A/N: I apologize for my lack of updates in my other stories, I have been soooo sick. But I will update them as soon as I can!

Also: for this story, please, please keep in mind I am not a doctor, I am not a nurse. In fact the only medical training I have had is if something goes wrong… find a nurse. Keep that in mind as you read this story. I've researched a lot, but Google can only provide so much information on a topic before it gets to a point that I have no clue what they are talking about.

This is from Will's perspective. ENJOY

You sit in the family waiting room, unable to move, unable to do much of anything. You have been here for going on four hours and have yet to hear anything. It is driving you insane. You force yourself to look up and see your wife's team gathering in the small room. You know it had been killing them not to be there, but they were so close to catching a monster. You know JJ would want them out in the field, and you knew they would be there as soon as possible.

You know they want the news, any update on their friend

And you know it isn't good; you knew that from the moment you got that dreaded phone call from Hotch. You had been at lunch with your son when the phone had rung, and as soon as you saw the name on the caller-ID your heart dropped to your stomach. Hotch never called you and so with a shaky breath you answered it; hoping he was not about to tell you your worst nightmare. Hoping he wasn't about to say the words that had haunted your dreams.

He didn't. Instead he told you simply to get to the emergency room, that JJ was very sick- there was no bullet wounds or injuries from an unsub- they simply did not know what had happened. He could only tell you that JJ had a massive seizure, that she had stopped breathing, that the medics had been forced to intubate her. Other than that, he had nothing.

You sit up and stretch your back, needing to move around a bit and think back to your wife; wondering if you had missed anything; anything that could have clued you into the medical emergency. You had told the ER doctor that JJ had been complaining of a headache, nausea and had been vomiting lately, but she was persistent in saying she was okay. You didn't push it; and thinking back on it, you probably should have.

"Will." You turn at the sound of your name to see Morgan handing you a hot cup of coffee.

"Thank you." You nod at him; your thoughts still going a million miles a second.

You look around and decide you need to inform them of what is going on. Everyone is there, Hotch and Garcia, Morgan, Blake, Reid and Rossi and you cannot express your gratitude enough for them.

"I spoke with the ER doctor earlier." you begin, having not wanted to have to do this, but realized you need to. They deserve to know; they are looking to you for answers, and you only have a tiny bit of information for them. "It's not good." You whisper, fighting back the tears. "JJ seized again when the paramedics brought her in and has continued to do so. They have sedated her so that they can figure out what is going on. The doc sent JJ to an MRI." You choke a bit, knowing where this is where it would get hard. "The MRI showed that JJ…" you pause and you look up seeing the faces of your friends looking back at you. They know where this is going. "JJ has at least one brain tumor, the MRI showed possibly one more."

"JJ has cancer?" You hear Garcia whisper.

"They don't know yet, they took her straight up to surgery to try and remove what they can." You close your eyes. "They think the tumor is causing the seizures, that there is too much pressure on her brain right now."

You look back up at them and see tears in some of their eyes and know deep down, it's only going to get worse. You know what the doctors and surgeons have told you and you simply cannot voice it right now; and call it martial instinct you dread seeing the doctor again. You know they are going to diagnosis your wife, your JJ with cancer. And you know you will be there holding her hand, by her side for whatever fight is about to come.

And two hours later, when the neurosurgeon comes out and asks to speak with you, you collapse into a chair, next to Hotch. The neurosurgeon takes your hand and you see the tears in her eyes as she tells you that she was not able to remove most of the tumor; that to do so what put JJ's life in even more jeopardy.

And when she tells you that they have sent the tumor off for testing, to confirm her suspicions, you cannot help the tears that begin to fall.

"Does she have Cancer?" You find yourself asking the skilled doctor. And the look she returns tells you everything.

"I wish I could say I don't think so." She whispers. "And I cannot confirm it until we get the results back; but what I see now, what I have seen today, yes, Agent Jareau does have cancer." And your whole world crashes down around you.