Evie's POV:
A dim light gave the maintenance closet he had dragged me into a soft glow. The boy stared at me with burning hatred in his eyes.
"What the hell did you do to me!" He screamed, clenching his fists.
"Funny because I don't even know who you are"
He didn't like that answer.
He pushed me back against the wall, gripping my shoulders.
Jeez where was Erik when you needed him? He sees everything except for when it's convenient for me.
"If you don't tell me the truth I swear I'll- I'll do something!" The threat came off weaker than he intended. Despite my situation I couldn't help but bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"Can you back up and take things from the beginning? Because I think I'm more confused than you, what exactly do you want to know the truth about?"
He slammed my shoulders back against the wall again, "this isn't funny, witch! Why did you drag me back in time to the fucking 1700s or whatever this is?!"
I stared at him dumbfounded for a moment. "Wait, you think I brought you back in time? Is that what this is about? What gave you the idea that I brought you here?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in frustration, "for starters you've just admitted you know I'm from the future, how else would you know? Plus when I was unconscious I saw you."
I laughed, "you saw me...when you were unconscious?"
He sneered at me, "in my dream, witch"
"Okay this witch business has got to stop. I'm not a witch I didn't bring you here. I only know you're from the future because I too, was brought here from the future. I don't know who, and I don't know why so don't ask me"
"What?" he gasped.
"Now if you would kindly let go of me so I can breathe, I'll tell you what I can"
He dropped me and I rubbed my sore shoulder. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head in confusion muttering something to himself.
"Okay buddy listen here, my name is Evie, short for Eveline, I come from the year 2015...
"I still can't believe we're in The Phantom of the Opera universe" he exclaimed as we walked down the corridor.
"Yeah well in this universe it's not too common for a boy and a girl to be alone together at night like this. It'll taint both of our reputations, considering you don't even have a reputation yet that's probably not a good call" I looked him down and up, "and you should probably change into something more of the time...did they not give you anything?"
I had explained everything to Mark about where we were and who I was, in return he told me about himself. Turns out he was also transported back here on the night of his college graduation. The whole thing was just weird to me, we had made a pact to investigate the person or thing that tosses people through time whenever we could.
He glanced at me "yeah as soon as I woke up some lady gave me 1800s clothes that I refused to put on."
"Well you should probably put those on now and try to get a job if you expect to stay in this opera house. Which you should stay here, we were obviously transported here for a reason."
"What's your job?" He asked.
"I'm a chorus girl, Madame Durand is training me as a ballerina but I doubt that'll last. Can you sing?"
"Sort of, yes, I'm not professionally trained or anything"
"That's okay, go back to your room and put on your clothes, tomorrow morning go to the managers and ask for a job. I'll see you at rehearsal."
"Wait" he grabbed my arm as I turned to leave, "what if they don't give me a job?"
I paused for a moment "Trust me they will"
Now I just had to make sure Erik pulled the strings to get my new friend a job.
Erik's POV:
"Erik!" Evie shouted pounding on the mirror in the prima donna room, "Erik open this mirror we need to talk" she cried in frustration.
Evie spun around as the door slammed shut and locked and the candles blew out. "Really Erik? Theatrics at a time like this?"
"Did you really think it was a good idea to bang and scream at the mirror especially with this door open and all these lit candles?! It is like you are begging someone to discover my lair."
She cringed as my voice boomed around the room. "I need your help" she asked in a small voice.
Evie's POV:
Erik's laughter echoed throughout the room. I narrowed my eyes at the mirror I assumed he was behind.
"You know what fine! You're right. It's laughable that you would even consider doing me a favor" I hissed.
The laughter stopped, and for a second I was worried he was angry with me.
I jumped when a large hand rested on my shoulder, I spun around to see an amused phantom staring down at me. I thought he was in the mirror, he never ceases to surprise me. "I never said I wasn't going to help you, mon chéri"
"Alright, alright, there's a boy who arrived here today, he is a...um...friend of mine, and I was wondering if you could get him a job?...I mean he says he can sing and he need's a place to stay..."
"Stop babbling, Eveline." He cut me off. "Since when do you have a male friend"
I rolled my eyes, " what are you jealous? Seriously Erik we're just friends"
"Men and women aren't simply just friends" he sneered.
I forced myself not to yell at him, reminding myself it was the 1800s after all I couldn't blame him for being so close minded. "I was your friend, a time ago, remember?"
He raised an eyebrow, "And look at us today"
I sighed in exasperation, "fine you have a point, but I swear to you he's nothing but a friend. I would hope you trust me enough to know that I wouldn't be involved with someone else"
I could see the muscles in his face clench in frustration, "it's not you I don't trust, most men only want one thing from women-"
"Erik for Gods sake will you make sure he gets a job or not?!"
He sighed, "I'll do it for you, not for him"
"Perfect" I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.
"You know you seem awfully excited for just a friend to-"
"Shut up Erik" I cut him off "you're ruining the moment"
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me in return. I lingered, enjoying the feeling of his heart beating against my cheek, I looked up and smiled at him, he gazed into my eyes, his lips turned slightly upwards. His eyes were more golden than usual, they made me want to melt.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked.
"You're just so handsome" I smiled.
"Don't mock me, Evie"
"Not mocking you"
"Yes you are"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not!"
"We are not children I am not going to bicker with you, Eveline"
"I don't want to bicker either" I insisted.
"Good night Evie" he whispered in that deep, musical, voice that put all my worries to sleep. He placed a cold hand on the back of my neck, and kissed my forehead, sending shivers down my spine.
Before I could answer he was gone.
"Good night Erik" I whispered.