I don't own How to Train your Dragon or Rise of the Guardians. (This story will get more romantic and exciting soon)

It was cold that night, snow was covering sky was black while small flakes fell onto the blanketed ground. Jack sat on a tree branch watching as the stars fought to show through the clouded sky. It was cold enough to freeze ones blood, though it didn't matter to him. He sat idly on the tree shoeless, the hood to his blue hoodie up and covering most of his hair. Not a sound moved through the wind, it's calming embrace causing him to feel drowsy. Jack fell asleep to the cool winter wind blowing in his direction. Jack sat there quietly eyelids sliding open, wondering where the wind went. Hearing nothing but soft leaves fall to the frosted grass, rustling of the trees brought him to awake from his dreams, he looked around cautiously wondering why would he alone again. Glancing towards the sky as the sun begun to rise, hues of pink, yellow and orange rise above the tree tops. Jack let out an icy breath realizing he was out all night and his mother would probably begin to worry. He jumped down from the branch onto the freezing blanket of snow, stretching out his arms as he walked home.

Jacks Pov-

I walked through the snow covered forest looking for my way back home. I was so lost, my family and I had just sailed to Berk about a week ago. I had to go exploring but ended up staying out all night because I couldn't find my way back in the dark. "Ah, damn." I said with a small sigh, "Lost again." I looked over towards a crack in a stone wall which was covered by soft moss, I slid into the opening noticing the most beautiful lake I had ever seen. I climbed down the side of the rocks and ran up to the lake, it was a clear blue and it was beautiful. Not being cold enough to freeze the lake over yet I decided to take off my jacket, and my pants and jump into the lake. It was cold but I liked it, I swam around for awhile just relaxing my body. After maybe an hour of floating around in the lake I remembered that I had to get home. "Crap, I'm late!" I swam to the edge where my clothes laid on the ground collecting their own protective layer of snow. I quickly put of my sweater and pants and climbed up the rock side and ran in the direction I believed my house was.

Finally finding the small house, I ran for my dear life to get into my room. I hoped my mother hadn't noticed I was gone because she would be furious. The house was quiet I slowly closed the front door and tip toed towards my room. Opening and closing the door I sighed in relief, "It's about time you got home." my mother said, I turn around slightly "What are you talking about mom? I've been here all morning! Look even my beds a mess." I motion to my bed which had sheets thrown on to it. She gave me a look that said 'You are so full of shit Jackson' crossing her arms, she motioned for me to sit next to her. When I sat down she wrapped her arms around me "I was worried Jackson, you know what happened last time you disappeared." I nodded as she continued "We didn't know where you were, and you were out all night. We just moved here and I know you want to see the place, but you have to come home." I looked at her as she ran her hand through my white hair, her brown eyes filled with concern and a loving feeling. "Sorry, It won't happen again."

The rest of the morning went by slowly, my mother went to work and my little sister had yet to get up. I was sitting in the kitchen trying to decide if I should make breakfast or lunch, I climbed onto the counter and started throwing boxes out from the shelves when I heard my sister waltz into the kitchen. "Jack, what are you doing! Mom just unpacked those!" she said with a slight whine in her voice. "Emma, calm down I'm making you food." I smiled at her as she seemed to relax. Making something small for her before she headed off to school and bagging a lunch, as she ran past me and off to her new school. I decided that I would spend the day writing music. Heading out I swore I would remember the way back home this time. I headed back to that lake I was at this morning, I climbed down the rock slide and sat under a tree with my guitar and note book. "Writers block SUCKS!" I practically yelled that last world strumming the strings on my guitar in an angry fashion "AHHHH!" I flopped onto the snow covered ground, looking at the cove upside down. Closing my eyes as the cool sensation under my body caused me to fall asleep.