Prologue: A warning is given

Stiles was sixteen and life was hard. It was not teenage angst on his part; it was hard for him. He was only half-human. He had to battle high school while dealing with both human and Fae puberty, and all whilst hiding everything about himself. It was enough to drive anyone insane.

So his mom had died when he was twelve. It was not of Cancer like everyone thought. His mother was unable to sustain herself in this realm any longer. Claudia's father had not liked the idea of his little princess dying and being the King had arranged for her to return to their realm. Claudia had hoped that her love for the then young Deputy, and later Sheriff would be enough to sustain her. The sad fact was that as a Fae she needed the magic of her realm to replenish her natural core or she would waste away. She was wasting away, and the humans mistook it for Cancer but she would not leave until her son was safe. He needed to be told of his gifts and be trained in them. As a result she did the only responsible thing - called her father in.

Stiles got to meet his Grandpa, Edward, and a majestic Fae, who had promised to visit him often. He was told that he was lucky as he perhaps had one of the rarest gifts. Stiles had the ability to access his natural spark without ever having to cross into the Fae realm. That was not to say that he never went but he was living a human life right now, and he would not do that to his father. He was terrified of crossing over and having a time differential kick in taking him away from his Dad.

It didn't matter to Stiles as he was learning to control his powers. It was annoying that people assumed that there was something wrong with him, or that he had ADHD. He was annoyed by taking the tablets - all his hyperactivity was his magic finding an outlet and that was it. The sad thing was the Adderall just made him smell funny - it didn't really help him. He just pretended that it did.

Right now he was walking through the forest to clear his head. He had left Scott at the school gate and took off. Scott was like his brother but sometimes he needed to be alone. He loved the forest - it called to him. It was not like there were any Ents there - just the magic of the Earth.

"Hello Little One."

Stiles whirled around, "Hello Grandfather."

The Royal being was amused, he loved his grandson. No, truly, he was a breath of fresh air but this amount of respect was usually because he was about to be up to no good. "You up to no good?"

Stiles smirked because he was one of the few to know that King Edward had watched human TV, and even more awesome - Firefly. "Well you know that I aim to misbehave."

His grandfather snickered, "Yes I can imagine … An unfortunate preoccupation considering your father's profession."

Stiles smiled because he loved his Dad, and respected his job. He was one of the best damn Sheriff's that this town had ever seen. "Don't I know it? Did I forget a lesson?"

Stiles was frowning as he tried to remember. He was sometimes a little disorganised but he adored learning about his powers so he never forgot a lesson. Plus, whenever he had a lesson he had to be sneaky and make sure he was on his own in this forest.

His Grandfather shook his head, "No little one. I came with a warning."

Stiles' heart sank. His Grandfather only ever warned him when things were dire. It meant that things in Beacon Hills were about to get rocky, "What is it? And can I do anything?"

Edward was torn. The Fates had told him what was in store for his Grandson. He could warn Stiles and ensure his friend was never bitten. Still that was a risky endeavour; McCall was a destined True Alpha so it would happen in some way. Plus if he denies McCall the bite now, then Stiles would miss the chance to meet his true mate.

"The Supernatural is about to descend. Be careful about who knows your secret."

Stiles nodded. "Dad has a new case. He is enacting a curfew I think."

Edward thought it was the best plan available to a human Sheriff. "Be careful little one."

"I make no promises." Stiles grunted in annoyance. It was one of the downside to his heritage. The Fae were natural tricksters but as a result nature balanced that by only allowing them to speak the truth. It just meant that you learnt to prevaricate and obfuscate the truth as much as possible.

He would be careful, which was a promise he kept right up until his Dad went to search for a body.

Scott watched his friend pace - he was antsier than normal. Stiles was so certain that he would be careful. He would stay here with Scott. That was the plan. It was a good plan. He would be safe and so would Scott, and that is what his Dad wanted. He managed to keep it right up until he heard the very non-native wolf howl. This was his Dad. He was the only family he had left in this realm. Promises be damned he was going out there.

"I gotta go out there."

Scott was confused, "What! No there is a dangerous animal out there."

Stiles ran his hair through his buzz cut, "I know but Dad doesn't have all the facts."

"And you do?"

Stiles was impressed - he didn't even know that Scotty had that tone in him. "Scott I want you to stay here. No you need to stay here. I just need to scout out where my Dad is and I'll be back. If he phones just ... make something up."

If only Scott had followed Stiles advice. Stiles was able to look after himself even if no one knew it. Scott couldn't and as a result his life, and most of Beacon Hills' lives were changed - for the better?

Well that remained to be seen.