
Hello, my friends! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long while…due to ridiculous writer's block. So, to make up for that, I have created another short story that I came up on the major fly! Hope you enjoy this! (Note: The Lopunny in this story is NOT A SLUT! I'm changing up the formula!)


"Lucy, hang on!"

These words came from Lea Makino, a 16-year old teen, who was holding his girlfriend's hand, Lucinda Syren, from falling into a crevice on Victory Road. As he struggled to lift her up, the earth under him became shifty and weak.

"Lea…you have to let me go…or we will both die," she cried.

"NO! I won't lose you! Damn those Rocket bastards!" Lea growled.

Lea continued to struggle as his strength waned and his grip fading. Lucinda's tears ran down her face as she looked up at Lea with a smile.

"Goodbye, Lea…"

With that, she released her grip and her hand slip from his and fell into the dark crevice…

-Flashback ends-


Lea sat up in his bed, a cold sweat dripping down from his body. He rubbed his head, which was pounding against his skull.

"Again…that stupid nightmare…"

Suddenly, tears ran down his face as he clutched his chest.

"Lucy…*sobs*…I'm sorry…"

-Next Day-

Lea sat in his couch as the television showed a hilarious comedy, but he wasn't laughing. Ever since Lucinda's death two years ago, he had fallen into a deep depression and never recovered from it. Many had given up on freeing him out of his depression…all except one.


A young teen and a beautiful, busty midnight blue haired girl were walking up to Lea's door, ready to knock.

"You know he's not gonna answer the door," the girl said.

"I'm trying to be respectful of his home, Mira," the teen said.

"We live here too, dumb-ass! We have a key, Zero…let's use it!" Mira growled.

"Huh…you're not like normal Gardevoir…that's for sure," Zero huffed.

"Just open the door before I do," Mira said sweetly.

Zero shuddered at Mira's words and rushed to get his key and unlocked the door. The duo stepped into the doorway and saw Lea slumped on the couch.

"You have got to be kidding me…" Zero muttered.

Zero walked to the couch and slapped Lea in the head, waking him out of his slump.

"Huh?! Oh…it's you," Lea said solemnly, "What's up?"

Zero looked at his best friend and growled, angered at Lea's depression.

"C'mon, man! You gotta stop this!" Zero yelled.

"Why? Life has no meaning…" Lea grumbled.

"Dude! I feel your pain! I miss my sister like you do…but she wouldn't want me wallowing in sadness!" Zero growled, "And I doubt she would want to see you looking so…stupid!"

At that, Lea's eyes narrowed and faced his friend, anger brewing in his face.

"You didn't see her last look in her eyes! You didn't lose your grip and watch her fall!" Lea roared.

"I understand! But she wouldn't want you wallowing in guilt!" Zero roared.

The two friends were into each other face, anger blowing out. Suddenly, both guys were tossed onto the couch with ease and then got drenched from water.

"I got tired of all that pointless arguments…Lucy wouldn't want you two to fight!" Mira roared.

Both guys calmed down quickly, in fear of Mira's uncontrolled anger.

"Dude…I'm sorry…I shouldn't have said those things…" Zero said.

"No…I apologize, Zero…" Lea replied.

Zero looked at his friend and smiled, before he remembered why he came to the house.

"Oh! I forgot! Zack and I are going to the club, and we wanted you to come with us," Zero smiled.

"Why should I?" Lea asked.

"Well…this is a way to get out and meet some new people," Zero said.

"In that case…no," Lea said.

"C'mon! Please say yes!" Zero begged.

"No!" Lea growled.

Mira, who was standing by, got fed up with Zero's useless persuasion skills and walked over. Lea looked at her and growled at her.

"I'm sick of this…you're going…and that's final," Mira said.

Lea laughed at Mira's words and got in her face.

"And what makes you think I'm going?" Lea asked.

Mira smiled as her eyes glowed blue as she stared into Lea's eyes. Suddenly, Lea felt dizzy and sleepy at the same time and he felt to the couch, knocked out. Zero then turned to Mira, who was calling Zack to pick them up.

"I almost got to him, Mira," Zero groaned.

"Sometimes…you have too much confidence in your persuasion skills, Zero," Mira laughed.

"Whatever…" Zero shrugged, "Let's go!"


"…wake up…"



Lea groaned as he rubbed his head, which was pounding like a jackhammer. As his eyes fluttered, he made out Zero and Mira beside him and saw Zack in the front of him. When his bearings cleared, he then noticed that he was in Zack's car…and it was dark outside.

"Wait…what?" Lea asked groggily.

"Look who finally woke up. Didn't know I knocked you out for that long," Mira smiled.

Lea looked at Mira with narrowed eyes before turning to Zack and Serena, his Zoroark.

"I'm guessing you were in on this, too, Zack?" Lea asked.

"Well…I can't say no to Mira…who said it was gonna happen," Zack smiled, "She's never wrong."

"Whatever…how are you doing, Serena?" Lea asked.

"I'm good…and I'm glad you're not mopey," she replied, "Plus…this is gonna be fun!"

The group headed toward the famous club in Lumiose City-King's Palace. When they arrived, they entered the club and looked for a private table, which was hard since the King's Palace was very popular and always crowded.

"Man…this is gonna be hard…" Zack said.

Lea's eyes gleamed in happiness, hoping to go back home. However, like always, luck wasn't on his side-Mira spotted a vacant table in the back of the club.

"Let's go, guys…and Lea, don't think you was going back home," Mira chuckled.

Lea huffed as they reached the table and sat down. The friends chilled at the table, had drinks and had fun. Lea was surprised at how much fun he was having and he smiled a little. Soon, dance music began to blast through the speakers of the club and the friends decided to dance…except for Lea.

"You sure?" Zero asked.

"I'll be fine. Go ahead," he smiled.

Zero shrugged and followed behind Mira and the two began to dance. While his friends dance, Lea put his head down and sighed.

Why am I here? …Better question…why don't I leave?

"Now this is interesting. Why is a cute boy just sitting at a table by his lonesome?"

Lea raised his head and his eyes landed on the hottest Lopunny morph that was standing before him. The Lopunny had blond hair that was in a ponytail and was wearing pink booty shorts and a pink tank top. Lea was blushing as the Lopunny giggled at his nervousness.

"Oh…um…my name is Lea," Lea said.

"Nice name. My name is Chelsea," she replied.

After the introductions, Chelsea sat down next to Lea and smiled at him.

"So…back to my previous question…why are you sitting here by yourself?" she asked.

"Oh, um…well…" Lea began.

Chelsea giggled at Lea's nervousness again and stopped him.

"Let me guess: Your friends dragged you here against your will," Chelsea smiled, "Am I right?"

Lea's eyes widen at Chelsea's guess, confirming his answer.

"Aha! I got it!" she cried.

Lea smiled at Chelsea's enthusiasm, gaining a giggle from her.

She reminds me of Lucinda…

"So…why did they drag you here?" she asked, breaking his thought.

"Oh? Why don't you guess?" Lea teased.

Chelsea smiled at Lea as she peered into his eyes. After a minute, she smirked and placed her hand onto Lea's, causing him to blush.

"Hmm…you were depressed from losing a loved one, and I'm going to go as far to say a…girlfriend?" Chelsea said.

Lea's eyes widened at Chelsea's prediction and looked at her intently.

"Are you psychic?" Lea asked, "Or are you just that good?"

Chelsea giggled at Lea, hiding her face with her hands.

"I'm just that good," Chelsea smirked.

Lea and Chelsea shared a genuine laugh and Lea felt a little better. Suddenly, Chelsea's ears perked when she heard her favorite song playing in the club.

"This is my favorite song! Do you want to dance?" Chelsea asked.

"Well…I don't-" Lea began.

"Oh, come now. Don't make me use my art of persuasion," she purred.

Lea's eyes looked at Chelsea and raised an eyebrow (knowing a little about Lopunny's Art of Persuasion).

"And how does that work?" Lea asked.

Chelsea smiled as she closed the distance to Lea until they were nose to nose.

"Well…let's just say that it would be better if we are alone," Chelsea purred.

She then leaned past his face and began nibbling on his ear, causing him to gasp.

"…O-oka-y-y," Lea said shakily.

Chelsea grinned and pulled Lea's hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

(A/N: Due to rules on Fanfiction-I can't list the lyrics of the song on the story, so if you know the song-just imagine it playing in the story. Sorry for that, but that's how it is.)

-Song: Low-Flo Rida Ft. T-Pain-

Chelsea began grinding onto Lea, who also began to dance as well. As he got into the groove, he noticed the glint in Chelsea's eyes as she looked at him, which drove him to bump into Chelsea.

"Ooh! You're good," she purred.

Lea chuckled as the two continued to dance. After the song ended, the duo sat down, had drinks, and enjoyed the evening. Soon, Zero and a drunken Mira walked over to them, smiles on their faces.

"Yo, Lea! Looks like the girls had too much to drink," Zero chuckled, "Oh? Looks like you met someone."

Lea rolled his eyes and gestured to Chelsea.

"This is Chelsea. She got me out of my little funk this afternoon," Lea smiled.

"Hi. And you must be the friend that dragged him out here," Chelsea chuckled, "I must say thank you."

Zero's cheeks flared red a little before shaking it off.

"Twas not a problem, milady," Zero smirked.

Chelsea smiled before she grabbed a napkin and a pen out of her mini-purse and wrote something down. Afterwards, she handed Lea the napkin, a smile on her face. When Lea looked at the napkin, he saw a seven digit number followed by her name and two cute hearts.

"Your number?" Lea asked.

"Yes…so that you can call me," Chelsea smiled, "So you better call me."

"You bet!" Lea smiled.

Chelsea then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek before getting up and leaving the club. When she was out of earshot, Zero turned to Lea with a big grin on his face.

"Now…aren't you glad I got you to come out?" Zero smiled.

"If I remember correctly, it was Mira that did that," Lea smirked.

Mira, who was sitting down, sat up and looked at Zero.

"Don't take *hiccup* credit for *hic* my work," she slurred.

"Quiet, you little drunkard," Zero said.

"Gave that *hic* bitch a run for her *hic* money," she smirked.

Zero shrugged and gestured to Lea to get moving. As the trio walked to Zack's car, Lea pulled out the napkin and stared at Chelsea's number, a smile crept up his face.

Can't wait…

Nice! Again, so sorry for the long update for anything! This story is one of my quota stories for 2013, but I forgot it. After driving one day and hearing one of my favorite songs on my iPod, I recalled it immediately. I do hope you enjoyed this new little short story, and-as always-read & review!

Note: I am trying to find someone to do a little drawing of Sarecus and Sasha so that I can finally update my profile with a good picture. If you can-or if you know someone who can-please let me know and we can talk. Thanks!

BlitzSarecus is…Dancing outta here! Cheers!