
Nodding her head, Ophelia tapped her fingers on the steering wheel while music pounded through her chest from the speakers. Not seeing the broken cement in front of her left wheel, she crashed over it. Hearing the wheel blow up she immediately pulled her red Volkswagen over. Turning everything off Ophelia jumped out of the car, her heart in her throat. Being stranded in the countryside surrounding Bangalore was anything but a prime adventure.

Bending down to glare at the broken rubber Ophelia sighed with her hands on her hips. Reaching into her Rabbit she pulled out a thin sweater to throw over her shorts and tank top. Running her hand through her copper hair she frowned at both ends of the road, not spotting any cars or dwellings. Reaching back into the car to pull out her purse and keys, Ophelia checked her phone. No service in this stretch either.

As much as she loved India, it was the only spot in Asia she didn't want to have zero bars in, especially alone. Going through her car she packed two days worth of clothes and essentials, not sure where she would find a tow-truck. After heaving a large sigh Ophelia locked her car and started off down the road with her iPod in her ears.

After walking about an hour, she came across a man laying in the ditch, shredded pants the only thing still clinging to his body, a broken backpack clutched to his hairy chest. His hairy sunburnt chest. "What's a Caucasian hobo doing in rural Bangalore?" Ophelia asked aloud, tapping his leg with her sandaled foot. This stirred him and she jumped back a bit, not wanting to risk it.

The man groaned and drew his arm over his face, running his hands along his jaw after a moment. He looked up and froze when he saw her standing there with her hodgepodge collection of bags. Without a word Ophelia tossed down one of her water bottles, and watched as he gulped it up swiftly and with hunger. Laughing lightly at him, she offered her hand to help him up. "Do you know where I can find a hotel? Or a phone? Or a tow-truck? My wheel blew up." Speaking in fluent Bengali she helped him out of the ditch, his face was still in shock.

The man shook his head and waved his hands at her, "Not safety to assist men that are strange." He stood there with his eyes down, holding together his pants and backpack. Laughing at his broken Bengali Ophelia bent down and opened her carpet bag, pulling out her huge flowered shawl she wrapped it around his shoulders.

"It's a little fabulous I know, but better than you standing in shame until we can get you some clothes, and a bath." Ophelia spoke English lightly as she took his hand and began walking with him down the road again.

"You speak English very well, but I should get going." This time it was her turn to shake her head.

"Buddy, you're not going anywhere." Ophelia pushed him in front of her and kept him walking.

"Shouldn't you be a little more cautious? I could be a crazy person." His soft voice stirred something in her, something deep and hidden away. Ophelia's brows furrowed as she spun around to look at him. His brown eyes looked at her in such sadness is made her sigh.

"With eyes that broken you couldn't hurt a fly. Besides, I carry a gun." She winked at him and they continued to walk.

When they finally came across a small gas station, Ophelia sent out a truck to pick up her car. With a huge weight lifted off her shoulders she led the man to the motel room she rented until her car was fixed. "I think this is a bad idea." The mans soft voice rippled through her again as he looked down at the double bed. She closed the door and dropped her bags on the dresser, running her hand through her long straight hair she scanned the room.

"Kindness is never a bad idea, you should jump in the shower. You'll have to wear a robe until my car gets here, I've got some man clothes hidden in my trunk I'm sure." Giving him another smile she lifted her hand to his, "I'm Ophelia, but everyone calls me Ava."

The man took her pale freckled hand in his large slightly tanned one, "I'm Bruce."

He smiled back at her and she pointed at the shower again, "Well Bruce, you should go wash off, I'll be dealing with the mechanic, looks like they just pulled my baby in." With that Ophelia walked out the door, leaving Bruce staring at his hand. What was that feeling he just had? Almost like the Beast was, happy?

After Bruce had thoroughly enjoyed his warm shower, he walked out into the main room in a towel. Using a smaller one to dry his hair he looked out the window just in time to see Ophelia smile and wave at him before opening the door. Tossing him a shirt and some sweat pants she plopped down on the bed. "The owner says he'll have the tire by tomorrow at noon, then we can be on our way." Noticing his shaking hands, she took the shirt back quickly.

Bruce stared at her in shock as she pulled the shirt over his shoulders and began to button it. Pausing for a moment, she stared at him, licking her lips quickly at his strong chest. "Actually that burn looks like it hurts," she walked over to one of her bags and rummaged through. Finding her Aloe Vera, Ophelia turned back to Bruce. Shaking the can she began to spray and Bruce let his head fall back with a sighing groan. She giggled at him and finished buttoning his shirt, "that should do you until you can rub the other aloe on it, it's too tender right now."

Ophelia turned her back and moved to close the curtains so he could pull on the pants. With laughter in her voice she turned back to look at him now dressed, "Nothing matched and you have to go commando, but tomorrow we'll get into Bangalore and I'll buy you a new wardrobe and some essentials.

Bruce smiled at her meekly, "That's very kind, but why would you do that?"

Ophelia shrugged at him walking over to her bags, "I dunno, you seem familiar. I hope you don't mind music." Pulling out a small speaker, which apparently packed a punch, she turned on her iPod. Trying to hold his composure, for some reason the Beast inside him was roaring to be let out, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Where do you get all the extra money?" It was just the question he popped out, she never missed a beat to his defeat though. Ophelia took a moment to lean against the dresser and run her fingers through her tousled hair.

"I've got a lot of girlfriends around Europe and Asia, so I've been travelling and supplementing my trust fund by stripping." That explained a lot, Bruce rolled his eyes. "As you can guess, my girls are also strippers. They get me gigs in the place I'm at for the time I'm there."

The two made eye contact, "But I mostly do it for fun! And it's easier to pick up chicks when you know which ones are clean." Ophelia let out a loud laugh and Bruce's eyes grew large.

He squeezed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger, "This is too much for me."

Ophelia laughed again and he felt her hands run across his shoulders, looking up she was standing in front of him with a smile. "Don't be like that Brucie, I'm not just some dumb twenty five year old. I'm learning cultures and languages the right way, by living in them!" Back up from him she kept speaking, "I've got a cushy job back in the States for me once I'm done my adventuring."

Ophelia kept playing music until the sun went down, Bruce had already passed out on the bed. Turning off the music and slipping her laptop into her bag, Ophelia stripped off her shorts and bra and slid into the bed beside him. Bruce let out a sigh and she felt his heavy arm wrap around her, she let him pull her close and snuggled into him happily. She shrugged it off due to her level of tiredness, but she swore he had doubled in size.


Ophelia was confused, she was terrified, but she didn't know why. A great tremble tore through the grass beneath her feet. Turning in the direction she came face to face with what appeared to be a huge green monster far afield. With an angry roar from the Beast, she wrapped her arms around herself and huddled down. Just as Ophelia looked up to see where it was then, a huge green fist grabbed her and threw her across the field. Landing in the tall crash, she stood with only slight pain in her ribs. Ophelia looked back into his raging eyes, tears falling from her own. She felt fear anew as she green beast in front of her roared again and lunged at her.


The next morning she woke up with a gasp, and found herself alone. At the sound of the door opening she turned her head and pulled her gun from under the pillow. Bruce stood there with his hands up and a bag in one. "Don't shoot! It's just me, I brought breakfast!" Letting out a sigh, Ophelia let her hands fall to the bed as she slammed her head back on the pillow.

"Man, I could of killed you!" He walked over to her and handed her a container that smelled like eggs.

"I've seen trained soldiers with shittier reflexes than that, and I hope you don't mind I charged this to the room." Ophelia lifted her head to make eye contact with him. "But don't worry I'll work it off." Bruce sat down on the bed to hand her a takeout container and a fork.

Sitting up she smiled at him and patted his large hand, "No worries Brucie," HIs face felt warm and a shy smile passed his lips as Ophelia took her hand back to begin eating. Bruce paused for a moment, relishing in the warmth that had passed through their simple touch. The serenity he felt as he popped open his own container was more soothing than any he had felt in a long time.

Later that day, they had packed up their room and were on their way in Ophelia's now repaired car. Bruce's knees hit the dash as he slid in, at his discomforted grunt she chuckled a little, "Sorry about that, but your chair doesn't go back any further, neither does mine." Bruce looked at her toned but voluptuous legs, they filled almost the whole space under her seat.

"How do you drive this thing?" He asked in amazement, again her laughter chortled through the vehicle, making him relax automatically.

Ophelia turned to him, "Lots of practice. My dad had this boy shipped over in the eighties, and I fell in love with him at first sight." Running her fingers along the furry zebra stripped steering wheel her face softened in reflection.

After Ophelia had gone into a clothing store and bought Bruce some essentials they pulled up to an expensive looking hotel. Bruce placed his hand on her wrist as she pulled into the underground garage. "I appreciate what you've done to help me, but this is a little extravagant." Ophelia smiled at him and got out of the car, he followed suit, tossing his new ruck sac over his shoulder and she grabbed a couple of her own bags out of the trunk and hit the alarm button on the car.

"I'm pretty spoiled." Ophelia signed into the hotel at the front desk and they gave her a key to a small apartment on the top floor. "My parents died when I was ten, and a family friend saw potential in me." Ophelia laughed loudly as they boarded the elevator. "So they hooked me up with an amazing trainer, she's only a few years older than myself and I caught up quite quickly. But unlike her I wasn't ready to, uhm..." She gave Bruce a sideways glance, "Let's just say I wasn't ready to settle in, so they gave me leave to travel and gain more knowledge and associates."

Bruce reached out and grabbed her bags, if he was going to accept her charity he would try to do his part. Ophelia shrugged and gave him a smile as they left the elevator and began to walk down a hallway. Ophelia turned to him just as she reached for the knob to their rooms, giving him a once over. "A government thing."

Bruce gave her a suspicious look, but before he could open his mouth she pushed the door open. The apartment was more that he could afford to live in normally, let alone rent for however long. Ophelia walked over to the door on the right of the little kitchenette, "There are two bedrooms, each with it's own private bath. I'm not sure what's on the television, I don't really watch it much."

Without closing her door, Ophelia began to run a bath. Coming back into the room to grab her bags, Bruce shook his head at her slowly, "I'm going to hop in the shower." Ophelia nodded and flashed him a smile while she took off her cardigan and walked back into her room. The beast inside him ignored the strange information she was giving, and just let out a primal growl at her. Bruce had never heard him make such a sound and it worried him.

Bruce moved towards the opposite bedroom and caught sight of her undressing in front of the bureau in her room. She wore a matching black lace bra and panties, they perfectly shaped her hourglass body and made him sigh. As Ophelia unhooked her bra, her chest swelled and bounced slightly, making Bruce groan. She turned away from him and raised her hands above her head to stretch, giving him a perfect view of the way the panties accentuated her backside. He yearned to run his fingers along her soft skin, but instead turned away to take a shower. A very cold one.

Standing in the shower Bruce gripped his hand on the wall beside the shower head, his head hanging and the water pouring over him. Ophelia's figure in his mind had now become a naked one, much to his displeasure. Waking up in that ditch he thought she was an angel, he didn't realized he had survived swallowing a bullet. But the state of his clothes proved the other guy had made an appearance. He expected the next few weeks to be the most unstable of his life, the monster inside him wanting to lash out after being attacked.

He felt like a raw nerve, like he was a wraith, only going through the motions. He had reached his end and felt like a walking deadman, then to only wake up to an angel leaning over him. That combined with the way Ophelia made the Hulk feel he let her do whatever she wanted with him. Standing in the cold cascade of water, he wished she would take her sudden familiarity further. At this thought the Hulk let out a wild growl, it erupted in his own chest. Angrily he clasped his hands over his mouth and turned off the shower.

After they had cleaned up and Bruce tried to regain some composure, he came up behind her as she was typing away on her small laptop. She quickly closed the screen she had up and turned to smile at him. "Would you like to go down and check out the restaurant?" Bruce's eyebrows came together in a frown, but she grabbed his hand and her purse and pulled him into the hall.

Without speaking another word to each other they found their way to the small restaurant off of the lobby. Ophelia skipped over to the large windows giving a view of the lake that ran through the woods behind the hotel. As they sat down a tall young man walked up to their table, "Hello I am Demitri, I will be your waiter this evening." He had jet black hair and you could see the lines of his muscles through his white buttoned shirt.

While they ordered Bruce watched as Ophelia licked her lips and took him in. Dimitri was laying the flirting on heavily before he went off to place their order. Ophelia bit her lip as she watched his tight ass walk away, "God Damn Brucie, if all men looked like that I would never close my legs." She laughed darkly and Bruce just smiled awkwardly at her.

"I thought you were a lesbian?" Bruce's voice was choked as he tried to rein in the beast. His throat felt tight and his hands clutched the side of the table in turns.

Ophelia laughed lightly at him, "a few ladies, a few men. It's really whoever strikes my fancy." She gave him a wink and he changed the subject quickly. Her eyes scrunched up at him as he spoke, her hand reached out to rest on his. "Relax Brucie," her words combined with the soft touch had his shoulders relaxing and a sigh to shiver out of him. Bruce needed to know how she was calming him down, but he was thankful.

Their conversation was vibrant and they seemed to get along like old friends. They had quite a few things in common Bruce found. Ophelia was really starting to wear on him, he kept catching himself staring intently at her fingers, her lips, her neck. Ophelia glanced over at Dimitri again, she was definitely going to take him home tonight. "So they don't mind being used and left?" At Bruce's words Ophelia turned to him offended.

"Bruce, I don't use people! They are all very special to me, I just never fell in love with anyone. I want the kind of love that could last centuries." Her eyes glazed over as she stared out at the water beside them, "The kind of love that reaches through a hundred galaxies to burn ones heart." She quickly looked back at him, her blue eyes burning with lust. "But I've had a hell of a time trying to find that person."

Bruce made sure Ophelia had gotten safely into the flat before he took off down the street to find a grocery. Coming back into the apartment with two bags of real food he found clothes scattered across the floor. Bruce set the bags down on the counter and walked around it to the living room.

Hearing soft moans coming from Ophelia's bedroom, Bruce snuck across the apartment to peek through the door. Expecting to see her alone, he was surprised when the man named Dimitri from the restaurant was on top of her. Bruce watched as Dimitiri's muscled back moved with each thrust, Ophelia's breath hitching every time. Her voice rang through his head and made his body tighten in anticipation for each sweet octave.

He licked his lips as her legs were lifted up high by Dimitri's strong hands. Bruce gripped the door frame when Dimitri ran his fingers along her slick skin while spreading them slowly. Once Ophelia's legs were almost straight apart, Dimitri began to pound furiously into her. Ophelia started to scream passionately and lifted herself up slightly, much to his horror she looked over and made eye contact with Bruce.

He went to back away, but Ophelia's lips let out such a sweet moan, her eyes glossy as they burned into him. She rose herself up completely while Dimitri continued his rough pace, wrapping her arms and legs around him she continued to moan loudly while holding Bruce's gaze. Her breasts shook with every gruff movement, her back arching and her hair swaying wildly. Bruce ignored the fast beat of his heart, his body becoming drenched with sweat and his loins stirring hotly.

As Bruce watched, Ophelia reached her climax staring into his eyes. Her whole body shuddered and Dimirti soon followed loudly. When finally Dimitri rolled her over to being again from behind Bruce took off running from the apartment. The Beast roared inside of Bruce's head, Bruce cried out, his heart pounding in his head as he ran outside of the fire escape. He barely made it to the woods outside the hotel before he changed. Screaming into the pillow, Ophelia heard a faint roar from outside as she reached her second powerful orgasm.


The next morning Bruce woke up to the sound of the front door closing and Ophelia turning on the stereo in the living room. He had come home fairly early, but was as rested as he could be after running around the woods all night. His chest ached the most, but he didn't remember hurting himself. The smell of bacon floating into his room as Ophelia began to sing along with the music.

Walking out into the living room in a tee-shirt and pyjama pants she had bought him, he found her dancing around in tiny shorts and a tank-top making breakfast. Bruce sat down at the kitchen island and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. Ophelia turned to him with a full plate and giggled, "Out drinking last night Brucie?" Setting the plate down in front of him she placed her elbows on the counter and leaned her face into her hands.

Bruce gave her a weak smile as he put on his glasses, "Sort of, I assume you had a good night while I was gone?"

Ophelia laughed and stood up to grab her own plate, she sat beside him and they began to eat. "I'm sure you already know the answer to that." Turning his head to look in her eyes, they held the same fiery passion they showed him last night.

With a sigh he ran his fingers through her long hair, still slightly moist from her morning shower. Ophelia's eyelids narrowed softly, her face looking peaceful. "I have a secret to tell you Dr. Banner." her lips smiled as she whispered to him. Taking his hand from her hair she took it in her own and gave it a little squeeze.

"What would that be Miss. Simmons?" Bruce asked playfully, Ophelia smiled at him through her eyelashes. Panic crushed her bravery and she let out a heavy sigh. "I didn't pay for that bacon," she bit her lip and laughed darkly. "I batted my eyelashes and flashed a little flirty cleavage, and he missed it on the ring through.

Bruce chuckled, "I hope you didn't do it on purpose."

Ophelia stood and traipsed over to the fridge, "Of course not Brucie, don't want to break your little heart." Bruce smiled, looking down at his place without moving his head. When his eyes flicked back up, he saw his own sadness reflected in Ophelia's eyes. Then she turned, placing the bottle of orange juice back in the fridge and sitting down beside him.

The air between them was awkward for the first time since their initial meeting. Suddenly Bruce turned back to her, grabbing the sides of her face. Ophelia looked at him wide eyed, then he placed a soft kiss on her lips. The Beast purred deep inside of him. It threw fear down his body, Bruce gasped and jumped up.

Ophelia looked up at him with sadness in her eyes. He stammered out an apology, reaching up to press his fingers to his neck. Bruce let out a low breath and turned quickly. Ophelia called out after him, standing to follow. Bruce shut the door quickly behind him, locking himself inside the dark bedroom.


Another city, another random excuse for Ophelia to tote Bruce along with her. Another white lie as to why Bruce wanted to stay with her. He sat on the edge of his bed, looking to the left at Ophelia's matching double. She had gone out 'working', which meant as Bruce sat brooding in the darkness she was taking her clothes off for strangers to oogle her.

Rage burned through his chest as he tried to calm down. He hadn't had an episode in over a month thanks to the medications he was experimenting with, he assumed. Guilt held him as he knew it was the money she was earning that paid for his drugs, food, lodgings. No, don't trail down that thought again. We can do this. Breathe. Find your Zen Bruice.

Letting out a sigh he stood and pulled his coat on. He wandered outside the motel for a while before just letting his feet take him down the sidewalk. His thoughts were muddled and his chest felt tight just trying to think of other things. The cool night air was helping but not enough.

Ophelia stood on the noisy old bus alone, her head down and her fingers typing out texts to the very girls she had just left. A group of men sat in the back of the bus, just a few seats from where she had been standing. They leered at her and cat called rudely. She was adept at ignoring them and just pulled her oversized coat tighter around her body. The irony of what they were saying wasn't lost on her as her bikini ties poked out the top of her jogging pants. She plugged her headphones into the jack on her phone and quickly left the bus.

Checking behind her, she made sure the men stayed on the bus. With a relieved sighed she continued down the street. Taking the next left she saw a figure looming down the block. It sauntered towards her in a familiar stride, and after a few more steps Ophelia was pulling a headphone from her ear. "Doctor Banner!" She called, waving a hand. His brown mop turned up quickly to look in her direction. Guiltily she saw a flash of fear in his eyes until he recognized her.

Bruce jogged to catch up to her before stopping right in front of her. "Do I have to answer some riddles before I can continue on my way?" Ophelia giggled slightly, Bruce just flashed her an exasperated smile. "What on earth are you doing wandering around at four in the morning?" She asked as he moved so they could start walking back the way he had come. "The frigging sun is almost up." Bruce stayed silent for a few more breaths before slowing his pace to catch her eye.

"I want you to stop stripping." His gentle request had her stopping in her tracks. She fluttered her eyes and wheeled on him.

"Hold on," she said shocked, "Huh?" Bruce sighed, rubbing his nose before letting his glasses fall back down to his face. He held his hand out towards the sidewalk and they started back on their way. Ophelia hoped there wouldn't be anymore interruptions.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Bruce stole side glances at Ophelia's now fuming frame. "I just think it's too dangerous…" He let out a shuddering sigh, trying to reign in his temper. Bruce just wanted to scream at her, to shake her until she understood. But he couldn't think like that, it wasn't Ophelia's fault he was, well, what's the word for it.

A little crazy.

That worked.

"Dangerous for me, or you Brucie?" Ophelia shot him a glance, pulling out her keys as they walked across the motels parking lot. He looked down at the asphalt under his sneakers, a blush forming on the top of his ears. Shaking his head, he heard the click of the lock and followed her inside.

"You don't need to answer, I get it." The bathroom door was left ajar as the water was turned on so they could still talk. Bruce retook his place on the end of his bed. Ophelia started humming a song while splashing the water around until she found the right temperature. "I'll check my account when I'm done and then we can figure it out." She called, he could hear her clothes hitting the floor. A brief paused for her to pull her hair up and she dipped her foot in the warm water.

Bruce sighed, leaning back and letting his eyes roam to the ceiling fan. "I don't know why…" he began, but Ophelia quickly cut him off.

"No worries," she piked, "I understand, just get some sleep and we can talk about it in the morning." Pulling himself off the bed, he smiled softly and began to pull off his wrinkled clothes. For whatever reason, he felt immense relief at not having to explain his awkward emotions to her.

But that probably posed another question.

As Bruce slipped between the sheets in his pyjamas, his eyelids felt heavier than they had been in a long time. His mouth opened to say something else to her, but the thoughts left his head and he fell into an almost drug induced sleep. From the tub Ophelia felt him slipping unconscious. As his snores filled the air she smiled and let her face dip under the water.