A/N: To everyone reading this, thank you guys so much for sticking with me throughout this fan-fiction! Your reviews and support always helped me to keep writing. Thank you guys for motivating me to complete my longest story, because I usually don't get this far (*cough* my Sailor Moon fanfic *cough*). You guys have been just awesome, so I am proud to present to you, the epilogue of Utapri: The Next Generation.

Disclaimer: This series may not be mine, but this story has helped me grow as a writer. Please enjoy my FANfiction.

The first night home was the hardest. After returning from the hospital, the new parents had finished opening the baby shower gifts. Plenty of clothes (including traditional wear from Masaomi and Noriko), bottles, pacifiers, toys, bibs, and other trinkets now littered the family room along with an assortment of wrapping paper scraps and empty gift bags. After dozens of thank-you phone calls, the exhausted adults managed to get all of the babies upstairs, and they were in the nursery.

Haruka, Tokiya, and Otoya were putting the babies into pajamas after Cecil, Natsuki, and Masato changed their diapers. Haruka was weary from breast-feeding earlier, she couldn't imagine that she now had to do it every day, multiple times per day, for ten fussy babies. Once the little ones had been put into onesies, Ren and Syo picked them up and gently placed them in their cribs. (It seemed that once the genders were known, Shining had had someone put the right bedding in the cribs.) Just because the two were gently placing the babies, didn't mean the babies were cooperating. Ren was currently holding Akio, and the little prince just flat-out refused to be put down. Every time Ren lowered the baby toward the mattress, wails of protest stopped him short. Syo was having a similar problem with Minako.

The tiny carbon-copy of Haruka was not happy, and she let everyone know. She thrashed around, putting Syo on edge. Eventually, he was able to put her down on the pale lavender sheets safely, but she still cried, and it took everyone's willpower not to pick her up again.

After another hour of struggling, all of the babies were in their respective cribs, and the adults were almost crying in relief that they were all asleep. Then they heard a small whimper, and they all waited with bated breath, but thankfully the babies did not wake. Haruka collapsed on their bed as soon as she put on her pajamas. She was still worn out from giving birth yesterday, but she had a feeling the fun was only beginning.

Sure enough, someone started whimpering over the baby monitor sometime after midnight, and as soon as the one started wailing, the others woke up crying as well.

Natsuki was usually a very heavy sleeper (like the dead), but he bolted upright with the others when tiny cries came from the adjoining room. Haruka scurried into the room, trying to figure out what they needed. The eight finally found that Kiyoshi was the one who had started crying, because he was hungry again.

Haruka scooped her son up, careful to support his tiny head, and she rocked him in her arms for a minute as she went over to the rocking chair. Slipping down one of the straps of her tank top, she bared her breast to the baby who immediately latched on. When he was done, she was careful to grab a burping cloth before she began patting him on the back.

When she finished with her oldest son, she fed the others. She eventually realized she should be feeding them two at a time, and the guys helped her through the night. It was very late, or very early, when they finished taking care of the new arrivals and could finally curl up in bed again. Unfortunately, more cries woke them shortly before sunrise.

The next morning brought unwelcome news. The front pages of all the newspapers were raving about the babies. Not only was it a world record for one woman to give birth to ten children at once, but they were celebrities, heirs, and nobles too. Shining gathered them shortly after breakfast so they could work on a game plan.

Two days later, STARISH held a press conference. The guys really wanted to be home with Haruka, but they had to address this topic before it festered and became too wild. Luckily, QUARTET NIGHT and even HEAVENS were at the manor helping Haruka out.

"So what you are saying is that all of STARISH, and Mrs. Aijima are currently engaged in a polyamorous relationship?" one news reporter tried to confirm.

"Yes," Tokiya replied calmly, too calmly. "We are all in love with our composer, and her children are all of ours."

The press had a field day, and the results were mixed for a while. Many people sent them well-wishes, others told them that they were going to Hell; though no one dared to insult Haruka after the first person who tried was almost killed on the spot by glares. Some of the fangirls expressed their displeasure about them all being taken, but it soon died down because STARISH wouldn't have happened without Haruka, so many fangirls began worshipping her (Haruka never got used to that one).

The names and official bios of the babies came out soon after the press conference.

"Ichinose Minako- Daughter of Ichinose Tokiya (HAYATO) and Queen Nanami (Aijima) Haruka. Heiress to the Ichinose family estate. Granddaughter of Ichinose Rima, a renowned seiyuu, and Ichinose Nagihiko, the choreographer who brought us "Madame Butterfly: Nights of Old".

Ichinose Utau- Second daughter of Ichinose Tokiya and Nanami Haruka. Joint heiress with her fraternal twin sister. She and her sister are the goddaughters of Kotobuki Reiji.

Jinguji Kiyoshi- Son of Jinguji Ren and Nanami Haruka. One heir to the Jinguji Conglomerate. He is the godson of the popular rock artist, KAITO (Nanami Kaito) and his fiancé, Kurosaki Ranmaru, QUARTET NIGHT's own edgy rocker.

Hijirikawa Ayane- Daughter of Hijirikawa Masato and Nanami Haruka. One heir to the Hijirikawa Conglomerate. The goddaughter of Mikado Nagi of HEAVENS and his fiancee, Hijirikawa Mai.

Aijima Akio- Elder son of Aijima Cecil and Nanami Haruka. Crown Prince of Agnapolis. The older of the identical princes.

Aijima Hibiki- Second son of Aijima Cecil and Nanami Haruka. Prince of Agnapolis. He and his twin are the godsons of Count Camus of Permafrost.

Kurusu Miku- Daughter of Kurusu Syo and Nanami Haruka. Granddaughter of Kurusu Yuki, the famous orchestra violinist, and Kurusu Kaname, the head stylist for New Styelle industries. Goddaughter of Hyuuga Ryuuya.

Ittoki Ami- The elder child of Ittoki Otoya and Nanami Haruka. Granddaughter of Shining Saotome and former Queen, Aijima Kotomi. Goddaughter of world-class idol, Shibuya Tomochika and her future husband, Nanami Kei (Nanami Haruka's brother).

Ittoki Hikaru- Son of Ittoki Otoya and Nanami Haruka. See Ittoki Ami for more information. An heir to Saotome Entertainment and its affiliates.

Shinomiya Kokoro- Daughter of Shinomiya Natsuki and Nanami Haruka. Viscountess of Sault, France. Goddaughter of Mikaze Ai of QUARTET NIGHT. "

The newspapers were running the breaking news on the famous, unconventional family for a long while, and the public couldn't get enough of the drama or the cuteness.

Days turned to weeks, and the young family began to fall into a routine. Eventually, they worked out a system where Haruka and one of them were pulling night duty while the others slept in spare rooms downstairs. This went on until the babies could have formula, during which time Haruka entered the cycle with the boys to sleep downstairs, and then she would only have to breast-feed during the day.

Unfortunately, Haruka was still rarely able to catch a break, so twice a month, the extended family would come by and take care of the babies so the parents could go out on their own. Miki even managed to come by with Ringo when the babies were three months old.

Shortly after the birth, Shining had come to visit his grandchildren, and he came with some paperwork.

"Here," he said as he passed a manila folder to Haruka. "I have been in contact with the prime minister in regards to your unusual situation, and after some negotiation, I managed to procure this for you guys. Think of it as another token of my gratitude for expanding my family."

Haruka pulled the papers out, and her amber eyes scanned the papers quickly. Her jaw dropped, "Th-this is-,"

"A marriage license," Shining agreed with a nod. "You are now legally able to marry the other six members of STARISH."

Haruka hugged her soon to be father-in-law with tears in her eyes. "Thank you."

Soon after the visit from Shining, STARISH had another concert, this one included all of the songs Haruka had composed while she was pregnant, and when the concert was over, the guys made an announcement.

"We would like to invite our lovely girlfriend up to the stage now," Ren purred, making the fangirls squeal.

Cecil picked up where Ren left off. "Please give a warm welcome to Nanami Haruka, our beloved composer and the mother of our children!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Tokiya took her hand as he led her onstage. Haruka was blushing like crazy as all seven guys knelt before her and asked in unison, "Nanami Haruka, will you marry us?"

Haruka started crying tears of joy as she nodded. The crowd went wild as the fans shouted their congratulations to the lovers.

The wedding was a grand event. Nothing less was to be expected when so many people in the family were internationally famous idols and celebrities. The guest list included friends, family, and business associates. Cecil completed the ceremony with Haruka as well even though they were already legally married, but this time it felt real. They had a seven tiered cake with white, buttercream icing and raspberry filling. The decorations on each tier represented one of the boys, and the top was for Haruka.

Her dress was a light, creamy-white color with a sweetheart neckline and an empire waist, that emphasized her sizable bust without featuring her stomach which still had some baby fat from four months prior. Each spouse had a silver band with STARISH inscribed in the ring and a small gem of their signature color set in the band. Haruka's ring was similar, but she had a larger diamond set with two smaller ones on either side.

The honeymoon was shortened to a weekend considering the babies. All of the newlyweds' mothers stayed at the manor over to take care of the babies while STARISH and their wife went on a short trip to nearby island that Shining owned. The two and a half days of relaxation would have been better if the newlyweds could relax, but as with most new parents, worry over the babies left them eager to be home.

Time passed slowly at first, and then much to quickly. As the babies began crawling, the boys felt like time was slipping away. Cecil had been doubly busy trying to help Miki out with diplomacy while keeping up with STARISH and working as a seiyuu for a new otome game that would be coming out soon. Otoya had been requested to do a TV drama, so he was often out of the house, filming. Syo was doing a play with Ren at the Tokyo Performing Arts Hall, and Haruka made sure she was able to catch one performance. Tokiya had been working on a solo album at the request of the Agency, and Natsuki was doing seiyuu work with Masato, but they were able to do it from home mostly thanks to the recording studios in the manor.

One night, when the babies were almost nine months, Haruka was in the playroom with Tokiya, Natsuki, and Masato. As she sat with Ayane, the little girl stared up at her mother with inquisitive eyes. "Ma...ma," she announced as she pulled on Haruka's skirt.

The four parents paused what they were doing to stare at the little pinkette. "Ma-ma," she repeated as they watched her. Masato and the other two dads broke out into wide grins as their daughter said her first word.

Haruka picked up the little angel and twirled her around. "That's right, Aya-chan. Mama is here! Oh you are so cute," Haruka giggled.

Ayane giggled back as she was spun around. Ren came in soon afterward with Syo just behind him. They were overjoyed as well to hear about Ayane talking. Across the room, from his playpen, Kiyoshi started whining.

Ren walked over to his son and scooped up the little golden-eyed infant. "O-to-sa," he insisted from his father's arms. Ren looked at Kiyoshi in surprise.

"What was that?" he asked, not really expecting a response.

Kiyoshi looked right a him, "Oto-sa!"

Everyone looked at the little boy. "He's trying to say Oto-san," Ren murmured in glee. He bounced Kiyoshi on his hip. "I'd say you're a daddy's boy, but Otoya is Daddy," Ren laughed as he handed his son to his wife.

Everyone had agreed that the boys should not all be called 'Dad' or 'Daddy' because it would get too confusing, so they each had a title. Ren is Oto-san, Otoya is Daddy, Tokiya is Dad, Cecil is Baba, Masato is Father, Syo is Papa, and Natsuki is Oto-chan (A/N: I realize that oto-chan and oto-san are the equivalent of daddy and dad, but please just go with it, I ran out of titles).

Soon enough, all of the kids had begun talking and some were even beginning to walk by the time they reached their first birthday. When September third rolled around, the manor entry-way was flooded with presents for the ten toddlers. On the actual day, all of STARISH made sure to clear their schedules. The entire family was there to celebrate.

Kaito and Ranmaru were present and now married. Kei stood with Tomochika who was currently expecting one of her own. Mai and Nagi were also among the married couples, and Ringo and Miki would be joining them soon. That's right, Ringo had popped the question a few weeks prior, and the citizens of Agnapolis were more than happy to arrange the grand event.

The grandparents were sure to shower their legacies with love and attention. Even Masomi was caught baby-talking to Ayane and Hikaru. The party was hectic, but the family was all together again.

Three months later, Tomochika gave birth to a little boy named Mori. He got Kei's eyes and Tomochika's fiery red hair. As time continued passing, Mori began playing with the ten, and by the time the kids reached the age of two, the little group almost refused to let Mori leave when their play dates were over.

At the kids' second birthday, Haruka was six months pregnant. During her second pregnancy, things were a lot easier since she was only expecting twins. Shortly before she gave birth for the second time, Kaito and Ranmaru adopted a little boy who they named Ayato. The little boy has dark green hair and silver eyes that seem to stare right through whomever they are aimed at. Ayato was two when they adopted, so he was quickly brought in to the group of toddlers. Ranmaru was nervous about having children at first, but a few months into parenting, he was already spoiling his son. Kaito leaned against his lover as they watched Ayato play with Ami and Hibiki before whispering, "We really do have the best family." With that he turned and gave the silver-haired man a quick peck on the lips before returning to watch the amazing scene before them.

Haruka's twins were identical little boys who were the spitting image of their father. With dark blue hair and light blue eyes, they were the spitting image of Tokiya as a baby. Rima still loves to compare her grandsons to pictures of her boys as babies. Ikuto had been Tokiya's fraternal twin, but they both had the same dark blue locks. In honor of his late brother, Tokiya asked Haruka if they could name one of the boys Ikuto. Haruka had readily agreed, and so when the baby boys were born, they were named Hayato and Ikuto, respectively. Haruka went into labor with them just before midnight on New Year's Eve, and Hayato was born at 11:57 PM that night, and Ikuto was born at 12:02 AM of the next day/year.

Ringo and Miki joined in becoming parents just after Haruka had the twins. Miki gave birth to a little girl named Kokone, she was born with beautiful mocha skin, light pink hair, and wide cocoa colored eyes. From the first time she met him, Kokone became very attached to Kiyoshi despite the age difference and how infrequently they got to see each other. The crush is still going strong today.

Through the years, the family continued expanding rapidly. Following the twins, Haruka gave birth to a little princess named Kimiko. Like her older brothers, Kimiko got her father's brown hair, but she has her mother's beautiful golden eyes. Coincidentally, she was born on Emperor's Day (4/29), hence her name meaning empress.

Otoya was the next to have another child with Haruka. Ittoki Kazuki was born on April 12th, almost one year after Kimiko's birth. The little boy was like a carbon coby of Otoya, and he was just as boisterous. After Kazuki's birth, the family took a vacation to their home in California for the second time since it was built. The house is lovely, but traveling with small children is a tough task even when there are as many parents as the Nanami Children (as the press refers to them collectively) have. After Kokoro almost burned the house down with Natsuki, the family had headed home.

By the time the oldest ten were fifteen, they had gotten ten additional siblings. Three years after Kazuki, the first of six more children were born. Ren's daughter, Hoshine, was born on Valentine's day just like her Oto-san. She had her mother's pretty pink locks, and her father's piercing blue eyes. Hoshi has Ren wrapped completely around her finger, and she loves to be the center of attention whenever possible.

The following year, Hijirikawa Satoru entered the world during the dawn of Children's Day (5/5). His full sister, Yumemi is his Irish twin since she was born less than a year after him on the day of the Doll's Festival (3/3). Both had Masato's rich blue hair, but while Satoru had the sun in his eyes, Yumemi's were blue like the sea. Haruka didn't get a break there though. On Christmas the same year Yumemi was born, she gave birth to a premature baby boy. Natsuki named him Kiseki since the baby survived and was their Christmas miracle. Kiseki has pink hair, which he finds embarrassing, and eyes as green as emeralds.

Syo finally got another child with Haruka when they had a son named Ryuu. Ryuu was born two years following Kiseki, but with a weak heart like Syo. He has his father's appearance, and he is a fighter, so he never let that slow him down in life. Uncle Kaoru, a cardiologist, has been helping him since he was born.

The last child Haruka gave birth to was Tsubomi, Haruka and Tokiya's youngest. She was born in September like her oldest siblings, but her birthday is on the twentieth, a date that was very fitting since she was the twentieth and final child in the family. Tsubomi was born prematurely like Kiseki, and the doctor's thought that it would be best for Haruka to stop having children. Even though she was premature and tiny, she pulled through, and Tokiya has been pampering her ever since she got home from the hospital. His tiny little princess has him wrapped around her chubby little pinky.

Somewhere in all the chaos of the Nanami children, Tomochika had given birth to her and Kei's second child. This time it was a little girl named Atsumi, a little spitfire with wavy purple hair and her mother's eyes. Besides them, Mai and Nagi had had a son. The little brunette has his mother's eyes pretty blue eyes, and was named Mikado Yaten.


"Today's the day, right, Tokiya?" Eiichi asked as the two were finishing up on the set of a TV show.

Tokiya flashed his co-worker a rare grin as he affirmed, "Today's the day."

Across town, Tadase and Natsuki were standing in an empty concert hall, looking out at the seats. "It's really happening," Natsuki said proudly.

"They earned this," Tadase added.

In the control room behind the scenes, Shining stood with his son. "Today is the day we have been waiting for," Otoya said nervously as he wrung his hands.

"Today is the day they will rise," Shining assured as he placed and arm around Otoya's shoulders.

Back in the manor, Haruka was taking care of some of her younger children as they ran around the house. Ren and Cecil were there to help with the toddler wrangling. When they got all of the kids under ten were properly dressed, the three parents led the ten younger kids out to the waiting limo. "Come now," Haruka urged her kids, "we don't want to be late to this."

Tsubomi sat in her car seat, her light purple hair was pulled into pigtails with blue ribbons to complement her eyes. Beside her, Kiseki and Satoru were playing with their stuffed animals and action figures while Kazuki and the twins played on their GameBoys. Yumemi had entered the 'why?' phase, and now she wanted to know why everything was the way it was. Ryuu just played with his own plush toy from his own car seat. As the limo pulled out of the driveway, Haruka held back tears, feeling like everything was simultaneously ending, and just beginning.

Syo and Masato were already waiting at the concert hall when the rest of their family arrived. The show would begin soon; today was the day. They day they had all been waiting for, the day Shining had waited sixteen years for. The large group headed backstage to see Tokiya, Natsuki, and Otoya waiting in the dressing room.

"Are they already waiting to go on?" Cecil asked in surprise as he looked around.

Kokoro popped her head into the dressing room when she heard voices. "Mom!" she grinned, rushing up to her mom and pulling her in for a tight hug. "I'm so excited, we've been waiting for this day for so long. Akio and I really went all in for the composing, and I can't wait to see how they do!"

Then she looked at her fathers, "Hi Dad, Daddy, Oto-chan, Oto-san, Papa, Baba. Oh, Father, Grandfather was looking for you. He is with Aunt Mai and that group. Should be near the front row. Oh, and if you guys are looking for the others, Poppy (Shining) is giving them a last minute pep talk, and Akio is flirting with one of the choreographers." The adults tried to keep up with her super fast talking.

Masato left to find Masomi, and Haruka went to get the kids situated before the show began.

Normally Tsubomi would make a fuss, but she seemed to understand that today something very special would be happening. Tokiya took a seat with the kids a little while later, so Haruka went to find her older children.

She found them standing beside the curtains. Shining was still there, but now the teens were talking amongst themselves. Haruka cleared her throat, and they turned to look at their mom.

"I am so very proud of you guys, you've been working hard for this day. So I want you to go out there and knock their socks off!" The eight performers mobbed Haruka for a group hug. Off to the side, their composers, Kokoro and Akio, were grinning widely. Eventually, the kids pulled back and took their places on the darkened stage. They waved as Kokoro and Akio left with the others to take their seats.

After a few minutes, the curtain began to rise, revealing the massive crowd that was waiting for them to start. A hush spread through the amphitheater. The Nanami kids managed to see their family, the whole big, messy, wonderful combination of people that raised them and grew up with them. Kiyoshi saw Kokone, and he thought back to the last time he saw her.


Kiyoshi was kind of bored, he was sitting alone in the garden, practicing his saxophone playing, but he wanted to do something else. Suddenly he looked up when his sun was blocked only to find a very familiar girl standing in front of him.

"What do you want Kokone?" he tried, and failed, not to sound annoyed.

Kokone gave him a pouty look as she tossed her pretty pink hair over her shoulder. "I just wanted to, um, wish you luck. You know, for the concert coming up. I should be able to be there, but I might not get a chance to say this when the time comes. Anyway, I'll just leave now. I should be going anyway. Got a plane to catch and all."

Kiyoshi knew that wasn't really true since the plane would wait for her, and he felt guilty about be rude. Unfortunately, he hesitated for too long, and Kokone was gone when he looked up again.

*End Flashback*

Now as he looked out to the crowd, he found Kokone watching him, so he winked, making her blush and causing his Aunt Miki to glare at him. That just made the boy give a cocky smile. Ren felt a surge of pride, this boy was definitely his.

To Kiyoshi's right, Ami was having a telepathic conversation with Hikaru. The two of them were giving each other looks as if to say:

"Can you believe how many people are here?"

To which he conveyed, "I'm getting stage fright."

Ami glared at him at first, but then gave him a sympathetic look. She understood what he must be feeling, they had never performed in front of such a crowd before, and she knew from experience that imagining people in their underwear only made things weirder. She shuddered as she remembered that one class project; never again!

Miku watched Minako closely. The two pink-haired girls had always been close, and now they would be putting all of their hard work to the test. Tonight would make it or break it for them, and Miku could see Mina's shaking hands as the curtain moved.

She briefly remembered a few days ago when Kazuki had burst into the music room when Minako had finished playing a piece on the piano. The eleven-year-old had appeared so suddenly that the girl had screamed and dropped all of her sheet music. Miku had laughed as her two siblings scrambled to pick up the sheets again. They were later joined by Satoru as he came in to practice as well. The kid may be young, but he is as serious as their Father. Miku sighed as she spotted him sitting next to Yumemi in the crowd. While the little girl was grinning from ear to ear in excitement, he looked nervous beyond belief, which she found humorous considering she was onstage, not him.

When Satoru caught his big sister staring at him, he forced a grin and gave a nervous thumbs up before turning to see how Ayane was faring.

The eldest grandchild of Hijirikawa Masaomi looked right at ease on the stage. Satoru couldn't help but think that his onee-chan had been born for this (little did he know). Meanwhile, Kimiko was focused on Hibiki, her easy-going onii-chan still looked like a grinning idiot. She knew that he was much better suited for performing than Akio, but it saddened her slightly that the identical princes wouldn't be onstage together. Looking down the row, she saw Akio looking nervous. He may not be performing, but the songs were as much his as they were Kokoro's, and they would be unveiled publicly for the first time. He had to be anxious to see if he could prove himself to be as good as their mother.

Finally, the spotlights came one, and in the front, center stage was Utau. Her spiky blue hair was clipped up in a messy bun that left her bangs to frame her pretty face. She clutched the mic stand as everyone held their breath. Her sharp, amber eyes stared out into the audience, like a jolt of electricity, so similar and yet so different from Haruka's warm honey gaze.

She flashed a wicked grin. She looked like she was ready to rock in her white jean shorts, her black lace-up boots, and her purple camisole that showed under the white jacket. The fifteen-year-old girl opened her mouth, and whispered, "Are you ready?"

The End!

A/N: Thank you guys for staying with this story, it has been a wonderful experience that has really helped me grow as an author. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Let me know who your favorite child was if you want, I'd like to know if you have one. Anyway, until next time!-Raine out!