fire Nation started a war and a lot of other stuff pertaining to WWII), not to mention Fire Nation soldiers are stiff and Germany is stiff. However, Germany is a strong nation with a stubborn resolve like those of the earthbenders. Not only that, but he is resilient and sturdy like Toph. I can't see him being as elegent a fighter as the firebenders but more like someone who can get down and dirty like Earth kingdom soldiers. (Also, if I'm honest, I had too many countries lined up as firebenders and Germany was one of them that I could picture as an earthbender too).

Speaking of which ….


I need your help! I'm torn on whether or not Arthur/England should be a waterbender or firebender! Please give me some insight before I make a decision.

England/Britain is a nation that conquered many seas and lands, plus they had countless colonies (like the Fire Nation). England also has a monarchy (I think of both the Fire Nation and Northern Water Tribe). It is an island surrounded by water (making me think waterbender). Arthur I think of as an elegant fighter (which both firebenders and waterbenders are) but has a bloody past (I think of Fire Nation).

Special thanks so those that favorited this story:





Wonderland Tea Party

Mistress Kyouku

Everyday Is A Horror Story

Ann Cantell








the fox good



Percy Potter11





Russia's Magic Pipe


Minako Nya





The dragons cursed flame




Azerath quarts pines


And thank you to those that followed:







Wonderland Tea Party


Everyday Is A Horror Story

Ann Cantell




the fox good

Percy Potter11




APH Liechtenstein



Minako Nya



The dragons cursed flame





Azerath quarts pines


Once again, thank you all for reading!

Until Next Time!