Disclaimer - I do not own X-Men or the characters, but I do own the story line.

Chapter 1

All was silent. The mansion was quiet. All the students in the mansion had decided to go out for the rest of the holidays they still had left, before having to go back to school or go to college somewhere far away or find a job. Everyone was out at Bayville mall, getting in the last of the sales, since they had missed them at the beginning because of the whole Apocalypse incident.

Everyone except a few mutants. These mutants were Ororo Munoe, Hank McMoy and Logan. They were either down in the garage, fixing bikes, or up in the attic watering flowers, or in the library reading, all enjoyed the silence. However there was one mutant who never had a moments silence. She stood on her balcony, knowing that all the others had left, after hearing the engines of three cars. Kitty had tried to convince Rogue to come, but she had simply declined and said;

"Crowds ain't ma thing."

There was an argument, but Kitty eventually left Rogue alone. Now Rogue stood at her window watching the sun in the light morning sky. It was beautiful and she knew she could watch it all day. But the voices were ruining the peacefulness of the quiet sunny day. Any and all voices, memories and thoughts that came were blurry and sending her into deep confusing thoughts about stuff she didn't want to think about. That was how she normally felt when the voices had been banging against her defences, but now it was becoming more of a constant burred headache ever since Apocalypse. She'd been feeling strange, like there was some presence in her head that was growing stronger and cancelling the over voices out so she couldn't concentrate or hear what they were saying. She told the Professor, a while ago when it seemed to just be begining, and he'd checked out her head, but couldn't find anything. He said it may be her powers developing, but to come and see him if she felt any different. She frowned. That had been a month ago, and she'd been ignoring the growing of this feeling. She knew she should have gone and seen him the other night before she had that horrible nightmare, but she'd found him gone this morning. He wasn't in his office or room, or around the mansion. She didn't want to bother anyone else, still feeling bad and guilty about her giving Apocalypse strength for him to rise. They deserved a rest from her and everything else while there still was time to rest. So she was on her own and would be enjoying it if it wasn't for the voices. Rogue thought about how to quiet them. She came up with an answer, which made her a little bit sad.

"It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?"

She tried to hide a smile as she felt Joseph fly down and stand behind her. When she looked up after riding the smile she went back to watching the sun. She watched him place the cup of coffee which he always makes her down on the balcony next to her. She took it and gave Joseph a little smile of thanks before she drank it. Joseph just smiled lightly as he watched her drink. It seemed things had always been like this between them since the day he arrived. It was civil and good and peaceful between then. She was sure Joseph enjoyed there time together as he always sort Rogue out wheather it be morning, noon, or night. "How are you this morning?" He asked.

"Fine. Why haven't ya gone out with the others?"

"I don't get on with them as well as I do with you, and I prefer a quiet day with your company, instead of a frantic out going to the Mall." Rogue turned away with a little red blush before watching the sun float higher into the sky. Rogue smiled knowing that she could open up to Joseph with anything on her mind and right now it was the sun.

"It's kinda amazing how we pay less attention ta beautiful things around us. Like we take advantage of 'em. It'd be too different if there wasn't a sun in the sky."

"The sun is beautiful, but not quite what I would refer to if I was to say what I found beautiful."

Rogue felt the hands slip around her waist and Joseph's head rest on her shoulders. She stiffened and then straightened. But she doubted she'd be able to get out of his arms. In a way she liked the warmth of another body. She never got to do this so maybe that was why she was on edge. But still, she couldn't risk getting that close to somebody. She might hurt them. Besides, it felt weird and made her sad that she always ended up thinking of her powers and other things whenever Joseph touched her like this. It always made the mood more interesting and he'd been doing it more and more lately. She didn't like it. She felt like it was going to ruin there friendship, which she had come to admire.

"Joseph...what are you doin'?"

"Why don't you tell me your real name?" He whispered in her ear.

"Joseph, stop. Don't-" She tried to untie his hands, but he wouldn't let go.

"Why? You know this is what you want. What we both want. Deep inside. You just won't admit it." For some reason those words seemed believable. All the words that came out of Joseph's mouth seemed believable. Rogue just wanted to turn around in his arms and just give herself to him. Really she wanted to smother him with kisses and just get lost in those pale eyes of his. Her emotions just seemed to go crazy around him. But there was some piercing pain in her head warning her off it. It felt like a physic of hers trying to attack her somehow. She wasn't sure what it was, but she thought to overpower the urge of giving into Joseph.

"No Joseph... It's not what ah want. Let go off me before ah hurt you." Rogue tried fiddling out of his hands weakly, but he ended up turning her around. She felt her back being pressed up against the balcony and Joseph's chest rubbing against hers. She breathed in tight air and his smell which danced under her nose,feeling as if the only way to get out of her heart racing and adrenalin pumping through her veins would be to jump off her balcony.

"Please Rogue. You're scared, I know. But please...let this happen." When he said that, those pale eyes grow soft and overwhelmingly beautiful. That fight that Rogue had in her was losing and she felt like she was sinking under Joseph and couldn't break away. He leaned in closer and rogue was almost glad to hear the gruff voice at her door.

"Not a chance bub. Back off Joseph."

The voice gave her chance to grasp back onto her fighting will and push Joseph away gently. Joseph looked down at Rogue after she'd pushed him away a step and his eyes looked like they were going to cry. The only way Rogue could escape the guilt was to look away, which she did and regained her normal breathing which she didn't realise she'd lost. She didn't even realise her checks were red. He did as he was told and turned to face Logan with a dark stare now, before turning back to Rogue, taking her hand and kissing it before flying away.

"Something you wanna tell me Rogue?"Logan asked in a grumpy tone. When Rogue opened her eyes, Logan was entering her room. She didn't know why she felt so ashamed, but she turned away from him and looked back out to the sunrise. No, she felt more than ashamed, she felt depressed. Rogue rubbed her head having heard one of the voices finally break through the foggy blur she had in her brain.

'You idiot.' It said. 'You let him get too close. Can't you see he's dr-' But the voice was cut off by the cloud again and Rogue was left wondering what Logan was going to say. But then she thought she could guess what he was going to say, and she had the original Logan in her room right now, ready to give her the same lecture. But Rogue just didn't want to hear it from him. Suddenly anger filled her. She already felt bad for letting Joseph get too close to her and she didn't need to hear it from Logan.

"No Logan. Ah don't wanna hear it! Ah just wanna be left alone."

Logan felt a little shocked by her sudden out burst of emotion. "You sure you're alright kid?"

Rogue span around feeling rage take over her. Logan looked into those faded green eyes of hers that were surrounded by deep dark circles."Ah'm not a kid! Ah'm finah. Look Logan ah don't need a lecture on Joseph alright. Ah know. Ah shouldn't let him take advantage of me and all that mumble jumble, but it was just a weak moment." Rogue began rubbing at her head as pain striked.


"Ah'm finah. Just... Headache." She heard the concern on Logan's voice which made her feel bad and calm down a bit.

"The voices?"

"Yeah. They're fighting 'gainst the defences tha Professor and ah put up."

"Why don't you go see him?"

"Ah have been. Ah tired this mornin' but he wasn't in his room or in his office. It's nothing serious. The voices, there always acting up like this...ah think ah'm gonna go work out in the danger room."

Logan growled when Rogue said she hadn't seen chuck. He'd have to try and find him for her and then take him to her. For now, he had time to be alone with Rogue without anyone else around and he'd been wanting to get her alone like this for a while. But the thing was he could see she wasn't going to answer his questions in this state." You'll need some assistance then if you're going into the danger room."

"Or ah could just use that new remote forge made. Anyway, ah though ya were mending cars."

"I was, but something else got my attention. And I don't trust that thing forge has cooked up. I'll man the controls then if you don't want hand to hand combat."

Rogue just took in a breath knowing she wasn't going to get out of this now. "Alright. But ah get ta chose the simulation and ya don't yell at me afterwards. It's not a trainin' session Logan."

"No promises. Now suit up. I'll meet you down there. Oh and if Joseph comes back bothering you again, just give us a shout."

He left, closing the door behind him. Rogue suited up and headed towards the danger room. It wasn't that she didn't like training, especially when it was herself conducting it and not Logan. She liked that she could get on top of things and become better than anyone else (except Logan), but what upset her was the thought that this was supposed to be a day off, and here she was training again. This was not a part of the normal life she wanted and it stung her. 'Oh well.' She thought and just kept going. But in her head an extra burry layer seemed to build and not only block out the voices, but Rogue's own thoughts.

When she reached the danger room, she tried fighting against what she thought was just tiredness since all she was having lately was nightmares. She began programming the work out she planned to do in the danger room. She knew she should have asked somebody else to do this for her and stay in the control room, but Logan wasn't there yet and she just didn't want to ruin everyone else's holidays. She already felt guilty for putting them thought the whole Apocalypse thing, so she didn't want to take away their peace now just cause she had a head ache. Rogue entered and heard the countdown she had put on the simulation to start. It was at seven and counting down. Rogue moved to stand in the middle of the plain room.

The voices burst into life as they realising what she was doing. There were voices telling her 'don't do this' like Scott and Jean and others like Sabre-tooth and Jugganarot saying 'Yeah, let's get this started'. Rogue closed her eyes trying to quiet them and block them out so she could think, but really she was happy she'd finally heard the voices clearly. Once they realised she was going to go through with the simulation, they began to quiet down so she could concentrate. Her barriers, which they were able to slip out of went back up strong without a struggle and when she opened her eyes as she heard 'one' being called out, she saw the guns and barriers she had to pass through and get around without being hit. Taking in one deep breath and closing her eyes again she had that feeling again of a strong presence in her head, helping her force the other voices out and concentrate on what she was to do.

She began the simulation.


Kitty and Piotr, or Pete as everyone called him back at the mansion, had gone out to the mall that day. She had managed to convince him to go out shopping with her and now they were all tired out and Pete was in the queue to get them coffee and pastries. Kitty watched Pete. She had a little bit of a crush on him. He was so tall and muscular and sweet and kind. She remembered the first time they had like met and how over protective he was with the whole Apocalypse thing. He and Magneto had joined the X-Men a little after that. Pete was just following his boss and Magneto was just recovering before he like took off and left. Pete didn't have to stay. Magneto was paying him to work for him so that he could provide for his family back in Russia. He was going to go back and see them, but he liked living with the X-Men, so once Kitty heard this, she made him ask the Professor if he could stay and he totally said yes. Kitty had jumped in happiness and so did Kurt. He liked the guy too after getting to know him which was cool. So Pete told the Professor about his family back in Russia and now like the Professor sends money over to them every month, and it's a lot.

Lost in thought over staring at Pete's back which was so buff and muscular, kitty didn't noticed a jealous guy watching her.


Outside in the parking lot Kurt was waiting for a woman. He had stood near the dust bins and was watching cars pull in and drive out of the car park. He wondered what he was doing and if he should have really trusted finding another note outside his door. From behind him he heard a woman's voice.

"Hello Kurt."

Turning around Kurt looked at the woman who was in disguise. She had blond hair that feel to her shoulders, was wearing a purple jacket, pink turtle neck jumper and jeans with brown leather ankle boots.

"Mystique?" Kurt asked and was met with a nod from the woman."vhat do you want Mystique? I thought me and Rogue told you to stay avay from us."

"I know, please just listen to me."

"Vhy should I? Vhy am I even-"

"Because if you don't listen to me Rogue might died."

Kurt was stunned quiet and listened to what Mystique had to say.

"That's better, now listen to me and listen closely. I do want to have a relationship with you and Rogue. I know I've done wrong I the past, but-"

"Hold on. You just said rogue, my sister, was in danger. Vere you just lying to me then?"

"No. My associate and dear friend Destiny can see the future and she's seen visions of Rogue."

Kurt feel silent again. "Explain."

"I will, but first I want a promise."

"Ha, a promise." Kurt mocked.

"Yes. A promise. If I tell you I want you to promise that you'll give me a chance to... To make a new start. To try and make things right. To try and have a relationship with you and Rogue. I know you'll hold the past against me and the fact that I am the leader if the brotherhood, but I'm hoping that we can ignore all that and try to start a fresh. What do you say Kurt. Wouldn't you want a mother again."

Kurt was quiet and quiet shocked at what Mystique wanted. How could he promise something like that. This woman didn't care about him or his sister. She only cared about their powers and using them for her selfish self. But Rogue's life. He loved his sister more than he hated Mystique and he'd rather see her save than hurt.

"I can't and von't make any promises, but I vill try to...get to know you better. I can't promise that Rogue vill feel the same, but dats up to her. And if you try tricking her again then I just von't see you ever again. Deal?"

Mystique frowned. She knew it wasn't going to be as easy as just apologising and getting a second chance, but she didn't expect this. It seemed if she didn't say yes then Kurt would walk away from her and tell Rogue what she tried to do, making her trust her less. Not wanting to push her luck she said,

"Alright. Deal. Bring Rogue out with you to the park at precisely five am. I'll meet you then."

"Hold on. First I don't know if we can do that time. Second, vhat about Rogue?"

"Don't tell her you've seen me. Bring her out and then I'll explain the vision."

"This sounds like a trap Mystique and I ain't doin' it."

"You'll do it or else you won't know how Rogue's going to die." Straight away she realised her mistake and saw Kurt give her an evil look then walk away. "Wait. It isn't a trap Kurt. Its just...she needs to hear this herself and I know she won't talk to me even of I do use another form."

"So you're just using me to get to her."

"I still want a relationship Kurt. I want my son back."

"Yeah, well, you lost your son. I have another mother now and a good family. But... I'll bring her out. I don't know vhen though. But don't try anything or else I swear Mystique. You'll regret it."

Mystique nodded her head before saying. "I'll be watching and waiting."

Kurt POOFED away leaving a slightly smiling Mystique.


Lance had had enough. He'd been following kitty all day and was convinced now that he didn't like colossus hanging around Kitty. Marching over to her, Lance surprised Kitty as she shock when she noticed his shadow and felt eyes per icing down at her. Quickly she stood up and replaced her surprised look with a smile.

"Lance, like what are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same thing. Why you here with him?"

"Who? Oh Pete. Oh he's cool and really sweet. We're just getting something to eat-."

"Him sweet? Kitty I think your delusional. He's dangerous. You should stay away from him." Lance said grabbing hold of her hand and pulling her up.

"Hay, let go!" She said hitting his hand away and placing her hands on her hips. "And I am not delusional Lance! You're just jealous I'm like eating with him instead of you."

"I am not jealous!"

Lance had lost his temper and the ground floor of the mall began shaking. When Pete looked over to Kitty to check if she was alright from the earthquake, he saw Lance had his hand tight on her wrist and he saw that Kitty was trying to push him off. Dropping the drinks he ran over to Kitty's side, knocking Lance back away from her in his metal form.

"Are you alright Kayta?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But we've like got to make sure these people are safe. I think Lance like might start using his powers to try bringing this place down."

"Why would he want to do that?" Pete asked.

Kitty blushed. "I don't know, but we should like leave and hope he follows, then we can like do something about this."

But it was too late. Lance had started making the ground shake and it was making parts of the second floor break and fall to the ground. Turning into his metal form Colossus tackled Lance out through a wall making sure that Lance didn't get hurt too badly, but Just enough to knock him unconscious. Kitty ran out after him and helped colossus up. She was so shocked on what had just happened that she didn't know what to do. So shocked she didn't notice the other brotherhood members and other X-Men members who had decided to go out to the mall too come up and start to fight behind then.

Note: The next chapter will have Gambit entering Rogue's life again, but what suprizes will he bring?