A song of Death Gods and Direwolves chapter 1

I do not own Bleach or A song of Ice and Fire

Tywin Lannister sat in his chair in the ruins of Harrenhal, the lords of the Westerlands seated before him. Out of all these wise and noble men, half of which bore the name Lannister, only a few were people who the old lion could say he held an ounce of respect for.

Besides two of the lord seated at the table, the only other who held his respect in this room was the servant girl. A low born, northerner girl held more respect then different lord of the westerlands in the eyes of their liege lord. Oh the irony.

There was cunning hidden behind those grey eyes and short black hair of hers, and the murderous glances she send him when she though he was not looking were not lost on him.

"Perhaps…we should retire for the night?" asked one of his loyal subjects, attempting to conceal the hopefulness of his voice.

Tywin resisted the urge to berate the one that has spoken. For one, he was already tired by their stupidity, having to listen to their suggestions all day in this gods forsaken castle. And it was getting late.

In the end, he waved his hand, dismissing them all, his eyes locked on one of the letter that arrived not an hour earlier.

The old lion rubbed his forehead, his annoyance building by the second as he read each line of said letter.

"You two. Stay." He said, looking at his brother and another lord, Ichigo Kurosaki of Castamere.

'Ichigo Kurosaki' Tywin mussed. He still remembers that day, 5 years ago, when he was out hunting and his party encounter a bandit band, outnumbering his men atlest two to one.

If he closed his eyes now, he could almost see the way that boy, short orange hair on his head, a sharp contrast to his all-black clothing, cut through the bandits, disarming, but not killing them, a strange black sword in his hand.

'A Lannster always pays his dept' the unofficial motto of his house, urged him to reward the boy.

Tywin may not have liked his father, but he agreed with his decision to give the Clagane a keep for saving him. And Tywin did the same, offering the boy the keep of Castamere, or rather the lands of it, for the keep was raised to the ground, by him no less.

The boy accepted, having trouble with the language, his ascent even heavier then foreigners Tywin has met from the Free cities. Within two years, a castle of strange design was raised on the site, half of it stone, the other wood. Japanese style, the boy called it.

It looked peculiar, but he could not deny the effectiveness and the hardship one would face in order to take it.

The boy, man now, have not changed much since then. He grew his orange hair long, holding it tied in a weird way, resembling a horsetail, reaching his lower back. His face was clean, but not from shaving, but lack of beard as a whole.

He still wore all black, having picked it for the color of his house. A strange-looking skull on a field of black, his sigil was, with two white lines crossing in the background.

Neither he, nor Tywin's brother, Kevan, had spoke during the entire meeting, and the old lion could see the urge to face palm both had suppressed upon hearing the many ingenious suggestions of their fellow lords.

Tywin put the letter down, and called for the servant girl to pour them water.

"Arya Stark is missing." The warden of the West said, missing the way the servant girl stiffened.

While his brother widened his eyes, there was no visible reaction from Ichigo. Instead he was staring at the only girl in the room, his face blank.

"How? She is supposed to be in the capital!" asked Kevan, taking the letter Tywin had set on the table.

"Apparently, she had been missing since Ned Stark's execution, and our wise queen did not saw fit to inform us of it. This letter is from Varys, saying she had been heading north with a group of recruits for the wall."

The short-haired girl suddenly began backing off from her position behind Tywin, effectively drawing the attention of all three males in the room.

"What is it girl?" asked the old lion, not hiding the suspicion in his voice.

"Nothing, milord, lost my balance." She quickly covered up, although no one believed her.

The men turned back to the table, Kevan continued to read the letter.

"Varys also says Sansa Stark may not survive for much longer with the treatment Joffrey has been giving her, even with Tyrion stopping him on numerous occasions." Said the younger Lannister brother.

"And if we lose her, with the other girl missing, we lose the key to the North." Said Tywin, not hiding his annoyance at the idiocy going on in the capital. He then turned his gaze at the young lord seated at the table.

"Ichigo, I want you to go ask around if someone has heard of the group of recruits for the wall. If you do find them, you are to bring Arya Stark here. We should find her a husband from the Westerlands…" he mussed, missing the way the girl's face paled behind him.

"Isn't Ichigo the only lord here, at Harrenhal, that is not married?" asked Kevan, putting the letter down.

With Tywin gaining a knowing look in his eyes, Ichigo quickly shock his head.

"No, I will not marry a child." He nearly shouted, finally speaking for the first time that evening.

"You will do your duty. You recently had your twenty-second name day and you are still unmarried. The people are beginning to worry that you will leave no heir. And do not worry for the girl. She will…blossom…in time."

"That still does not make it right! She is a child of what? Thirteen? That had her father killed, possibly in front of her and was forced to travel with a group of criminals on roads swarming with bandits in the middle of a war! And you expect me to marry her. That is cruel, even for you!" kept on shouting Ichigo, unfazed by the fact that he was technically defying his liege lord, a crime punishable by death.

Tywin gave him a hard look. He held some respect for the boy, but his temper could give a Baratheon a run for their money.

"Calm down, Ichigo. We will decide when we finally find her." Spoke Kevan, trying to defuse the young lord's temper directed at his brother.

Ichigo huffed, taking a large gulp of the water the now visibly shaking servant girl had filled his cup with not a second earlier, her gaze on him.

He met her eyes for a second, his angry brow eyes meeting her grey one, trying and failing to conceal the fear hidden behind them.

"If that would be all, my lords." Ichigo said, standing up from the table and heading towards the door, exiting the room with a bang.

"That boy…so many qualities, and many of them wasted because of his temper and honor." Said Tywin, looking at the door.

Arya could not sleep that night.

For a time, she though she would be save, as save as a girl in a castle full of men can be, as long as she lay low. And here, now, does this letter arrive, with clues that even an imbecile could follow.

She was sure that tomorrow she would be discovered, even before noon.

And then, she would be forced to marry that orange-haired lord.

Even if he did express his displeasure at the prospect of marring her, she still did not like him, not one bit.

'Stupid idiot. Looks like a girl anyway with that long hair and clean face.' she though, angrily turning from one side to the other on the itchy hard bed.

She had to escape tonight, even if it meant leaving without Gendry and Hot Pie.

The moon was shining high when Arya slipped into the courtyard, a cloak over her head, a kitchen knife she had taken during this night's council strapped to her thigh.

Most of the soldiers were asleep, with the ones that were still awake been the sentries, gathered into groups drinking and laughing on the battlements of the ruined fortress.

Arya began moving towards the main gate, keeping close to the walls, constantly looking around for any sign of danger.

Her hands were shaking, both from anxiety and the cold that her cloak did little to help with.

She could already see the gate when a hand roughly grabbed her shoulder, hauling her back onto the ground on her behind.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A lil'servant girl, wonderin late at nigh' ?" asked a soldier in Lannister red, obviously drunk.

"A lil' on the flat side, aint she?" said a second one, coming to stand next to his companion, a grin on his face.

"Why don't ya keep us company for tonigh' ? We promise to keep ya warm!" said the first one, pulling a dagger and moving towards the fallen girl.

"Get away from me!" Scream Arya, suddenly feeling afraid, trying to hit him with her hand, the dagger on her thigh completely forgotten.

The man only grinned, capturing both of her hands with one of his, before beginning to cut away her clothes. No matter how much she flailed around, she could not get loose from the drunken man's hold.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you are doing?!" rang a accented voice though the courtyard. A voice Arya recognized.

Ichigo Kurosaki came storming towards the men, murder in his eyes.

"Oh, nothin' , milord. Jus' some m'night fun, that's all." Said the second male, grinning at the young lord.

"Does she look like she is having fun?!" yelled out Ichigo, coming face to face with the drunken man, said man quickly losing his grin.

"I'm sorry, milord, we jus' though-" he began.

"You should be happy I am not Tywin, least both of you would be on spike on the walls, and not just the heads." Growled out the orange head, trying to contain his rage.

He suddenly punched the man, square in the face, before turning to the other one, still over the downed girl, and kicking him in the abdomen, sending him flying a good two meters.

Ichigo glared at the two men on the ground before moving towards the girl, just now realizing she is the same girl as the one from the council that night.

Arya quickly brought the cloak around herself and stood up hastily. She, at lest to herself, was not a damsel in distress, and did not need help on every step.

"You alright?" Ichigo asked, genuinely concerned. At her nod, he continued.

"C'mon, I'll escort you back to your room."

Arya cast a final glance at the exit and her possible freedom from the man standing not two feet away from her, before turning and walking towards her room, said man falling into step next to her.

They walked in complete silence, the little Stark girl casting occasional glances at the man next to her.

When they finally reached her room, she was unsure of what to do. Deciding that although she would have found a way to get free, he did help her and deserved some recognition.

"Thank you, milord." She said, opening the door to the servant room she was staying in.

"No problem" was the response. Arya peak through the gap in the door as it was closing, seeing the back of her possible future husband, his long orange hair contrasting sharply with his black clothing, before huffing and closing the door.

'Still looks like a girl.'

Well... here it is. First Chapter of A song of Death Gods and Direwolves.

Now, first thing first. Matters of how Ichigo got to Westeros and what his power state is would be explained in future chapters. Second, I aged Arya, and only her, for rather obvious reasons.

I might have made Arya a little too soft in this chapter...

For Ichigo's house sigil think think Ichigo's shinigami badge, only in black and white.

As always construction, grammar or story mistake reviews are welcome.

Thank you for reading.