She woke up in the coziest bed she could imagine. She opened her eyes and looked at the warm body next to her. The Huntsman, or as he was now known: Graham. She really should remember everyone's new name. It was strange, as a new set of identities and muggy histories floated over the previous fairy tale inhabitants. She ignored him and stretched out, she would go out and explore her new realm: Storybrooke.

"I did it. I won," she said to herself.

Regina turned on the radio as she put on her make up in the bathroom. She had to admit she missed doing it with magic already, but in this land she needed to be careful with how she used her magic, it was in limited supply, and she had an eternity here.

Or if Rumplestiltskin was right, twenty-eight years until the savior came and ruined it all.

She wasn't going to let them ruin her first day of triumph. She was going to enjoy their delicious despair. She heard the disc jokey on the radio announce:

"Good Morning Storybrooke, it's a beautiful day in 1983, and we'll be playing you the hits. Now for Maneater by Hall and Oates. Watch out here she comes."

They better watch out.

Regina walked around the town: Storybrooke. She chuckled, in this land they were all story book characters stuck in a neverending town called a story. The spell had had a sense of humour.

There was Marco struggling to repair the sign of his shop; Geppetto didn't have his boy made of wood. The spell must have obliviated him from existence.

"That should fix you," he muttered at it.

And there was Ruby and Granny arguing over responsibilities of the diner. With the curse she had actually done that family a favor, they would no longer be cursed with monthly transformations into a wolf. They really should thank her, if they had any idea.

Granny yelled across the street, "Not my fault you stayed out all night. When I put over easy on the menu, I was talking about the eggs!"

Regina chuckled to herself. Just deserts for her to be caged in a diner. She had run free and killed so many of her army.

Archie walking his mutt Pongo down the street. The wise and annoying meddling cricket was no more. He would be forced to listen to all the problems of the town without being able to solve any of them.

He stopped to wave at her. Regina stopped. He was being nice to her, and she scowled at him. His kindness was off putting.

"Morning, Madame Mayor,"

"Good morning,Crick-" Regina paused, "Dr. Hopper."

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" said Archie.

Finally Regina smiled a wide smile.

"Yes. Yes, it is."

She knew who she wanted to see next. Snow, or little Mary Margaret now. She laughed and stormed off down Main street towards the school.

She bumped right into a tall man, holding something.

"Watch where you are going! I'm your Queen you fool," she snapped.

He turned to face her. He looked familiar but she couldn't place him. There were probably hundreds of identities the curse had created of inconsequential commoners, she couldn't know everyone's story, especially those who didn't matter. He wasn't her enemy, he was just caught up in the crossfire.

"Well, you may be the Mayor, Ms. Mills, but that doesn't make you are royal ruler," he admonished, "And maybe you could watch where you are going as well."

She glared, until she noticed he was carrying an infant. Young boy child who he cowered into the man's shoulder.

"You should be more careful with your child. Watch where you are going," she said and stormed back towards the school.

Regina paused. She was curious.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

He glared back at her, "I don't think we've ever been introduced, we don't really go in the same circles. The name is Robert Sherwood, I'm a financial advisor at the Storybrooke Bank, and this is my son Bobbie."

"A little self involved to name your child after yourself," she countered.

"His mother insisted," he said coldly.

"She should tell you to watch out when you are carrying a child?"

"Well, she's dead, so she can't very well do that. And for that matter, what do you know about children Mayor Mills. You may intimidate everyone else in this town, but you don't intimidate me. Now get out of my way, I need to get Bobbie to pre-school."

He rushed off in front of her. How dare he? Didn't he know who she was. But, it dawned on her: he didn't. She wasn't Queen anymore. She was a civil servant.

She glared at the back of his head. She would have beheaded him yesterday. She would have sent him to the Enchanted Forest cursed to live out his days as a tree. She would just have to make Mayor, equal to Queen. It was her town, she could have it all.

Her eye caught Bobbie watching her. He was crying. Her heart went out to him. She would be a better parent than that brute. The urge rose inside her to talk to someone about this moron. Her father. She teared up a little, but soldiered on. Her father had given his life for her to have this one. She would see Snow's fall, she went to the school.