Chapter One – 'I want to play a game'

"...and the fish hasn't been seen for a long time. However there are reports of a new four-eyed fish popping up in Lake Springfield, and we have an eye-witness report live from there now."

"Hey, yeah Kent, it's Cletus, and I just saw me that four-eyed fish swam through here. And I wish I had my fishing pole, cause I'd have caught him, and we could all get a look-see. But he was too fast." Cletus explained in his hillbilly style ranting. "I'll just wait here and see if he comes back." He stood there with his dumb-founded look just staring into the Lake Springfield as the fish could come back any second now, and he did not want to miss it.

"Okay. You can just stand there and wait, I think the camera crew is leaving," Kent mumbled not knowing the camera was live back on him. "And I'm back. The four-eyed fish is as elusive as ever, and if anyone can catch it, it would be Bart Simpson who you may remember caught the three-eyed fish who was poisoned by the toxic waste from Mr. Burns' nuclear plant." He paused as something had caught his attention in his ear. He intently listened for a few seconds then continued on. "And speaking of Mr. Burns, I'm being told that there is very important news from Mr. Burns about the city of Springfield and he will be speaking shortly. We will go live for his speech at that time, but in the meantime, stay tuned for Duff Beer Presents: Womens Competitive..."

"Boring!" exclaimed Homer as he turned the television off in disgust.

"Dad! Womens sports are becoming just as competitive as men's sports and are starting to get the recognition they deserve." Lisa was right as she always was when correcting Homer about women's rights and anything contrary to the male ego.

"Boring!" Homer said again. "The only thing they get credit for during sporting events is playing the same sport with longer hair and shorter uniforms, and that is worth tuning in for." He wasn't wrong, however Lisa disagreed with that.

"But Dad! Maybe I want to grow up and play a professional women's sport," sounding confident that she could, because she could and usually did anything she put her mind to.

"You tried that, and you still didn't win. Remember the hockey game." came the voice from the other side of Lisa. Bart had to throw his two or three cents in, just because it was a way to dig at Lisa and keep the sibling rivalry going.

"It was a tie! We decided to stop the fighting and help each other, but that has obviously been forgotten. Dad you were there, tell Bart it was a tie."

"You're both right. Bart, neither of you won and Lisa, we did go out for ice cream afterwords. Mmm... Ice cream, with sprinkles and..."

"Dad!" getting upset with Homer's lack of concentration. "Just make me happy and turn the TV back on."

"Fine. We can watch Womens sporting something until Burns comes on with his fancy announcement." He sounded defeated but knew this women's sports topic wouldn't last long. Just long enough until something smarter interested Lisa.

"We will continue with Womens Foxy Boxing right after this message from Duff Beer." The announcer sounded more interested in the beer than the boxing.

"Duffman here, and I'll be traveling around your town soon with some of that golden, refreshing Duff Beer. Oh yeah. So look for me and the Duff Girls riding around in the Duff Party Bus. Duffman is outta here. Oh Yeah." As the commercial ended it was partly interrupted by breaking news.

"Kent Brockman here. Breaking News as C. Montgomery Burns is standing on his second floor balcony waiting to give us his news. And we go live to Burns Mansion... from outside the gate. The guard dogs already chased us out once." reported by an enthusiastic Kent Brockman who turned dejected because the mansion gate was as far as they could get.

"I have wonderful news for the city of Springfield. I'm giving up my nuclear power plant." Burns said solemnly, as he had brought nuclear power to Springfield and is its longest and only owner. "But I won't just give it to anyone, they must prove themselves to me. Being the entrepreneur and capitalist that I am, you must show me the same. For I will not turn over the plant to someone who hasn't shown me the same traits I have lived my live by: innovation, imagination, financial strength, and a shrewd businessman if called upon. Everyone is invited to try, however I will pick the participants and the most fair way is by a lottery system. Six random citizens will be chosen to play in my game, to show me the best businessman to turnover my precious power plant to. But be warned, if you play and lose, there are consequences I need not speak of. Tomorrow at this same time, I will choose the fate of the lucky six. Now leave, I have business to attend to, and in five minutes I release the hounds again."

Shocked at what had just been said, Kent Brockman didn't know what to say, but eventually stammered out "...Well, you heard it here first. C. Montgomery Burns is giving up his power plant." Gaining composure he finished. "Tune in tomorrow to see who the lucky six Springfield residents are that have a chance to own Burns' plant and most likely his fortune."

Homer turned the television off again to gain the attention of the family.

"Well, if I win, I am going to shut down the power plant." Lisa jumped in first, as everyone expected. "Wind farms and solar panels and..."

"I wouldn't have a job. I have been scared many times of being fired, but if there is a new owner, will they keep me?" Homer got worried at the prospect of needing a new job, or needing to impress a new owner.

"I say let it run, I'm waiting for a five-eyed fish." Bart just wanted to come up with something contrary to Lisa.

The town had to rely on the power plant, as it was the only source of electricity for all of Springfield. Everyone was happy with it, but now was the chance to change that.

"You both aren't seeing the bigger picture. Over in Shelbyville, they have moved away from complete dependance on nuclear power, and are starting to incorporate wind farms, not to mention almost every house has solar panels on it. We could move into the future too, by not needing that nuclear plant." Homer looked more dejected at every mention of shutting down the plant, he had worked at for so many years. "And we can finally clean up Lake Springfield like it used to be."

"Oh yeah, like when the dome was over the city. Those were the good times." Homer added, "We didn't have to worry about Shelbyville then. Two feet of glass prevented any news from coming into Springfield. Can we just put a dome over the power plant? Would that make you happy Lisa?" trying to find a bargaining chip with her.

"No. I want it shut down, and if I win, no more power plant. We can clean up this town, and it starts now. Clean energy is the future." Lisa stated confidently.

"Did I miss anything while I was out?" Marge had entered the room, having just got back from running errands. Several bags of groceries in one hand, and Maggie in the other.

"Nothing much. Burns is giving away the power plant." Homer stated nonchalantly.

"We can win it and..." Lisa tried to say her thought of shutting it down again, but Bart interrupted her. He seemed the most excited out of the three of them who had seen Burns' speech, but he was used to having all the fun and adventures of the family.

"Yeah, we could be the new owners of the greatest thing in town. I could learn how to run a nuclear plant." It was another new adventure Bart could have, as if he was already planning on participating and winning.

This really surprised Marge. She tried to continue walking through the room, but had to stop and set the groceries down. Even Maggie stopped and looked at the others, as if she understood what was happening.

"Did I hear you correctly? Burns is giving away the power plant?" She questioned it, not thinking it was real. "That power plant was built ages ago and Burns has been the only one to run it. How can he possibly just give it away."

"He isn't just giving away to any random person. He said something about playing a game, and being like him. You know, I tried to be his heir at one time, so maybe that will help." Memories came back to Bart to see if there was anything useful he had learned.

Lisa had looked confused and a little disgusted. "I don't think anyone could be like him, or would want to be like him. He stands for everything I'm against. Who knows if there will even be a winner that he will just turn the keys over to. I can see him refusing to crown a winner and keep the power plant for himself."

"Or just rig something that makes Smithers the winner." Homer thought out loud for a second. Smithers was Burns' number one assistant and caregiver. Why would Burns not just turn ownership over to Smithers. "Everything Burns needs or wants Smithers is there for him."

Marge had to finish this before everyone got any ideas of grandeur in their heads. "Something doesn't seem right." She was always the voice of reason for the family. "He should just give Smithers the power plant, but why is he not. That is the easiest answer, but not the right one." The more she thought, the more she wanted her family to stay away from this whole idea.

"No matter how it goes we have to wait until tomorrow to see who gets selected." Lisa calmly repeated, and mainly for Marge to know that this conversation would not end tonight.

"I hope it's me. I'll show Burns I deserve the power plant after many years of servitude." Homer hoped.

"I hope it's me. I've been Burns' heir before and I'll show him, it should have been me all along." Bart hoped.

"I hope it's me. I'm the smartest one to possibly win his game, whatever it is, and then I can release this town's dependence on that polluting power plant." Lisa hoped.

"Well, I hope it's none of you." Marge countered everyone. "I don't trust him, and I don't want anyone from this family getting involved. But I guess we will have to wait and find out who the lucky six players are tomorrow."