Chapter 11: A Dance

*The Fairytale characters have thwarted Charming's attempt to become king. He was sent to jail, but Logan and Charlie weren't. LeChat nearly died, but Donkey got her to use her sorcery on herself and she lived. She revealed that she was the mother of the Diablos, and that they were taken from her just after they were born. Through all of this, Puss found his sister that was taken from him, and learned that he was an uncle to the kittens he helped.*

(There is a party in the swamp, outside of the ogre home. The Fairytale characters are dancing, laughing, eating, and drinking. LeChat is playing he fiddle. Shrek is laughing with Donkey and Fiona. Meanwhile, our hero [now wearing his hat] is sitting on a bench, telling stories to the children of the Fairytale characters, wonderment in their eyes. Shrek walks up to Puss.)

Shrek (Interrupting Puss's story): Hey, Puss? Can I talk to you for a moment?

Puss: Well sure, Shrek. (The kids groan.) Now do not worry, I will be back.

Shrek (Walking away with Puss): You'll be a great father.

Puss (Shocked): Wait, what? Shrek, I'm not planning on being a father anytime soon.

Shrek (Stopping): Well, I overheard Kitty and Fiona and she really wants to have kittens.

Puss: Well we will talk about that. Anyways, why did you bring me over here?

Shrek: Oh, well Fiona and I were wondering if you were going to stay here, or keep moving. Puss, we're all a little worried about you.

Puss (Shocked): What? Shrek, you know I can take care of myself. I have for three past lives.

Shrek (As Fiona walks up): Yeah, three past lives!

Fiona: Puss, we don't mean to offend you in any way, but when you're gone and we don't hear from you we get worried. The kids want to be with you. (She crouches, putting her hand on the cat's shoulder) I know you love adventure, but maybe it's time to slow it down a little bit. Please?

(Puss looks at Fiona, then to Shrek, and finally to the party goers. He watches as Donkey, Shrek, and LeChat's children all play together, looking very happy. Finally, he looks at Kitty, who notices him staring. She begins to walk over, and Puss turns back to Fiona.)

Puss: I'll think about it. Excuse me.

(He slips by Fiona and nods to Kitty. He turns into the trees, Kitty following behind him. After he comes to a small clearing, he turns to Kitty.)

Kitty: Well, hello monsieur.

Puss: OK, enough with the French, please. (Kitty giggles.) It's good to see you again, without you scaring me.

Kitty: (Laughs) Don't make me try.

(They both laugh. Then they both sigh, not knowing what to say. Awkward silence moment)

Puss: Kitty?

Kitty (Looking at Puss teasingly): Yes?

Puss: I have a question. (He pauses, sitting down on a log.) What happened between you and LeChat? Why did you separate?

Kitty (Sitting down next to Puss): Oh, we got into a fight. Nothing big. (She shrugs) Puss-

Puss (Interrupting her and giving Kitty a hard look): Kitty, I know what you're going to ask me. I know you aren't telling me the whole truth, and I refuse to talk about anything else until you tell me what happened.

Kitty (She stares at him, then sighs): It all started after Humpty Dumpty.


Kitty: While we were traveling, I got many letters from LeChat, saying that she met someone. I was so happy for her, because she always seemed alone, despite being with me so much. Then she told me she was pregnant, and needless to say I was shocked. She was never that kind of cat, and I couldn't see it. When she had her kittens, she was so happy, a different feline. Then one day I got a letter from her giving me horrible news: her kittens had been taken away. She and her lover had split up to find them, but she needed my help. I'm a great tracker, which I know you know. Then, (Sighs) that's when I decided to leave you. (In the flashback, Kitty wakes up next to Puss, packs up a bag, then goes to leave. She turns at the door, stares at him, then leaves into the night.) I finally got to France, and we searched for LeChat's kittens all over the country. To live, we stole, and I got the name "Softpaws" and she "L'Espirit Blanc" from that. But we never found the kids, despite looking for two years. LeChat was devastated, but I needed to leave France. I couldn't live in the land of baguettes anymore. When I told her to give it up, she got angry. I've never seen her so mad. (In the flashback, LeChat screams at Kitty, but you can't hear what either are saying. The argument gets very animated, and finally Kitty walks out, slamming the door.) After the fight, I left and never looked back. I began searching for you, and I finally found you after searching for a year. Then LeChat sent me a letter out of the blue, talking about how they had joined up with Charming. I didn't think it would affect you, so I didn't think about it until it was too late. (She pauses) I'm sorry.

(End flashback)

Kitty (Looking at Puss): Puss, I'm so happy to see you. I promise I will never leave you again. I couldn't forget about you, no matter what I did. Every theft, every stolen item, every laugh reminded me of you. I'm sorry for leaving without saying something, I know I should've and you have every right to be mad at me. Please forgive me.

(Puss stares at her, rather shocked by her story. He looks down, trying to sort it all out. Finally, he gets up and walks back through the forest towards the party. After a second, Kitty begins to follow him. Finally, they walk out to the party, but Puss doesn't bother to listen to anyone. The crowd goes quiet.)

Shrek: Puss! How about a drink for old time's sake? (He follows the tom with his head as Puss walked by.) Puss?

Donkey (Running up to Puss, who passes him): Well, ain't it the legend himself! Hey Puss, how about you and Kitty dance for us? Are you ignoring me? Don't you ignore me mister!

Fiona: Donkey. (Donkey shuts up)

Kitty: Puss? Please, say something.

Puss (He stops in the center of the clearing, everyone staring at him. Kitty is just inside the circle of characters): (He keeps quiet for a moment, then turns around, exploding.) YOU LEFT ME WITH NO WARNING TO GO TO FRANCE?! YOU'RE SAYING THAT YOU WOULD PICK HER, MY SISTER, OVER ME?! YOU LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU LOVE ME?! WHY SHOULD I FORGIVE YOU?! YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST SAID SOMETHING, OR SENT A LETTER! NONE OF THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED! I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU FIND THE DIABLOS! (Scoffs) I EVEN RAISED THEM! (Sadly, weakened) Kitty, you hurt me! I loved you, and I still do, but I lost my trust in you.

(Everyone goes quiet, staring at Puss. No one had seen him so weak and hurt before. Some people glance warily at Kitty. Finally, Timmy walks through the crowd up to Puss.)

Timmy! Oncle? (Uncle) Are you leaving Kitty? Because if you do, we all will be crushed, especially Mama. (Puss looks at LeChat.) She wanted Aunt Kitty to be happy, and she was happiest with you. Mama said she left searching for us to find you, and I didn't blame her when I saw you. You were awesome! Well, I didn't know Kitty in person when I met you at first, I barely remembered my mom. Anyway, Kitty went all this way to find you, and I know you're mad at her, but please don't give up on her! She didn't give up on you! Please?

(At this point, Timmy's siblings have walked up to Puss. They all give Puss "the Face." The crowd "awes," and Puss stares at the three siblings. Finally he hugs them, and they begin to purr.)

Puss (Letting go of the Diablos, standing up.): (Wearily) Thank you, Timmy. (Sighs)

Timmy: Does this mean you forgive Kitty?

Puss: (He looks at the kittens, then to Kitty) Yes, I do. (The crowd erupts into cheers. Kitty runs up and hugs Puss, which he accepts.) But I am still mad at you.

Kitty: (Laughs) You'll forgive me.

Puss: (Chuckles) Oh, I know.

(The party has resumed. Now LeChat is playing her fiddle with the crowd dancing. Puss and Kitty are leaning against the table, talking.)

Kitty: So, how was Charming's plan going to work?

Puss: Oh, I have no idea. I think we were going to go back just before Arthur was crowned to stop it, and somehow put Charming in his place. Don't ask me I honestly was thinking about how to get out of there. Or that what if I met my past self. I mean, how weird would that be? We would have changed history!

Kitty: And what about that Merlin guy? Was he creating some kind of time machine back there?

Puss: I asked him about that, he had no idea what he was doing. But he is crazy enough to build one. (Merlin walks up to the table, Puss jumps on the table close to him) Merlin! I was wondering, is it possible to build a time machine?

Merlin (Eating a piece of pie): Actually, there is a possibility. I drew a design on paper, it's going to be a tall, blue box called the Tardis. I'm worried about it letting demons loose in this world, but for now I'll let you know when I finish it and need a test dummy. (He winks at Puss, then walks away.)

Puss (He turns to Kitty): See? He's a crazy man:

Kitty (She laughs as Puss jumps off of the table): I see.

Donkey (From the dance floor): HEY PUSS! KITTY! COME AND DANCE!

Kitty: Are you still mad at me?

Puss: Well, a little. Whoa-!

(Kitty pulls him away from the table towards the dance floor. LeChat smiles, then nods to Charlie and Logan, who both have guitars. Eddie hits his drumsticks together, and Troy begins to sing. Puss and Kitty begin to dance, and at the end of the song Puss dips her, kissing away his anger.)