Hermione arrived at platform 9 ¾ precisely at noon, two days before the Hogwarts Express was to leave for Hogsmeade Station. It was to be her 7th year at Hogwarts. Her shiny new Head Girl badge was pinned meticulously on her cardigan. Naturally, she hadn't put her robes on yet; she always saved that until she'd gotten on to the train. In her hand, she held a letter from Professor Dumbledore, asking her to be one of a few students to return early for reasons yet to be revealed.

She'd pondered his motives, but has decided to simply let herself be surprised when the time came. Being Head Girl, she knew she'd naturally have been chosen to what Dumbledore referred to ask a 'select group'. She looked around as she entered the station to see who else was there.

She saw Emma Lewiston, a 6th year Slytherin who was also a Prefect. Surprisingly, Emma was civil toward all other house members even though she was a Slytherin. Talking to Emma, she saw Pansy Parkinson, the other Syltherin Prefect, a fellow 7th year, and Draco Malfoy. She sneered a bit seeing his Head Boy badge also glinting in the sunlight.

Looking elsewhere, she saw Hannah Abbot and Justin Finch-Fletchy, both 7th year Hufflepuff prefects talking. Beyond them, she saw Ginny Weasley, a 6th year Gryffindor Prefect talking to none other than Harry Potter, who, besides being her best friend and the most famous wizard of their generation since before he even knew he who was, was a 7th year Gryffindor Prefect and Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team since fifth year. He would have been Captain his fourth year, but instead, he was the TriWizard Cup Champion.

Immediately, Hermione went over to visit with her friends. "Harry, Ginny!" She called to let them know she was approaching. Her smile broadened as they turned and saw her. Dropping her bags, Hermione mad a mad dash for them.

"'Mione!" Harry smiled hugging her tightly and lifting her off the ground a bit. She smiled brightly.

"Miss me?" she giggled turning to Ginny and hugging her too.

"Well I don't know about Potter," Ginny laughed, "but I missed you." The girls squealed a bit in the excitement of seeing each others.

Harry just laughed at his friends and gladly began catching up with both of them as soon as everyone was settled again.

The three of them talked and sat together on the train ride to Hogwarts. Hermione had noticed there were few other students, and considering there were three Gryffindors, she'd assumed there were twelve students, three for each house, who'd be arriving early.

Throughout the train ride, everyone was trying to figure out why they in particular had been summoned. Hermione, tried to use the rational that they were all Prefects, or in her and Malfoy's case, former Prefects turned Head Boy and Girl, but then Harry pointed out that Parvati Patil and Colin Creevey were also Gryffindor Prefects and neither one of them where there. No one could come up with a good reason why they'd been the ones chosen. All that was left to do was wait and find out.


Upon arriving at Hogwarts, twelve students, just as Hermione had assumed, were ushered into the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall who'd gone out to meet them. She took them to be seated at the staff table, which was full; all teachers having already arrived to prepare for the next school year.

Looking around her, Hermione noticed Hufflepuff had Hannah Abbot, Justin Finch-Fletchy, and Ernie MacMillan, all 7th year Prefects, representing their house. Ravenclaw was represented by Padma Patil, another 7th year prefect (Her twin sister Parvati was a Prefect for Gryffindor), Lisa Turpin, also a 7th year Prefect, and Martin Vanderhoit, a 6th year Prefect. Her, Ginny, and Harry represented Gryffindor. And Malfoy, Pansy, and Emma represented Slytherin. Hermione noticed mainly 7th year students were there, save three sixth years. Obviously, Dumbledore had wanted to speak with older students.

"I'm sure by now that you're wondering why I've called you here," Professor Dumbledore rose in his seat. There seemed to be a simultaneous sigh of obviousness through the twelve. "As you recall, we held the TriWizard's Tournament here at Hogwarts three years ago. You may remember the purpose of that tournament was to improve relations between different wizarding schools and enhance learning for all students. This year, myself, Madam Maxine, Head of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, and Professor Petrovich, who replaced Karkaroff as Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute, have all decided to continue in the promotion of international relations among our schools."

"Another TriWizard Tournament, is that all?" Draco Malfoy scoffed. Seemingly to him, being called to school two days early was not worth hearing this news.

"No Mr. Malfoy, actually, we are proposing an educational exchange," Dumbledore smiled patiently.

Whispered roamed over the students who were all very interested in what Dumbledore had to say.

"It had been planned to send twelve students from each school, to another Institute of Magic for the school year. Each school has chosen twelve students, and from those twelve, six will be sent to each of the remaining schools. It will be a student for student exchange. Each school has their own house system, and you will simply be replacing a student there and completing your studies as if you were them. You will still learn all the necessary information for your year. If you are to graduate Hogwarts this year, as many of you are, do not worry. You will still be able to take your N.E.W.T.s while attending school and return to Hogwarts for graduation. You will also be granted a week in November and a week in Ferbruary as a sort of a break to visit Hogwarts and anyone or anything you may miss while you are away. If you also choose to do so, you may stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas Break if you do not make plans to return home or stay at your new school." Dumbledore paused and watched the students process what he was telling them.

"Now, there is also an age limit, which is the same as the TriWizard Tournament, which is why you are all older students. I specifically selected you all because I feel you represent Hogwarts and its Houses to our best abilities. I have obtained you parents' permissions already. Unfortunately, if this opportunity interests you, you will leave tomorrow."

A whisper of surprise swept throughout the students, causing Dumbledore to pause again. He let them whisper among themselves for a moment before beginning again.

"If you accept, your parents will be here tomorrow to wish you well, stay the night here with you, if you wish, and send you off the day after everyone has arrived here at Hogwarts. You will be able to attend the Welcome Feast and bid your farewells before leaving. Now if you have any concerns, please address them now so we can begin supper!" he sat down with a sigh after his long winded speech.

"Um Professor," Hermione rose her hand. She'd been listening closely and had already begun contemplating the offer long before Dumbledore ended his long winded proposal.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" said Dumbledore, raising his head to meet her gaze attentively.

"What about our positions? I mean, how can I be Head Girl if I'm not at Hogwarts?" Hermione frowned. She'd worked too hard to give up her title.

"A very fine question Miss Granger. As I told you, you will be replacing another student, and another students will be replacing you. You in fact will be Head Girl, just not here at Hogwarts per say," he paused to rub his forehead. "I need to clarify. You will still be Head Girl at Hogwarts. You will just be fulfilling your duties at another institution. No one will be taking your title here. However, another Head Girl from another school will be performing her duties here at Hogwarts. The same goes for all the Prefects. Does that help clarify Miss Granger, or anyone else who was concerned?"

"Yes, thank you Professor," Hermione noticed a few hands had gone down around her, obviously having the same question.

"Uh, Professor, about having our parents permission," Harry looked downtrodden.

"Not to worry Mister Potter, your 'legal guardian' has give you full permission," Dumbledore winked with a smile. Harry knew Sirius would let him, unlike the Dursley's who'd have definitely said no.

"Anymore concerns?" Dumbledore inquired "No? Then let's eat!" He waved his hand and plates of food appeared before them.


After supper, Dumbledore had instructed those who wished to participate to inform him by breakfast the next morning so he could ask other students to fill their places incase they declined. By 9am, all of them had accepted.

Hermione was enthralled. She's never dreamed of such a fantastic learning experience! She'd been the first to approach Dumbledore with her acceptance as soon as he'd finished speaking. A few students had slept on it, but most followed Hermione as they saw her going to speak to Dumbledore immediately.

Their families, including all the Weasley's and Ron, who'd come to support Ginny as well as Harry, had come to stay the night. Strangely to most, the Weasley's had brought a large black dog they claimed was a beloved family pet with them.

Hermione's parents had joined her, along with everyone else and their families, in the Great Hall for another announcement by Dumbledore before lunch.

"I am very pleased you all decided to stay. This is a fabulous opportunity for you as students. I'd like to take this time to inform you what school you'll be at, and give you each any further instructions. Attending Durmstrang Institute next year will be Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter (both frowned wishing they were going to Beauxbatons which sounded much nicer), Hannah Abbot, Pansy Parkinson, Emma Lewiston, and Martin Vanderhoit."

Hermione panicked for a moment as she realized she'd be at Beauxbatons away from Harry and Ginny.

Dumbledore continued, "Attending Beauxbatons Academy will be Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Justin Finch-Fletchy, Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin, and Ernie MacMillan. Remember, all of you will be Prefects, or in Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy's cases, Head Boy and Head Girl. Your fellow Prefects will be a mixture between both the school you are attending and the other institute."

Behind her, she could here Malfoy already loudly protesting the fact he had to attend 'frilly' Beauxbatons. She rolled her eyes and chose to ignore him and focus on her own worries that she'd be the only Gryffindor at Beauxbatons.

Now, for some special instructions; Harry, you are going to be the Quidditch Captian and Seeker for you house team. The Durmstrang Captain will be taking your place here. Mister Malfoy, you will be the in the same situation for your house at Beauxbatons. Ernie and Justin, you will both be on your house teams at Beauxbatons. That note is just to inform you gentlemen that you will need your Quidditch gear for next year."

All of the boys nodded in approval. They seemed pleased to be able to continue Quidditch play.

"Now, your trunks are to be packed and here in the Great Hall by noon on Monday. They will be sent to your schools before the Great Feast and Sorting begin. After the feast, you will depart immediately by Port Key. Your fellow students will join you on Tuesday and classes will begin on Wednesday. You will be instructed as to where you will be living and given your class schedules when you arrive Tuesday night." Dumbledore sighed; he was getting too old for these long speeches that bored even him. "With that, we eat," he waved a head and supper began.