A/N: We've finally reached the end of this saga! Many, many thanks to friends and readers, particularly the ladies on the forum especially Hiyas, Clearascountryair, ConcreteAngelRoxHerHalo, as well as shadows-of-1832, Just a Guest, and thegreatvalstachio and other reviewers. This story would not have come to fruition without all your encouragement and support.
Till next epic!
Epilogue: What Springs Up Past the Frost
December 2, 1847
Dearest Sister,
I hope that this letter finds you and everyone happy and well. To reply to your last letter: yes we are safe, yes we will not be in Lyon for very long, and yes we are still headed to Paris.
Azelma is thrilled beyond belief to finally show Monsieur—or rather Doctor Smith Esquire and of course their little ones Minette and Vic the places we all knew. As for my dear Antoine, you and Monsieur Pontmercy can probably imagine how he is now, doing something other than writing for the newspapers. It is one thing to see his words in print, but to hear him actually say them to a crowd again is a whole new thing. It is not like how it once was, before the barricades, but something even more beautiful. He sometimes says that make far too much of it, especially when telling Gabriel about it-but can I help telling my son how proud I am of his father? Of course I tell my boy, and Minette, and Vic about you and Monsieur Pontmercy, and your children. Minette says that she feels as if she knows you all so well, even if you all have yet to meet.
Your news about the recent banquets in Paris is heartening. Who could have thought of using revelry to be downright political? I could not help but tell Antoine about it, and he has spread the word too here in Lyon. We have been having our own little parties too, and there is nothing that the police can say about these sorts of assemblies. I hear more of this sort of thing is happening in other towns too. So now I think we can hope for something better, or for at least more to happen compared to what we survived all those years ago. Some of us here in Lyon believe that the people are at last ready for it, others (like me) believe that maybe that they are finally tired of having the Pearhead ruling France. It is a change at any rate.
Of course I don't want to be so sure about what will happen by the time you read this, but this I am sure of-we will see each other again, and soon.
Send my greetings, and Antoine's, and Gabriel's to your family, especially your mother. It's good to be finally coming home
All my love,
Eponine Enjolras nee Thenardier