A/N: This is my first FanFic. please read and review, I am fairly new at this and I am nervous about this first chapter. Please forgive me for constantly editing, I swear computers hate me so as i'm typing somethings might get jumbled up.
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor will I ever own ROTG I only own my Oc's. I may not get some of the characters personality's right, so if I mess up on one of the Guardians or kids personality's, i deeply apologize and accept any corrections. Please note that i am very nervous about this, so please review with all your heart and please be honest. Now on with the story!
Chapter One:The beginning
A loud clap of thunder shook the earth as rain soaked the ground. A small cottage sat on top of a hill silent, giving shelter to a young girl of the age of seven-teen.
She shook silently as she attempted to light a small fire. The girl coughed as she brushed matted blond bangs from her face in attempt to see what she was
doing, though with the flashes of lightening her vision stayed dark.
"Stupid rain. Stupid thunder, can't the universe give me a break for once until I find out where I am?" she gasped in excitement as a spark of life took place in the
small make-shift fire pit. She blew gently, slowly adding more dead leaves to fuel the fragile fire. The young girl coughed and smiled, for what seemed like the first in
in ages, as the fire gave her a small dose of heat. She looked up and soaked in her surroundings as the fire spread to the rest of the wood. She was in what seemed
like a small sitting room, long forgotten furniture sat with dust and cobwebs coating their surfaces. The young girl jumped as a loud clap of thunder shook the small
cottage, and reflexively drew up into a tight ball to keep in what warmth her body had.
Her breathing deepened as she calmed her shaking limbs for a moment and noticed she had perched herself on a small chest, covered with carvings of flowers and
animals of various species. She stood from the chest, running her hands over the expertly carved wood. She found a latch and slowly opened the chest, expecting to
find old baby clothes and mothballs, only to find children's paintings and a heavy wool blanket. "Well at least I have something interesting to look at while I wait out
this storm." She patted her pockets and sighed when she found a small device in her pocket only to feel frustrated when it wouldn't work for her. "What is this thing
anyways?" she threw the thing on the floor as she thought to herself, pulling the wool blanket around her after shaking it out. 'How did I get here in the first place?'
she thought to herself. More importantly, where was "here"? All she remembers is a fight she had with a woman slightly taller and older than her, and then she woke
up in the middle of the woods, cold, scared and alone; the moon hidden behind thick rain clouds. She doesn't remember her name, if she even has one; she just
remembers waking up and then being drenched by the torrential down pour.
She grumbled under her breath trying to remember as she wrapped the blanket around her drifting off slowly, only to jerk awake at the sound of a whisper. She
sat up realizing that the rain had stopped and the thunder was miles away. She stood wrapping the blanket tighter around her body as she walked to the door and
peaked outside, the cool smell of rain drifted around her enticing her outside more. She looked around not realizing how bright it was outside until she heard a
whisper again. She turned around to see no one there, but saw a soft moon beam move towards her, then bathing her in the soft light. She looked up at the moon in
awe and smiled lightly as she stopped shivering and felt warmth fill her core. She giggled as she dropped the blanket onto the porch and stepped onto the spongy
ground and looked up at the moon expectantly. After a couple of seconds, her smile faded to a look of awe again and nodded slowly as she returned back into the
cottage to dose the fire, put the paintings and blanket back into the chest then pick up the small device she found in her pocket.
After she stepped outside again, she inhaled deeply and spoke softly, "Grace." She waited one bated breath until she realized her feet no longer touched the
ground. She gasped and looked around only to see two golden arcs stretching out behind her shoulder blades, then slowly fade away. She looked up to the moon
expectantly again, and when the moon spoke, she was still confused… just not un-informed.
"Eva Grace"
(change to first person)
My name is Eva Grace, how do I know? Well Mr. Moon told me after he finally was able to get the storm out of his way so he could talk to me before the
baddies came. Now, although I don't know who I was before I became Eva grace, I do know that my mission on this planet is to save children and keep them
from harm when they came to their crossroads. That was my beginning one year ago, now though I haven't heard from Mr. Moon since, I sense he wasn't through
with telling me what to do yet.
A/N: How was that for the first chapter? I hope it wasn't so bad you had to stab your eyes out. Please R&R ! I really would like your advice on what I should/shouldn't do and I'll try to update as often as I can. Thanks lovely's!