The blonde one repeated the earlier questions but added something

"Tell me or I'll shoot."

I stopped struggling against the other two and calmed myself. Hysteria Mode was fading pretty quickly anyhow. I said in plain language, "I am Kenji Tohyama. That is Aria Kanzaki. We are members of Team Baskerville and students here."

He replied with another odd question, "Then prove it. Article 3. What is it?"

"Become stronger but above all support justice." I recited the third Article of butei law almost completely down from Hysteria Mode.

He then immediately let Aria go and looked to the shorter one and said something in English.

The shorter one spoke to me in nearly perfect Japanese save for the accent, "Hello there, Kenji Tohyama. Sorry about this but we have to be careful. We are on a mission that requires the utmost secrecy," he paused as the blonde one addressed him in English, "As we know your name it is only right you know ours. They call me Eez. That over there," he gestures to the tallest of the three, "is Mutt, and the blondie over there is the boss. We call him Chief or Boss."

I looked at them in turn and greeted them than asked Eez, "Um… those are some strange names."

"Yeah, well, like I said we are on a very sensitive mission and we can't just let anyone know our names. You understand."

Of course I did. Butei are always in danger. Secrecy is just part of the job. The boss then walked up to me and offered me his right hand. I reached out and shook as he said, "Adam. Adam Marsh." He smiled a wry smile. Then faster than the normal me could have seen he unsheathed the trench knife, grabbed it back handed, then swung at my face with the knuckles stopping just centimeters from my face. Needless to say I flinched and recoiled.

He smiled that wry smile again and chuckled. Again he turned to Eez and spoke. Eez then translated, "He says he's sorry and that he was just testing you," I looked back questioningly, "I don't know either."

Adam continued speaking and Eez translated between us, "So what's up with the girl?"

"She has a fear of thunder."

"That's weird," Eez translated. Adam then shrugged and continued, "Bring her in here. Its blacked out and partially sound proofed. Y'know secrecy and the like. It should help." The three of them then walked back into the room.

I coerced Aria to follow. We came into the unused classroom. The desks had been haphazardly pushes up against the walls and a large fold up table had been set up in the center with a laptop and lots of documents in English strewn about it. Amongst them was a map of Tokyo with several spots marked in different colors. Aria began to calm down as well.

"You okay there?" Eez (not translating this time) asked Aria.

Aria, becoming much more like herself very quickly, stood up and yelled at the trio, "What the hell! How dare you attack me, a noble and an S ranked butei!"

I interjected, "Yeah she's fine."

"Shut up, Idiot Kenji!" She turned her anger towards me, "Why didn't you do something?!"

Getting frustrated I retaliated, "What did you want me to do? He had a gun to your head! Besides they're butei they weren't going to hurt us anyway!"

"Okay calm down," Eez cut in then started translating for Adam, "It looks like you are as spirited as the rumors suggest."

"Of course I am nobility after all." Aria retorted with pride.

"And the rest of your team must be held to equally high standards. So I've decided I am going to let Team Baskerville assist with our mission." Everyone in the room even Eez who had said the words himself looked surprised and stared at Adam.

Aria was the first to break the silence, "What do you mean 'let us' assist. Why would we even want to help you?"

"If not then please by all means leave and forget you even saw us," Adam smiled that smile again then continued, "but seeing as Team Baskerville would benefit from the success of this mission I thought you might want in."

I spoke up this time, "What do you mean by 'Team Baskerville would benefit'?"

"Our target is Grenada."

Well here's part two.

I'm not really sure if it will get more than a few chapters because frankly I'm personally not getting into it but we'll see.


This geek is out.