Sora, nestled in the safety of Garudamon's hand, sees it all. Or at least, she sees the end of it all. Koushiro isn't far behind and it almost gets him killed. The first creature is tattered bat and howling for blood. HIs eyes are like Bastemon's eyes as they fasten on Koushiro and AlturKabuterimon, the sitting ducks they are in the air. But something black and grey crashes into him before he can even move. Garudamon dives and catches them but Koushiro's pale skin is possibly dead paper now.
From here, Sora thinks it looks like a Greymon of some kind. It's not WarGreymon. It is nothing like that. There are too many flames, too much anger rolling off of a single being that she's sure if the world wasn't already dying it would be roasting like spitfire food.
As it was, the two beings clash in the air, each with weapons and wings and their own pain. Sora waves her hand as quickly as possible and they dive. Even if they're on the ground and sitting ducks for the Dark Masters, it's better than being moving targets for whatever is going on up there.
From here, it sounds like they're killing each other. Sora doesn't want to see it. So she helps Koushiro down into the trees, ignoring the delighted cackling of the angry puppet only feet away which is slowly turning into shrieking enraged sounds. THe dragon dives towards the sound and Pinocchimon jumps as far as he can but it's not far enough.
The flames catch his metal foot and the monster screams at him as it chases the hopping child away.
Sora and Koushiro, being intelligent children, run in the opposite direction.
Seeing the chaos and destruction in front of them, they regret it.