Naoi was a peculiar person.

He was the kind of character who could keep you guessing. He would frown in times of joy and yet would somehow smile in times of great distress. His expression would often be impossible to see through and would betray what he was actually thinking. No one could tell what he was really

thinking or feeling.

Until recently, I thought myself different. I thought that we could understand each other better then anyone. I thought that I would always be able to figure out what he's thinking. But now I'm not so sure. Naoi was good at making anyone second guess themselves; even me.


So when Naoi planned to make himself impossible to find, I should have known that's how he'd remain.


But I really need to find him.


I have to find him!


I leaned back on a wall. Exhausted and drained from walking around the school all day. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and felt my hand get soaked by the cold sweat that was clinging to my skin. I was sweating like hell from all the moving around, but at the same time it was freezing outside. I was shivering beyond comfort from both the cold and my nerves leaving me feeling completely grossed out.

I must have looked everywhere in the school now, there's no way he's that good at hiding. Or maybe he is and it's just something I've never noticed.

Or maybe...

He's not even in the school?

I looked outside and considered the probability. I had checked outside yesterday, but I just assumed that today he wouldn't go outside because of the weather. It was so cloudy that it was still dark despite it being not long after mid day, and the wind was so strong that it dragged rain drops. Surely he wouldn't go out in this kind of weather?

And yet I don't think that it would be too out of character for him either...

I spent a few more minutes loitering before I finally decided to suck it up and go look for him outside. There was no way I was giving up now. I considered having a shower and changing first so that I could warm up first. But I didn't think it worth it since I'd just be getting cold and soaked anyway. And I could just tell that spending more time procrastinating would only make me more nervous.

I took a step outside, already slightly regretting my choice. I stood still for a moment to get used to the strength of the wind, and when I became certain that the wind would not push me off course, I started walking.

I briefly forgot what I was doing and considered going back inside. But I couldn't do that, I had to find Naoi.

Oh... why didn't I bring a coat...?

First I looked in the most obvious places, but then I realised that if he was trying to hide from me he'd probably pick somewhere not so obvious to hide. I'd have to think carefully... He's smart.

So smart he's probably hiding somewhere so hidden, so secretive, so... Oh hang on a second.

I caught Naoi in the corner of my eyes leaning against a pillar in plain sight. Okay... So maybe he's not trying to hide as much as I thought.

My breath got caught in my throat and it took me a moment to remember to breathe. I'd suddenly forgotten everything I was planning to say and I briefly reflected on how I ended up in this predicament. I started to wonder, is this really worth it? Was every conversation, every awkward encounter really worth this complicated mess?

As soon as I even wondered the question, it seemed ridiculous to me. Because of course it's worth it, it's Naoi. Naoi is worth over a thousand words, over a million encounters. And even then he would still be worth it.

He still hasn't seen me... I gathered my feet under me and approached Naoi, making sure to move quick enough to prevent me having second thoughts. My heart was racing and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears like drums. I felt completely numb, I had to make a conscious effort to breathe properly and even then it was difficult because of the ball I could feel in the back of my throat.

I quickly advanced and found myself only meters behind Naoi. He must of heard me because he started to turn around.

Too late to turn back now...

When he turned around, we locked eyes. He looked surprised for a moment, but his eyes quickly changed to a look I couldn't quite understand. Almost like he was looking strait through me.

I couldn't take the silence anymore, but I didn't know what to say, "Naoi... I-"

"Just tell me," he interrupted. I blinked a couple of times from confusion.

"Tell you what?" I asked, not entirely sure what he was getting at.

"Tell me that you love me."

I felt the words shoot daggers into my skin. The truth has never made me want to disappear so bad. But Naoi looked completely destroyed, so I decided that now would be a bad time to test his patience.

"How did you...?" To me this seemed like a pretty obvious question, but Naoi rolled his eyes like it was the most stupid question I could possibly ask.

"I can read minds. Remember?"

Oh yeah... I'd forgotten about that. There was a couple of moments silence before Naoi said, much more sadly, "Just tell me.."

Time seemed to freeze. I couldn't think anymore, my feelings were so overwhelming that it completely numbed any common sense. I couldn't seem to move my mouth to talk and I wouldn't have known what to say anyway. So instead, in an almost daze like state I put a hand on his cheek.

It took him a moment to realise what I was about to do but he didn't have time to react as I pulled him towards me and kissed him.

Naoi froze up for a moment but then loosened up and put a hand on my forearm and kissed me back. My mind was set on fire and everything just felt so right. Suddenly I realised something and pushed him back a little bit.

"Hang on a sec, I thought you promised to not read my mind anymore."

Naoi smiled mischievously at me, "I lied." He laughed a little and then pulled me back down to kiss me.

I smiled happily in a wonderful bliss. I held him tightly in my embraced, scared at the idea of ever losing him. But that was a worry for another day. He was with me now, and that was the only reassurance I needed.

Perhaps this won't be forever. But I don't need a promise of eternity. This moment is perfectly fine with me.

No matter what happens. No matter how many times I end up heartbroken or lonely. No matter how many times I have to go through the same problems again and again. I'll be okay.

Besides, I always get by.

Well, there it is. The final chapter of Beats Without Angel. I realise that this is much shorter then most of the chapters and I'm gonna be honest, I was majorly rushing this (particularly at the end.) So sorry if it's not particularly good.

I'm probably going to go through the entire story at some point to make it better but for now I'm going to leave it like this.

Thank you so much for anyone who was willing to put up with my story :))) Love you all xx