Chapter 16: Aftermath
Gibbs entered the house and closed the door behind him silently. Everything was silent. Too silent. It was as if the house sensed what had happened. There was no sign of Tony or RJ. Gibbs headed up the stairs to RJ's room. The door was already open. RJ appeared to be asleep on the bed, while Tony was reading one of RJ's comics as he sat on the chair. He got up when he saw Gibbs and grabbed his coat.
"He's amazing. That was one very awesome comic strip", Tony told Gibbs. "I'll let myself out".
As he moved, Gibbs put a hand out to stop him.
"Tony, thanks for watching RJ and being at the hospital", Gibbs said in earnest.
Tony shook his head.
"I have your six", he said and left.
Gibbs waited to hear the click of the lock before he went into RJ's room.
"I know you're not sleeping", Gibbs declared.
"How'd you know?", RJ asked as he turned over.
Gibbs knelt by the bed.
"Your breathing", Gibbs smiled.
"How're they doing?" RJ asked.
"Jenny is better. She was asking about you. Told her you were brave", Gibbs told him.
"And the baby?", RJ asked.
Gibbs closed his eyes for a brief moment.
"Baby will be okay, too. You'll see", Gibbs voiced his deepest wish at the moment. "Now you just try to get some sleep", Gibbs kissed his forehead. He gave RJ another kiss before getting up.
"Can you stay till I fall asleep?" RJ asked, innocently.
"Sure. I'll be right back", Gibbs told him. Quickly, he popped the prescribed painkillers and went back.
The next morning, Gibbs was woken by his ringing phone. It was Vance.
"Gibbs, come by later today. I found something", Vance told him.
"Sure, I'll check on Jenny and the baby before I come", Gibbs answered and ended the call.
True to his word, he checked in on Jenny, who was making progress. The baby on the other hand, was still a concern. He stayed with the baby for a few minutes and then went to say good bye to Jenny, with a promise of later.
The elevator doors slid open and Gibbs stepped outside and moved towards the stairs. The team was shocked to see him. They made a move to get up, but Gibbs motioned them not to.
"Later", Gibbs shot before running up the stairs.
"Gibbs, glad to see you", Vance told him.
"Likewise", Gibbs replied. "What was it that you found?" Gibbs asked.
Vance pushed a button to secure the office.
"It was Riley McAllister alright", Vance told Gibbs.
Gibbs' eyebrow shot up.
"I've done some checking. Discretely, of course. The man has had his sight on that chair", he pointed in the direction of his desk, "He set up Operation Trident. Had I been killed, he would have taken the lead and earned accolades, leading to him becoming director".
"And later, he gave us the mission to kill Zhukov, to cover his mess", Gibbs concluded. "He found out Jenny didn't kill the woman. He sent her. But why?"
"He's deranged. Still wanted to be director. Gibbs, all we need is solid proof or his confession to bring him in. I'll see to that", Vance promised.
Gibbs nodded in acknowledgement. Before he left.
Downstairs in the squad room, the team gathered together when they saw Gibbs come down the stairs.
"How're they doing, Boss?" McGee was the first to ask.
"Fine", Gibbs said as he nodded. At the moment he didn't want to go into details.
"Call us if you need something", Ziva offered.
"Yeah, I will David", he told her. "Did anyone tell Abby? That I'm here", he looked at the others, who shook their heads.
He said goodbye and decided to pay Abby a visit before he left. She could certainly cheer him up. Before he knew it, he was in the elevator, pressing the button for Abby's floor. The second Abby saw him walk through the doors, she ran towards him and threw her arms around him. For the first time since he'd known Abby, she had no words. Perhaps it was better this way.
"Abby, you can let go now", Gibbs suggested after a few moments.
"Awww, Gibbs", Abby wailed. "They have to be alright".
Gibbs just nodded. He spent a few more minutes there. Most of them, spent in silence.
Once more, Gibbs found himself walking down the hospital corridor to Jenny's room. Her face brightened when she saw him at the door.
"Jethro, I'm so happy you're here!" Jenny exclaimed. "They wouldn't take me to see the baby", Jenny complained.
"They'll take you when you're better in a day or two", Gibbs assured her.
"What if it's too late then?" Jenny voiced her concern.
"It won't be", Gibbs ground out as he sat down next to her.
For the next few minutes, they talked about the baby and RJ and other things in general. There was a burning question Gibbs wanted to ask. But he couldn't bring himself to give a voice to it. Eventually, they lapsed into silence. After a few moments, Gibbs decided to ask Jenny.
"Jen?", Gibbs called her name and waited for her to look at him. "Why was that woman still alive?"
Jenny looked down on their intertwined hands.
"I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. It was easy to talk about it and make plans. But when it came down to it, I couldn't pull the trigger. After that, I guess I just hardened myself", Jenny explained.
"Why didn't you come to me?" Gibbs asked.
"I was afraid you would think less of me", Jenny answered honestly.
"I honestly, don't know what I would or wouldn't have done. That's a moot point. Anyway, it's all over. You're okay that's all that matters", Gibbs sighed.
"And the baby", Jenny added.
"And the baby", Gibbs agreed.
Before he left, Jenny made him promise he'd see the baby. He headed to the NICU and convinced the nurse on duty to let him in. Gibbs thought he'd never tire of watching the baby. He longed for the day he could hold the tiny miracle in his hands. He just prayed the day would come soon when they could take the baby home.
It had been three days since Jenny had been home. The doctors told them that the baby – Sophia Grace – as she had formally been named was doing better every day, but they couldn't release her yet, she was still too small. It had been a week since Gibbs had seen Vance at his office. His team was working with Leon Vance to bring in McAllister. They assured him on the phone that they were close.
RJ, too, was back to his normal cheerful self. Gibbs and Jenny went to the hospital every day to spend time with the baby. With the baby being in the safe zone, Jenny could focus on other things, like their wedding. Gibbs handled the affair. They set a date for two months later, knowing that by then the baby would also be with them. It would be what Jenny wanted – they'd get married at the courthouse, with an intimate gathering of close friends later on.
It was two days before Gibbs got the call. It was McGee who called Gibbs to give him the good news. They had McAllister. He didn't hear how they'd done it, but Gibbs was sure that Tony would brag about it into next year. He had a few more days before he went to work again and he wanted to spend them with family.
This had to be by far the happiest day of Gibbs' life in many many years. He could count them on his fingers. His wedding to Shannon, Kelly's birth and now this – his wedding with Jenny. Well, if you didn't count little Sophia's release from the hospital. Jenny would return to her post of director in a couple of months. Gibbs looked across the room. It was full of people he cared most about. Jenny, looking radiant, with her arm draped across RJ's shoulders as she looked on at Tony, who was holding Sophia – who had managed to wrap everyone around her fingers. McGee peered over Tony's shoulder at the baby, uncertainly. Abby and Ziva had already queued as they had decided they were going to take turns holding the baby. Ducky stood nearby and beamed at them.
He and Jenny had taken too long to do this, but Gibbs was glad they were finally here. Most of all he was grateful that he had a second chance. He had a family again, kids to spoil and a woman to love. As the thoughts swirled around his head, Jenny cast a glance his way and found him lost in thought. Without disturbing anyone, she extricated herself from the small crowd and went to stand by him.
Gibbs was startled when Jenny slipped her hand into his. His fingers tightened on hers and he smiled down at her. The years they had spent apart melted away. All that remained was a promise of forever. Gibbs leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.
"Thank you. For my children, for marrying me, for everything", Gibbs whispered.
He felt jenny nod lightly in return.
"I love you, Jethro", Jenny said.
"I love you, too, Jen", Gibbs said in return. He was finally able to say the words without feeling any pain. His heart was so full of it he was sure it wouldn't fall short for all eternity.
They both turned to look at their family. Not just the children but also Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby and Ducky.
Okay, thats it! Apologies for the delay. Too much stuff on my hands lately. Thank you all for the wonderful reviews. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.