Hi guys! Another crossover comin up your sleeves! Enjoy!
The bell rang, students swarmed around the whole campus around the light halls. Bloom and Stella were walking to the Realm Class, where they learn about the realms they have never heard before.
Bloom breathed excitedly, and Stella said "Calm down, would you?" She said in a nice way.
Bloom looked at Stella with a happy look on her face "Come on, Stella. I never heard of other realms before! I get to learn about them now!"'
Stella winked "Now, go for it!" Bloom smiled, her eyes twinkled with her powers.
Soon, Bloom and Stella opened the doors to the Realms Class, and saw Flora wave to them.
Bloom and Stella walked to the seats next to Flora and sat beside her. "So, excited for the first time, Bloom?"
Bloom smiled "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"
But this moment was interrupted when the doors busted open, and Grizelda entered "I'm sorry, but we all have something important around here!"
The whole class stopped talking and looked at Ms. Grizelda. She walked to her desk slowly and said "Today we are going to learn about realms."
Bloom took out her notebook and grabbed a pencil, and took down notes and noted Realms. Ms. Grizelda continued.
"Today, we will learn about a realm called, Equestria." Bloom looked up, and murmured to herself "Equestria?" Stella yawned.
Ms. Grizelda continued "This incredible realm was overrun by ponies, and magical creatures. I believe no fairy can activate the realm, except for Guardian Fairies."
Blooms face is puzzled, like she never seen ponies before. Flora put her hand on her face, and had a tired look on her face, as if particularly is tired.
Soon, the class was over, and Bloom, Stella and Flora walked out of the classroom. Stella said annoyingly "Ugh, just look at me. A 1 hour session almost fabricated my absolute perfect sun dress."
Flora frowned "Stella, don't get to braggy. Maybe it's just that its old." Flora said, putting her hand on Stella's back. Bloom giggled.
Then, at a particular moment, a voice rang out "Guys!" They looked behind, and saw their friend, Musa. She walked towards them and bounced "Guess what?"
Stella sighed "Please don't tell me were going on a trip to Egypt,it's super hot there! How eccentric!" Musa nodded no and said "Well, not eccentric as this!"
She held up a paper, Flora grabbed it and read it, along with Bloom and Stella, and it said "Congratulations, Musa. You have joined the Music Fairies!"
Bloom gave Musa a tight hug "Wow, Musa! Your really joining them!" Musas eyes was about to fill with tears.
"It was my dream come true!" The three friends hugged her, and clapped.
It was a smooth day in Sweet Apple Acres, the birds chirp with excitement, the trees staying warm and healthy, and Applejack walked into the forest and said "Now, that's what I call, Apple Day! YEEHAA!"
Applejack ran to a tree and kicked it, and several apples fell from the trees, and Apple Bloom said "Yay! Yay! Yay! We are sellin' this little apples, and I'm gonna get ma' cutie mark!"
Applejack giggled, and said "Apple Bloom, don't get too overexcited. Ya sure y'all gonna get your cutie mark?"
Apple Bloom nodded, with a smile on her face. Applejack then replied "Well, lets say we y'all get your cutie mark!"
While Applejack and Apple Bloom are about to sell apples, Rarity was choosing a right clothing for her new design, and said "No, No. Too slimy, too poofy, too ugly, AH! How am I suppose to choose the right dress?"
Suddenly, she saw a pink polka dotted cloth with lots of sparkles, and Raritys eyes glowed in excitement "Why, how dreadfully incredible!" She took it and began sewing it.
While Rarity was making her design, Fluttershy flew to her animals, and said in her light voice with a facial expression on her face "Okay, let's begin. A one, a two, a one two three!"
The birds began singing, and Fluttershy controlled the music, and a voice blurted out "Yipee!" Fluttershy's thoughts of singing faded from her brain and turned to see the owner of the call, Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie "Yo! Watcha doing, Flutty?" Fluttershy blushed, with her mouth opened, it's a feeling that's she's about to explode.
"Um, teaching animals some music." Pinkie Pie then said "Well, can't I help you?" Fluttershy said "Yes."
Pinkie Pie jumped up and said "HOORRAAAYYY!"
Rainbow Dash yelled at herself "Ugh! This is the 249th time! Gotta do it this time!" She has been doing her sonic rainboom for an hour, and it turned out to fail when the colors faded.
RD flew up again and flew very fast, a rainbow formed behind her, and when she looked behind, it was still there. "Oh yeah! Rainbow strikes-" before she could finish, it faded before her eyes.
RD groaned sarcastically, and put her hooves in her face. She said "My sonic rainboom! It's gone!" She flew again and again, and turned out to be a failure again.
Twilight walked upstairs in her bedroom, and it had 516 stacked books in her room, and said "Uh, there's gotta be a way to find out something about the mysterious treasure we found at the tree of harmony!"
She read the pages, and she groaned. "This is so harder than I thought!" Spike appeared, and said "How about this book?" Twilight grabbed it and read it, and said "This is not the one!"
But, Equestria is not only happy today, but also another danger coming. Icy, in her pony form. Walked back and forth, saying "We are going to need another plan to destroy those fairies!"
Darcy groaned "And I can't take it anymore with these hooves!" She raised up, and formed a disgusted look on her face, as if she was betrayed particularly by her sisters.
Icy quivered, and turned to her sisters and said coldly "Lets search around this place, maybe we can find something."
Stormy stood up. As the youngest, she's has a fiery temper, and she said "Why are we looking for something?" Icy replied "Well. Danger targets the Winx,and if we make danger, the Winx could come here and smash those glittering wings of theirs!"
The Trix flew up, and flew. While flying, Icy stopped, and she looked at a tree made out of crystals, and she said "Sisters, our target is here,"
The Trix flew down, and gazed at the Tree of Harmony, the place where Luna and Celestia discovered the elements of Harmony. Icy formed an evil look, and a evil grin and said "What do you say we curse this tree?"
Stormy grinned evily, and said "I like it!" They formed in circles and said "Darkness tame this tree, release the curse of the three." Then, a orb of purple shot at the Tree, and Icy said "It will wither after some hours."
Blooms hands quivered, the outside was warm, and she looked down, feeling bored. Suddenly, the door slammed and she saw Aisha, who was trickling down tears, and said loudly "Im never speaking to Roy again!"
Bloom stood up, and comforted her by putting her hands on her friends back "What happened, Aisha?"
Aisha looked down and sniffed, Bloom looked at her anxiously, for a minute there. Then, Aisha looked up, and her face was all red and snotted.
Aisha began "Okay, I was passing by, and I saw Roy, with another girl! How could he do this to me?! Nabu's gone, and I can't lose him too!"
Bloom looked at her "I'm so sorry Aisha, but you have to get over it-" Aisha interrupted her "How?! By finding another boy?! I CAN'T! OKAY?! I LOST NABU AND THIS CAN'T HAPPENED AGAIN!"
Bloom staggered back, and almost fell. Her face was shocked, she never heard Aisha like that before. Aisha formed an anxious look and said "I'm sorry, I was just stressed and tired."
Bloom replied softly "Maybe, to make you feel better, wanna go to the library and hang out?" Aisha gave Bloom a weak smile, and said "Okay,"
Bloom and Aisha made their way to the Library, and saw the other Winx there. Tecna held up her phone and said "Wow, as I calculated. There is 2.4 books in this library, how illogical!"
Flora looked the other way and spotted them "Guys, Bloom and Aisha are here!" Bloom smiled, and Aisha gave a weak one.
Soon, Stella came walking back from getting a book "Check this book out! It's called, Equestria?" Bloom looked at Stella, she had learned about Equestria in realms class. Stella opened the book, and it glowed very bright.
Stella yelled "What's happening?!" Suddenly, it sucked the Winx in, and soon it was all pitch black. All black.
Ugh, I'm sorry if I wasn't updating, I am really busy with projects, and I'm almost done this week! I will try to make the other chapters as possible, and I just finished it today. Look out for more chapters!