A.N: I am so so so very sorry for how long it took me to update and believe me I was writing like a 3 lines a day 'cause I kept forgetting half way but I did manage to do it completely but I got off the computer and my brother shut down and all it went to vain but don't fear I've done it and its extra long to make up for lost time. Anyway here it is.

Remember I'm obviously not Riordan or Clare well if I was I wouldn't be writing fanfics, not that I won't to be them anyway.(that sounded harsher on paper compared to how i'm saying it).

Clary POV
We stood in front of the class and there stares, most girls were drooling over Jace as were the boys but only for Izzy instead.

"Welcome, late comers, there is a sheet with you seating plan on it at my desk, find your name and your seat." Said Magnus, how'd he get here so fast. I wandered and seriously Magnus, seating plans, I grumbled in my mind as I found my name.

I glanced at the others and walked to my seat which was next to a lightly tanned girl with curly blonde hair, pulled in a high pony tail and surprisingly stormy grey eyes, she smiled at me gestured to my seat, as if she was asking the question You sitting here? I sat to her left and behind the girl sat Simon and on his right was a tall, tough looking girl with brown hair and a red bandana headband, she scowled at him and in return Simon grimaced. Jace groaned loudly as he saw who he had to sit next to, the dark haired boy we had a run in with earlier, Poor Jace. As he walked all the girls, except for that group, swooned over him as I felt a pinch of jealousy, he flashed his perfect smile, a girl with short black hair and blue hair-lights and startling blue eyes, in ripped dark jeans a green day top and a leather jacket, watched him with absolute loathing and disgust. He shrugged it off and sat down. Alec was already sat next to a nicely tanned guy with black unruly hair; his eyes were a unnatural deep greeny-blue, like the sea, he handsome in a rugged, skater boy way ,but then there is Jace, he flashed a crooked smile to Alec, who blushed slightly causing Magnus to cough loudly. Lastly Izzy sashayed to her seat and flicked her long midnight hair, which was in front of the black and blue haired girl she had the same expression but now with a slow shake of her head.

Magnus started with registration and now we know the names of those kids we meet in the hallway, the blonde one is Annabeth, Jace's best friend (hear my sarcasm) is called Nico, the blue and black haired girl is Thalia, the tough looking girl with a bandana is Clarisse and the black haired, sea green eyed boy is called Perseus but prefers Percy. As he continue to Jace Lightwood, "They look nothing a like" muttered Annabeth to Clarisse, "Yeah but Kelp head, Death breath and Sparky are cousins and look nothing a like" replied Clarisse, what kind of nicknames are Kelp head, Death breath and Sparky? I wandered. "But they all have dark hair, and technically were cousins." said Annabeth

"Please don't remind me." muttered Clarisse, Annabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes.

The lesson continued, who knew Magnus was such a great teacher and historian, well considering he has been alive for a while he has probably seen it all.

"Okay guys, I want you to open your text books to page 113, and read it and answer the questions in the yellow rectangle." Magnus instructed, but Jace sat there staring at him.

"That includes you too Mr. Lightwood" replied Magnus grinning, it's so strange when Magnus acts like this, let's hope he can keep it up because I think the others are catching on. Jace groaned and growled for a moment then reluctantly grabbed his book and started reading out loud.

"In your head Jace" said Magnus,

"By the Angel Magnus, I know I'm awesome but I can't do everything". Exclaimed Jace, throwing his hands in the air, then suddenly snaps his hand to his mouth as he just realized his mistake,

"Great going genius" muttered Simon as he shook his head and face palmed himself to hard I winced.

Thalia raised an eyebrow and mouthed back By the Angel? Nico, in response raised his eyebrows and mouthed back awesome? causing Thalia to roll her eyes.

After Jace's dramatic exclaim the class seemed to have settled down except for that group of people, they all except from Annabeth had barely touched their books let alone open it. A chorus of tapping and shifting filled the room,

"Ok, Do I have to call you five out individually and tell you to read?" Asked Magnus,

"We can't read it" replied Nico in a deadpan tone.

"Well obviously, if you turned it the right way round and opened it that might help, also you said we who'd you mean by 'we'?" said Magnus.

"He means Percy, Thalia, Clarisse, Nico and I are dyslexic." Answered Annabeth.

"Oh, okay then you can ask the person next to you when you are unsure of something." Said Magnus.

We went back to our books, with Annabeth occasionally asking for help on reading some things but apart from that she is really intelligent

I glanced round and saw Annabeth and her friends all either tapping their feet or squirming in their seats, for God's sake can they not sit still it's very distracting. Clearly Simon noticed (not surprising considering he had vampire senses) because he swivelled to his right.

"Can you please sit still?" He asked but came out more of demand; unfortunately the person to his right was the Clarisse girl and even though I've faced many demons and a few greater demons (not alone obviously) but this girl just intimidated me, a lot. But good for him to stand up to her.

Annabeth POV

This is going to be hell. I can barely read, let alone understand what I'm reading, thanks to my dyslexia and my ADHD is not helping. However me being a child of Athena I've found ways to reduce my fidgeting, sadly the others haven't. Minutes went by in this boring class, and then Simon suddenly yelled in frustration,

"Can you please sit still?" He asked, either he is very brave or very foolish. The look Clarisse gave him showed she was not having it. They stared at each other for a long time as the tension in the air grew, so thick you could cut it with a butter knife.

"What'd you say punk?" sneered Clarisse and Simon opened his mouth like he was going to say something but we never heard what it was because as quick as a flash she was on her feet with a fist wrapped in his neck of his shirt and her other wrapped around her dagger pointed at his throat (A:N/ Simon doesn't have the Mark of Cain anymore.). At that point I stood up just in time with Isabelle and Clary. Wait, what?! Can they see it? I wonder what the rest of the class is seeing. I turned to the front of the class and looked at Mr. Bane seeing if he would interfere but he just looked amused.

"Oh no she's got a ruler, the horror!" shouted a student called Marcus, causing other students to snort and laugh.

"Clarisse put him down." Percy said lazily, I nodded in agreement.

"Oh come on Annie, you heard his tone let me put the pansycake back in line, I'm sure Chiron won't mind, sort of, we know Mr. D doesn't already." She pleaded in ancient Greek; the other students stared at her like she grew another head.

"What! Never heard someone speak another language before-" started Thalia but broke off swearing in Greek, causing Nico to choke on air at some of the words she mentioned. The other standing girls raised their eyebrows at each other in confusion, eventually Mr. Bane walked over to Clarisse and Simon, clapping his hands. A second later it was gone, good because I think those girls can see through the mist.

"Well done as much as I love drama, which is why I should have been a drama teacher instead but hey you can't get what you want, anyway as much as I love Drama you have to cut it out and work. Also I'll have to give one of you detention, I don't mind who, you decide." And with that Magnus swivelled on his heel and walked back to his place at the front of the class. A few minutes later the bell eventually rang signally the end of the lesson.

"Okay, you may now get out." Said Magnus, as they noisily shoved each other out the door. I waited with my friends as they left the room, (Yes Clarisse is a friend-ish, well we are on neutral grounds, well we are friendly acquaintances).

Simon POV

She had a knife or dagger I'm not sure but either way she had a weapon, I know I haven't been to school for ages but I didn't know its changed that much. There is a small chance I could have been hallucinating because the other students think its a ruler, maybe its a glamour or I'm going crazy. After the stupid situation with Clarisse the class ended shortly and I made my way to Magnus' desk to be the one who gets the detention because she probably will just let me take all the blame. Anyway it wouldn't be real detention because they don't usually have all your friends there, hanging out with the teacher. As I reached his desk I noticed Clarisse was already there and was speaking to Magnus, probably digging me a bigger hole and explaining how it wasn't her fault and so and so. I stopped to listen to what she was actually saying and was pleasantly surprised. She was taking the blame and is choosing detention, as I continued to listen I felt myself growing tiny little bit of respect for her.

"It was my fault and I should be having detention, even though the pussy asked for it" she grumbled "I still acted rashly and violently, so there-fore I'm taking responsibility." She continued, Magnus simply nodded and smiled with a glint in his cat like eyes, a look of respect, it was easy to tell how hard it was for to do something like that. "But don't expect me to apologize to the pansycake." She added with scowl which made Magnus laugh and the edges of her lips quirked up and threatened to smile which quickly changed into a deeper scowl to hide that fact. "I'll forget about detention if you explain what type blade that was." asked Magnus. Clarisse visibly tensed,

"What blade?" she answered in a cold voice, "It was a ruler."

"Okay, never mind your free to go and your little incident will be 'forgotten' lets hope it doesn't happen again." said Magnus, she began making her her way towards her friend

She turned round and saw me and her scowl deepened if that was even possible.

"You're cleared punk, watch yourself 'cause next you won't be so lucky." She warned,

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Asked Izzy who was suddenly next to me our fingers instantly twined together like an instinct.

"Are you tha-" started Clarisse but was suddenly stopped by Nico yanking her and started dragging her out. "Okay, that's enough Peaceful, we're getting late for our next lesson, I don't actually care but Annabeth is getting very irritated," he explained then broke off into their other language."What can't Prissy take care of it." She replied.

"Wow. Is this what high schools are like?" Asked Izzy with both eyebrows raised.

"Yup!" Answered Clary, popping the 'p', "But with less weirdness."

"I knew that was something up with those kids, all aggressive, all dyslexic I can understand one or two being dyslexic, and can barely sit still for a minute but all five that's strange, also that language they speak, it sounds and feels as ancient as Latin, also that dagger she had was definitely something." Said Jace making his making to the door

"Well, they're not all bad, the Annabeth girl's nice and her boyfriend seems okay." Said Clary,

"Yeah I get what I you mean should we speak some Latin around them and see their reaction, maybe they might be from another Institute" suggested Alec.

"They could be but, I highly doubt that. They're just different somehow." Mused Jace.

"Okay, as much as I hate to break your little chat, but I'm pretty sure you have a lesson to be and I have a lesson to teach." Interrupted Magnus with a clap as he gestured to the door. Alec gave him a quick peck on the lips and we walked out discussing our next lessons. I have Art with Clary and Alec with a teacher called Mr. Madison and Jace and Izzy have Science (Biology) with a teacher name Mr.D, yes just Mr.D. We walked down the hallways and split when the corner came.

A.N: Is that okay did I make up for the lost time? Yeah, I gonna take that as a yes. Thanks again so much for the reviews, I will try an Update as fast and as much as I can. Please leave a review, that would be nice.