"Hey guys I got cookies for everyone"Axel says coming into the living room with everyone one except Vexen,Xigbar,Xemnas,and all took one and started eating. "These are good where did you get them from"Demyx asked. "From Vexen's lab"Axel said taking a bite of his cookie. "You dumbass what if its some kind of experiment"Larxene said. "Or a poison"Saix added. "I feel kinda funny"Xaldin said.
"Well that mission was easy im glad its over"Xigbar said to Lexaeus as they both walked into the living room and saw a lot of organization coats on the ground. "What the hell happened here"Xemnas asked walking in the room. "We don't know we just got in here"Lexaeus said. "Where is everyone"Xigbar asked. "I swear to kingdom hearts if they are streaking im gonna tear each of them a new one"Xemnas said. Then they all looked when they saw one of the organization coats moving. Xigbar moved the coat to see a naked baby Xaldin. "Gross I saw Xaldin's junk I think im blind"Xigbar said dropping the coat once again covering the baby. The baby started to cry. "Uhh what do we do"Xemnas said. "Well lets get them clothed"Lexaeus said wrapping Xaldin in his now oversized organization coat. "I'm gonna go get Aqua she should know what to do"Xigbar said leaving before anyone could object. "Well I guess we better make sure everyone is here and bundle them up"Lexaeus said. Then Xigbar appeared with Aqua. "What happened here"Aqua asked shocked. "Well we aren't exactly sure me and Xigbar were on a mission and Xemnas was in his room when this happened"Lexaeus said. "Everyone else got turned into babies"Xemnas said. "Wait I only count nine babies"Aqua said. "Lets see Roxas,Larxene,Marluxia,Luxord,Demyx,Axel,Saix,Zexion,and Xaldin yep they're all here"Xigbar said. "What about Vexen"Lexaeus asked. "Wait why are there cookies on the ground"Aqua asked picking one up. "Don't eat that"Vexen said running into the room. "Its an experiment I have been working on it helps dusks but i'm not sure of what it does to humans"Vexen said. "Um I think we found out already"Xigbar says pointing to all the babies on the ground. "I'm gonna go try to find a cure"Vexen said going into his lab. "Not so fast we need your help"Xemnas said. "How old do you think they are"Lexaeus asked. "I estimate they are all about a year old"Vexen said. "Great we got ourselves a bunch of babies"Xemnas said. "I no babwe"Larxene said giving Xemnas a glare. "Aww thats cute Larxene wants to kick your ass even when shes a ba- I mean child"Xigbar said. "Well being that they have no clothes we should probably get them some"Aqua said. "Alright me,Vexen,and Aqua are going to the and Xigbar you guys stay here and watch the kids"Xemnas said.