Alright, so my friend had this idea, and asked me to post it for her. She's given me leeway to write it, but with her guidelines of course. EXTREME AU! Contains Super!Godlike!Harry, insane amounts of heritage and gold simply because everyone else does it and it looks fun.
Time doesn't matter much to a ghost. Days seem like minutes, months hours, and centuries days. Godric Gryffindor knew he'd been dead for thousands of years, but it still only felt as if he'd been wandering for a few weeks. The silvery pale specter sighed in as he walked across the overgrown ground towards the crumbled ruin of what had been Gryffindor Castle. All that was left of the once mighty and grand structure was a pile of heavily weathered stones, wrapped in the vines that had thrived since Godric's death.
The island that he had built his home on was off the coast of Scotland, and had remained hidden due to the extraordinary strength of ancient wards that he himself had cast. Godric carefully navigated around the fallen bricks and trekked towards the lake that, during his living days, had always soothed him. The sun was rising, its golden rays of light inviting numerous birds to begin to sing. A smile stretched on the ghost's face as he reached the gentle slope downwards that led to the lake. He enjoyed the patterns sunlight made on the clear water. It glittered to the bottom, shining on the scales of many fish that too called this place home.
He sat at the edge of the water, content to be in his world of untamed nature. Godric closed his eyes, and fell into the realm of Morpheus. He was awoken by a sharp pulling sensation in his gut, something that he had not felt in many millennia. It was the raw shift of magic in the world. Some extremely magically gifted child had just been born. He quickly decided to go to the source of the disturbance, sure it would prove to be an interesting visit. He honed in on the location, and ghost-apparated there, silently. He was surprised to be in a room full of crying, flailing newborns. The sudden change in sound aggravated his ears, and he was almost tempted to leave. That is, until his keen eyes saw something quite out of place.
In the farthest corner of the child-filled room, there was another ghost, fawning over the only silent infant. One that was eerily familiar.
"Rowena? What are you doing here?" Godric asked in his deep, rumbling voice, as he made his way towards her turned back.
"Visiting my grandson, our grandson, Godric," Rowena Ravenclaw replied softly, but clearly. Her eyes never leaving the boy in front of her. He was bald, with wide and innocent emerald green eyes. He was sucking on his fist, seemingly content. His stare was unfocused, but she wasn't surprised. They were invisible ghosts, of course he didn't see them.
"Are you my little Merlin, dear child, hmm?" Gryffindor cooed, entranced by the being in front of him. The magical aura was pulsating, powerful, "You're special, little one."
Rowena smirked at his face, but then frowned slightly, "There's something off about him..."
The ghostly man was about to glare at her, for insulting their grandchild, when the baby began to whine softly. It wasn't loud, but it had every living nurse rush over to him, despite the other, positively screaming babies they were tending to. Both ghosts shuddered as three nurses, who were oblivious to their presence and conversation, went through their spectral bodies. The child quieted as he was changed, and Godric had a small sense of foreboding grow on him when they fought to hold him. He and Rowena watched silently as the baby was put back into his clear plastic tub, before again approaching him.
Gryffindor was intently studying the boy, whose eyes were in the ghost's general direction. He wasn't sure what he was waiting for, but knew there was something different about the child. Suddenly, the green eyes looked directly at Godric, and flashed into something that had him sink to the floor.
"Godric?" Ravenclaw asked, slightly panicked at why the steady man fell, "What's wrong?"
"His eyes," Godric gasped.
Rowena hurriedly looked to them and sharply inhaled through her nose. Her grandson was looking absently ahead, his eyes shifting to a color she hadn't seen since she herself was alive. Before they flashed back to emerald, Rowena Ravenclaw had viewed the icy white-blue irises that belonged to her co-founder, friend, and ex-lover, Godric Gryffindor, when he was still a living being.
"Not possible, we drained her," she muttered tightly.
"With magic anything is possible. It seems I know what plagues young," Godric squinted at the name tag on the bin, "Harry Potter. And I am sad to say that I caused it."
"You mustn't blame yourself! It's not our fault!"
"I should have been more thorough with the spell, I should have made sure there was no chance at this happening!"
"Maybe the world is ready, maybe it won't be so bad," Ravenclaw tried to reason.
"He's only the second to ever exist, me being the first. I'm so sorry my child, I've doomed you to a life without love!"
"If he finds someone understanding, he will have love."
"Understanding," Godric chuckled darkly, "No one understands. His burden will be too much for anyone to want to share. And then he'll find her, the woman who makes his head spin round, and she'll leave him to rot, she won't understand him. He'll end up just like me."
"I never meant for what happened to happ-"
He interrupted her, "Without her he'll go insane, and eventually be so starved of love that he'll do anything to escape the pain. Anything. I would know. As a male Veela, he'll have obligations, not even the greatest woman can take that fact, as you should know."
"How many times must I tell you I'm sorry?"
"As many times as it takes to get you to feel it," Godric retorted, "Poor Harry, I can only hope that the Veela they choose for you is a decent character. I am sorry my son, I will help you, if I can."
With that, Gryffindor kissed the boy's forehead, smiling ruefully at the small giggle that erupted from him. In a moment, he was back on his island, the very place where he had taken his life.