Chapter 1: Nightmares

Darkness, shadows, demons, and blood haunted her dreams. She saw flashes of orange mixed with fire, and she heard screams coming out of every corner she turned, but no matter how fast she ran the screams only got louder and louder. All she felt was heart wrenching agony that seemed to strangle her body and to grow tighter with every struggle.

There was a figure standing at the end of a secluded street covered in sparkling snow. It wasn't the kind of snow that you want to build and snowman out of, it was the kind that you try to avoid because the cold is too much to bear. She slowly, but steadily made her journey towards the mysterious figure with the dim lights of the street lamps being her only source of guidance. The closer she got, the colder she felt, and the harder it seemed to get air to fuel her lungs. Though the snow was ice cold, her feet felt like they were walking on lava; every steps warning her to go back.

She was almost to the figure, but despite the short distance she was unable to identify who, or what this strange creature was. She wanted nothing more than to go back to the safe warmness awaiting her, but there were distant voices urging her to keep going. The voices got quieter with each step, but the pounding in her head grew heavier. As she approached the hooded figure, the snow falling from the dark sky above begun to fall so hard that you would think the clouds were trying to bury her alive.

Her heartbeat sped up as she reached a shaky hand across the now slim space that kept her from identifying the unknown figure. She could see her breath like smoke in the air, and her heavy winter coat that she was once wearing seemed to no longer be any use against the harsh weather. She slowly pulled the hood of the figure and was shocked of who was standing before her.

Those dark eyes she would recognize anywhere, though his hair was longer than the last time she saw him. Despite those features it was the metal arm that gave him away. There before her stood the man that trained her, the man that she once trusted with her life, but he was no longer that man. His once warm chocolate eyes were now a harsh stone that punctured her heart like daggers, but she had to be sure it was him, that it was truly the Winter Soldier.

"James?" she sputtered out, barely audible against the roaring wind.

He didn't respond. Instead he pulled out a match that stayed lit despite the conditions and dropped it. The snow that she was once standing on turned to oil, and as the match meant with the ground, it was like heaven and hell combined. She was encased by flames that ate at her skin with every growing second. Her screams came out as whispers, as her vision went dark. The last thing she saw was the metal arm through the heavy flames, and someone calling her name out in the distance as she used her last bit of strength to fight against the unknown force holding her down.

Natasha awoke in a heavy sweat to the worried eyes of Steve Rogers, who had his hand wrapped firmly wrapped around both of her arms, yelling her name. She felt uneasily warm, like she was back in that fire, and her head was pounding so hard she thought she was going to be sick.

She jumped out of bed ignoring the growing dizziness, as she hurried to the bathroom and released the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She heard Steve run after her and felt him hold back her hair as she finished. Natasha then laid her still pounding head against the cold surface of the metal bathtub praying that it would make the pain go away.

She looked up at Steve who was wearing a white undershirt, and red plaid pajama bottoms, his usually neat blond hair ruffled from sleep. He was looking at her with worry written plainly across his face. She opened her mouth to say something that would ease his worry, but immediately felt the room start to spin, so she simply patted the empty space next to her as a sign for him to sit down.

Steve was still worried, but he sat down next to Natasha, allowing her to lean her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back. He didn't ask her what was wrong because he knew that it was nightmares. She had been having those a lot lately, but this was by far the worst one. She never said what they were about, but he assumed they were about her past, about the Red Room. He so badly wanted to erase all those bad memories, to make her pain go away. He was Captain freaking America, and he couldn't even protect her at times like this, but he could be there for her, and try to comfort her the best way he could, so that's what he planned to do.

Natasha was feeling slightly better, but no matter what she did she could still feel an uneasiness growing in the pit of her stomach.

"Do you trust me?" she asked, and it came out no more than a whisper.

"Of course I do," he said trying to make it come out as a fact, instead of an opinion. "Why do you ask?" he said and despite the darkness that 3 o'clock in the morning will bring you, she could feel his eyes locked on hers.

"I-It's nothing," she said, but Steve could tell it was more.

He didn't want to pry, so instead he leaned down closing the gap between them as he meant her soft pink lips with his. Natasha got lost in his touch for a moment, but the feeling deep in her gut came back, as she pulled away.

"I taste like throw up," she said so that he wouldn't see the real problem.

"I've had worse," he said causing them both to laugh.

She felt something in her chest expand every time he talked, every time he said something that made her feel like a women, not like some spy, but this time was different. This time she remembered why the voices that haunted her dreams told her never to get attached to someone, because you'll just end up hurting them.

Natasha knew she wasn't meant for relationships, she wasn't even meant to be loved, but here she was having everything that she once could only dream of, and now all that was on the line because winter is coming, and there's nothing she can do about it.

I promised I would do a fic of my take of what may happen in Cap 2 so here it is. I know that in the real movie Natasha and Steve wont be in an established relationship, but in this they shall be because I am the boss. Anyways I have 40 days till the movie therefore 40 days to finish this. I can't promise how many updates a week cause my schedule is busy and school starts up again tomorrow, but I promise to work my hardest on this fic. I have an idea of where to go from this but just bear with me and I promise it will be worth it.

Thanks for reading and REVIEW:)