It was a wonderful day... Or should we say night. Everyone's favorite blue hedgehog was running around. He always liked to get one last run in for the day before relaxing.

Once he was done running, he stopped in front of a 2 story house. He unlocked the door, and walked in.

Sonic's POV Flash Back

I remember that night so well. Who knew I would have to make a big step in my life. I was laying in bed with my wife, Amy. I can't believe that we're at this moment right now.


Amy took my hand, and she gave me a happy look. I smiled at her, and knew what I had to do. I picked her up, and we drove down town. I was all nervous, but I couldn't wrap my head around what Amy must have felt. My hand was all red from her crushing it... I'm getting a head of myself... Let's back up, say about 1 year ago?...

Sonic's POV 1 year ago.

I was in the shower. Amy and I had been married for about 5 years now. We were having a date night. No reason at all, Amy just wanted it. So I just went with it. I'm missing my afternoon run though, but she's important.

"Sonic! Hurry up, I have to take a shower!" Amy said coming into the bathroom.

"Why don't you just come in with me?" I asked turning the water on hot.

"First, I just saw you turn the water up, second I know what we'll do."

I laughed. I kept the water running, and opened the shower door. Amy was getting undress. I wrapped my towel around my waist. Amy walked passed me, naked.

"Can I just get back it?" I asked.

"No! Go get ready."

I got ready for the our date night. Now this time, I was bugging her about the shower. I had to pull her out of the shower.

"Get ready. No make-up too." I said drying my hands.

"It's a date night, Sonic."

"You don't see me wearing make-up, do you?"

"I'll be done in 5 minutes."

I walked out of our room. I called Tails and talked on the phone until Amy was done.

"I'm about to leave for a date night with Amy." I said.

"That's great! Is it for you 5 years anniversary?" Tails asked on the other line.

"No... Amy just wanted to go on a date night for some reason."

"I remember Cream and I did that."

"Did she just want a date night with you too?" I asked confused.

"I guess you could say that..."

"What do you..."

I couldn't finish what I was saying cause Amy walked out of the bedroom. I told Tails I had to go. I hung up, and Amy and I walked out of the house.

We sat down at our table. It was a Friday night too, so it was a little packed. We ordered our food and waited. Amy didn't really say anything, I was a little worried that she might be sick or something. Soon, our food came.

"Why are you so quite Amy?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not talking like you always do."

"I'm just... Thinking."

"About what?"

"You and me." She said with a smile.

I know were this was going. We had sex like two nights ago. I knew she was thinking about that. Maybe we could even do it again tonight. I should just focus on my food now...


"Yes Amy?"

"I... I want a baby."

Oh man! I was way off! A baby!? I mean, we have been married for a while, and need to take our new step...

"W-Why?" I asked.

"Sonic, we've been married for 5 years now... Don't you think it's time?"

"I don't know... Maybe."

"I only want to do this if you're ready too."

"...I'm ready for this Amy."

I reached over the table, and took her hand. I kissed her hand, and she got all red.