(A/N: Chibi-Sen, here with a couple of announcements. I have decided to...keep going with the story eyy! I'm sorry I didn't update in the longest of time but I mentioned in one of my one-shots that the laptop that I use to write these stories was broken and it's finally fixed! This story is back and running. There are a few tweaks here and there with my laptop, so I'm not sure when the next update will be. Just look for it soon, luvs. Thank you so much for your patience. Enjoy!)

Not a hint of snow fell as the three of them-excluding Ann who was being carried by Winry- walked away from the comfort of their home to a danger that awaited. Al and Winry quietly traded stories to keep the tension from affecting the aura around them. Edward glanced behind him almost every second and did a 360 turn after taking ten steps.

"Brother, you look ridiculous. Relax. You're drawing attention to us." Al told Ed. Ed grunted in response, but he still looked tense. The truth was that Ed didn't have Alchemy to protect everyone. He could do some damage with his combat skills and his stubbornness combined, but most of the time it was Alchemy that had saved his behind all the time. This was his first time going out without Alchemy as his number one use of combat and if they should encounter anyone, chances are they would go for Winry and Ann first as their shield. Thinking about it made Ed even more tense.

"Hey, look, we're at the train station now." Winry exclaimed, pointing at it. Ed looked over at her and he gave out a small sigh. Secretly, he was glad Major Armstrong was meeting them at the train station as their bodyguard.

"IT'S THE ELRIC BROTHERS AND MS. ROCKBELL! OVER HERE." a booming voice called out from somewhere behind the red pillars. Major Armstrong came out and showed himself. He wasn't in his military uniform, which was a surprise. He figured he would have at least looked the part of a bodyguard.

"Hello, Maj-"
"EDWARD! GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN." the major cut him off. Ed gave him a weird look. The major leaned in closer to Ed's ear.

"Colonel Mustang made it clear to me that I have come here during my own time and not under military orders. It doesn't make us stand out." the Major informed Ed. Ed nodded and whispered the same information to Al and Winry. The two of them nodded at the major and greeted him using only his last name. Armstrong looked down at the bundle of joy Winry was caring in her arms.

"OH LOOK AT THIS JOYOUS BABY, FULL OF LIFE! SHE'S LOOKING SO WELL!" the Armstrong said loudly. Ed wanted to smack the Colonel. If he didn't want them to stand out, then he should have sent someone who doesn't stand out easily.

"What time is the train departing to Central, Ma-I mean- Armstrong?" Al asked. Armstrong looked down at his watch.

"The next train should arrive in thirty minutes. That should give us time to discuss what is needed to be discussed." They all nodded and headed to the side of the station to talk where they would be alone. Ed was the first to spurt all the questions in his mind.

"So, what's going on, Armstrong? Where are Ann's parents? Are they okay? HAve you guys figured out who is the one ordering this? Why did COlonel Mustang send you of all people?" Winry placed her hand on Ed's shoulder to let him know that he should shut his trap.

"We don't have much information either. What we do know is that this all has to do with the tension between the Amestrians and the Ishvalans." Armstrong explained.

"Enough tension to kidnapp people? Do you guys at east have any idea if this is the work of an Ishvalan or Amestrian?" The Major sighed and shook his head.

"It's impossible to tell. Ann's parents were Ishvalan but they were helping the Colonel in rebuiliding the little trust we have with one another. It could have been an Amestrian who didn't want the Ishvalans and the Amestrians to be at peace. Or it could have been an Ishvalan. At this point, we can't just assume anything. It would look bad either way." They all stayed quiet, trying to figure out what the hell is going on and what were they even going to do. Suddenly, Ann began to laugh, dissolving the tense atomoshpere created because of the conversation.

"Why does the Colonel want us to go to Central? He can figure this out all by himself." Ed asked the Major. The major sighed and looked over at Winry and Ann.

"He wanted to use the child as bait." he said, looking down. Winry frowned and pulled Ann closer to her body. Ed pulled in a depp breathe placing his on the bridge of his nose.

"Of all of the stupid...Alright, I understand why he would do this but it was probably not the way to go." Armstrong looked at Ed in surprise. Actually, all three of them looked at him in surprise. Ed glanced side to side, then behind him.

"What?" he asked rudely.

"Nothing. It's just that...you're taking this a lot more maturely than we all expected. Especially at news like this." Al explained.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm going to give that Colonel bastard an earful when we get there about this but it's no use getting mad now. We have to figure out a plan so we can get Ann both her parents back."

Ed explained. Armstrong nodded and went ahead and explained what the plan was. Throughout it, Winry looked at Ed a bit differently. Ed was known to be an immature idiot but at that moment, she had seen the man he was growing up to be. It made her feel happy knowing he was changing and opening up a little more.

"...and that's when we send in the shorty and little Ann." Armstrong teased, his sparkled surrounding him.

"DON'T CALL ME A SHORTY!" Ed yelled. Winry sighed. Aaaaaand it was gone.


They boarded onto the train thirty minutes later, information spinning and weaving through each of their minds. They had information-the silk- and they were putting it together-weaving- but the thing was they didn't know what they were creating. Ed felt like there was an even bigger piece missing. He was sure Armstrong didn't tell them everything. Not only that, using Ann as bait? She was only a little kid and she barely possed the self control to not drool. She could babble and say a couple of words here and there but to say a full sentence? She wasn't at that age yet. There was literally no reason to kidnap her. If they were going to hold her for ransom or something, then they shouldn't have kidnapped her parents and should have just kidnapped her instead. Maybe they were related to Colonel Mustang in some way. There was that possibility. Or maybe-

"Ed? Are you okay? You were mumbling to yourself." Winry asked. Ed hadn't realized that he was taling out loud.

"Sorry, Win." he said sheepishly. Al and Armstrong had gone to fetch all of them some water. It was just Winry and Ed.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll figure this out." Winry reassured him. Ed sighed.

"I know. I can't help but worry." Winry stayed quiet for a while before she decided to hand Ann over to Ed. She was sleeping peacefully. Ed fumbled for a second, awkwardly holding her until Ann pressed her face to Ed's chest, relaxing instantly. Ed found himself relaxing too.

"Wow. She's almost like a healing charm." Ed joked. Winry giggled.

"Go to sleep. You'll need your rest for when we arrive."

"But who's going to keep you company?" Ed teased.

"Sleep." Winry said. He closed his eyes and held Ann close to his body. The whole entire train ride, even when Armstrong and Al were there, she couldn't help but get this weird feeling like someone was watching them.