Chapter One
Medusa's head hung low as she walked down the bright corridor. Her mother and father each had a hand on her shoulders. The sixteen-year-old felt like a prisoner being escorted to her execution. In her arms she carried a squirming, golden-haired baby, Crystal, who kept grabbing handfuls of Medusa's thick red hair.
They entered a stark white room, which was empty save for a single bed pushed into a corner, a wardrobe, and a writing desk. The queen was waiting. Rynda put a slender hand under Medusa's chin and made her meet her dark brown eyes.
"She will do, unless more unfortunate incidents occur."
"Medusalith will grow into a fine woman with the proper training," Ambur agreed. "I am only shamed that this slight has come upon our family at all."
"Say goodbye, Medusalith," Rynda ordered severely. "Then you are to dress in the clothing provided and come to the dining hall at once."
She turned on her heel and walked away, head held high, platinum blonde hair cascading down her back.
"Goodbye, Mother," Medusa said automatically. "Goodbye, Father."
Quelin held out his arms silently. Medusa hugged Crystal tightly before passing her over. The baby fussed for a moment, but then settled into her grandfather's arms.
"Father," Ambur rebuked sharply, using her powers to read her daughter's thoughts. "You are Crystalia's sister now, girl."
"Yes, Mother," Medusa intoned emotionlessly, and then without another word walked into her new home. She heard Crystal's babbling die away as they walked down the corridor. Stiffly she changed into the clothes provided; a simple sleeveless purple gown and black slip-on shoes.
"No use in crying over the past," she told herself. "Look for the future."
She did not know where the dining hall was, but wasn't going to stay here until somebody came to look for her. She headed out, not caring if she found her place or not. She had been walking for fifteen minutes when she came to a corridor that looked the same as the rest, only there was a black-haired boy in this one. He was perhaps three years younger than Medusa, and was standing rapping at the wall.
Curious, Medusa walked into the corridor. To her surprise, she found that the boy wasn't looking at the wall; he stood in front of a large window, knocking on it. Medusa looked into the window; there was a room on the other side, much like the one she had been given. Inside a boy about Medusa's age sat at a writing desk, his black hair falling over his face as he leaned over the desk.
The younger boy jumped as Medusa stepped up beside him and turned baleful pale blue eyes on her. "Who are you?"
"Nobody. Who are you?"
"I am Maximus, prince of Attilan! How could you not know that?"
"Who is that?" Medusa asked, gesturing to the boy in the glass prison.
"My brother. Who are you?"
Maximus stomped his foot, a childish gesture in one who Medusa thought would be older than that. "I am going to find my father and he will flay the flesh from your bones if you don't answer his questions!"
Medusa ignored Maximus as he stomped away. After he left, the boy in the prison turned, holding up the sign he had written. Go away Maximus. His brow furrowed when he saw Medusa standing there.
"Hello," she said. "You must be Black Bolt. Mother told me they kept you in a soundproof room, after you destroyed the lab where you were born. You wouldn't know me, we last met when we were babies. I'm Medusa. Your betrothed."
Black Bolt smiled somewhat nervously at her, nodding to show he understood. He went to get another piece of paper and a pen so he could speak to her. Medusa froze suddenly. How much had he been told about why she would be living here now?
I am glad to meet you, his next message read. Medusa smiled.
"Thank you. "
"See?" Maximus' s voice came down the corridor; he was leading the dark-haired king, Agon. "There is that strange girl outside of Black Bolt's cell! Chop off her head, Father!"
"Silence!" The king ordered.
Maximus fell into a pouting silence. Agon viewed Medusa with a critical eye.
"So you are Medusalith? The queen said you were arriving today."
Medusa curtsied. "Yes, my lord. I am trying to find my way to the dining hall."
"You've gone the wrong direction," Maximus sneered. "This is nowhere near the dining hall."
"Silence," Agon ordered his son again. He circled Medusa, and then reached out and brushed a hand through her hair. She shivered, her thick red hair recoiling from him like a living thing. It had been the same gesture he had made when he told her that he loved her, and that if she loved him that she would show it... She stepped away from the king.
"I see you've met your betrothed," Agon said, looking in the glass prison at Black Bolt. The older prince stood still, like he was a solider at attention. "Well, son? Does she please you?"
"She pleases me," Maximus piped up.
"I told you to be silent, boy! Obey me!" Agon looked back at Black Bolt. "Well? Is she pretty enough for you?"
Black Bolt nodded.
Medusa flushed slightly at that, even though she'd vowed to herself never to have feelings for a man again, after...
Agon smiled at his eldest, pleased with his agreement, before turning back to Maximus. "Perhaps you could show Lady Medusalith to the dining hall?"
Maximus nodded silently.
"Good. Off with you both, then."
Medusa curtsied hurriedly as she'd been taught before following Maximus, who was walking quickly and scowling.
They had just disappeared around the corner when Maximus reached up, grabbed a handful of Medusa's hair and yanked hard. Her head jerked downwards and she muffled a cry of pain. She grabbed at the boy's hand but he released her and slipped out of her grasp.
"What was that for?!" She demanded in a loud whisper- she didn't want to be overheard and get into trouble already.
Maximus shrugged. "I wanted to know what it felt like."
"You couldn't have just asked? That hurt!"
"You know, if my brother doesn't learn how to control his powers I will be king," Maximus sneered. "And then you will be my betrothed."
"Then I hope he learns to control his powers quickly! "
Maximus turned away. "He won't if I have anything to say about it." His muttered words were barely audible. Medusa was about to respond when Maximus opened a door and she realised they were in the dining hall. Rynda was waiting, as were three other boys who appeared to be around Medusa's age. These must be my other cousins...
She curtsied to Rynda, who nodded to her in acknowledgement, while eying the three (very different) boys, trying to remember their names- Ambur had told her about them, a long time ago, but she'd never met them.
"You are late," the queen said severely. "Maximus! Dont slouch like that!"
Medusa bowed her head. "I apologise, my lady. I'm afraid I lost my way."
Maximus snorted with laughter.
Rynda's cool eyes lingered on Medusa. "I see. I suggest you learn your way around quickly. I do not want you to make a habit of this."
"I will not, my lady." Medusa assured. Not here an hour and already the queen seems to dislike me, perfect.
Rynda turned her attention to Maximus at that point thankfully. "I told you to stand up straight, you look slovenly." She chided her younger son.
Maximus ignored her.
Still no response.
The queen grabbed her son's arm and dragged him from the room. Medusa stared at the three boys left in the room.
"She isn't as pretty as I thought she would be," the green-skinned one said.
The boy with the oversized forehead elbowed him in the side. "Triton!"
The tall boy with bull's legs shook his head. " 'What'? I think Karnak means you were being rude." He turned to Medusa, who had folded her arms, irritated at being ignored. "I suppose I should apologise for them. I'm Gorgon, son of Korath. You're Medusalith, right?"
She winced a little at the sound of her full name. "Just Medusa."
"Don't mind Maximus," Karnak said. "He thinks he's more impressive than he is."
"How old is he?"
"Fourteen, though you wouldn't think it, with how childishly he acts sometimes." Karnak muttered. "And just so Gorgon doesn't get a chance to tease me about my manners, I'm Karnak, son of Mander, and Triton here is my older brother."
Medusa nodded, recognising the names now. "You're about Maximus' age?"
Karnak nodded. "I'll be fifteen soon though, and you're sixteen, if I remember?"
Gorgon groaned theatrically. "And the walking encyclopedia strikes again."
Medusa laughed while nodding to agree with Karnak's statement. She turned to Triton. "So you're about... seventeen?" It was a guess- his aquatic appearance made his age hard to determine.
He nodded. "And Gorgon here is fifteen. Didn't your mother just have another child, as well?"
Medusa's throat constricted. Just when I'd forgotten about all that!
"Y-yes," she lied. She's my daughter! Her heart cried. I want her back! "A girl. Crystalia."
"That's quite the achievement, given your mother's age," Karnak commented. "Our families aren't exactly known for their fertility."
"I am aware. I am fortunate that I have a little sister."
"You don't look like you feel so fortunate," Triton noted. "I don't blame you, if your parents have cast you aside in favour of their new child."
"What? It's no coincidence that she's been sent here now!" Triton peered at Medusa. "You're going to marry Black Bolt, aren't you? I bet that's why she's here. They want to marry him off and get a direct heir so that Maximus can't claim the throne if Black Bolt remains in isolation forever."
Medusa folded her arms, to stop herself shaking. Was it true? Her mother had told her that she was there to receive training and to keep her away from... him. That, she had been more than willing to accept. But what if it was a lie? Would they take my child away from me again? she wondered. I'll have to hope for the best, she decided. I can't go home. He might come after me again... Only her parents, and the king and queen, knew how Crystal had been conceived... right?
She shivered and then looked up to find all three boys staring at her. "What?"
"We asked what's special about you," Triton replied. "The abilities Gorgon and I have you can see, and Karnak can sense weaknesses in any object, but what about you?"
"Oh." Medusa concentrated... and all three boys yelped in shock as her hair, now twice its normal length, wrapped round each one of them and hefted them off the floor.
"Special enough?" she asked, smirking as Gorgon's hooved feet kicked wildly.
"Yes!" they chorused together.
She jumped, turning to see the queen glaring at her.
"Put them down! What do you think you are doing?"
She released them immediately, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry, Triton just asked what my abilities were, and..."
"And you couldn't think of a less foolish way to show them?"
"I'm sorry."
Rynda glared at her, and them stomped over and grabbed her arm the same way she had grabbed Maximus's. "You and I need to have a talk, it seems."
Her grip on Medusa's arm hurt, but the girl didn't dare say anything. The anger was literally radiating off the queen. Medusa looked at the floor as she was dragged back through the corridors and shoved roughly into her room.
"Let me make one thing straight to you, little girl;" the queen said, glaring straight into Medusa's eyes. "What you did was treason. Understand? Treason. Your head could be on display right now."
The ferocity of Rynda's glare made Medusa shiver. "I didn't know that he-"
"Your ignorance is the reason you still live. Stupid, naive little girl that you are, you are still useful. You have already borne a child." Rynda's glare became more cunning. "That is the reason that this betrothal still stands and you have not been publicly shamed. Agon is most intrigued by the fact that you have passed through the Mists and remained fertile still. More than that, you've given birth to a healthy child in the image of what we should look like."
"So I am here only to bear children to your son," Medusa said flatly.
Medusa's head hung. "I see."
Rynda put a hand under her chin and raised her face again. "No, you don't. Sweet Medusalith, you may be my brother's wife's niece, but should you betray the honour that has been bestowed on you once more, then I will have you punished for it."
"I never meant to-"
"Enough. You'll stay here until dinnertime as punishment for your reckless behaviour earlier." Rynda turned without another word and slammed the door behind her. Medusa stood still for a long time unsure if she was furious or terrified.
"I'm not going to," she said aloud. "I didn't mean for it to go that far, I thought I loved him and that he loved me. I'm not going to make that mistake again. Ever!"
Rynda raised a brow as she stared at her husband. He, on the other hand, was staring at the computer screen connected to the feed from the cameras in Medusa's room. The girl was sitting on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest, her hair wrapped around her like a cocoon. Eventually Agon turned and mirrored her look.
"I do not see what you are concerned about."
"You don't?"
"She's young, the man used her. That's good, it shows that she is impressionable and we will be able to teach her as we wish."
Rynda rolled her eyes. "She's betrayed our son once already, what is to stop her from doing it again?"
"She will be executed if she does. She may not have realised that before, but she must do now."
"I say we marry them right away, let Blackagar father a son on her and then get rid of her."
Agon frowned. "Our cousins would not be pleased if we treated their daughter in such a manner."
"Then they should have taught her better."
"That is true..." Agon frowned as he leaned back. "And a direct examination of her would be useful to determine how she has remained fertile without treatments and drugs."
"Then we are decided."
"Not so quickly, Rynda," Agon chided. "We must see if Blackagar and Medusa are compatable. He has as much to say in this as we do. And we must find a way for him to keep his silence during passion or the force of his voice will kill her."
Rynda smirked. "True... if he is anything like you, she would be nothing but a fleshy smear."
"Must you speak so graphically?"
Rynda leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Well, we both know why you chose me for your wife."
"True... MAXIMUS!"
There was a flurry of footsteps and the younger prince bolted out from the desk he had been hiding under.
He didn't look at either of his parents, knowing he would be in trouble for eavesdropping, but his mind was already filling with ways he could use what he had just learned. He could probably blackmail Medusa into anything, now he knew her secret. First he'd have to deal with his parents though...
"What are you doing in here?" Agon demanded.
"I live here," Maximus replied staunchly. "As your son I am the prince!"
"Prince or not, you are not permitted into your parent's private chambers," Agon responded angrily. "Don't you dare breathe a word of what you've heard here today! Now be off!"
"Yes, sir." Maximus bowed his head before walking out. As soon as the door closed behind him, he smirked. Let's see if Gorgon and the others like Medusa so much once they know about this! He headed back to the dining room, grinning.
"I just don't see why they've brought a girl in, now," Karnak was saying when he slipped through the door. "I was under the impression that this part of the palace was only for members of the royal family whose parents are on the Genetics Council."
Gorgon shrugged. "Plans do change, Karnak. It's not our place to question the king and queen..." His eyes flitted to the doorway. "What are you doing in here?"
Maximus shrugged, walking forward unconcernedly, still grinning. "I know why Medusa's been brought here now..."
"If you're expecting us to beg you for the knowledge, then you will be disappointed," Triton retorted.
Maximus sat down and spun in his chair. "I know why Medusa's here!" he sang again, louder.
"We don't want to know," Gorgon said.
Maximus' face fell slightly. He turned to Karnak, as a last resort. "You always like getting information..."
"I prefer to deny you the pleasure of knowing something that I do not. Besides, it is not my place to try to decipher the minds of-"
"Medusa had a baby!" Maximus blurted out, wild with impatience. The other three boys stopped and stared at him. The young prince rubbed his hands gleefully. "That's right! She's a harlot!"
There was a moment of stunned silence.
Gorgon spoke first. "Don't be ridiculous!"
"It's true! I just overheard my parents talking about it!"
"She's betrothed to Black Bolt!" Triton protested. "Why would she-"
"I just said, she's a harlot!" Maximus giggled. "And the only reason she's here is so that she can have more babies and so Father and Mother can teach her how to behave!"
Karnak shook his head. "Haven't you grown out of making things up yet, Maximus?"
"It's true!" the boy insisted. "I bet it's her little sister. I bet that's really her daughter. Nobody her parents' age has children!"
The other boys glanced at each other uneasily. If this was Maximus making things up again, then he was getting better at it... this seemed almost logical.
Triton frowned. "I hate that he makes sense... but if that's true, why is she still betrothed to Black Bolt? I would have thought..."
"Maybe we should ask her..."
The three cousins continued talking, and Maximus edged out of the room, sniggering. He let out a full-blown laugh once he reached the corridor... until a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He let out a startled cry, looking up at his older brother. Black Bolt was wearing the muzzle that he always had to have on before leaving his soundproof chambers, and was glaring down at Maximus with a fierce scowl.
"What are you doing here?" Maximus snapped, pulling away.
Black Bolt continued glaring at him, but was obviously unable to answer.
"Mother and Father are going to marry you to a harlot," Maximus continued. "Because then you can give her babies and repopulate the royal household."
Black Bolt actually raised his fist, but apparently thought better of it, and shoved Maximus backwards, so he stumbled, before walking away.
"Where are you going?" Maximus yelled.
He ignored his aggravating younger brother as he made his way to Medusa's room. Maximus' words made no sense, and he wanted to hear his supposed betrothed's side of the story before jumping to any conclusions. He'd have to make friends with her, at least, if they were to end up married!
He came to the door and hesitated. Given his isolated life, he did not have much contact with people other than his parents, brother and cousins. He wasn't certain how to act around this girl with the thick red hair. He checked his pockets, making sure he still had his pencil and notepad, and then knocked lightly.
There was some scuffling, then a slightly hoarse voice called out. "Who is it?"
I really should have thought this through! He cursed himself, it wasn't as if he could tell her! Compromising, he opened the door gently, careful not to actually enter her room until she said he could.
Medusa came to the door and her red brows rose. "Oh. It's you..."
Black Bolt nodded once, fumbling for his pencil and paper. How are you settling in? he wrote, handing it over to her.
"I'm well, thank you." She peered at the muzzle over his mouth. "That looks painful."
He shrugged, scribbling again. Better than risking people's lives.
Medusa nodded. "I suppose..." What's he doing here? She tried to think of a polite way to ask. The last time a man had approached her room, it had been him...
He handed her another note. Would you like a tour of the palace? I know it can get confusing.
"I... Your mother said I was not to leave my room until she called for me." Medusa's head hung.
He smiled, writing rapidly. I'll tell her it was my idea. She never gets angry with me. He handed her the note, waiting, for some reason nervous about her answer. I hope she agrees, I'd like to get to know her a bit... And maybe, later, I can try and subtly ask her about Maximus' stupid story... though that is private...
Medusa bit her lip. "If you're sure..."
He nodded, sweeping his hand in an inviting gesture down the corridor.
Medusa looked hesitant but smiled and left her room. He began walking, writing again.
This is the hall of whiteness, or at least that's what I call it.
She smothered a laugh. He grinned back, noting that she was even more beautiful when she smiled. Wait... beautiful? Where did that come from?
"So you can't talk at all?" Medusa asked curiously.
Black Bolt shook his head. Any sound I make can destroy things. Even if I whimper or moan. That's why most times I don't leave my room, even with this muzzle.
Her eyes softenend. "That must be very lonely..."
It's all I've ever known. I would like to be able to speak, but you don't miss what you haven't known.
Medusa shook her head. "I don't think that's true. I've never been outside Attilan and yet I long for the chance. That's like missing something, isn't it?"
He shrugged, but looked thoughtful. I've never even been outside the palace.
"Never?" Medusa's eyes widened.
He shook his head. Too dangerous.
"It can't be that dangerous, can it?"
He nodded.
Medusa frowned. "But can't your parents find some way?"
Black Bolt scowled.
She bit her lip, trying to backtrack. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry..."
I'm not angry. Black Bolt hesitated and wrote slowly. My father is more concerned with finding out how strong my voice is rather than finding a way that I can safely use it. My mother doesn't care, not really. She says that there are too many dangers out there and it's safer inside the palace.
Medusa shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to say. "My parents never really listened to me either." she finally managed. And that was pathetic, she scolded herself. Couldn't I have said something more helpful?
Must be a parent thing, he wrote, and smiled as she nodded.
"I just hope that my little sister gets better treatment than I did," Medusa said, but thinking of Crystal made her want to cry. Her voice wobbled.
He looked at her worriedly. Are you alright?
She nodded, swallowing heavily. "I'm just... not used to the idea of living away from my parents yet. The decision was made quite suddenly."
I can't imagine not having my family close by.
"Father said it was time for the two of us to meet, since we are to be married." Medusa's head hung. She peeked up through her red hair at him. "Have you... thought about ever marrying someone else?"
I've never really spent much time with females my own age.
"Oh." Why am I blushing? "I've never really spent time with anyone my own age, to be honest. Mother always said that none of the children who lived near us were 'quality' enough for me to befriend."
Black Bolt's brow furrowed. That must have been hard. I've grown up isolated, but I've always had my cousins, and Maximus. Who did you spend time with?
She really didn't want to answer that! "My mother and father. Their friends. That's all."
So you have no friends you left behind? Just your parents and sister?
Medusa nodded miserably. My daughter, she thought. Not my sister. But I'm not allowed to say that.
He looked as if he were trying to think of what to say. Well, you have our cousins to be friends with now. And Maximus, but I'm not sure he counts!
That startled another laugh out of her. They'd been walking while they talked, and now found themselves outside the throne room.
Want to see?
Medusa shrugged. "If you want."
Black Bolt opened the doors quietly. His face was almost reverent as he gazed up at the throne. That will be mine someday...
Medusa was staring in awe at the majestic room. The domed ceiling was higher than anything she'd even seen. The room had huge windows, and Medusa imagined it would be brilliant in daylight, though it was getting dark now. There were smooth white pillars lining the walls, the floor was polished obsidian, and the throne, and the steps that led to it, were white, edged in gold- painted or coated, Medusa couldn't tell.
"Amazing!" she breathed, walking cautiously forward. She turned back. "Are you sure I'm allowed in here?"
You are accompanied by the crown prince, why should you be barred? He stepped forwards, so the note was close enough for her to read.
Medusa turned back. The throne was huge, at least twice as tall as her. Someday, when I am married to the king, I will stand beside that throne to show him my support. She shivered. "I don't want to marry you." The words came out unbidden.
He froze. He wanted to ask why, but wasn't sure he would like the answer. We've only just met, that's hardly fair!
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Medusa covered her mouth with her hand, horrified. "I'm sorry. What I meant is I don't want to marry you yet. We're still too young. I want to wait, until we're grown..."
He (mentally) sighed in relief. He scribbled quickly. I doubt anything will happen for years yet. We'll have plenty of time to be friends first.
Medusa managed a watery smile. "I hope so."
Black Bolt glanced out of the window- it was later than he'd thought. We should probably go and see if there's any supper left. Gorgon's probably eaten our share by now!
Medusa read it, but hesitated. "I hope I don't get into trouble for not staying where I was told. I know you said it's alright, but I don't want to ruin anything on my first day here..."
I'm sure that my parents will be glad that we're starting to make friends.
"I hope you're right..."
She followed him back to the dining hall, half hoping it would be empty. She almost got her wish, only one person was left...
"Hello, brother!" Maximus leered, stuffing his mouth full of some buttered rolls. "You've missed Mother and Father. They are furious with you! Letting the harlot out of her cage-"
Medusa's face went white, and Black Bolt grunted in anger.
Everything on the table, and the table itself, went flying. Maximus' chair broke into shards, and he fell to the floor with a yelp.
He glared at his brother. "Thanks a lot!"
Black Bolt's face was white now. I didn't mean... Medusa was staring, wide-eyed. She must think I'm a monster...
Hardly daring to breathe, he left the hall quickly, returning to his soundproof room. Rynda would bring him something to eat later...
Meanwhile, Medusa stood in the wreckage, her face white as she looked around. "He did this?"
"My brother has no self-control... much like you, or so I've been told!"
She gritted her teeth, reminding herself that losing her temper with Maximus would not do her reputation any favours...
"What is going on in here?"
They both whirled, to see Agon standing with his arms folded.
"She did it!" Maximus cried, pointing at Medusa.
"No Black Bolt was giving me a tour and-"
"Are you calling my son a liar?" Agon asked severely.
She hung her head in defeat, knowing it would be pointless to argue. Nobody ever listened to her side of things. "No, my lord."
"Good. You were meant to stay in your room; for your disobedience, you will be locked in your room tonight with no food. Understood?"
"Yes, my lord."
Maximus was sniggering.
"And Medusalith, when your punishment is over, you will be put through certain tests to check how useful your abilities are." Agon nodded once, as though satisfied. "Maximus! Get to your room now! You never do any exercise, so there's no need for you to be eating so much!"
Maximus muttered something under his breath.
"What was that?" Agon snapped.
"Nothing, sir." Maximus' voice was sullen. Medusa remained silent, finding herself hoping Black Bolt was alright- he'd seemed so devasted when he'd lost control, and she had hoped to speak with him for longer...
Agon walked over to Maximus. "If you have something to say, boy, now's your chance."
Maximus fell back, shaking his head. Agon rolled his eyes.
"Leave, both of you."
Both children filed out of the room, Medusa looking miserable, Maximus scowling. Agon stared after them for a few minutes, making sure they both did as they were told, before sighing and making his way to his older son's room. He recognised the signs of Blackagar's abilities all too well...
He found his eldest son in his soundproof prison as he'd thought. He was bent over his writing desk, writing furiously. Agon sighed and tapped on the glass; it was made so that no sound could come out, not that no sound could get in.
His son's shoulders tensed.
Agon waited. The boy didn't move, only writing more fervently. He sighed. "Blackagar..."
He turned and held out one finger before turning back to his writing. After several moments, he walked to a small slit in the thick glass and stuffed two letters through. One was for Agon, the other for Medusa.
Agon took them both, raising an eyebrow as he read the names. "Do you want to talk now?"
Black Bolt shook his head.
Agon hesitated for a minute, before deciding to leave his son to his thoughts. I wish I knew what you were thinking... "I will ask your mother to bring you some supper."
A nod.
Agon pressed his hand to the glass, before letting his shoulders slump and walking away. I'll send one of the boys to give Medusalith the note, I suppose...
I won't trust any of them, Medusa vowed as she sat in her room. Why I trusted Blackagar's word that I wouldn't get in trouble-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
She tensed immediately. "Who is it?"
"Gorgon with a letter from Black Bolt."
She got up quickly. A letter from him? Why? And do I even want to read it? Opening the door, she saw Gorgon standing there looking awkward, clutching an envelope. She took it, smiling weakly.
"Thank you."
Gorgon shrugged. "You're welcome." He shifted a bit. "I, uh, noticed you missed supper, so I brought you a sandwich. If you're hungry..." He pulled a napkin-wrapped shape out of his pocket, handing it to her quickly.
She used her mane of hair to hide it. "Thank you again." She actually meant it this time, if this was all she would get until tomorrow evening!
Gorgon scratched the back of his neck, face reddening. "Uh, I was just wondering... Karnak and Triton don't think I should ask this, but... Maximus said some things about you earlier, and..."
Medusa tensed, but before she could ask what, exactly Maximus had said, Rynda's voice echoed from outside.
"Gorgon! What are you doing?"
Medusa rapidly made sure the sandwich was hidden, and considered hiding the letter too, but she didn't have time. Rynda was already standing opposite her door.
Gorgon turned and bowed. "Aunt Queen. My Lord Uncle King sent me to deliver a letter written by my Lord Cousin Prince Blackagar to my Lady Medusalith. It seemed an urgent matter, and so here I am."
Rynda put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. "You've delivered your message. Be gone."
Gorgon bowed his head and left immediately. Rynda stood eying Medusa for a few minutes.
"Was there something you wanted, my lady?" Medusa asked as meekly as possible, keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Look me in the eye, girl!"
Medusa obeyed.
"You will not entertain the boys in or near your quarters, is that clear?"
"He was delivering a letter, that's all!"
Rynda's eyes narrowed. "Are you talking back to me?"
Medusa tried to take a deep breath. "I was just explaining-"
Rynda slapped her soundly across the face. "You do not talk to me except to answer questions, is that clear?"
Medusa nodded, her face reddening both from the slap and from humiliation. If she hates me so much, why didn't she try and break the betrothal?
"Good. Now let me see that letter."
Medusa held it out silently. I bet I never get to read it now...
Rynda took the letter and opened it. She read it once, frowned, and read it again. "You left your room. Agon did not tell me."
"I-" Medusa forced herself to stop. It wasn't a question.
Medusa twisted her hands nervously, waiting, not having the nerve to speak out of turn again.
Rynda eyed her. "It appears that Blackagar is somewhat fond of you. I suppose that it is a good sign, since you two are to marry. I will speak with Agon. Perhaps your latest punishment can be adjusted to accommodate Blackagar's wishes to see you again."
"I- thank you, my lady." Medusa said softly. Maybe I won't be stuck in here indefinitely after all... do I dare ask for the letter back?
"I know that I seem harsh to you, Medusalith, and perhaps I am," Rynda continued. "I have nothing against you personally, but I will defend my boys from anything and that includes naïve little girls who are too stupid to know that men are liars."
Medusa's eyes burned at the reminder of her stupid mistake, but she would not cry! She swallowed, unsure of what to say. "May I have the letter back, my lady?" She cringed inwardly at how pathetically shy she sounded.
Rynda handed her the letter. "I expect that you do understand discretion, and will not blather your..." she appeared to be searching for the right word.
"Harlotry?" Medusa supplied bitterly.
"If that's what you wish to think of yourself."
"That's what-" she cut herself off again.
Rynda's eyebrow arched. "Go on."
Medusa wrung her hands. "It's just... someone referred to... the incident earlier, and he used that word."
Rynda's eyes hardened. "Who?"
Rynda cursed loudly. "That impulsive, stupid child!"
Medusa blinked. She wouldn't have thought Maximus' mother would speak of him like that...
"He will say nothing more on the subject," Rynda continued, and for a brief moment Medusa thought that this meant she cared about her feelings... and then the queen continued. "If the court learns of this, my family's reputation will be forever tarnished!"
Medusa hung her head. Might as well get this over with... "I think he may have mentioned it to my other cousins too. Gorgon was trying to ask me about something Maximus said when you came along..."
Rynda cursed again. "See what troubles your stupidity has caused?! Now I will have to have them mind-wiped. Come to think of it, the same should be done to you!"
Medusa's eyes widened. As much as she might want to forget him she did not want to forget Crystal! "Please-"
Medusa froze, tears pricking her eyes.
Rynda tapped her foot. "Your parents must give their consent before any mind-meddling is done with you, Gorgon, Triton or Karnak, but Maximus will be wiped at once. Blackagar I doubt knows."
Medusa opened her mouth to tell her that he had been there, but closed it again. After all, she was not permitted to speak unless answering a question!
Rynda began to walk away. "I expect you to stay in your room for the rest of the evening at least." she called back, not waiting for an answer.
Medusa closed the door numbly. What am I going to do now? I'm going to have to forget all about Crystal, how tiny she is, her little hands... Tears fell unchecked now she was alone. She retreated to her bed and curled into the corner, hiding her face in her pillow. It had hurt when Crystal was born, but the feeling that had come over her when she first held her tiny daughter... she never wanted to forget that! She wanted to go home, she wanted to be able to hold her little girl again!
She was still holding Black Bolt's letter in her hand, but she ignored it, lurching for the desk suddenly. If she wrote it all down, hid it in her room, maybe then, after she had forgotten, at least she would have that reminder...
She began scribbling rapidly. I first met him about a year ago. Banth. I didn't know much about him, but he claimed to be one of my parents friends. He paid so much attention to me, told me I was beautiful... He made me feel so special, and soon I would have done anything he asked. I shuold have known better, but I didn't want to lose him, so I didn't fight when he took me. He disappeared out of my life afterwards, leaving me feeling sick with myself. I had risked my betrothal for him, and I meant nothing to him, despite all his words. I began having bad dreams about what he had done to me, but had no one to confide in.
Medusa stopped writing, and shuddered with fear and revulsion as the memories of what Banth had done flooded her mind. His hands in her hair, holding her still, his hands roaming all over her, sneering at her when she said stop, his cries of pleasure as she whimpered in pain... the coldness of his eyes afterwards, when he called her his slut... She closed her eyes before resuming writing.
Two weeks later I realised I was pregnant. I finally worked up the nerve to tell my parents after my third month. They were furious, and tried to force me to abort. I refused. When my pains started, I was handed over to a midwife's clinic sworn to secrecy, and left alone with them. I screamed for Mother for hours, ignored by the nurses who tended me, before my baby girl was born. Crystalia, I named her. She was going to be handed to an orphanage, ignorant of her heritage, but when Mother saw that she was perfectly formed (I have no idea how, despite Mother's accusations of my genetically modifying her.) She and Father agreed to raise her as my sister. We went home, and that's when I learned the truth about Banth: He was the leader of the rebels against King Agon, and the only reason he had targeted me was to sabotage my betrothal to the Crown Prince. I ws questioned by the Inquisitors, and when it was agreed that I was ignorant of his treason, the judgment given was that I be removed from my parents' care, into the guardianship of the king and queen until my marriage. This is supposedly because being able to produce a healthy child without treatment is unheard of. I don't know how it happened. It didn't matter. Two weeks later, when I had healed from having Crystal, I was forced to leave her behind and move in to the palace. I might never see her again, but at least I will be safe from Banth...
"It's none of our concern," Karnak was whispering harshly as he, Triton and Gorgon made their way down the hall to their sleeping chambers. "Even if Maximus isn't making things up!"
"Karnak's right." Triton half-mouthed. "Even if it is true, it's not our place to ask! If we are meant to know, we will be told. We should just forget about it!"
Gorgon shook his head. "I'm not going to forget about it! Didn't you see her face? She was heartbroken."
He didn't notice that Karnak and Triton had both stopped dead. When he didn't get a response, he blinked, before looking forwards, and going white. "My lord."
Agon frowned suspiciously. "What are you talking about?"
Gorgon struggled to think of an answer. "Medusalith. She does not seem happy here. "
The king paused for a minute. "It may be hard for her at first, adjusting to her new situation." His eyes moved from Gorgon to the other two boys. "I trust you three have been welcoming to her?"
"We have hardly seen her," Gorgon replied boldly.
Agon rolled his eyes. "She only arrived this afternoon. You'll have plenty of chances to spend time with her soon enough."
"Then we will be welcoming when we spend time with her. "
Agon nodded, plainly not fully convinced, but willing to drop it for now. He looked down the hallway. "Is Maximus in his room?"
Gorgon and Triton shrugged. Karnak shook his head. "He was in there for a while, but he went off somewhere about ten minutes ago."
Agon scowled. All three boys instinctively tensed. "You three stay in this area. I don't need anyone else vanishing." He strode away quickly.
"What's that about?" Karnak wondered.
Gorgon scowled. "Max is always getting us into trouble!"
"It's probably best we just do as we were told, come on." Triton led them all back to their own rooms.
Meanwhile, Agon headed to his first guess; Maximus' private laboratory. It was where the boy usually went when he wanted to avoid people... Agon rapped on the closed door sharply.
The sounds of scrambling came from the other side. Soon Maximus opened the door. "Yes, Father?"
Agon vaguely wondered how Maximus had known it was him, but declined to ask. "Didn't I tell you to go to your room?"
"So you are in here because..."
"You said go to my room. You didn't say I had to stay in it!"
Agon rolled his eyes. "If you weren't my son..."
"If I wasn't your son what?"
Agon took several deep breaths to stay calm. "Just go back to your room. And stay there. Understood?" He opened the door wider, waiting for Maximus to walk past him. The fourteen year old scowled, but left the lab, stomping off down the corridor. Agon looked into the lab; what did Maximus do in there? Shrugging, he closed the door. He needed to go talk with his wife.
He found Rynda agressively brushing her hair in their chamber, yanking the brush so hard she was pulling strands of hair out. Her face was annoyed.
"What's wrong?"
"Medusalith has parents that are oh so concerned with their daughter's reputation!"
Agon noted the sarcasm with dread. His wife was quite formidable when angry. "What happened?"
Rynda sighed. "It seems Maximus has told the boys about the circumstances surrounding Medusalith's move here."
Agon's face darkened. "I told him-"
Rynda waved this off to continue speaking. "I thought it would be best if all the children were mind-wiped, to prevent rumour of this spreading, but Quelin and Ambur will not agree."
Agon frowned. "They don't think taking the memory of her failure will be best for their daughter?"
"Apparently not."
He looked thoughtful. "Have you spoken to the other boys' parents? Azur is Ambur's sister, perhaps she could persuade her..."
"They all demand to know why I'm wanting to erase their sons' memories! They can't just accept that it's for the best."
Agon sighed. "And telling them the reason would defeat the whole purpose..." He straightened. "We can erase Maximus' memory, at least. And I trust the other boys not to say anything if they are told explicitly not to. I doubt Medusalith is likely to say anything."
"No. I already told her that I expect her to remain discreet."
"We must teach Maximus the same thing. This is the third time this year we've had to alter his memories."
Rynda sighed, resting her head in her hands. "I know... I just don't understand why he refuses to do as he is asked!"
"Just one of his defects, I suppose." He sighed. "Don't worry. He may yet grow out of his childish behaviour." He shook his head. "I still don't understand why he is so different to the other children of this generation."
"Many children are defective among our people. I just wish Maximus wasn't one of the failures..."
Agon glanced sideways at her. "Be thankful Blackagar isn't a failure, nor any of his cousins. Medusalith herself has potential."
"I still think we should try and see them married as soon as possible. The sooner she produces a child, the better." Rynda frowned. "And what of the infant? Should she be put through the Terrigen Mist?"
"Perhaps, but not yet. Crystalia is not even a month old, and despite her flawless appearance, she is still Banth's child. His genes may mean she is not fit for Terrigenesis. We will wait until she is at least a year old, and then decide. With Quelin and Ambur's consent, of course."
Rynda nodded. "I know you still perform frequent checks on Maximus' genetic makeup... has anything changed?"
Agon sighed. "No. For all intents and purposes, he still seems to be... immune to the Mist." He didn't like even saying it, but it was true. Maximus was an abnormality- unheard of in all their people's history. Rynda just didn't want to accept that.
"We should send him through again."
"We have had this discussion. If it was going to work, it would have. I don't understand why it didn't, but sending Maximus into the Mist again would change nothing. We just have to live with it."
"If he was genetically scrubbed first-"
"That could kill him and you know it."
"I just wish there was some way..."
"Enough. There isn't. Be grateful that Blackagar at least honours his genetic heritage. He will make a fine king someday."
"If he can leave the palace without destroying things by sighing too loudly!" Rynda began aggressively brushing her hair again. "One son with no powers, another that is too powerful. Oh, how the court gossips about that!"
Agon sighed and began undressing. "The court gossips about everything. But enough about that. How soon can we arrange the wedding for Blackagar and Medusalith without gossip about pre-wedding conception?"
"Never," Rynda replied hotly. "However, if we set the date for a year or two, then there won't be quite as many rumours."
"That could work... They will have to spend quite a bit of time together first though, get used to one another..." Agon looked at Rynda, a hint of warning in his voice. "And Blackagar has to agree before anything is said to the court."
She nodded as she pulled on her nightdress. Satisfied that his wife understood him, he dimmed the lights in the room and climbed into bed. A sly smile spread over his face, and he held out his arms to his wife invitingly. She smiled coyly and joined him, pressing her lips to his...