"You know... it's tough to say, but, I really do miss you."
John Watson laughs, as he stands in front of the grave of Sherlock Holmes. It's been two years since Sherlock jumped, and John is finally able to go back and visit him again. But this is a special occasion. He's brought flowers, food, and he's dressed quite nicely for a public outing. He wonders if Sherlock would be able to deduce what was going to happen. "Won't have to deal with that anymore, though, I suppose..." he says with a sad chuckle, before sitting down on the blanket he's brought.
"I, uh... I had Mrs. Hudson make these for us," he says, holding out a plate of sausages to the stone. "She misses you terribly. We all do." John fumbles with something he's afraid to pull out of his pocket, and he's sure Sherlock would have stolen it by now if he were here.
"Um... I know we were never... you know- SERIOUS, I suppose, but..." he stumbles over his words. "But, I figured... better late than never, right?"
John exhales nervously and pulls a small velvet box from his pocket.
"Sherlock Holmes... You were the greatest man I ever knew," he says through tears. "And even though you could definitely get on my nerves- God, were you a pain!" He laughs.
"But... you saved me. And-" John pauses here. What if someone walked by?
"Oh, hell with it, you can't really say no, can you?" he exclaims, and opens the box, revealing a small silver ring. It's plain, but he doesn't care.
"Sherlock..." John closes his eyes and gently places the box in front of the headstone.
John jumps. "Who-?" He whips his head around-
And there he is. Sherlock Holmes, the man he just proposed to, the man who he watched jump off of a building, his best friend, standing behind him. The real Sherlock Holmes. John is unable to stop the shock that shows on his face. "What?"
"Yes, John." Sherlock is smiling.
"But- you're-"
"Not. Dead." John stands up.
"I don't-"
"Believe it? You should. And I believe we have a wedding to plan-"
Sherlock is cut off by John kissing him. But he doesn't mind.