I have tried to follow the continuity to the Shingeki no Kyojin as closely as I'm comfortable with up until this point. One reason is, from the manga to the anime, Attack on Titan is a work-of-art! Another is that, as I've probably read enough fanfics to fill a real world bookshelf, I don't like time-skips or unexplained things appearing in the storyline. Especially with no warning! However, as of this chapter, the pace will be picking up a bit. Time-skips could be a thing, but nothing more than a scene-break of a day or two at most, I'll try to cover any gaps of information as best as I can and I hope through it all you still enjoy my work.

To recap: The breach to Wall Sina through Trost District is sealed, Naruto has finally introduced himself to everyone else, killing a Titan with a single sword swing. (The little scene at the end was just for fun, so you can just pretend it's not even part of the overall story for all the difference it'll do.)

Anyway, onto the pairing.

If you think that Naruto isn't gonna hook up with anyone, then you're wrong. If you think you know who it is... well feel free to guess and leave it in the reviews.

I would also like to apologize for the enormous hiatus I have been on, but i have had quite a lot on my plate and still do. However, I have still been getting messages asking me to continue my stories and I think you guys deserve a least some effort on my part. My updates may become even more inconsistent, but I hope you all continue to enjoy.

Roughly 2 hours after Wall Rose had been sealed.

The successful Elite Squad members were standing in line atop Wall Rose along with those from the Scouting Legion and a heavily restrained blond stranger. In front of them all was Dot Pixis, listening as each member gave their report. But the mustachioed gentleman was more interested in the stranger than the reports, so he was only half-listening.

'He's a little scruffy-looking, isn't he?' Pixis observed. The blond-haired man in question was a bit unkempt, with an expression showing his lack of enthusiasm testifying to that.

He was not a member of the military, his uniform was clearly stolen from the obvious fact that whoever it really belonged to was much less muscular than this young man. There was also the fact that Pixis had never once heard of a swordsman strong enough to cut a Titan's body to pieces before.

"At first it looked like he'd just cut the thing to pieces, but that wasn't the case."

Pixis stopped his pacing right in front of the blond man and looked down at him curiously. He seemed to feel no stress for the situation and was staring off into space while he scratched an itch behind his ear. Despite his lack of a threatening demeanor Pixis still recalled Hanji's report and its highly graphic details on how he had so thoroughly torn a Titan to shreds.

"A single, massive cut started from under the right arm before travelling upwards and slicing clean through." She seemed to take a bit too much enjoyment from her job of relaying the information about the Titans remains to him, but everyone had their own little quirks it was harmless enough. "The blade then turned inward before slicing off the head at the base of the neck and again to sever the left arm. Finally, the blade turned once more to split the 10-meter class in half and severed its legs from its torso. Right through one of the vertebrae, sir!"

'This boy didn't even hit the vital area on the neck to kill it, yet he still sliced a Titan into so many different pieces that it's regeneration wasn't able to keep up and it died. An organism couldn't regenerate a wound if said organism was already dead. More than that, he did it in a single swing so fast the air pressure from the strike sent the blood splattering across a hundred-fifty foot radius.' The seasoned veteran betrayed no hint of emotion on his face, even as the restraints on the sloppily-dressed blond groaned and strained in protest against their abuse. They were solid iron chains and shackles, yet he was nearly breaking free of them as if he wore no restraints at all. Like their was nothing surrounding his arms but the air itself.

Oluo Bozado* was trying to scare him into line by emulating his Captain's personality and manner of speech. It made the situation quite a bit lighter for everyone involved watching Bozard bite his tongue repeatedly in his efforts to mimic his Captain. It also gave Pixis a bit of an idea of what the unknown man's personality was like when even he began to grow concerned with his captor's well being, or at least the well being of his poor tongue. Levi himself didn't seem too concerned with the currently aloof man and the veteran soldier had to silently agree. The description of this person's behavior in battle was all too familiar to them both.

The savage way that he just tore into the Titan was not unlike Eren Jaeger's rampage after transforming into a Titan or Levi after that incident years ago. It betrayed a deep-rooted loathing of these cannibalistic creatures, which was not uncommon given the dietary preference of those mindless animals, that manifested itself in the violent way he dispatched his foes.

'This young man has a history with the Titans,' Pixis thought shrewdly, but for the life of him he could not even begin to guess on what it was or what could have given this person such ungodly strength. If he had to bet on it, then Dot would wager his dearly beloved flask that it was a similar situation to Eren Jaeger.

"So, where are you from?" Might as well start with the basics for questioning the man.

The blond glanced away from his concerned looks towards Bozard to look up at the man, his body a shadowy silhouette against the Sun, the only part of him not thrown into shade being his face. It would have been intimidating to other people, but not Naruto. Plus...

"Nice mustache, old man," the blond man gave a charming smile, relaxed and devoid of hidden intent or malice.

Dot blinked owlishly at him and let a 'thank you' drip from his lips, content to wear his emotions of his sleeve as it were as it seemed he'd opened the proverbial floodgate.

Most of it was nonsense and he'd eventually been dragged off to a cell, still prattling on. He got as much information from his attendant in an hour than he probably would have in a day from him.

His name was Naruto, no known surname. He was a resident of Shiganshina in Wall Maria for fifteen years working as a carpenter. No living relatives; his last surviving family member being his father who moved to Shiganshina with a young Naruto after the death of his wife, dying himself shortly thereafter of mysterious circumstances.

Naruto, like Cadets Jaeger, Arlert and Ackerman, had been living in Shiganshina when the wall was breached. Afterwards moving to Trost district and opening a new shop.

"That has to be the worst luck I've ever heard a civilian having," Pixis mused aloud in a meeting with members of both the Survey Corps and the Garrison inside of a hastily erected tent. Also there were Survery Corps members Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, signature frown locked in place, and Hanji Zoe, the ever charming brunette very much at odds with the perpetual patch of sourness next to her.

"It's way too convenient," said said patch of sourness, unsuccessful in dragging the mood down while Zoe was chatting so amiably under her breath with Anka on her right about the capture of the two Titans in the operation. "Even if it is just dumb luck," Levi stressed the word dumb when speaking of the now incarcerated blond man, "what the hell is a carpenter doing knocking out a soldier, stealing his uniform and Maneuver Gear, and killing Titans?" The unasked question of how he was able to do so was so obvious that he didn't even need to bring it up.

Also unasked was the question of how he'd been able to do so with the weapons he'd had on him. On Pixis' desk were half a dozen blades designed like knives, but closer in length to a shortsword and each nearly as long and thick as his arm. The blades were jet black by nature and double sided in a roughly triangular shape and looked less like a soldier's weapon and more like the trademark tools of an assassin. The next and last weapon was a katana that was ridiculously long and heavy, as long as Levi was tall and weighing almost twenty pounds.

The question of how he came into possession of these well-crafted blades could have been made by the man himself under the guise of making new tools for his work. Effective though they were, there were clear signs that the metalworker was only a novice.

The knives were not sharp, sacrificing a cutting edge for durability. Indeed, Pixis might need to provide one of his men a hammer to bury it deeper than an inch and one would need strength as great as that of the young man to use the black blades properly.

This was the strength that Titans possessed.

It was dark.

Dark and wet.

It was dark, wet and unpleasant.

That unpleasantness didn't come from any of the previous factors, but from the obnoxious person locked in the cell next to him.

Eren Jaeger had been fast asleep, the use of his Titan powers utterly exhausting him, and he would have slept a lot longer had a certain blond haired man not woken him up by loudly 'psssting' from the cell directly across from him.

Why did this man, who from Eren had managed to see before losing consciousness was some kind of super-soldier that, from his blurry-eyed perspective, eviscerated a Titan to the point where the damage was too substantial and it died. All while standing on the ground, coming no higher than the accursed things own shin!

Why then was he locked up?

'Probably from talking so much,' Eren thought rudely. It was not very good manners to think such things of people like those who voluntarily risked their lives to protect humanity, his mother and that wooden soup ladle made sure of that.

But Eren just couldn't reconcile this man to the walking death machine he'd caught a glimpse of before.

He also could never quite enjoy soup the same.

That tiny amount of respect for him dissipated slowly over the course of their conversation. Apparently he wasn't even a soldier at all...

"You stole that uniform and Maneveur Gear from a soldier?!" It was a difficult art, but Eren had mastered the skill of simultaneously looking both angry and whatever emotion people would normally feel in a situation at the same time. Even when that situation called just to be angry. Ah, the patented 'double-angry' face, as Connie had once put it. Right now though, Eren's face was a very interesting blend of incredulous and dumbfounded. Mikasa would probably be so proud at the progress he'd made if he wasn't in a jail cell.



"Well I lost my sword when some fat noble slammed right into me, which is more than any Titans have done to me in years," he looked particularly proud of the latter half of that statement, though he definitely wasn't happy to have been injured by something so mundane.

'Not like it hurt, all things considered,' the older man ommitted from their verbal debate.

"You're just a civilian, you should have just left it to us," the brown-haired lad in front of him, Eren from what he'd overheard, said with a bit of delusional self-righteousness. "I don't care what you did, you put the lives of my friends, of humanity, at risk!"

Any good-naturedness vanished from the blond-haired, blue-eyed man was wiped clean and Eren felt suddenly very small as the man stood up from the edge of his cot and calmly stepped up to the bars of his cell, his arms slipping through as they came to rest on the door. His body was hunched forward like a cat about to pounce on a mouse and his eyes, the only part of his face not currently cast in shadow, were practically on fire as if the anger underneath had set them aglow.

"I've been killing Titans longer than you, your friends, or those guards down the hall have been alive," Naruto said with venom dripping from his voice, "I don't care what you say or do, because frankly I don't know you enough to even care. But if I see a Titan then it dies, no exceptions."

He returned to his cot and faced the wall opposite him, muttering something so quietly that no other living soul heard his words.

"I'm not turning away from this anymore..."



"My mother died because of a Titan."

If the blond had heard him or even cared, but Eren had felt that this stranger would somehow understood how what it was like to lose something important to you.

Whatever he would've said was cut off as the hallway door opened wide and several people strolled in.

"Oh, thank God," Naruto slammed into the bars of his cell, a distraught look on his face. "You would not believe how much this guy can talk!"

"How much I talk, well what about you!?"

Fake tears streamed down his face. "See! Now he's gonna start all over again!"

"He's lying!"

"I want a new cell, preferably with wifi! I want a lawyer! Innocent until proven guilty!"

Eren was about to retort about the guy's crazy demands when the shorter of the two men that walked in cut him off, "I don't care what you want or what you did, you're here now and you'll shut up or die right now in your cells."

"Levi," the taller man, also blond but with more well-kept hair chastised his companion lightly before turning to each of them, "You two are coming with us." Eren did not know why, but he did not like the sound of that and gulped.

"Where are we going?"

Levi was the one to respond, a look of total apathy on his face, "Your trial. You better have your stories straight, because whether you live or die is on the line, brat."

Two guards opened each of their cell doors and escorted them in chains behind Erwin and Levi.

Eren's hands were behind his back in chains, a metal bar rising up as thick as his skull rising seven feet out of the floor and preventing him from moving. The same was true of the fake soldier he'd spent the better half of a day arguing with, save that his chains were twice as thick and the half-dozen metal rods anchoring him to the ground had been haphazardly driven into the tiled floor.

The man was currently set right next to Eren as they sat in the middle of a courtroom, the people here deciding whether or not the two would live or die and if the blond man, Naruto, was a threat to humanity or a blessing in disguise.

"We cannot take any chances, these two are heretics and an affront to the three goddesses, Maria, Rose and Sina!" A man of the cloth shouted out.

"That's right," a merchant yelled out, "we don't need these two. Just seal up the gates again so the Titans can't get through."

This was the what the majority of civilians were saying as well, decrying Eren as some dangerous monster and Naruto as some deranged, non-human, psychopath. A few even speculated that both were spies sent by the Titans, Eren with the ability to shed his human form and Naruto with all of his Titan abilities compacted into a normal-looking body.

As normal as a guy with whisker marks could look like anyway.

Eren gave what he hoped was a rousing speech of how they should trust him and he would not let them down. All that got him was that he was now staring down the barrel of a rifle with the orders to be terminated immediately, the intensity of the speech frightening enough to set some people off. The boy saw the fear that compelled the soldiers to point their weapons at another human being and thought he was going to die right here, right now. Then he heard someone laughing.

It wasn't a laugh filled with joy, as all laughter should, but more like a manic laugh. As if the person that the laughter spilled from had taken leave of their very sanity.

It took everyone a moment to focus their eyes on the man tied up next to Eren, ragged blond hair concealing all but the grin that oozed the poison called madness.

"You people are all so afraid of those dumb, overgrown that go around chewing on you like grass despite the fact that there's not an intelligent thought in their heads and all they really can do is flail around like a half-lucid drunk! Its a good thing they trapped you inside these walls if you ask me."

Vague mutterings and whispers began to spark amongst the trials attendees and it spread slowly throughout the people in the court room."Just what do you mean by that," the leader of the Military Police growled out, angry.

"You thought that those piece of shit meatsacs were scary, then I know you wouldn't cut it in the world outside right now when I know for a fact that there are far worse things that could be trying to eat you. You people need your precious Maneuver Gear just to fight them and have a shot at winning, all I need is someting sharp and pointy. And look at your faces, even now, behind your stupid walls, you're still scared to death of those things!"

Cries of outrage exploded throughout the courtroom, even amongst the Scouting Legion, as this person pushed every possible button they had. "That's enough," the MP leader shouted, "Shoot him!" His subordinate trained the rifle on him and pulled the trigger, an explosion going off as the bullet almost instantly crossed the distance and made the man's head fly backwards, blood leaking from his upturned forehead, his skull slamming into the metal rod behind his head.

It took almost ten full minutes for order to be restored, many people shouting, but the loudest were Eren and his friends. The clearer-headed people in the room knew what the man really did, he saved the boy's life. "Oi."

Everyone froze, petrified with some form of shock or fear on their faces as that voice spoke again. The blond man's eyes settled their glacial gaze on the entire room as no one dared move a muscle. He licked his lips, as though being shot through the skull had him parched before speaking, "Have you got that out of your system, or do you want to shoot me again?"

Nobody got to respond to him before Naruto answered his own question.

"Not that I'll let you, of course."

Those sitting at the back of the room closest to the doors could not see his face and it was a good thing too, the Judge thought to himself.

'Those aren't the eyes of a sane man,' a man older and more experienced in the affairs of the military than almost anyone else in the room.

He'd seen and tried many a person many different courtrooms, from cowards and incompetents to people guilty of deserting and treason. This man had eyes just like a certain respected veteran of the Scouting Legion he had been forced to try in his earlier years upon the bench.

The man had a near-flawless record across many years of service. He was respected by his comrades, well-liked even amongst those not in the military and returned that behavior in kind to his peers.

But that same man was cursed with ill-fortune, forced to watch again and again as his friends were devoured by Titans while everyone there, including this man, was powerless to stop it. Over and over again this had happened, nothing he did and nothing his brother-in-arms prepared for ever made any difference. He still lived and they still died.

Eventually it was too much and he snapped, pursuing Titans in the field with such reckless abandon that one time it became too much and dozens of members of the Scouting Legion went to their deaths.

Even in front of a young Darius on trial for the catastrophe, because that was all that nightmare of a mission could be called, the man had been unrepentant. He had begged the young Judge Zackly to release him, turn him loose on the Titans again and even if he was deprived of his Maneuver Gear the Judge knew he would've done it.

This man's eyes were the same as the eyes of that man back then.

The trial concluded in favor of Eren and Naruto, the two now free of their bonds and in a room alone with Erwin, Levi and a member of the Scouting Legion that they had only just met, Hanji Zoe.

She had just finished bandaging a few small bruises that Levi had given him after handing the boy a beating to keep that fool Nile Dawk* from killing one after the other nearly had his brains shot out, literally. He hadn't knocked out a tooth or anything which, regardless of who said it, had to be the worst excuse to give for something ever while said person's one remaining relative looked like she wanted to hang him by his own intestines not ten feet behind them.

Naruto himself had not said much since his last few words of challenge towards those Military Pansies who had the gall to shoot him, though whether that was out of stubbornness or impeded mental functions no one was quite able to guess.

The simultaneous overpowering attraction to the brunette tending to his wounds and feeling as if he was falling skyward was perhaps also worth some concern.

"So what do you think of our offer?" Erwin had given them the courtesy of waiting until Hanji had finished tending to their injuries. But the answer couldn't wait. Levi, sitting to one side of Eren, left the youth fairly cowed after the beating he'd been given that had still ended up saving his life.

Former Cadet Jaeger had made his choice, just as those he'd attended training with also would make a similar choice, and he didn't hesitate to answer Erwin's question. "I want to join the Scouting Legion!"

Levi snorted, derisively under his breath and got an a light elbow to the shoulder by Hanji, perched upon the arm of the couch that the rest of the men save Erwin occupied. Truthfully their abilities were useful, he wouldn't deny them that, but as soldiers they weren't even close to Levi's standards. Admittedly being ranked average by Levi meant that a soldier usually fell within the top 8-10% of the entire military, but he didn't even consider them good enough to shine his least favorite pair of boots.

It was totally not a factor that one was a carpenter and not a cobbler and the other probably didn't even know how to shine a pair of boots anyway.

Erwin's gaze fell to the other blond man in the room, everyone else's following soon after, "What about you, Mr. Carpenter?"

Naruto felt his eye twitch violently in irritation, cursing the fact that he had no last name listed, only Naruto. But he sure wasn't going to go by Carpenter.

"Just call me Naruto." A nod of understanding.

"Alright, what are you going to choose, Naruto?"

At this point Hanji had seemingly acquired speed rivalling his own because she practically teleported from her spot next to Levi to the opposite end of the couch. Her face was now inches his own, giving him a very close view of her rather surprisingly bright eyes and smelling like flour. What, did she visit a bakery or something recently?

"Come on, you simply have to join the Scouting Legion," she exclaimed, a rather disconcerting level of interest in him radiating from the core of her very being. "You'll have the chance to fight the Titans, to aid humanity, and I'll have the chance to study you both!" It looked like she was rambling, lost in her own little word as she barreled on. Her face was only getting closer until their noses were touching, her cheeks flushed a rosy hue and her breaths coming out in heavy pants.*

"Woah there," Naruto poked her in the stomach, causing her to come back to reality with the rest of them and take a step back, coughing lightly into her hand to try and look dignified. "I'm not refusing, it's just that..." he didn't know quite how to put it into words, "I don't think I've ever been much of a team player."

Levi raised an eyebrow, "You don't think?"

Naruto sighed and put to words something he'd never shared with anyone. "I'm older than I look," he rested his head back and stared up at the ceiling, "A lot older."

"Does it have something to do with your strength?" It was Hanji, but her voice and her face were all business now.

A nod, "Yeah. As far back as I can remember, and that's pretty far back, I can't recall how I got this power. I just know that I woke up one day with it, alone." He said the last part wistfully, like he was reaching for something he couldn't quite grasp and it was slipping further and further away from him.

"You have amnesia," Erwin was pressing now, probing him openly for information. Naruto actually appreciated that. No cloak-and-dagger business, just straightforward questions and answers.

"Only of the first 20 years or so, the rest is surprisingly vivid."

Eren, silent throughout much of the conversation, finally asked a question of his own. "Just how old are you, anyway?" He had seen a lot of things in the past 48 hours, things even those around him didn't know were possible before now. Someone older than they looked didn't register compared to vanishing 100ft Titans, soldiers with the power to become Titans and people able to kill a Titan on foot and survive being shot in the head.

The bullet was even sitting on the table in the middle of the room with Naruto's blood soaking into the handkerchief it sat on! Why couldn't killing Titans just be simple without all of this going on, was that too much to ask!?

"Let's see," Naruto rested his head on his hand in thought, "Probably older than everyone in this room."

"Well, that doesn't sound that str-"


Eren's 'eh' of surprise and Levi's raised brow were utterly ignored in the face of the barrage of questions that Hanji sent at Naruto rapid fire, actually climbing onto the sofa and crouching over him as he was shaken violently by the front of his shirt. Erwin could probably reign in the excitable young woman, but his face was as hard and unmoving as a stone wall, trying to unravel what this could mean for the coming battles.

"How do you keep your skin so smooth? Is it moisturizer? Maybe sunlight is enough to sustain your body? Is that why your skin is tanned?" "Oh, is that how you measure your age," she rambled at a pace too fast for Naruto to even respond to except:

"Will you get off me already!"

(1)Oluo Bozado - His name is really bizarre and I actually rewatched a whole episode of the anime so that I didn't mess up his name specifically. I have no idea if this is even a European name, but points for being original, I guess?

(2)Nile Dawk - That is the name of the head Military Police officer at Eren's trial, though his last name is spelled differently from different sources. Personally, I thought he was one of the more interesting MP's that we see in Season 1. I hope we get more on soldiers from the other military branches in the future for the anime's second season.

(3) I totally imaged Hanji with a pair of pants stuffed in her mouth while she was talking to Naruto when I was writing that. I think if anyone had to guess, Levi was probably trying to shut her up. But NO ONE can stop Hanji when she's talking about Titans.

This is the first chapter I've posted for anything in a couple of years, mostly because I couldn't find enough time and eventually felt like I just wasn't any good anyway and just stopped. If any of you reading this far into this think that I've done a decent job, leave a critique or a comment for the story and I'll try not to take another few years this time. ;)

My other story, Dead Man Walking, might be put on hold while I churn out some other things, probably some one-or-two-shots. Unless you guys want me to work on that instead. My writing schedule is probably gonna be so irregular with what's going on in the world.


A job

2016 US Elections

Winter is coming

Dogs and Cats living together

Wile E. Coyote catching the Roadrunner


Regardless, I hope you've enjoyed my work and if you have any ideas on what you think might happen in the future. Maybe it will even inspire me in the process, then leave a review and I hope every single one of you have a great day. Also, leave the name of your favorite SnK girl down because Naruto may or may not sail on a glorious ship by the end of this fanfic.

Also, I don't know anything about how cops or the mob work. It'll make sense if you keep reading.

OVA: Manly Men

Two men sat in a dimly lit room with the only light coming from a lamp hanging from the ceiling on a long wire. Judging by the single solitary window separated from the men by iron bars, a draft was seeping through from a rainstorm outside and causing the lamp to sway back and forth ever so slightly. A slight creaking noise from the light set to keep their nerves even more frayed then they would have been.

"Listen up, kid," the older of the two men, a blond with electric blue eyes and a mouth set in a thin line, whispered to his companion. "When that door opens the feds are gonna try and get any information they can outta you but don't say a damn thing." He glanced over at the other man, "To be a man you gotta grit your teeth through stuff like this."

His partner, a young man with brown hair and gray eyes, gulped audibly and nodded. "Got it."

The only door to the room, a heavy-duty slab of metal with an iron lock on the other side, creaked as it began to open. Naruto and Eren Jaeger of the Shiganshina mafia eyed the door with looks that could kill, ready to meet their maker.

All of a sudden the heavy door thrown wide open and slammed into the wall with a loud BANG, additional light streaming through the doorway as to figures in trench coats stormed in.

The first, shorter of the two, Detective Hanji Zoe of Trost Precinct, famous for her near psychotic obsession with studying the criminal mind, had a crazed look in her eyes and a revolver in hand.

The second, Detective Erwin Smith, a veteran who'd thrown more of the crime syndicate behind bars than anyone else, had a menacing smirk.

Eren was shaking on his boots on the inside, but he tried to maintain an intimidating appearance and show them that he wasn't afraid.

His partner, however, was not handling it quite the same way.

"It was him!" Naruto pointed the finger at Eren, pinning whatever the coppers had brought them in for on him as the patsy. "He made me do it!"

"Wha-?" Eren was speechless, then he was angry. "What the hell was that about being a man!?"

Detective Zoe had decided to act on this information and flung herself across the table in front of the two and was perched precariously on Eren's chair. She had a handful of of his tailor-made suit and her revolver to his nose, screaming in his face.



"Hanji," Erwin grinned from his place by the door, Naruto with rivers of tears going down his face as he stood before the other blond man and coming up with about a million different stories per second. First had been pinning it on Eren. Then that he had just been hired to drive the boy home from a piano lesson after school. After that was a story with Naruto being homeless and Eren, being the good samaritan that he was, gave him a loaf of bread* to eat.

That last one was already fishy given the fact that Naruto wore a custom-made suit even more expensive and well-kept than Eren's.

"How about we speak a little more civilly." He gestured for Naruto to take his seat again and casually pulled out another chair to sit down himself.

Hanji sat down next to him, scowling across the table at the two of them. Eren specifically felt like two holes were being bored into his forehead by some invisible beams coming out of the detective's eyes.

Truth be told, Detective Hanji Zoe wasn't infamous amongst the criminal underworld as a psycho with a badge for her dirty looks. No, it was mostly because when she interrogated someone it ended up more like a screaming contest with one party shoving a gun into another's face.

Eren Jaeger's uncle once was threatened by Hanji after being caught in an illegal arms deal with 'deepthroating my gun until your insides are the color of lead' to coerce him into testifying in court.

"Now then gentlemen," Erwin said amicably, "Let's discuss why you are here." Hanji her finger against her revolver with that same, admittedly cute, scowl on her face.

"You're not getting a thing out of us," Naruto said full of cocky bravado.

'That's a complete 180 from a second ago!' Eren thought in his mind. Chibi Eren sat in a dark corner sobbing to himself quietly, a picture of his sister in front of him with incense burning. He wore a headband that said 'I'm screwed' in Japanese.

I might do these things more in the future. Leave a review if you want to see more Mafia on Titan.