Walking Dead Threesome story. Daryl/OC/Merle. Ashlyn is in an established relationship with both Dixon brothers. They met her before the Zombies and she was able to win the hearts of both rednecks. They consider her there wife and they don't give a shit if others understand their relationship or not. When the dead starting walking the three Dixon's head to Atlanta and meet up with our group at the camp in season one. At first there an outcast because of their way of life but soon most of the camp realize they need the Dixon's in order to survive. Merle and Daryl may be assholes to everyone else but the group starts to see they love their women and she loves them. Let's see how different the walking dead would be now. I'll start before the zombies and go from there. Mature content Don't like don't read. I don't own the walking dead.
Ashlyn moaned as her two strong rednecks kissed all over her body as they both took her at the same time. God she loved them, her husbands, they'd been together for 2 years now.
When Ashlyn first moved into the same neighborhood as the Dixon brothers she didn't think much of it. She heard from the neighbors and her co-workers at the hospital that they were bad news. The Daryl was mean and rude and only really talked to his brother and Merle was a womanizer with a foul mouth. But Ashlyn was never one to judge people based of what others thought. I mean hell. The way she looked she knew the town and her fellow nurses talked about her. She looked out of place in this small country north GA town.
Ashlyn moved to the mountains from east Atlanta after she caught her long term boyfriend cheating on her. Ashlyn was 29. She was about 5'6 with a toned body from years of martial arts and Zumba. She had several tattoos and a few piercing and long dark red hair and bright green eyes.
When she confronted him he beat her so bad she spent a week in Grady before she was released. He came groveling to try and win her back but Ashlyn told herself a long time ago that she would never be with a man that abused her like her father use too. So she packed her things and headed north for a fresh start.
She rented a small house in the woods and got a job at the local hospital as a Medical Assistant and enjoyed her new simple life, away from her ex and the city.
She first saw the Dixon brothers the day she moved in. They lived across the street and were both out in the front yard working on a hot ass bike, cussing up a storm and drinking beer.
Ashlyn had let her eyes roam over them both as she unpacked her small SUV. The other one was taller, larger in muscle mass with a light colored short hair cut that was almost military buzzed. He had at least one tattoo that she could see. The younger one was shorter and not as large but his freaking arms were smoking hot. She saw a hint of tattoo peeking out of his wife beater he wore. His hair was longer and darker than his brothers and they were both tanned from working in the sun. They looked like hard working rednecks and she couldn't decide which one was hotter. She fanned herself as she watched them. She always had a thing for country boys. Not cowboys in tight pants and hats but good ole country boys and she had two fan ass ones living across the street. Shit.
She looked away quickly when the other one caught her eye and smirked at her blowing her a kiss before nudging his brother. She moved quickly into the house and refused to come out until the next day when she had to start her new job. She had been caught staring by her new neighbors and they probably now thought she was some crazy stalker. But she couldn't help it. They were very sexy.
The next day at work she heard all about the Dixon brothers when everyone found out where she moved to. All she heard was she needed to stay away. They were no good and dangerous but Ashlyn just ignored the gossiping old biddies, did her shift and headed home.
The next time she saw them both was a few days later after work. She was still in her hospital scrubs and walked down to check the mail. She was standing in the road shifting through her junk mail when she heard the roar of an old truck rumble down the street. She didn't think anything of it until it stopped right behind her and she heard a loud whistle.
"Lookie here little brother. Got us a fine ass red headed nursey living across the street. Hey darlin. Come on over and introduce yourself to old Merle." She heard and snorted as she turned around and looked at them with a raised brow. Merle the oldest was driving, hanging out the window leering at her. The other one she knew as Daryl was sitting in the passenger seat just looking at her and they were both smoking. Daryl appeared to not care she was there but Ashlyn could see him checking her out discreetly.
Smirking she walked over and leaned on the truck and shook Merle's hand.
"Merle was it. I'm Ashlyn." She told him and he nodded, looking her up and down. Ashlyn turned her eyes to the brother.
"and you are?" she ask boldly. He grunted before answering gruffly.
"Daryl." She nodded and gave him a wink.
"Well, it's nice to meet you both. Hopefully I'll see you around." She said and turned and walked up her driveway. She knew they were both checking her out and she blushed when she realized how turned on that made her. The thought of both of them. What was wrong with her?
Merle and Daryl remember that day they met her too. They had both seen her coming and going and they knew she was pretty but they didn't know anything about her other than what they've heard from town and work. She was different than any other girl in town so she stirred up conversations whether she meant to or not. But most of the stuff that was said was so unreal that they knew not to believe the gossip from town. Hell, the towns folk talks about them constantly and they could only imagine what she'd heard about them.
Everyone one town knew about Merle being in and out of jail and use to be big on drugs and women. Daryl they only knew of as the quite brother that glared at everyone and was rude if someone talked to him and only had a few one night stands after drinking too much. They never talked about how Merle had been doing good since he was released the last time from jail months ago and how he hadn't touched drugs since. They never said anything good about them, only the bad.
When they saw her standing in the road looking at the mail Merle took this opportunity to introduce them to this fine piece living across the street.
Seeing her up close stunned them both. She was beautiful. She was different that was for sure. They both digged chicks with ink and when she talked Daryl saw the tongue rings and groaned to himself. That was always a fantasy of his. The dark red hair and scrubs just made it even better. She wasn't put off by them and even shook Merle's hand and smiled and winked. She didn't glare at them or give them dirty looks or run in the house and ignore them like most everyone did. When she walked away and back inside both brothers stared after her. She was something else.
There quick meetings happened more often after that. She waved to them when she see them outside or leaving and coming from work. They chatted every now and then when she'd walk to the mail box and she even got Daryl talking one afternoon when she saw him coming back from hunting with a large buck.
"Need a hand with that?" he heard her ask as he started cleaning the deer from the back of his truck. Turning he was she had walked across the street while he had his back turned and was wearing old jeans and a tee shirt and still looking smoking.
"Do ya know how to clean a deer?" he ask figuring she'd say no but was shocked when she nodded.
"Yep. Use to help my granddad when I went to live with him in high school. He taught me to hunt, fish, clean shit. He was a real outdoorsy kind of man." She said and he grunted in reply as he handed her his spare hunting knife. He watched as she pulled her long hair up in a pony tail and he licked his lips when he saw her creamy neck on display and ink peeking out of her shirt showing she had tats on her back too. He was even more shocked when she put on a pair of gloves he had on the truck and started helping him.
When Merle came home on his bike he chuckled at his brother and the hot nurse as he walked over and saw they were almost done skinny the deer.
"She help ya on this?" he ask Daryl who nodded lighting a cigarette. Ashlyn light one as well and smirked at Merle.
"Damn girl. Didn't know you could skin." Merle said and she rolled her green eyes at him before handing Daryl back his knife and gloves.
"Just because I save my legs and not my face doesn't mean I don't know shit about hunting. I may not look it but I damn sure anit not prissy chick." She said and they both chuckled at her. Her watched beeped then and she cursed.
"Damn. Got to go. My night shift starts in 30. See ya boys later." She said. They nodded and watched her jogged back home. She left 15 minutes later dressed in scrubs for the hospital.
"Can't believe she can skin a deer." Merle said as he helped unload the meat and into the freezer.
"I know. Said she learned it was her grandpa when she lived with him through high school. Taught her a lot I guess." Daryl said with a shrug and Merle nodded, lost in thought over this chick.
Later that night she saw the brothers again when they came into the hospital both with cuts and busted up knuckles and she chuckled when she opened the curtain and saw it was them.
"Damn. Whose ass did you too beat?" she ask as she opened the cabinet and began taking out everything she needed to patch them up, the other nurses refused to come in here, saying they always came in after a fight so she was more than happy to take this case for them. Merle needed stitches on his shoulder from a knife cut and Daryl needed liquid stitches on his cheek. Both needed their hands cleaned and bandaged.
"Some pricks at the bar. Starten shit again." Daryl mumbled and hissed when she rubbed alcohol on his hands. He watched her as she bandaged him and put some shit on his cheek. She smelled amazing up close.
"So who looks worse? Them or you tow?" she ask and they were shocked she didn't seem put off with their fighting.
"Them definitely." Merle replied and she nodded.
"Ya know. When I was living back near the city I use to compete in fighting competitions. Martial arts and stuff. Also had to get patched up after so I know how ya feel." She told them and they shared a look over her head as she was stitching Merle's shoulder. She was a fighter huh.
"Alright all done. Now your suppose to come back in two weeks to have these removed but if you want I can just walk across the street and do it for you so you don't get charged again." She said and Merle nodded.
"That would be great sugar, thanks." He said and she smiled before giving them there discharge papers.
"Hey, want to come by tomorrow for supper. Since you help clean the deer and all." Daryl ask and she looked at him and nodded.
"Sure, I'll bring something." She said before walking out.
That was the start of everything. After that Ashlyn spent almost all her free time with the Dixon brothers. She'd cook for them or they invite her over to eat. They took her hunting with them and were surprised at how good she was. She helped them clean there kills, she watched them work on their bike and truck and just hung out with them. They were comfortable around her. She learned a lot about them. And they learned a lot about her. They learned why she moved there, they learned all about her ex and her abusive father and in turn they told her all about there past. Their father and mother and Merle's drug use and jail time. She knew everything about them and they knew the same about her.
People in town couldn't understand it but no one had the balls to question them on it. The Dixon where dangerous and everyone knew it but Ashlyn didn't care. She liked them a lot. They were good to her and that's all that mattered.
"Want to go out with us tonight?" Merle ask Ashlyn during dinner at her place. She was a fantastic cook.
"Where?" she ask.
"Just the bar. Hadn't been there in a while. Not since the fight a month ago." He said.
"And watch you too Mack on chicks all night while I come home alone. No thanks. Have fun." She said standing and taking her plate to the sink, she tried to ignore the hurt she felt at the thought of them with anyone else. But they saw the hurt in her eyes before she covered it and they shared a look.
"We anit there to mack on no one sugar. We just go to drink a few beers and shoot some pool. Come on Ash. Come out with us." Merle told her. She looked at them for a moment before sighing.
"Alright. It's been a while since I played pool." She said and they smirked.
When she walked across the street later that night ready to go both boys there stunned speechless. She was gorgeous. She was wearing a black skirt that showed off her amazing long legs, a red backless top and showed off a lot of her ink. Her hair was down and straight and she had on light dark make up. She looked sexy as hell.
"Damn sugar. Look at you. All dolled up for us." Merle teased and she rolled her eyes as Daryl helped her into the truck to sit between them.
"Well, thank you for the compliment. You both clean up nice too." She said lighting her cigarette as they pulled out. Both men stealing glances at her the whole way. They knew they were going to have issues tonight keeping their eyes off her and keeping others away.
As they predicted every man in the bar eyed Ashlyn up. Leering at her and undressing her with their eyes. They glared them all down and wanted to beat every ass in the place. This had been a bad idea. But she didn't seem to notice it at all. She did soak up the attention like most girl would. She was content sitting and watching the boys play pool and playing herself. She was having a blast.
Halfway through the night Merle look towards the bar and groaned in horror causing the other two to look at him funny.
"White twins on the way." He told his brother who grunted in disgust and looked over. Ashlyn look too and saw 2 bleach blonde twins, dressed in very little heading their way.
"Old girlfriends?" Ashlyn ask and Daryl snorted.
"Neither of us never had no girlfriends darlin. About 2 years ago before Merle went back to jail this last time we had a one night stand with those two. A very drunken one night stand and it was awful from what we remember. We kicked them out as soon as we got up and been dodging them since." Daryl said and Ashlyn nodded. She knew all about their past and they knew about hers.
"Hey boys. Been a while since we seen you." one of the blondes said, ignoring Ashlyn as she sat on the bar stool between the guys. Daryl grunted in reply and growled when the other one tried to touch him. Merle was trying to dislodge the other off him.
"Back off." Daryl hissed and the girl jumped but smiled again.
"Oh honey don't play hard to get. Let's have some fun again." She said and went to reach for Daryl but Ashlyn's hand shot out and grabbed the bitches wrist and twisted it around causing her to cry out in pain. Her sister pushed off Merle and went for Ashlyn but her fighting training came back and she ducked and shoved both of them back.
"I think my men said to back the fuck off. They may be too nice to hit a scank but I anit." Ashlyn said and the blondes stared at her in shock and disbelief. Seeing as they didn't want to believe her and leave Ashlyn put her hand on the back of Daryl's neck and stepped in front of him and pulled his lips her hers.
Daryl was shocked as hell but completely happy with the turn of events and it didn't take him long to wrap her in his arms and kiss her back. Ashlyn moaned as pleasure shot through her at his kiss and it last longer then she meant it to but she couldn't stop. When Merle chuckled she pulled back, reached forward and grabbed Merle by his shirt and shocked the hell out of them both by pulling him down and kissing him too while still locked in Daryl arms.
Her kiss with Merle was just as heated and she may not have done this if she hadn't been pretty tipsy and these bitches hadn't been hitting on her men but damn it they were hers.
The blondes left after that seeing as they had lost but the threesome didn't even notice. Merle kept kissing her and Daryl took time to suck on her neck and running his hands up the back of her legs to her ass and she moaned into Merle's mouth as she tried to ease the tension in her body.
"Let's get out of here little brother." Merle said, voice thick with lust. Daryl nodded quickly and tossed some money on the table to pay for their tab and grabbed Ashlyn's hand and drug her out the door.
Ashlyn stumbled after them in a daze. They had kissed her speechless. What started out as a quick ploy to get the leeches off them was quickly turning into something Ashlyn had never dreamed would happen. She had never been with two men at once and she didn't know how this would change their friendship but damn it she wasn't going to stop it. She wanted them both with a intensity that scared her.
Before she could climb into the truck Daryl pushed her against the side and kissed her again, gripping her hips hard in his large hands as she fisted his hair in her.
"Damn. Been wanting to do that for ever." He whispered when he pulled back. She nodded unable to speak again as he gently pushed her into the truck and got in and pulled out.
Merle wasn't one to be idle. He wrap his arm around her waist and hauled into to straddle his lap in the truck as Daryl drove as fast as the truck would go to get them home.
Merle kissed her again and groaned when she started to grind down onto his rock hard dick. He couldn't ever remember being this hard in his life but he was quickly becoming addicted to this girl he was about to share with her brother. They'd done this before but never with a women they both cared for but they couldn't stop now.
Daryl watched out of the corner of his eye as Ashlyn became very wanton and ripped Merle's shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. Daryl was so hard it hurt and watching them was making it worse.
Merle cursed when her lips and teeth descended on his chest and her nails raked down his stomach. Damn this girl was killing him.
"Shit sugar." He gasp when she bit the side of his neck just as they pulled up to their house and Daryl got out and ran around the truck and pulled Ashlyn off Merle and carried her in the house, Merle following behind.
Clothes were lost after that in a trail to the master bedroom that Daryl used and Ashlyn was naked when he laid her on his bed and covered her body with his.
There night of passion took on new levels that none of them had ever experienced before. When Ashlyn straddled Merle again and sank down on him and allowed Daryl to push in from behind they all had the same thought. 'They finally found home.'
"Damn." Ashlyn moaned when Daryl rolled off her and pulled her off Merle to lay between them. They chuckled when they saw she was fast asleep. They had worn her out.
The next morning was full of a lot of talking for the three of them. Their relationship had changed and they needed to decide where to go from there. They all agreed they wanted to be together and even through none of them had even tried a threesome relationship before they wanted to make it work. Ashlyn made them feel things they never through possible and she got them both and didn't judge with based on their past or rumors. And they treated her like she always wanted to be treated and did things to her body she had only read about in books.
So they moved forward as a threesome. They spent just as much time together as before and things worked out great for them. It was as natural as breathing for the three of them. Merle and Daryl found a woman that wanted them both and they never had to be separated again. She was smoking hot, had a job and could hunt and fight right alongside them. It couldn't get any better.
About 8 months into their relationship the town had finally stopped being shocked about the triad. They still talked for sure but at least Ashlyn wasn't in fear of losing her job anymore and girls from the bars stopped trying to take one of the boys from Ashlyn now that they saw it couldn't be done. Ashlyn still had her rental house across the street but spent a lot of time over at the boys place.
Once day she had gotten home early from work since it had been slow and spent some time cleaning her place and doing laundry waiting for the boys to get home from work. When she was done she looked outside and saw the boys had just got home and were unloading all there tools. They waved at her when she whistled at them and started walking across the street when a flower delivery driver stopped in front of her in the street.
"Ashlyn Williams?" he ask and she nodded, smiling thinking the guys had gotten her flowers. When he pulled away she saw the boys making there way over as she opened the card and read it.
You think moving away from me to a small town will stop me from coming for you. Your dead wrong. You are still mine and I'm coming to claim you.
Ashlyn paled when she read it and threw the flowers in the street as she started to cry. The bastard ex of hers just refused to leave her alone.
"Darlin. What happened?" Daryl ask as they finally reached her and saw she was very upset about what she read. She handed him the note as Merle pulled her into his chest and read it with his brother, both of them seething in rage.
"Don't worry Sugar. He anit getting near you. We won't let him. Let him come. He'll wish he never left the city." Merle told her. She nodded as they both kissed her head and Merle picked her up and carried her back to their place. Once she had fallen asleep in Daryl's bed, Merle and Daryl went into the kitchen and talked about what to do.
When Ashlyn woke an hour later she found them sitting at the kitchen table waiting for her.
"I'm sorry about all this crap." She said but Daryl pulled her into his lap and shushed her.
"Don't be baby. It anit your fault. Merle and me been talking. We think you should move in here with us. We been meaning to ask you for a while but wasn't sure if you wanted to. This way you'd be safer then alone across the street and I dare this fool to come knocking on our door wanting you." Daryl said and Merle nodded his face a mask of complete seriousness.
"You sure?" she ask and they nodded.
"You can put your things in the third bedroom and well just sleep in Daryl bed like we normally do that way we all have our own space." Merle said and she thought for a moment and nodded.
She moved her things into there empty room that day and they returned her keys to the landlord down the street. Things were quite after that until one night about a month later. Ashlyn pulled into the driveway from her late shift around midnight. She knew the boys were home and probably watching TV waiting up for her. She climbed out of her car and started walking towards the door when she felt a hard hit to the back of her head. She screamed in pain as she hit the ground, her vision blurred some. The hit wasn't hard enough to knock her out but it was enough to knock her down.
Her Ex came into view smirking down at her.
"Time to come home Ashlyn." He said and reached down and started dragging her kicking and screaming up the driveway. Brent didn't know she didn't live alone and was shocked when two large rednecks armed with weapons came barling out the house. One with a rifle and the other with a crossbow aimed at him.
"Get your hands off our women asshole." Daryl growled as his eyes flicked to Ashlyn to make sure she was ok. She was struggling in his grip but he saw her reaching into her purse and flipped open the knife she carried around with her and stabbed the man in the leg. He let her go and cried out in pain.
"Fucking bitch." He spat as he clutched his leg and Ashlyn scrambled over towards the Dixon brothers. Merle picked her up off the floor and pushed her behind them as they moved closer to the man.
"This your Ex sugar?" Merle ask her and she nodded.
"yes." She told him and he nodded back.
"So you're shaken up with two men now. Always knew you was a slut." Her ex spat when he stood back up and pulled a small pistol from his back.
"Screw you Brent." Ashlyn replied and he snorted before aiming his gun for her head and the boys snapped. Daryl released his arrow into his chest and they watched him hit the ground.
Ashlyn watched as they drug him deep into the woods and made sure he'd never come back for her again. They had killed for her without question and she knew right then they loved her and she was madly in love with them.
That night they exchanged wedding bands. They couldn't legally marry as a threesome but in their eyes they were married.
Ashlyn sighed as she laid between her husband's. They had been together 2 years now and still going just as strong. They still lived in the same house, she still worked at the hospital and they still spent every spare moment together. They had even taught her how to bow hunt with a combat bow since the crossbow was too difficult for her to handle. Every weekend they hunted together and Ashlyn loved it. This weekend they had planned to camp and hunt so all there hunting gear and weapons were loaded in the back on the truck. She had to work the day shift and they were leaving as soon as she got home.
Getting up she showered and made breakfast, listening to the news talk about some kind of new virus going around but she couldn't hear it any future once her rowdy husbands came into the room.
"Morning Sugar." Merle said kissing her deeply as she handed him a plate. Daryl came in a few moments later taking his plate and kissing her too.
"Morning Darlin. What time you gettin off again?" he ask as she sat at the table and put her shoes on.
"Noon so I'll be home a few minutes after." She said standing but Daryl grabbed her wrist before she could leave.
"Anit you gonna eat?" he ask, eyes narrowed at her and she rolled her eyes.
"I really don't have time." She said and Daryl gave her a look that she knew meant she better eat or he'd be pissed. Sighing she sat at the table and quickly ate a small breakfast, satisfying her husband's.
"Shouldn't skip meal Ash." Merle said and she nodded. She was bad about that. Getting so busy that she forgot. One day she had worked a double shift and didn't eat at all. When she got home they found her passed out in the bathroom and freaked out. When they found out she missed eating at all that day they always watched to make sure she ate. She loved there protectiveness and just loved them period.
"Satisfied?" she ask and they nodded and she kissed them each again and fled out the door.
When she got to work all hell was breaking loose. That virus was everywhere. People were coming in left and right with high fevers and coughing up blood. Ashlyn was scared. She didn't know what was happening. She turned on the news and saw something about a zombie apocalypse but before she could watch more a scream ripped through the halls and she ran to the room to see one of the patients that had died an hour before was now back up and eating her.
"Oh my god." Ashlyn said as she backed out of the room and fled to the break room and grabbed her bag. She hid in the supply closet and dialed the house number. Daryl picked up on the third ring.
"Daryl." She said.
"Hey darlin. Where waiting on ya." He said and she felt tears run down her face.
"You guys have to get out of town. Now. That virus they were talking about on the news. It's not a virus. I don't know what it is but one of the patients here died an hour ago and I just watched him wake back up and eat one of the nurses here. Turn the news on." She said and she heard the TV come on and she heard the reports in the back ground about zombies and the end of the world and safety in Atlanta.
"Holy shit." Daryl said into the phone as he watched and Ashlyn sniffed.
"I know. I, you wouldn't believe what I saw. It's crazy here." She said just as she heard more screams and peeked into the room and saw people running down the hall.
"Ash what was that?" Daryl ask when he heard the scream.
"The end of the world I guess. You and Merle get out ok. Go to Atlanta. Just get to safty." She said crying now and Daryl growled.
"Fuck that Ash. We anit leaving you. Get your ass to the house now." He said and she nodded opening the door and running over to peek out the window to the outside. She could see her car and people running everywhere.
"I'm going to try to make it. If I don't get there in an hour leave without me. I love you both." She said and hung up and bolted out the emergency exit, setting off the alarm in the hospital.
She made it to the car just in time for a zombie to walk around the back and head for her. She gasp as she jump inside and shut the door, the dead trying to break the window. She started the car and fled out of the parking lot just as a group of army trucks surrounded the hospital. Ashlyn stopped across the street and watched in horror as they went in and killed everyone inside.
"My god." She said as she fled towards her house. Daryl and Merle paced the living room watching the TV as they waited for Ashlyn to get home.
"If she anit here in 30 more mins little brother were going to find her." Merle growled and Daryl nodded in agreement. They had packed up his brother's bike into the back of the truck, packed all the clothes they could for everyone as well as all their guns, knives and camping gear and food. They were ready to leave for safety they just needed there women.
"She's here." Merle yelled and they ran outside as Ashlyn's small suv came crashing into the yard, blood all over the car as she stumbled out and ran to them, throwing her arms around them both.
"Thank god. They're everywhere. People getting bit and waking back up. The army came and killed everyone in the hospital just as I got out of the parking lot. I almost didn't make it." She said and the boys shared a look at how close they came to losing her.
"Darlin the trucks packed and we packed your clothes. Change into your huntin stuff and anything else you want to take get it, we got to go and we might not be back." Daryl told her and she nodded and ran for her room. She changed into the clothes she always wore hunting and grabbed a bag and threw in some things she wanted. Few books, pictures, first aid kits she had etc. When she was going through everything one last time she came across a box she hadn't opened in years. Opening it she smiled. Inside was her grandfather Katana that he got overseas when he was in the war. He passed it on to her. It was sharp, light and easy to carry and she knew she had to bring it.
"Ready." She said tossing them her last bag and letting Merle help her into the truck. When she got inside they saw the sword and raised a brow at her.
"What. It was givin to me by my grandfather and guns and bows can run out of ammo. Knifes don't run out and in all the zombie movies people die because they run out of bullets. Well not me." she said and they chuckled at her as they pulled out of the driveway of their home and headed towards the city where a safe camp was being promised.
They soon found that was not the case.