Thank you so much guys for reading High School Drama. It really does mean a lot to me, like I mention basically every chapter. But it's true. I just want to show you guys how much I care and appreciate all of your follows, favorites and reviews! For all of my silent readers, I thank you too. I'm so happy, you have no idea.

Like some of you readers have mentioned to me, I feel that my writing has grown throughout this fanfic. I actually read the other night my first few chapters and then I read over my last couple of chapters. Wow, there really is a difference that I didn't realize until recently.

I have gotten heaps of PM's and reviews from you guys. Some of you guys have reviewed or PM'd me about some suggestions, criticism and some AMAZING feedback. I take criticism because I feel that it will help me continue to grow with my writing. I love writing fanfics for you guys, and I'm going to continue to.

Talking about writing fanfics, I'm glad to announce that I'm DEFIANTLY going to be making a sequel for you guys for High School Drama. I've never had so many people tell me how much of a good writer I am, it really does mean a lot. It makes me smile when I get reviews from people that write things like, 'this is probably the best fanfiction ever.' Now, I would never think EVER, that anyone would ever write that to me.

I get reviews that some people only write, 'Update', or 'Update soon'; and you know what? That means a lot even though it's one or two words long. I don't care because it does make me update. What I was noticing though was that I had gotten heaps of reviews near the last chapters of High School Drama. You guys gave me more feedback and it really did help me with my writing.

I'm happy to say that I currently have when writing this:

185 reviews, 94 follows, 58 favorites, 1 community, 25 441 views, 6475 visitors, 30 chapters, words.

Now, what I'd like to do now, is to write who has followed, favorited and reviewed me so far.














Mariette Steves

Savannah mariyah




















Spectrobes Princess (did you change your name from jeenathespectrobesprincess?)













Caiomhe Mellark






Glory of Lorien

Hg fangirl99











Topaz flowerxox















raspberry cake




Echo cat






(8 people have unfollowed me so far.)






























Hg fangirl199
















Echo cat






Goddess Of The Games





(6 people have unfavorited me so far.)

I'm going to write down who has reviewed and how many times. This is probably my most favorite part of my thanks.

I'll choose one of my favorite reviews you have given me and write a little comment to you. With guests, it's a bit hard. But I'll try my best ;)

Note: I've put it the your guys reviews in order.

MrsMellark78- (3) Love your story! Update soon! I'm glad that you love my story. You were my very first reader that reviewed, so it really does mean a lot! Thank you for review and even though it wasn't that long of a review, I honesty don't mind. You reviewed, and I'm grateful. Thx xx.

Mariette Steves- (5) This chapter was nice...But I think you should put more Everlark! But still...keep it up! I'm glad that you said that in your review. The next chapter, you told me that you were glad that there was more Everlark in that chapter. To be honest, if you hadn't told me to put more of it in...I probably wouldn't have done so. Thank you for your reviews and I hope you liked the fanfic! Xx

Loyaldeer- (6) I wish Madge didn't have to move. I loved it when Peeta met Katniss. Katniss x Peeta4ever :) Now, Loyaldeer, you had lots of great reviews. But I liked the first review you wrote me. You're the one that gave me the idea to bring Madge back, in the first place. I'm glad you did, because where would I be now with this story if I didn't bring her back? So I, and probably my readers, are really glad that you wrote that review to me. Thx heaps, Bri. XXOO

Peetagrl3- (37!) Oh my goodness...the plot is really building! You know, looking back on the first few chapters of this story, and then looking at the ones now, you can really see the writing growth. Your writing has grown tremendously. Now you're a fully-fledged writer with an amazing story and over 163 reviews. Congratulations! Peetagrl3, my hero! I can't believe you have reviewed 37 times! I'm glad to tell you that you have reviewed the most for my fanfic. I am soo happy and I appreciate it so much. I chose that review for my favorite one of yours, because I totally agree with you. I've noticed that too and am really glad that you have seen that; I hope the rest of my readers noticed that too. You had 36 other beautiful reviews, and I can see that you must have a good sense of humor. Am I right? Lol, thx! XX

hungergamesisawesome101- (1) Loved it can't get enough of it update soon plz. Thank you for reviewing and I'm so stoked that you can't get enough of it. I love it that you reviewed, even though it was only once. I don't care, honestly,because I know that you mean it. Thank you for reading and I really am glad with your review! Continue to tie your shoelaces weirdly ;D Bri, xx.

Laced- (1) Hi! I love this story, although in some parts it feels rushed, and a bit overly cliched. But other than that, it's fantastic! Thank you for writing this & congratulations! Kthxbai Laced. I totally know where you're coming from. I get it, I feel that at the start it was too rushed. I think all of you readers will think that; because it's true. Sections were too fast and I basically skipped to the next day as soon as I started writing it. Thank you for telling me and BTW I have never had someone say to me 'Kthxbai'. I think that's so cool! :D Xx

TheReturnOfDarthVader13- (1) Loving it so far...keep going! Again, I'm glad that you loved it! It really is nice to know that you guys have enjoyed certain chapters. When you say, 'keep going!' It actually does make me to continue. From 2 simple words, it has a lot of meaning to it. Thx for reviewing, Bri. Xx

HungerGamesGurl12- (4) I really like this! I reaaaally hope ur with everlark. Keep writing and yea. Bananas. I actually laughed when I got this review. I just love it how you say, 'Bananas', I find it funny! I guess you've found out...I am with everlark. But then again, I am a bit different with my other fanfic; My life. Anyway, I'm going to keep writing and yea. Bananas! ;D Thx, xxoo.

Guest- (1, I'm guessing) Boo! Go Finness. Umm...okay then. I don't exactly know what to say to that. It could be mean, it could be in a nice way. But I don't know because you haven't said much to explain what you feel. Finness is great, but I'm sorry if this fic is everlark. :/

ve this- (1) Omg need more when can you add more. This review makes me smile. I can't remember if I added more straight away, but I hope I did! I'm glad that you wanted more, it sound like you enjoyed; which I hope you did :) xx.

Jazzaspazza- (1) Omg this is so interesting please keep going! Of course I'd keep going! With so much good feedback, why wouldn't I want to?! It was different then what other people thought, interesting is a new way to describe it. But I'm happy that you think it is interesting! XX

Hungergames00- (1) This is a great story keep up the good work (: Again, not much, but means a lot! I never really thought it was a great story, but it seems that it may be true if you guys write things like that to me. I just hope that I kept up the good work. :D Bri, xxoo.

aDORKable19- (1) This great please continue. I did continue and again...great? Well, thank you! You also followed, favorite and reviewed me so I thank you for that too. Really appreciated, Bri. XX

lover- (1) More please! You are so nice, along with everyone of my readers. With you just reviewing makes me give you more, thank you and I hope you enjoyed. Xx

Supportsthebullyed- (11) Keep going! This fic is gonna be a success. I had 11 to choose from but your 1st one was my favorite. That review really motivated me and I believed you. I hope that it did become a success. Means a lot and you're one of my readers who have reviewed the most. Very much appreciated, Bri. XXOO

Guest- (1, I think) This is so good! More pls asap! I don't know if I did update asap, but I know that I always try to for you guys. I am really stoked that you think it's good and I hope you're looking forward for the sequel, which I hope to put out very soon. Thx, xx.

Aubreylovesthegames- (1) I'm so happy right now! I had been reading this up until the 4th chapter then the tab got deleted and I couldn't find it!:( but I managed to find it again!:):):):):):):):) This is one of my favorite fanfictions! I love this and hope you continue writing and hope that you will update soon!:) I admit, this is probably one of my favorite reviews. It makes me giggle a little and I'm glad that you did find my fic again. When you tell me that it is one of your favorite fanfictions, it amazes me. I'm happy with your review and I hope that you continue to read more of my writing. Bri, XO

CheeseBunsAndCheeseyLove- (6) Awesome story! But...there is always a but isn't there! But...nothing! It's already really good. Can't wait to see Johanna!;) Okay, you have lots of funny reviews. Like the one where you call me a little shit. But I like this one because I don't know anyone except you where you would try to scare me like that. But it didn't work because I know you too well! But...nothing! Lol, love ya. XX

peetapuff- (5) I love it:) Ooo what has Snow done? That jerk hahaha I can't wait for the next chapter hope it is soon. And your welcome for the ideas :) Thank you for the mention and thanks. For the readers who have no idea what peetapuff means, she gave me some really fantastic ideas for over in Chapter 14. Thank you peetapuff, I write for people like you. The reviews you have written always have, 'can't wait for the next chapter hope it is soon', or stuff like that. I love that, thank you. Love, Bri xx.

EverlarkFourtisAuslly101- (2) I love this it's really going well keep up the good work! :) You guys have no idea how appreciated I really am when you say stuff like that. I know I say this over and over again, but I have no idea how I can really show you. EverlarkFourtisAuslly101, I hope you think I kept up the good work; which I tried my hardest to do. Xo

Suze18- (8) Aww poor Peeta, I had a feeling like something would happen. I had hope she would get to tell him before anyone else. I can tell that the next chapter will be full of drama. I know that you hoped that wouldn't happen from your review before this one. You told me that Katniss should tell him before anyone else does, which is what gave me the idea of getting Madge to tell Peeta before Katniss gets the chance to. You're the reason why I did that. There's actually heaps of reviews I have that gave me ideas. It changes the story completely, which I love. Thank you so much, xx.

Grace Bowman- (2) Lol to wat seems like in that ride I would love it but apparently katniss doesn't. I laughed at this review. I though someone would say that, and it turned out to be you. I wrote it like Katniss didn't like it because in real life, I went on that ride. And guess what? I didn't like it! That's why I did that if anyone was wondering. Thx for reviewing, xxoo.

Guest- (1, I really don't know) Wow such a good story keep up the good story! Thank you, Guest. With guests, it's really hard to know if you have reviewed more than once. So sorry if you have, it's just hard for me to know. Anyway, glad that you think it's a good story, xo

Sooomanyyyfandoms- (1) I hate naplan too. This is a great chapter! Please update soon :) Ikr, I think everyone hates naplan! It's so annoying. I'm happy that you liked that chapter. I think it's chapter 13? Anyway, thank you so much! Xx

Glory of Lorien- (16) Waiting for the sequel!:) Like how things got patched up between Madge and Katniss but I just think it happened a bit too fast. First of all, thank you for reviewing 16 times, it means a lot. You had lots of things to say, and I am glad you did. This review really got me thinking. None of the other readers really picked that up. But I did, because I felt it was too quick too. But the thing was that I needed to make Madge & Katniss make up so I could do what I have been planning all along. Otherwise, everything wouldn't of made any sense. All your reviews are absolutely wonderful and btw I didn't really no there was a particular way to spell 'defiantly'. Lol, xx.

smileyjessxx- (1) I don't think it was Glimmer who did it because even though she hates Katniss I don't think she would do that! Tbh I think it's Snow! But that's my opinion! Keep updating I really like this story! :) Thank you so much! I love how you put in your opinion. I love reading your guys opinions or suggestions. I enjoy reading them so much; truly. I did like you wished, I kept updating! I'm glad you like the story, xxoo.

APerson123456789- (1) I think Glimmer wrote it she is very sneaky like that... Great opinion. A lot of you guys thought of different things, and I was happy that you did. I like fiddling with your brain! Lol, thanks for reviewing and interesting name...Thx! Xx

Guest- (1, again I really don't know) :Just refound this and caught up. Loving it! Would like to suggest a couple of things: 1) Glimmer obsessively stalking Peeta 2) Katniss discovering, by seeing first hand, that Peeta is severely verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by his mother. I'm a huge Peeta fan and love to see some Peeta "whump." Looking forward to your next chapter. I love your suggestions and I'm sorry that I haven't exactly had Glimmer stalking Peeta, or anyone in that case. But don't worry, in the sequel I'll bring Glimmer up more. I have a few ideas up my be ready. Anyway, I also hope that you liked the part where Peeta got punched in the jaw, along with Peeta. I guess that's kind of what you were hoping? Thanks, Bri. XX

reneecoe- (1) I have to admit that I read most of the conversations in an Australian accent. I liked it though, looking forward to the next update. I'm laughing right now, no joke. I actually forgot about this review until now. That is a pretty cool thing if you think about it. An Australian accent...I'm glad you liked it! Lol, xx.

Daisy3D- (13) Great chapter! I think, that you wrote it beautifully and I can't wait to see what happens next! (as usual) Your story is like, the best I have read and I absolutely can not wait until your next update! Hopefully you can update your wonderful story soon! Byee! (: Daisy3D you have no idea how happy I am when you review. It makes me so happy because you write so many sweet things to me. Plus the PM's, of course. Three of your reviews really stood out, I wanted to write all of them! It makes me smile and really happy when you write that you smile whenever I update or your soo happy when you see I have a new chapter posted. This is why I write, to satisfy readers like you. So thank you Daisy3D, I wouldn't have done it without you. Love ya! XxOo

ImagineReality101- (1) Hey! Nice story! I really enjoyed it, please update soon and check out my fan fic of Divergent! :D I think, I'm not 100% sure, but I think I did check out your fic. Am I right? You're one of the people who have unfollowed/unfavorited me, but I don't mind. It's okay. Thanks for reviewing! Xx

- (1) I am in love. Please tell me you're writing more. I will die if there's no more. Well, I guess you aren't dead then! I have written more; as you know, and I am happy that your in love! Hahaha. Thx so much for reading! Xo

KatnissEverdeen357- (3) I wonder what happened and why Peeta was being a jerk! :/ (Ps. YOUR AWESOME! :D) You're another reader that I like the first review of yours. I now guess that you know why Peeta was being a jerk! But KatnissEverdeen357...YOU'RE AWESOME! You should really tell my friends that lol. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed! :) XX

Dell-Indilwen- (3) Hi! Amazing story, I hope you'll update it soon :) And I know exactly why Peeta is angry. He's angry, because Katniss is putting herself into danger because of him, am I right? :) I would be really happy if you would read my fanfiction, if you have time :) Now ladies and gentlemen, we have a true Mellarky there! You seem to understand Peeta so well! Yes you are right, if I hadn't answered your question before. I REALLY DO HOPE that I read your fanfiction. If I didn't I am REALLY SORRY! :( Anyway, thanks for reading. XXOO

Guest- (2, I think?) NOTE: I put both in. Hello. More! So that was (I think) both of your reviews. One words. I don't know, but I think everyone says 'Hey' 'Hello' or 'Hi', because I always write 'Hey guys!' at the start of my new chapter. I guess it's a habit. Too weird? Anyway, thanks for the reviews, Bri. XX

Lizzalia- (2) It's great Hungergamesgirl711, I love it and all of your stories! Thank you, Lizzalia. You're the only one that I remember reviewing about my other fics. Thank you, I'm glad that you like all of them! Thanks for your reviews! Bri, xx.

Taniaroxx101- (1) Update soon. I liked this chapter. Thanks, I hope I updated soon enough! I get so happy when readers like you tell me that you liked a chapter or the story. It's great. Thank you, xxoo.

Katniss4everdeenz- (3) Plz do a sequel :) I honestly can't think of a good name for it though. If they're going to college maybe collage drama? Lol. I actually quite like that name for the fanfic! But unfortunately, IF I do a third one, it could be that name. But the sequel is going to be about their final year at high school. I am honestly stuck on names, so thank you for the ONLY PERSON suggesting! Thank you for all of your reviews, Bri. XXOO

smile-20140- (3) NOTE: Have you ever changed ur name to smile-45444? Love the chapter thank you so much :) ;) #hungergameslover. No, thank YOU. It makes me smile when I get readers saying thank you to me...but shouldn't I be thanking you guys? I love all of your reviews! Thx, Bri XOXO

Emily- (8) In love with it! I really hope she ends up with Gale! Please don't hate me I just want to give my opinion if that's alright but anyway, GALE. You are very welcome to give your opinion! Anyone is. You must be a BIG Gale fan, because what I've noticed; every review, all 8 of them, you have said something about Gale! I don't know if you have noticed, but I sure have! I love how your so in love with Gale. I actually was thinking of you when I found this picture on the internet saying, 'NERD GIRL PROBLEM #235 That unexplainable crush you have on fictional characters.' I also showed that to my friend (also known as cheesebunsandcheeseylove) and she got really excited and over the top about it. She loved it. Anyway, am I right? Lol. Thx! XOOX

karenvdakker- (2) I had to cry:((( Now, that review right there, is beautiful. I'm guessing this was the funeral chapter. I had trouble writing that because I have never been to a funeral before. So I got some help from my friend and the internet. I wanted it to be touching, and that review makes me happy that you were touched by the chapter. That's what I want my writing to do, make people happy and sad at certain parts. Thank you for reviewing, appreciated. XX

Guest- (1...?) Oh! That's so mean! Please update soon! So I looked at what that chapter was about, and it was where Katniss is too late to tell Peeta. Yes? It is mean, and I'm glad that you reviewed. Thx, xx.

toribirdey- (4) oh pls don't do this to us...! I mean can't you go on like...forever? Pls pls pls don't make this the last chapter that would be soo sad! Ur a very good writer and we fans would appreciate it if u kept going on with this story! It means a lot to me because I'm a crazy obsessed-with-books reader and I'm like crying just thinking of the thought that u won't be writing! Pls write for us for u, because if you do I can see you have a good chance of becoming an author! Anyway, thanks for the fab stories...! XOXO tori. That review, made me freak out. That review was from chapter 29. You didn't realize that chapter 30 is the final chapter. I feel so bad that you thought that. :( I would never do that to my fans! It means so much to me when you tell me that I'm a good writer. And a author? I actually have never thought about that before. I'm a crazy obsessed-with-books reader as well, so I know where you're coming from. You made me update sooner that I was going to because some more readers of mine started freaking out too. So I just wanted you guys to not worry. Thank you for your reviews, because ALL of your reviews were absolutely lovely. XOXO

idecodesx- (1) It could be planned but let Katniss explain and don't let them split for long, you could make Peeta over hear Katniss and Madge talking about why she did what she did and he over hears Katniss saying she loves him? I don't know, can't wait to see where it goes. I love those ideas. I did already plan what was going to happen, so I didn't do Katniss and Madge talking with Peeta overhearing. But...BUT...I have something like that up my sleeve. I actually have heaps of ideas that I can't wait to happen. I'm so excited to announce to you guys some plans. Anyway, thank you for the ideas, love them, XO.

Echo cat- (2) Omg omg omg omg omg! That was AMAZING! I loved this story and I can not wait for the sequel! Thank you for this story! You are so lovely! I'm glad you can not wait for the sequel, I'll post a chapter ASAP but I'll have to sort out a few things first. Anyway, thank you for reading the whole story, Bri. Xoxo

HungerGamesOriginal- (2) I think Madge just did that to get even with Katniss for kissing Gale! It's not creative but it is a good guess. I agree that it's a good guess; defiantly! There could have been a whole lot of reasons. But what I really would like to say, is sorry! You were another reader that got confused with the whole idea that ch 29 was the last chapter! It wasn't and I don't know if you read the last chapter. But I hope you did, I'm sorry for any confusion. Xx.

gabellhalo- (1) how many chapters is this gonna be? That is a very good question. I mentioned you in the next chapter about your question. I guess you know your answer now... Anyway, you're the reason why I was thinking about how long the story is gonna be. Thank you, xx.

- (1) Plzz make a sequel if the last chapter is the next chapter. I am. But what is very interesting, is that you were one of the few that knew that the next chapter was the last chapter! Some of you didn't get confused; like you. Thank you for understanding! Thanks for reading, Bri. XOOX

Guest- (1, I'm pretty sure) Hi, you have a wonderful story with tons of potential. But I have a few things to say (sorry if I seem rude) your story had many mistakes, I suggest you review the chapters and edit or get a beta to do it. Um, the characters are a bit unrealistic, Katniss doesn't cry so much and she could've beaten her rapist if need be. I'm sorry if I sound like a total bitch but I'm trying to help. I don't think you meant to sound like a bitch. But I know had a few mistakes in the chapter, but I think you guys worked it out? I was planning on editing the chapters after I was finished anyway, so you don't have to worry about that. But I read heaps of fanfics that have mistakes like mine...just saying. Also, I'm sorry but I got no idea what beta is. If you could explain, that would be great. The characters, I don't really get what you mean. I didn't want Katniss to beat her rapist because I wanted Peeta to save her. Plus, I don't think she would have been strong enough, if you think about it. I get your trying to help. Sorry for disappointing you, Bri. Xoxo

Thank you guys for reviewing, and I hope you like what I did. That has taken me FOREVER to do. But I think it's worth it. ;D I am working on the sequel but I still don't know a name for it! Plz let me know if you have any ideas, thx.

Exciting news: I have this idea. I hope you guys like it, because I think this might be one of my best ideas...I've been thinking about putting out a fanfic. Not the sequel, but another one. I was thinking of putting out...not a sort of story, but along those lines I guess; a fanfic of Peeta's POV. Not a WHOLE story, but certain parts that you guys would like to see happen in Peeta's POV. You know, like meeting Katniss & things like that. Also, it could be in another person's POV. Anyone, I really don't mind. Just let me know what you guys would like! :D

Anyway, you guys are the reason why I write. Fanfiction is important to me, and I thank you guys for reading my story to the end. If not till end, I still thank you. Thank you guys so much, I hope I don't let you down,

~Hungergamesgirl711. (Bri)

Plz review to let me know if you like what I had done.