*Sev Speech* Draco speech (you'll see why soon)

Draco stood in the doorway watching the tableau. Harry looked shattered, and Snape looked concerned. As Harry relaxed so did Severus and he gently laid Harry on the sofa, leaving the room as quietly as he could. He didn't look up, but knew Draco was there.

"Do you want to talk?"

They both said at the same time, and their mouths lifted up into simultaneous nervous grins.

Draco sighed and rubbed his temples.

I used to lie at night sometimes, and wonder if I'd lost my soul whispered Draco.

*Sometimes I knew I had. But Albus wouldn't let me go. He caught me every time I fell*

I used to wish I had power

*Voldemort used to tell us that there was only power and those too weak to use it.*

I believed my blood ran black from the Mark to my very heart

*Blood runs red, until you are truly dead*

To the well educated mind, death is the next great adventure.

*But there are too many adventures to be had in this life, before you start to contemplate the next one.*

Draco moved towards Snape slightly uncertainly, and Snape realised the boy had probably never given anyone a hug before. He moved closer, encircling his arms around the Slytherin, and felt Draco's small body shaking with sobs.

"It's ok, Draco, it's ok. Everything's going to be fine now" Snape whispered with small variations, until Draco's sobbing subsided into soft hiccups.


"I promise"

Draco pulled away surprised.

"Slytherins never promise!"

"My Slytherin genes are on holiday" whispered Snape, so quietly that Draco wasn't even sure if he'd heard it.


When the next term started, Harry and Draco became firm friends. Harry was never as close with Hermione or any of the Weasleys as he had been before but they all got on with Draco. This, coupled with the lack of young Death Eaters, led to the breaking down of houses, until House Points were abolished and Houses only played each other at Quidditch and had lessons together, rather than constantly competing.

Wormtail was caught and given the Dementors Kiss, and Remus and Sirius were officially honoured and granted the Order of Merlin 2nd Class posthumously.

Without the threat of Voldemort, Snape could take the two boys into his care, and they both excelled at their studies and social lives under him. Snape also began teaching properly, as he didn't have to discriminate between students for Voldemort's sake.

And the Dursleys? One dark Halloween night, Professors Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick crept into no.4 Privet Drive and transfigured the Dursleys into plastic animals. They were declared missing, but the only remains the police could find were three mysterious, bright pink flamingos standing on the wall.

And of course, Narcissa Malfoy met the same nasty end as her husband.

After school Harry became the English seeker, helping the team win the World Cup 3 years in a row with spectacular catches. Draco took over the DADA place from Arabella Figg who had decided to leave Hogwarts for the warmer temperatures of Beauxbatons (and also to improve her french) and spent many pleasant lessons teaching the pupils about Grindylows and Cornish Pixies whilst telling them all about the War against Voldemort to prepare them for the next spell of darkness.

And so, amazing as it may seem, they all lived happily ever after, until the end of their days.

***************** FIN ********************

WELL?? What did you think? I'm so proud, I actually finished it! If you are American/any nationality except English please read my next very short passage about 'english-isms' and keep sending me suggestions about what to write next.