Author: I recommend reading the chapter before this, because..y''s been a while :p

Aurora: I just got your voicemail, now what did you say exactly?

Mulan: I told Elsa that Anna and Kristoff belong together. Which you have to admit is TOTALLY TRUE.

Aurora: Wait, what? Does Anna even like Kristoff? I mean, it's pretty obvious that Kristoff likes her, but wouldn't they be together already if Anna liked him back?

Mulan: I think we all thought it would just happen eventually.

Aurora: Honestly Mulan, what Anna and Elsa are doing is really none of your business.

Mulan: You're kidding, right?

Aurora: No, I'm not. I know Anna is your best friend, and I know you want her to be happy, but what if Elsa is that happiness? Even if it's for a short while?

Mulan: But Elsa is going to be gone in a few months, why start something if you know it won't work out in the end?

Aurora: None of us know if it will work or not, that's the mystery. Like you and I, I got accepted into NYU and you're going to study in Paris for a year. We're in HIGH SCHOOL Mulan. A lot of us are leaving when we graduate. If we were all thinking long-term like that, no one would date anybody.

Mulan: So you're saying that after we graduate, we're done.

Aurora: Don't twist my words, you know that's not what I'm saying. I don't know what's going to happen honestly.

Aurora would have slammed her iPhone down if it hadn't already been her third replacement that year. She was standing in the kitchen surrounded by ingredients for pie, trying out a new recipe that Tiana had passed her way. Though due to current texting events, she had yet to actually get started.

"That better be apple pie you're baking…"

Aurora almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of her mother's voice. She whirled around in surprise, almost flinging her phone across the kitchen.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to frighten you." Leah Rose, Aurora's mother, placed a dainty hand on her daughter's shoulder as if to steady her. The woman was without a doubt her mother, both of them sporting the same long blonde hair that seemed to naturally curl in all the right places. Her features were sharp, yet her eyes were gentle and understanding.

Aurora heaved a sigh of relief. "No, it's OK. The storm just has me on edge."

Mrs. Rose looked from the phone in her daughter's vice-like grip, then to her startled face and finally to the pie ingredients spread across the kitchen counter. "You know, the last time you baked, you and Phillip were fighting…is everything OK?"

Aurora sighed heavily and leaned against the counter, finally tossing her phone to the side. "No, everything is not OK. Phillip and I broke up."

Concern washed over her mother's features as she reached for her daughter's hand. "Oh honey I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly? I really don't."

"I promise I won't tell your father, though you know how disappointed he'll be when he finds out. He and Mr. Hubert had such high hopes for you two-"

"Mom, Phillip's gay, and I'm-"

Aurora paused, not sure how to continue.

And I'm what, I'm gay? I'm bi? I'm dating a girl? At least, I think I'm dating a girl? Fuck, are we even dating? Goddamnit Mulan, what are we? What is this?

The shock on Aurora's mother's face seemed to soften as she digested the information. "But- are you sure?" Her voice fell to a whisper, "You two have been dating since freshman year-"

"Yes, I'm sure!" The blonde was trying her best not to be so irritated, but Mulan had put her in such a foul mood, she couldn't shake it. "But you can't tell dad, and you most definitely can't tell Phillip's dad."

"Oh don't worry, Mr. Hubert won't hear a word." Her mother zipped her lips tight and gave a wink, but the lightheartedness fell again at the appearance of her distressed daughter.

"Honey, are you sure you don't want to talk about it? Because I'm here, if you need me."

Aurora sighed, avoiding her mother's gaze. "I just can't right now. But I will, I promise."

"You don't have to promise anything honey, just know that I'm here." With that, she squeezed her daughter's shoulder and left the blonde to her thoughts.

Aurora watched her disappear down the hall before turning her attention to the untouched ingredients in front of her. Questions came in went in her mind as her eyes darted between the project before her and her phone, desperate for the bloody thing to ring, or vibrate, or light up, or something.

How could she be truthful with her family when she couldn't even be truthful to herself? Her life had been planned out since infancy. She was supposed to take over her father's business and maintain the strong ties they had with Mr. Hubert, Phillip's father and her own father's best friend, their most trusted affiliate and partner. She knew both Mr. Hubert and her father hoped Phillip and she would marry, and would joke that if it were the middle-ages they would have had them betrothed at birth.

The thought left a sour taste in her mouth as she thought of the wasted years with Phillip. She wasn't mad at him though, for he tried just as hard as she did. They both wanted it to work, wanted to make their parents happy, but after four years of forced feelings and lies, it had taken its toll on both of them. What she expected would be a sweet release and a weight free from her shoulders once they broke up, turned into being tossed into uncharted waters and back to square one. She didn't know how to be without Phillip, and she didn't know how to be in a real relationship, let alone one with a girl. She was scared, and hid behind a wall of easy indifference.

Her iPhone finally illuminated to life and the girl was quick to snatch it up, her expression hopeful. When she saw who the message was from, her face fell for the umpteenth time that night, but she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Phillip: OMG Aurora, did you see tonight's episode of Project Runway? That winning dress was so ratchet D:

The blonde rolled her eyes at the text and tapped her phone against her forehead. "God Phillip, you are so gay."

"Whew! I seriously thought we weren't going to make it through that snow!" Anna stomped her feet on Elsa's front porch and brushed snow out of her hair before making a dash into the warmth that was inside Elsa's house, quick to escape the howling wind. The blonde did the same, and eyed the snowstorm wearily before shutting the door firmly behind her. They had cut practice short and left the rink early, afraid they weren't going to be able to dig Elsa's BMW out of the snow, let alone make their way home through the storm.

Anna was already shimmying out of her layers and draping her coat on one of the barstools, but suddenly she turned around. "Oh my gawd, you know what we should do? We should start a fire and have s'mores. This is PERFECT s'more weather."

Elsa laughed as she kicked off her boots and peeled off her coat, hanging it on a coat rack by the door. "I thought s'mores was something you did on a beach in the middle of summer?"

Elsa was very aware of what Anna was doing. She was avoiding the subject that each of them so desperately wanted to discuss, but didn't know how to bring up. Elsa couldn't keep Anna out of her head that entire day, wondering what she and Hans had spoken of in the hallway during lunch, but held her tongue. And she knew Anna wanted to ask about Emma, whether she saw the confrontation between them at the rink or not, the auburn was a curious girl and she could see the questions forming behind her eyes.

Anna scoffed, pulling off her boots and abandoning them in the middle of the room. "Says who? S'mores can be enjoyed year-round." Anna was already digging through the pantry and squealed in delight when she found a bag of marshmallows and a few bars of fancy German chocolate she wasn't able to pronounce. "Somebody has a sweet tooth…"

Elsa rolled her eyes, "You know I like chocolate." The blonde sauntered over and in a bold move, slipped behind the auburn and rested her hands on the girl's hips. "Though if I didn't know any better, I would say this is just an excuse to snuggle with me by the fire."

With marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate bars in her arms, Anna twirled around in Elsa's grip to face her. "You bet it is. What's better than s'mores and Elsa-snuggling?"

Elsa did her best not to gush at the adorableness she saw before her and tried to compose herself. "Actually," she began, reluctantly releasing her and taking a step back. "I know of something that's much much better."

Anna instantly missed Elsa's touch the moment she let go, and stood in confusion as the blonde made her way up the stairs and out of sight.

"Uhm, Elsa?" Anna called, " I supposed to follow you?"

"No!" Elsa replied, her voice booming from the banister. "Stay right there, I'll be down in a second."

Shrugging to herself, Anna made her way to the living room and tossed the ingredients next to the fireplace before fiddling with the gas lighter, illuminating it to life. Her mind kept wandering to what on earth could be better than Elsa-s'more-snuggles as she laid a few throw blankets on the floor, and her face flushed when her mind took a complete 180 degree turn.

Wait, what if Elsa is changing, and coming down wearing a sexy outfit? What if she's got a sexy outfit for me? What if she comes down completely naked? I've never worn a sexy outfit! I've never even been inside a Victoria's Secret! Crap, what bra am I wearing?

As if the storm was connected to Anna's panicked thoughts, a sudden gush of wind pushed on the house, and Anna could hear something cracking outside. The lights flickered for a moment before completely shutting off, leaving the younger girl standing alone in the firelight.

"E-Elsa?" Anna called, forcing a weak laugh. "Is this the surprise? Knocking out a power line?" She tried to make a joke out of it but in fact was absolutely terrified of the dark. She wanted to look out the window to see if the rest of the street was dark as well, but the idea of leaving the safe glow of the fire and being attacked by clowns hidden under the furniture didn't entice her.

Anna could hear Elsa's light footsteps descend the stairs, the light of a cell phone screen illuminating her way.

"Anna? Are you OK? I heard something fall outside-"

The younger girl let out a breath of air, grateful that she was finally back. Elsa placed a large object behind the couch and out of sight then jogged to the window, pulling back the blinds and catching a glimpse of the neighborhood.

"It's completely dark out there…" She muttered, then turned back to face Anna who still hadn't left her spot by the fire. "Well, this sort of ruins the surprise."

"Surprise?" Anna asked curiously, hugging her arms tightly.

The blonde smiled nervously as she picked the hidden object up from behind the couch and made her way towards her. "Yes. Surprise?" Elsa smiled, a bit unsure of herself as she took the object from behind her and gently placed it in Anna's hands.

Confusion etched into Anna's features as she looked at the object, which happened to be a guitar, and her jaw dropped.

"Elsa...I..." Anna struggled to find the correct words, and in the firelight she lifted the instrument to examine it closer, then clutched it to her chest. "Elsa, this is a $2000 guitar..."

The blonde smiled, "The price doesn't matter. I talked to Merida, and she said this is the one you had always wanted."

"But Elsa-"

"-No buts. I bought it for selfish reasons, I wanted to hear you play."

Anna looked from Elsa to the instrument in her grip, and was ready to protest but the blonde held up her hand to stop her. "Please?"

Elsa's eyes pleaded as Anna's hands smoothed over the wood of the guitar. She slowly lifted the instrument, allowing her fingers to trail over the steel strings, instinctively placing themselves on an easy G chord, and strummed.

"So is there a special occasion that I should know about? I feel like I missed a memo somewhere. Was there a note on the fridge? Did I miss our anniversary?" The breath Elsa hadn't realized she had been holding came out in a relieved whoosh as both girls chuckled.

"Yes, well, no. I wanted...-wait." Elsa hated how Anna seemed to so easily throw her for a loop.

Anniversary? Was she kidding?

Elsa tried to play it off as Anna paused, her fingers poised above a chord as she tried to read Elsa's frazzled features. Elsa's mind instantly went to that morning, where the same question she wanted to ask then in the car danced on her tongue at that moment.

"Elsa- Relax, I'm kidding. I'm just giving you a hard time."

The blonde released a breath of air and clasped her hands behind her back, Anna's words almost stinging as she tried to control herself and desperately change the subject. "I believe you owe me a song?"

Anna let out a laugh, "Oh my god yes!" and slumped to the ground, sitting cross-legged, letting the guitar rest in her lap. "For this, I owe you more than just a song," she added, and mentally slapped herself at how suggestive it sounded. She cleared her throat and avoided Elsa's gaze as she positioned her fingers over the strings. She strummed, listening to each string, checking for waves in the notes and making adjustments accordingly.

Elsa sat herself directly across from Anna, mimicking her position and keeping a small distance away.

Anna paused and looked up from the guitar, noticing Elsa's distance and reached out her hand towards her. "So Ms. Elsa, what would you like to hear?"

The uncertainty Elsa felt a moment before fluttered away and she just about lost it. Anna's eyes were dark and her auburn hair was slowly unraveling from its braid, which seemed to catch the light of the fire and set itself aglow. She looked seductive, mysterious, and all these other words that Elsa wasn't used to using in regards to describing Anna, but she liked it. She really liked it.

With a deep breath, Elsa took Anna's hand, and the younger girl dragged her closer so that their knees were touching. "Surprise me?" Elsa whispered, trying to hold back the excessive need to pounce on the girl.

"Surprise you? No pressure or anything..." Anna thought for a moment, her fingers plucking at the strings. "I feel like I've burned you out with Boston and U2, so how about something from this century?"

Elsa let out a small laugh as Anna allowed her hand to slide up and down the neck of the guitar. When the wind pushed against the windows, a thought came to her and she began to play, picking notes and swaying slightly to the rhythm. "Don't judge me when I start singing, it will ruin my reputation."

"How so?" The blonde asked, trying to decipher the notes Anna was playing. It sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite catch the tune, that is, until Anna started singing.

She'd trade Colorado if he'd take her with him
Closes the door before the winter lets the cold in

And wonders if her love is strong enough to make him stay,
She's answered by the tail lights shining through the window pane

Elsa knew Anna could play, she saw it the moment she picked up the instrument, but she had no idea Anna could actually sing. The blonde was instantly entranced, getting lost in her sweet voice and slight sway, watching her fingers move from one fret to the next.

He said I wanna see you again
But I'm stuck in colder weather
Maybe tomorrow will be better
Can I call you then

Anna pulled out of her own trance for a moment and caught eyes with the blonde before continuing. Her lips turned upwards in a smile, the light from the fire bouncing off her freckled skin.

She said you're ramblin' man
You ain't ever gonna change
You got a gypsy soul to blame
And you were born for leavin'

Anna glanced at Elsa again and smiled before continuing the next verse, almost forgetting the lyrics when the firelight gleaned off her hair, casting an icy sheen. They stared at each other for a moment, Anna repeating chords instinctively before Elsa slowly climbed towards her, closing the distance between them. Anna's fingers froze, and the blonde leaned forward, catching the younger girl's lips in a gentle kiss.

"So..." Elsa began, pulling away, her lips barely brushing Anna's. "...I didn't know you listened to country."

Anna inhaled Elsa's scent, hot air passing between them. "It's a secret," she managed, her heart thudding in her chest, " can't tell anyone..."

Elsa always had a thing for musicians, Emma being the perfect example, but there was something special about Anna that she found intoxicating. She wanted to taste her gorgeous smile, kiss her freckled skin, trail her hands though her sunlit hair, and explore every crevice of her body. The blonde had already imagined the younger girl naked beneath her, dreamt of her moaning her name in pleasure, and now here she was, inches away, and she could no longer control herself.

The sudden proximity of Elsa had Anna's skin burning and fingers tingling in anticipation. All the drama from the past few weeks seemed to build up to this moment, and the need to be with Elsa seemed to multiply at that very second. She tried to keep her breathing level as want overtook her, and the girl didn't wait another second to gently slide the guitar out from between them. Anna hoped she would take it as an invitation, and when she felt Elsa smile in her lips, the younger girl caught her bottom lip with her teeth, tugging gently, urging her towards her.

Elsa dove in, pushing her weight forward, allowing Anna to catch her and roll backwards onto the floor. Anna was able to see Elsa's silhouette above her, the fire flickering and casting a warm glow from beside them. The blonde leaned forward, placing a hand on each side of Anna's head and kissed her fiercely.

Anna felt as if the breath was sucked out of her the moment their lips touched, and a heat began to build between her legs. Her hips bucked, desperate for Elsa's touch, and the blonde responded in kind, her free hand grasping the auburn's shoulder and sliding down her front.

With her eyes closed, images of Elsa danced behind Anna's eyelids. She had never felt so strongly for anyone, for this girl that literally skated into her life. The thought didn't faze her, but it did make her a little nervous. She had never been with a girl before, and Hans had never been much for foreplay, the reality being she really had no idea what she was doing.

Elsa noticed Anna's slight demeanor change and pulled back, the distant light from the fire glancing off her freckled cheek. "Are you OK?" Elsa asked, concern in her eyes that Anna could barely see in the darkness.

Anna steadied her breathing. "Yeah, sorry. Just-" she tripped over her words, finding it difficult to form sentences with Elsa so close to her.

Elsa sat back, shaking her head, "I'm sorry, Anna. I just - I want you."

The younger girl instantly missed the closeness when Elsa pulled away, so she reached for her shirt and pulled her back again. "I want you too," Anna confessed in a whisper.


"Really. I…" Anna took a deep breath, "I just don't know what I'm doing."

The worry from Elsa's face instantly melted away as she smiled at Anna's adorable awkwardness, and Anna wished she could hide away in embarrassment under the blankets that were currently beneath them.

Elsa leaned down and kissed her on the lips. "Let's figure each other out together, OK?"

This seemed to satisfy Anna, for the girl relaxed and whispered a small, "OK" into Elsa's lips.

With newfound confidence, Elsa leaned back and allowed her hands to slowly roam the hem of Anna's long-sleeve tee before finally tugging it off her. She allowed her hands to smooth their way back down Anna's arms, her skin hot to the touch as her palms caressed her freckled skin, until she reached her shoulders. There she paused, inching a finger under Anna's bra strap and sliding it from her shoulder, and finally placing soft kisses in its place, trailing down to her clavicle where she nipped playfully.

Anna was very aware that Elsa was taking her time, but feeling the heat of having her so close was sending her head reeling, and despite the nervousness, she didn't want to take it slow. The storm raging outside seemed to serve as a soundtrack as the throbbing pressure continued to build at her core, her hands reaching out and entangling themselves in Elsa's hair, massaging her scalp as she gasped for breath at her teasing touch.

Elsa let her lips guide her, her hands sliding off Anna's other strap and reaching behind her, Anna arching her back so Elsa could expertly snap off her bra with a single flick.

A throaty chuckle escaped from the younger girl as Elsa tossed the bra away. "Showoff," she laughed, her hands reaching for the blonde and pulling her in for a deep kiss. She pulled away a moment later, trying to decipher Elsa's expression in the low light. "Though," she said breathlessly, "...this feels a little uneven."

Elsa laughed and sat up, biting her bottom lip as Anna helped pull her out of her shirt. A moment later Elsa's lace bra had also been discarded without the younger girls' help and the blonde was back to claim her prize.

"Better?" Elsa asked, searching Anna's features as her hands roamed up from Anna's hips to her stomach, following the younger girl's curves.

"Yes," was all Anna could muster as she took in the sight of Elsa's naked torso, her eyes hungrily raking in her taught stomach, milky skin and newly exposed breasts. She allowed her hands to rest at Elsa's waist for a moment before sliding up, trailing her curves and causing Elsa to shiver at the sensitive touch.

"Anna…" Elsa suddenly felt self-conscious under her intense gaze. "…you're staring."

"I know." The auburn grinned wildly and trailed her gaze to reach Elsa's. "I hope it's not a problem..."

"No," Elsa lied, self-conscious and her face flushed as she leaned forward, pressing her bare chest against Anna's.

The younger girl was ready to retort back, but instead a moan escaped her lips at the sudden skin-on-skin contact. Anna melted into the feeling of Elsa's exposed breasts against her own, and her hips bucked instinctively, an almost uncomfortable pressure beginning to build. When Elsa's lips met hers in an attempt to silence her, Anna wrapped her arms around her, dragging her nails up and down Elsa's back.

"Mmmm," Elsa hummed as she lifted herself slightly, hovering over the younger girl. With one hand holding herself up, Elsa used the other to massage Anna's bare breast, then slowly began to lower her mouth onto the other.

The moment Elsa's lips met Anna's pert nipple, another moan escaped from the auburn's throat and she arched her back, encouraging the blonde to continue. Elsa did just that, flicking her tongue repeatedly before wrapping her mouth around the girl's breast and sucking. Anna's mind clouded over as she clawed at Elsa's back, the throbbing wetness continuing to grow between her legs desperately needing attention.

The blonde reached forward, pushing a strand of hair behind the auburn's ear, the one that always seemed to escape its binds even though she could barely see it, and kissed her deeply.

"I want- I need you," Anna repeated hoarsely the moment Elsa pulled away. Elsa responded by lowering her body against hers and rolling her hips forward, both girls trembling at the contact. Elsa suddenly became irritated with her own clothing and hastily battled out of her own jeans. Anna did the same, both girls unbuttoning, unzipping and kicking to free themselves from their last articles of clothing. Anna was the first to free herself and pounced on Elsa right as the blonde was giving a final kick to relieve herself of her skinny jeans, and let out a content sigh when skin finally met skin, both girls left in nothing but their panties.

Elsa's lips curled into a surprised grin as Anna lowered herself, thoroughly enjoying Elsa's own drenched core as it slid near her pelvis. She could hear Elsa's ragged gasps as they began to rock their hips, trying to catch each others rhythm at first, the imperfection of the moment eliciting small giggles from both girls.

"Sorry," Anna was the first to apologize, but Elsa instantly shushed her.

"You better not be apologizing because you move faster than I do..." Elsa looked up at Anna's face and almost squealed at the site of the sudden adorable shyness that seemed to be overtaking the auburn.


Elsa pushed herself up to catch Anna's bottom lip between her teeth and bucked her hips slightly, Anna's wet sex receiving a sudden jolt that caused her breath to hitch in her throat as Elsa enveloped her in another deep kiss. Anna laughed into Elsa's mouth as she pushed her hips forward again, slower this time, and Elsa responded in kind, the blonde's attempts at being silent failing her as she moaned, Anna's name forming off the older girl's bruised lips. Elsa desperately reached for Anna's waist, their hips now moving against each other in a perfect rhythm.

The sound of her own name off Elsa's lips sent Anna to the edge, her core pulsing as she trailed up the blonde's flawless skin to her chest, squeezing and massaging both breasts before lowering herself down, latching her mouth onto Elsa's nipple and giving a small nibble before mimicking the blonde only moments before and lapping her tongue over her.

Elsa arched her back, her hands entangling themselves in Anna's hair. The auburn moved forward and surprised Elsa when her free hand slid down her front, and continued lower and lower, her rocking ceasing as she teasingly slid a finger over the wetness of her panties.

"Don't you dare," Elsa murmured, attempting to ignore her own throbbing core as she pushed herself up and placed her hands on Anna's shoulders, literally forcing the younger girl on her back as Elsa overtook her again. "This is about you," the blonde explained, kissing Anna's lips, then her neck, collarbone, chest, and stomach. "Please, let me..." she didn't need to continue, her hands roaming to Anna's inner thigh and causing the girl's breath to hitch in her throat, her hips bucking in invitation. A small, desperate laugh escaped Anna's lips as she shook her head. "Elsa-" she managed as the blonde's fingers moved inwards, pressing against the auburn's core, running her finger up and down the wet fabric. Anna reached down and gripped Elsa's hair, her fingers trembling and tugging with each movement of the older girl's hand.

At Anna's last whimper, Elsa gave in and slipped her wet fingers under the elastic and pulled off the last fabric barrier. She traced two fingers down the auburn's dripping core, and Elsa caught her by surprise when she suddenly slipped in, penetrating her.

A gasp sounded from the younger girl as Elsa slowly curled her finger's inside the auburn before straightening and pulling them out. She trailed her tongue up the length of Anna's core, marveling in the taste and scent. She had been wanting this for weeks, dreaming about Anna, stealing glances when she could, and getting lost in her laughter. Now she was losing herself in the sound of her ragged breaths, the feeling of her smooth skin and the taste of her. Elsa loved it all and couldn't quite get enough.

She could never get enough of Anna.

With her two fingers pumping, Elsa pressed her lips against Anna's sex and began to suck gently, then allowed her tongue to roam over her folds and apply pressure in search of the younger girl's preferred spot. When Anna's hips bucked a moment later, the blonde grinned mischievously, quickening her fingers and tongue, lapping at her hungrily.

"E-Elsa, I..." the younger girl could hardly speak, yet found it increasingly challenging to stay quiet. When words failed her, her satisfied moans and tugs at Elsa's hair kept the blonde going, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

Anna felt herself go light-headed as Elsa's skilled fingers and tongue worked their magic. While the idea of Elsa was new and exciting, Anna would be lying to herself if she said she didn't want this, but she was also scared. She knew she was heavily ruled by emotions, and from the moment she met the blonde, she felt an attraction that she had never felt with anyone. Her mind seemed to clear with nothing but Elsa, as it did so often now, and she opened her eyes, her gaze falling upon the blonde.

Anna could see the firelight reflect off her hair, and in that moment Elsa finally glanced up at her, eyes stormy yet gentle, and the younger girl buckled.

Anna's back arched as she clenched her eyes shut, riding out the wave of emotion as she climaxed. Elsa continued, feeling Anna's interior walls clamp around her fingers as she cried out in release. Anna shuddered and collapsed back onto the floor, her rocking subsiding and limbs trembling as she rode out the climax. Elsa slowly pulled out and climbed up next to her, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, any place she could reach without having to break contact with her.

Anna stilled, a breath escaping her lips as she held Elsa close to her,


The girl let out a throaty laugh, "Hmm?"

"Are you OK?" Elsa lifted herself to try and catch the auburn's expression. The candle's had burned themselves out, so instead the blonde traced her cheek to her lips, her fingers trailing her bottom lip which was set in a smile.

"Very." The younger girl laughed and tilted her head up, catching Elsa's lip between her teeth and giving a playful a bite. "Though I believe this was all a little one-sided."

Elsa laughed, but the auburn clamped her bare legs around the blonde and pulled her back towards her, smiling mischievously, an expression Elsa could barely see in the dying firelight.

"Now it's my turn."


I can't thank you guys enough for the very encouraging PM's, and I apologize in advance to the grammar nazis, the spelling nazis, and tenses nazis, and my proofreader who has NOT proofread this, but I just couldn't keep it on my desktop any longer. To my readers, you guys have been great, and again, thanks for your patience.