Updated January 12, 2019.
Got rid of Japanese suffixes and polished other areas. Going full normal English. Remember, to get this updated more often become a patron and vote.
Hello my beloved readers. Today, I present to you my new story, one that I practically have to and am actually going to continue seeing as it is so epic and the fact there are so few that fall under this category. It is a Kamen Rider Wizard Crossover with High School DXD. The plot will follow the general flow of the DXD time line, except Issei will be a Kamen Rider. I will definitely write up to the end of the confrontation with Riser. At that point, though I may write more in my notebooks, I will not post more chapters unless I have at least 20 reviews and 20 followers/favorites. So, if you want me to write beyond the Riser battle, favorite and review this story, cause I am going to need motivation.
This story was inspired by Ring Wizard DxD written by SilverXScythe66.
In this story, Issei is actually Kamen Rider Wizard II, meaning he is Haruto's student. That will be explained in later chapters. Don't worry, he will still turn into a devil and Ddraig will still be his partner, but his pervertedness will be taken down a notch, but for logical reasons. It will be the effect of becoming a Kamen Rider, as well as being a defense mechanism to deal with the trauma that turned him into a Wizard in the first place. Specifically, he is trying to act like Haruto as much as possible as a defense mechanism, something called Identification, but that's a Psychology term so don't worry too much about it. Of course, because of certain things that make DxD what it is, he will end up having perverted power ups but they will happen by accident and there will be an actual more logical explanation for why those sorts of actions give him power.
Be sure to read the author note at the end of the chapter.
Also, due to the scarcity of stories in this category, I will be posting it as both a crossover and as a High School DxD story.
I do not own the Kamen Rider franchise or High School DXD.
Things such as chants and data on the magic rings were obtained through Kamen Rider wiki, High school DXD wiki, and English translations of High School DxD volumes 1-16. I do however claim ownership to original spell rings.
Fact: Issei's height is 170 cm while the basic Wizard styles are 198 cm and the Dragon styles are 205 cm. Since this is Kamen Rider, it is acceptable for the transformation to add to his height. If you don't agree with this, don't worry. I will only be mentioning the height thing whenever it actually becomes relevant. Plus, it helps my imagination to see it happen that way.
Sacred Gear and Wizardriver/Handauthor sounds
[Ddraig talking]
Chapter 1 Showtime!
It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the streets were bustling, and there was a boy sitting on a lamppost. Yes, on a lamppost. As in on the thin metal bar connecting the vertical pole to the actual lamp part. What was he doing there? Eating donuts and slurping on soda, that's what.
The boy was one Issei Hyoudou, high school dropout. Dressed in a simple pair of jeans, red t-shirt, and brown jacket, Issei stared at the horizon as he washed down the last of the donuts with the rest of his soda.
"Ahh." He sighed in a refreshed manner. "Looks like I've got my sugar for the day." saying this as he stretched, careful not to fall off as he did so. "Though it's just going to be wasted if nothing happens today." At that very moment, a small silver and red eagle flew up to Issei and screeched, getting the boy's attention. "Oh, Garuda! Is there a Phantom?" Garuda screeched and nodded in response. "Well then, time to get to work." Issei smirked, jumping down onto a customized motorcycle just below him. Issei quickly put on his helmet and drove off following Garuda.
At a recently closed down factory, four teenagers wearing school uniforms were looking around the main interior of the building. Three were girls and one a boy.
"Are you certain this is the place, Akeno?" the boy asked.
"Yes, Kiba." replied one of the girls, a tall Japanese one with black hair tied in ponytail and a large bust. "There have been multiple disappearances here, causing the factory to be closed. We were then asked to investigate since this is most likely the work of a stray devil. Isn't that right Rias?"
"Yes." responded the red head European girl whose bust was just as large as Akeno's. "As the devils in charge of this area, it is our duty to eliminate those who have gone astray." She said with pride. She then noticed the expression on the fourth member of their party, a petite girl with white hair and a practically flat chest. "Is something wrong Koneko?"
"Trouble" was Koneko's only response before they were suddenly attacked by dozens of golem-like creatures.
The four were caught completely off guard and unable to defend themselves, resulting in being thrown across the large space, hitting machinery, walls and piles of boxes and junk. Even after getting up, the loss of breath and pain kept them from fighting back as the mysterious golems attacked again, some of them conjuring spears out of thin air. Koneko tried to punch one, but found that it merely pushed it a yard or so back before recovering within seconds.
"They're tough" responded the petite girl.
"Akeno, get ready to…" Rias started to say, until she was cut off by a monster that appeared out of nowhere. This being was much different from the golems, and clearly their leader based on the behavior of the others. It was a 6-foot tall blue behemoth with oversized horns sticking from the side of the head. It grabbed Rias by the throat and began to choke her.
"Rias!" yelled her companions, causing them to be distracted, an opportunity the golems used to their advantage by knocking the teenagers to the floor and pinning them down with their spears. The three were now forced to look on as Rias lost more and more strength while struggling against the grip of the monster.
"Now, fall into despair as you get closer and closer to death!" said the monster gleefully.
Just as Rias began to lose hope of surviving, one of the doors was smashed down by Issei on his motorcycle, still wearing his helmet. As he sped on through the interior, he altered his path so as to strike the golems that were restraining Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba, allowing them to get free. He then proceeded to spin around, doing wheelies on the front wheel using the back wheel to strike at all those who got too close to him. When he got back on both wheels, he drove around the main room again, this time, shooting at the monsters with a strange gun that was moving too fast for the others to see it better. However, they realized instantly that it was no normal gun. For one thing, all bullets hit the grunts, not a single one went astray. Second, the bullets themselves were highly effective against the golems, causing sparks to fly from their bodies each time they got hit. Some even disintegrated after getting shot a second or third time. After finally pulling up to a stop, he got off and pulled off his helmet revealing his face. It was at this point that everyone got a better look at the weapon in his right hand.
It was definitely a gun, a big silver one at that. The only other immediately noticeable trait was the attachment on the left side of the gun that looked like a closed fist with the thumb sticking out. It was also at this point that everyone got a good look Issei. The four teens were surprised that he looked as young as they did, especially since he was wielding such a heavy looking weapon with ease.
The bull-monster held Rias in front of him, still by her throat, facing Issei, putting her between the two of them. "I'd be careful if I were you." The monster said, loosening his grip just enough so that she could speak, though she merely gasped for more air.
Issei's eyes widened as he got a closer look at Rias. "That uniform," he said aloud to himself, his voice in a tone of recognition. He then eyed the other 3 and said out loud "You guys are…"
In response to this, the kaijin yelled, "Seeing as you recognize them, I'm sure you don't want her to get hurt, so don't even think about trying to attack me!" jostling Rias around as he did so, causing her to grunt in pain. At this, Issei's expression hardened and his grip on the gun tightened. Then, with a smirk and a click, he brought up the gun in one swift motion, rapidly firing multiple shots forward until he had the gun above his head. For Rias, and her friends, time seemed to slow down. She could see the bullets move towards her, leaving behind a red trail, the same way old planes would leave behind smoke trails as they flew. When they were a foot away from her, she feared that it would go through her to get to the monster. However, less than 6-inches from her face, the bullets changed trajectory all on their own, curving above and around her, hitting the monster on his face and hand. Yelling in pain, he clutched his face, dropping Rias in the process. She would have hit the floor had it not been for Garuda who caught her by her collar and took her a bit closer to her friends, making sure she was on her feet before letting go and flying off. As the 4 friends came back together, and after Rias assured them she was okay, they aimed their attention to the scene before them.
"These are silver bullets!" roared the monster in anger. "Are you the ringed wizard?! I heard you weren't even in Japan!" At this, the 4 teens turned towards Issei with expressions of wonder upon their face, the same thought going through their heads. 'A wizard?! This boy?! What's going on?'
"I've got to say, confusing me for sensei," Issei was saying with a smile on his face, "Is the best compliment you could give me!" At this, the blue bull roared and conjured a small fireball and launched it at Issei. As it hit and exploded, the 4 students gasped, unable to see anything beyond the resulting inferno. Then, they all heard an automated, yet cheery voice.
Hii, Hii! Hii, Hii, Hii!
At the same time, the flames were sucked into a red magic circle that had appeared, one that, much to their surprise, the 4 teenage devils did not recognize.
As the flames disappeared, a completely new figure was revealed. The new figure was wearing a black trench coat which had red on the inside and three large ruby crystals on each side of the front of his coat complete with a black body suit, and black shoes. His shoulders had some armor which had a picture of a dragon breathing fire along with II etched underneath them on each side. On his wrist and ankles, he had ruby bands which had silver lines on them. He had a silver buckle with a hand with yellow lines surrounding the hand. Connected to the belt was a chain that had a lot of rings on it. He had a ring on each of his middle finger. His chest armor was made of ruby crystal and his helmet as well. The helmet itself had a silver line around it that went to the top of the crystal to form a trapezoid line. The helmet also had a V line on the top with a little crystal that was a much darker shade of red on it. Perhaps the most startling thing about the figure, aside from everything else about him, was that he was taller than Issei. In fact, there was a difference of 28 cm between the two.
"How did you get taller!" the monster yelled. Apparently, that was more important to him than all the other details of the transformation.
"That's just how it works. Deal with it!" said the bejeweled figure, in what was definitely Issei's voice, sounding slightly modified, as if it was coming from a speaker. Then, Wizard made a motion with his right hand, which was still holding his gun, at the hand on his belt buckle causing a magic circle to appear at his fingers, disappearing a second later. Suddenly, as Issei said, "Now, time for my Showtime" some sort of theme song started to play from seemingly nowhere.
[Start Kamen Rider Wizard Theme song: Life is Showtime (Note: it is also playing in the story itself due to an original spell of mine that will be properly introduced later)]
Yelling in rage, the kaijin called out, causing more of the golems to jump out, all of them rushing towards Issei. Walking calmly forward, Issei merely raised his gun and proceeded to shoot the ones closest to him. One tried to blindside him on the right, but Issei shot him without even turning his head. Another tried to get him from behind. Issei just pointed the gun behind him and, without moving his head an inch, shot the golem in the head. "It'll take more than a few Ghouls to stop me!" he declared as more rushed at him from all sides. As the Ghouls thrust their spears at the same time, Wizard ducked down and knocked them down with a sweep of his legs before jumping back up. Then, he blocked an incoming punch and countered with a series of rapid strikes that sent the attacker flying in the air.
"Strong." Koneko commented as she and the others watched the battle.
As more and more Ghouls got closer to Issei, he held the gun with both hands, using one to pull back the hilt making it straight to the main body of the gun, which caused a blade to pop out, transforming the weapon into a sword. With this blade, Wizard made a small sword stance before easily parrying a set of spear attacks and struck down the unarmed ones that surrounded him.
"His swordsmanship is excellent!" Kiba exclaimed in awe. Then, realizing the fight was moving to outside the factory, he and the girls followed while keeping their distance.
The four were still watching the battle when they heard a familiar voice call out "Rias!" Turning, they saw two girls in the same uniform as theirs running up to them. Recognizing the two to be Sona and Tsubaki, Rias called out to them as acknowledgement of hearing their earlier call. As they got closer, Sona started saying, "We were in the area when we heard the sounds of a battle. What exactly is going on?!" As briefly as she could, Rias explained everything that had happened. "Frankly," Sona said, "I'm just as confused yet amazed as you are." The six of them refocused their attention on the action as Wizard slashed down two more Ghouls with one stroke.
As Issei continued to fight the Ghouls, the blue bipedal bull began launching a series of fireballs at Issei again. Noticing the attacks, Wizard rolled out of the way, changed his sword back into a gun and began firing at the monster. He hit one of the horns enough times for it to actually get blown off. At this, the monster began running away. Issei tried to follow, but was cut off by the remaining Ghouls who had encircled him.
"Looks like I'll have to get rid of you guys first" Wizard said in an annoyed voice. Holding the gun in his right hand, he used his left to pull on the thumb of the attachment, causing the fist to open revealing a glowing reader on the palm of the hand. A red magic circle appeared on that spot while the gun glowed a little and started to say C'mon Shooting; Shake Hands! He placed his left hand over the reader, Flame Shooting Strike! A magic circle appeared over the gun as flames began to surround the barrel while saying Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii! The flames gradually got more and more intense. Right when the flames reached their highest heat, Wizard spun himself in a circle, firing large fire balls with each pull of the trigger that incinerated the Ghouls around him
[Music Ends]
"Incredible!" Akeno gasped. "Not only is his control of magic remarkable, but the flames themselves are powerful! Any hotter, and they could match a lower member of the Phenex family!"
"Are you serious Akeno?!" Rias said, not wanting to doubt her expert of a friend.
"There's no doubt in my mind, Rias."
Letting out a soft breath, Issei looked up to find that the bull like monster had escaped. Shaking his head, he began talking to himself, though he was still loud enough for the 6 students to hear him from where they were.
"Looks like he got away. Who knows where he'll turn up next. If I really want to catch him, I'll have to send out those two to help Garuda. But man, this is going to consume quite a bit of my magical energy." During that last sentence, he began to pull off two rings from the chain hanging off his belt and switching them out for the one on his hand. Placing one against the driver on his belt it called, Unicorn; Please! Pushing a lever on his belt, Issei scanned the other ring, Kraken; Please! Then two plates appeared in front of him, one was yellow and one was blue. Soon, sections of the plates broke off and rearranged themselves before joining back up, creating a mini yellow kraken and a mini blue unicorn. He then took the two rings and inserted one in each of them. The unicorn fell to the ground while the kraken floats around. At this point, Garuda swooped in and joined the other silver familiars. The mage spoke to his little friends, "That bull should be nearby. Could you guys please try to find him for me?" The three creatures nodded yes and head off to find the bull. The mage watches them go and replied, "Thanks."
After the little send off, Wizard realized he had a group of eavesdroppers. Looking over to the students, he said aloud, "Looks like Pres and the Vice have joined the party." At this, Sona and Tsubaki stiffened slightly. Kiba was the first from their group to talk.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" he asked warily.
"Wizard" came Issei's reply. "Kamen Rider Wizard II" he said, straightening his back with pride while holding up his left hand which had a ring that had a large red ruby on it resembling the helmet he wore when he transformed.
"That's quite a title." Akeno giggled. "But why II?"
"Sensei is the original, so I decided to call myself II."
"Why not number 2?"
"That would be copying Ichigou and Nigou. Doing that would be disrespectful, sempai."
"Hold it right there!" Rias declared. She had a cross look on her face and arms crossed right underneath her breasts, causing them to jiggle which caught Issei's attention making him mutter, "Damn, they're big."
"Who are you really?!" Rias demanded.
"I just told you. I'm…"
"I mean your real name!" She yelled, causing her three friends to jump a bit, though they did realize the validity of her question.
"Don't concern yourself over something like that Gremory-sempai. Hopefully, you won't even see me again."
"In that case," Sona started. "As the Student Council President, I demand that you reveal your name as a fellow student!" At this declaration, all eyes were focused on Wizard, not in wonder as before, but glaring. It was so intense, they could hear Wizard gulp.
"What makes you say that I go to Kuoh?" he said nervously.
"First of all, I never said we were from Kuoh."
"It's obvious from your uniforms."
"You addressed Akeno as sempai."
"Her uniform indicates she is a third-year student."
"You recognized the two of us as President and Vice President." Sona said, pointing to herself and Tsubaki.
"I overheard the other 4 referring to you like that!" Wizard responded, with a hint of nervousness and desperation in his voice. Though the others spotted the lie, they did not bring it up.
"Well then," Rias began, "How do you explain the fact that you know my name!" At this, Wizard faulted, unable to come up with an answer. "Well?" she implored as she and the others started to step forward, causing Wizard to step back, gradually getting near a wall behind him. Right when the six thought they had him cornered and that he would fess up, he looked to the side and yelled "Get down!" while pulling up his gun and firing off some shots. The six jumped and turned to face…nothing. There were no monsters at all. It took them 2 seconds to realize they had been duped. They looked back to see Wizard running, already close to half way to his bike.
"Hold it!" Rias yelled as she and the others ran after him. When he was a few feet away from his bike, a red magic circle appeared at Wizard's feet and started to flow up his body, causing the suit to dissolve in a sparkle of white gems, returning him to his normal height. He then hopped onto his bike. With the helmet held above his head, he turned towards the 6 still pursuing teenagers, causing them all to get a better look at his face.
"Don't worry about the Phantom. It's my business to take care of. Sayonara, sempai." He called back as he put his helmet on and drove off.
"Rias, shall we pursue and stop him?" Akeno asked, ready to spread her wings.
"No, don't!" was her response. At this, Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno looked at her questioningly.
"She's right." Sona cut in. "He doesn't seem to know that we are devils. It would be better if it stayed that way. Especially since we do not know his own allegiance." Hearing this, the others nodded in understanding. Sona continued with, "Tomorrow, Tsubaki and I will look into this Wizard now that we have seen his face. Given his behavior, he is most definitely a student at Kuoh."
"Very well then." Rias nodded. "See you tomorrow."
Next Day
At his house, Issei was finishing up the morning dishes while talking to himself out loud… again.
"Those three weren't able to locate the Phantom and I don't have a clue to his identity. Guess that means I'll have to focus on the Gate." With a troubled look on his face, he dried his hands and began picking up his jacket and keys. "It's probably one of those 4 seeing as they were the ones being attacked. It might even be Gremory-sempai herself. Sigh. Guess I have no choice but to have them stake out Kuoh." After summoning the three PlaMonsters, Issei headed for a mantelpiece, taking a good long look at a picture of himself and his parents. With a look of reflection on his face, he muttered, "I'm off." before heading for the door.
Later, at Kuoh Academy…
After school, Rias and her friends had gathered outside the student council room, waiting for Sona and Tsubaki to join them. In the meantime, they had begun talking amongst themselves.
"Did you manage to find anything about the monsters that attacked us yesterday?" Kiba asked.
"Sadly no." Rias responded while shaking her head. "We know from what we heard that those foot soldiers are called Ghouls while the leader monster was a Phantom. Yet, in my search, the references to both of those did not match with what we faced yesterday."
"Annoying" was Koneko's response as she snacked on a Pocky stick.
"Indeed." Akeno said. She then noticed the look on Rias's face. "Ara Ara, is something the matter Buchou?"
"No. It's just that the boy looked familiar to me. Yet, it seems like a memory." Rias admitted.
"That probably means he is a student here." Kiba said with a nod.
"Not quite" came Sona's voice. The 4 turned to see her and Tsubaki walk towards them, both holding some folders in their hands.
"What do you mean by that?" Akeno asked.
"It would seem that the boy is not attending school at the moment." Tsubaki clarified. "Therefore, we believe that he is most likely either a drop put, or a delinquent."
"Unfortunately," Sona continued, "such students are removed from the database after sometime and put on paper. We only just now retrieved the files." indicating the files the two of them were holding. As the six began walking together, they continued their conversation. "If this does not produce results, then we'll have to look into the title of Kamen Rider. Based on the conversation yesterday, there is more than one of them, including the first 'Wizard' who is the sensei of the 'Wizard" we encountered." Sona continued, getting a series of nods from the others.
"Frankly, I'm surprised that there are that many students who haven't been to school for so long that they are removed from the databases." Rias commented.
"Indeed," Sona replied. "We were tempted to ask around, but seeing as we do not know the real name of this 'Wizard' character and do not have an actual picture of him, there would not be anything for us to actually ask."
"True. However, this does not necessarily explain why his face seems familiar to me."
Eventually, they had left the main building and headed for the Old School building. As they got closer, Rias gained a look of peace upon her face.
"You really care about this place, don't you Rias?" Sona commented with a smile, noticing the expression on the face of her childhood friend. All 6 of them had stopped in their tracks for the moment.
"Yes." Rias began. "To me, this place represents my dream, my hopes of life simply as Rias, free from the pressure of the Gremory household, and definitely from that man."
"I see." said a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. The 6 of them instantly tensed up and began searching for the source. "So, this building is the symbol of your hope. That makes things easier for me." Finally, they saw a man with bandages on his head step out of the shadow of the building.
"Who are you?!" Rias demanded. Instead of answering, the man simply smirked before becoming engulfed in a blue aura, transforming into the bull monster from yesterday, this time with a broken horn.
"You again!" the teenagers yelled.
"Now then red head, be ready to fall to the depths of despair as I crush your pathetic hope" the bull announced.
Rias glared at him, "What are you planning?"
"You'll see" he replied while forming a much larger fire ball in his right hand.
Sona realized where the bull where looking at. Her own eyes widened with shock as she yelled, "Rias! He's going to destroy the club building!"
Rias and the other teens' eyes widen, "WHAT!?"
"Too late!" the bull roared while throwing the fire ball at the building.
The teens watched as the building where their club had been held for years was now covered in flames, soon to be nothing more than a pile of ashes. Rias however was feeling like her whole world was being ripped apart from the inside out. She felt a strange pain in her chest and placed a hand on it before falling to her knees. Her friends gathered around her, calling out "Rias!" when they saw purple cracks appear on her skin. In their haste, Tsubaki and Sona dropped files they were holding, causing them to scatter. Though that was irrelevant compared to what was happening to Rias.
"Yes!" the bull monster cackled with glee. "Fall into despair and give rise to a new Phantom!" His maniacal laughter was cut off by the sound of a motorcycle. Turning around, the monster barely saw the Machinwinger in time to avoid getting run over by it.
Putting himself between the 6 teenagers and the Phantom, Issei quickly got off the bike and ran over to them, kneeling down to check on Rias.
"Gremory-sempai! Hang in there!" Responding to his voice, Rias looked up at him as if recognizing him.
"You're…that boy." This got a few question marks popping up.
"Looks like the process just started." Issei muttered out loud. "There's still time to save her." This got the attention of the other five.
"Can you really do that?" Akeno pleaded.
"I can't let that happen, Wiz-kid." The bull growled, grabbing everyone's attention.
"First, thanks for the new nickname." This got some incredulous stares directed towards Issei. They couldn't believe he was making a joke at a time like this. "Second, I never really expected you to." Issei started to stand up as he said this, turning around the face the enemy. "I need to take you down quickly so I can save sempai. After all, it's my fault for being careless and not realizing you would know where to look as well. I've got to make up for that." At this moment, Tsubaki happened to look down and saw one of the files they had dropped earlier. On the front was Issei's face.
"This is him!" she exclaimed as she grabbed the file and held it up for the others to see. "He's Hyoudou Issei! He stopped coming to schools about 6 months ago!" Hearing this, they all looked back at Issei with a look of partial recognition in their eyes.
"Well I guess that cat is out of the bag." Issei said with a sigh before turning his full attention to the Phantom. "Now, it's time to take you down!"
Raising his right and placed over his belt. On his hand was a ring that had a picture of a hand which soon spoke, Driver On; Please! He then lifted the handle of his driver after it appeared, switching it from a right-hand position to left hand position, to which it started saying, Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!
"Henshin" he said while pushing down the red ruby oval-cut ring on his left middle finger before placing over his driver. Flame; Please! He then extended his left hand out while a red magic circle with a flaming edge appeared and headed straight toward him while saying, Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii! While the magic circle was moving, flames were flowing out of it as the part of the body that the circle passed over formed his armor, and adding to his height. After he completed his transformation he raised his left hand and said, "Sa…Showtime da."
The bull summoned an ax as Issei ran toward him. He dodged the ax swing by running and leaning forward. The bull tried to stab him, but he caught the ax and moved it to the side in order to deliver a kick to the bull. He gave the bull a spin kick before making some distance between them. He then placed a ring with the image of a dragon coming out of a portal on his right hand and placing his hand over his driver after pushing the lever to put it back into right hand position, Connect; Please! Then a small red magic circle appeared beside him and he reached into it and pulled out his gun. The bull made a few more swings at Wizard, but he simply dodged them and countered him by firing. Next Issei changed his gun into its sword mode and made a few swords swing stances before charging. He jumped sideways to dodge a low ax swing and blocked an ax swing after he landed. He made a back flip to dodge another swing before making a few slashes followed by a kick. The bull made a stab attack with his ax, but Issei spun a little before making a stab move against the bull's ax. When they collided, the head of the ax shattered into pieces, passing over Issei's face while his sword hit the bull causing to fly a few feet back. The bull quickly got up and leaned forward before making a bull charge. Issei managed to block his horn attack, but he was pushed back by the monster's strength. He was able to stop the attack before leaping over the Phantom and putting away his sword.
He then took out a ring that was similar to the one he transformed with, but it was a yellow topaz cushion-cut gem instead of a red ruby. He placed it on his finger, "Guess it's time for me to be a matador!" He then pressed a lever down on his driver and place his left hand over the turned hand, Land; Please! Soon a yellow magic circle appeared beneath him while rocks appeared above it as it went upward, causing the chant, Dododon! Don, Dododon! Dododon! Don, Dododon! Soon the red part of his armor became yellow and his ruby helmet changed into a topaz helmet.
Akeno, realizing the shift from fire to earth within the wizard, exclaimed "Incredible! He can change into different elements!"
The bull charged at Issei while he took out switched out the rings on his right hand before scanning it. This ring had a dragon holding crystal shield with its claws. Defend; Please! Right when the bull was close to him, a yellow magical circle appeared on the ground and a rectangular rock came shooting out of it while trapping the bull in it. With a chuckle, Issei spun around; giving a round house kick to the bull that sent him flying in the air.
Issei then took out another ring that resembled his helmet, but it was a green triangle-cut emerald. He spoke while pushing a lever, "I also have this one." Hurricane; Please! He raised his hand up and a green magic circle appeared above him while creating a powerful wind. Jumping through the circle, the yellow parts of his armor turned green and his helmet changed into an emerald while his driver spoke, Fuu, Fuu, Fuu, Fuu, Fuu! He then took out his sword, this time holding it in reverse handgrip position, and started to fly with a vortex of green wind surrounding him, giving him wind like speed while slashing the bull. The bull landed on the ground hard and seemed unable to get up for a while.
In the meantime, Issei, who still had the vortex surrounding him, flew above the still burning building and switched rings, this one a diamond-cut blue sapphire. Scanning it, Water; Please!, a blue magic circle with water at the edge appeared below him, Sui, Sui, Sui, Sui, Sui! As Issei fell through the circle, not only did the green parts of the armor become blue, the vortex of wind became one of water. Spinning through the air, Issei landed on top of the Old School Building, sending the swirling water crashing over the building, extinguishing the flames, getting cheers from the onlookers.
Meanwhile, the kaijin was starting to stand up. Luckily, Wizard II noticed this and jumped down, pulling out his gun and firing nonstop at the creature, causing it to stumble again. After landing, Issei took out the ring that had his helmet in red. He pushed a lever and placed his left hand over it, Flame; Please! Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii, Hii!
When his transformation was complete he took out another ring that had a picture of a foot that was surrounded by a dragon flying downward, "Time for me to deliver the finale!" He pushed a lever and placed his right hand over it, Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Very Nice; Kick Strike! Awesome! He spun a little while a red magic circle appeared beneath him as his right leg became surrounded by a cyclone of fire. When it was finished, Issei made a cartwheel followed by a back flip on the landing. Spinning in midair, he aimed his kick at the bull. As he aimed, a red magic circle appeared and directed the attack to the bull. After the kick struck the bull, Issei landed on his feet, made a twirl and raised his left hand while a red magic circle appeared on the bull for a few seconds before the monster exploded.
After catching his breath with a small, "Whoo", he looked back at the group and realized that Rias had more cracks on her face and arms.
"Crap! I'm running out of time!" he said as he ran back to the group. Kneeling in front of Rias, he began to talk as he pulled out a ring with his symbol. "Sempai, don't give in. If you let me, I will become your beacon of hope to guide you out of the darkness of despair."
"What a strange wizard you have become." Rias said with a strange smile. Gently taking her right hand, Issei placed the ring on her middle finger and then had her hand come near his driver after he pushed a lever, Engage; Please! Rias fell to the ground while a red magic circle appeared above her body which the Rider floated into before the circle vanished. He was going through a series of red magic circles in a purple hole, quickly arriving at the final circle. Coming out of the portal, Wizard found himself an underworld replica of the Occult Research Club Room.
"So, this is sempai's underworld." He said as he watched Rias smile and laugh with her friends. Then the memory stops all of a sudden and purple crack appeared and a monster that looked like a light purple jabberwocky like monster burst out of the center of the cracks. The monster began to go on a rampage, running out of the building and striking at seemingly random places, causing cracks to appear at each spot it hit.
"Looks like it's time to pull out the big guns!" Issei said as he ran after the monster, pulling out a ring with a Welsh dragon symbol. After placing it on his right hand, he scanned it on his Wizardriver causing it to yell,
Ddraig Rise! Please!
Then, a huge flaming magic circle appeared above Issei. Out of it emerged a giant Red-Welsh Dragon that seemed to have cybernetic components (basically, Ddraig with cyborg parts). With a roar, the great dragon took off after the monster and began grappling with it. Unfortunately, it seemed as if the very presence of it caused more cracks to appear in the underworld, though it did not seem to be intentional.
"All right Ddraig! Let's do this!" Issei called out as he put on another ring and quickly pushed a lever, Connect; Please! As soon as the magic circle appeared, he reached into it and pulled out his motorcycle. He quickly got on and drove straight towards the dragon. Issei did a 12 o'clock wheelie stunt and managed to jump high with his motorcycle. Then his motorcycle split into two and formed two large wings before connecting to the back of Ddraig. Now riding on the back of the dragon, Issei changed course toward the monster with his motorcycle. This time, since their magic frequencies were synchronized, the dragon's presence was no longer causing more cracks to appear at its location. The monster began firing purple energy attacks and the dragon began breathing fire at the monster. They went at each other for a few moments before starting to fight each other brutally at close range while causing the cracks to expand even further. They finally managed to get the monster to fall to the ground.
Then, Ddraig began to fly up high as Issei took out the Kick Strike ring and said, "Let's end this!" Very Nice; Kick Strike! Awesome! At this, Issei jumped up off the dragon as the motorcycle also flew off and reformed itself. Then, the dragon held his front legs up making a V as his lower body folded, giving it the form of a giant dragon claw. The Machinwinger came back down and slotted itself into the Strike Phase. Then, as they were accelerating downwards, Issei kicked his right leg into the motorcycle part of the Strike Phase, surrounding the entire claw with fire creating a projection of Wizard pushing massive dragon claw mark of fire towards its target. The monster was unable to avoid being stuck by the attack, as a red magic circle surrounded his body before being destroyed as the claw went through it, landing on the ground.
Jumping off the dragon, Wizard noticed something different about the underworld. He was outside the old building and saw that Rias was at the balcony looking out at a boy who was looking back up at her with wonder on his face.
"That's me!" Issei said in shock as he watched the look shared between himself and Rias. Then, with a hidden, sad smile, he muttered to himself, "Guess those days are long done." After these words, a magic circle appeared under him, taking him out of the underworld. However, he failed to see Rias turn her head towards him, as if she could actually see him.
Back in the real world, Rias's friends gasped as they saw the purple cracks on her skin recede to nothingness. A magic circle appeared over her ring, and out of it came Wizard II on his bike, whose trench coat dissolved in a shower of crystals seconds afterwards.
While still on the bike, Issei turned to the 6 and said, "She'll be fine once she gets some rest. I made it so that she can't be turned into a Phantom anymore, so there should be no reason for her to get attacked again." This got a chorus of sighs from the other teens, including Koneko. Issei began to fix his helmet as he said, "Well, time for me to get going then."
Surprisingly, Rias immediately responded with a slightly weak, "Wait.", grabbing everyone's attention, including Issei who still had his visor up. "Why do you have to leave so suddenly again?" she pleaded, drawing looks of confusion from the 5 next to her.
Issei, however, just gave her a sad look that seemed to smile at the same time and replied, "I'm just doing what I think is best for everyone else." With that, he pulled down the visor, revved up the Machinwinger and drove off. Before anyone could say anything or go after him, Rias lost consciousness again, causing everyone to freak out, only to realize she was peacefully sleeping.
Looking back, I'm proud to see how far this story has come since this chapter was posted. Not only has my own writing improved greatly, but the support I have received is phenomenal.
I would still like some suggestions for the Phantoms. I would prefer for most of them to be brand new with one or two being spin offs or duplicates of Phantoms originally from Kamen Rider Wizard. The Phantoms that will appear in during cannon events of DxD have already been made, but I would like some filler ones as well. I have already decided on a major recurring Phantom by the name of Hydra who will become a very important opponent against Issei and will be similar in ability to Phantom Phoenix yet much harder to finally finish off. Also, speaking of Phoenix, if I do go beyond the Raiser arc, I will have the magicians of the Khaos brigade pull him out of the sun and he will fight Issei and Vali with the end of the battle having a surprising twist.
That's it for now. Remember, Read, Favorite, Follow, and Review.