Well, heres the last chapter! I'm going to include another little section on McGee at the bottom of this chapter, for those of you to read if you want. I don't own NCIS or its characters, i just like to play with them :)

"This year has been very hard on Ziva. She lost her father, and the assassination of her father also lead to another death: Jackie Vance. She felt very guilty and depressed at the same time, which was not good. She went from the concentrated, efficient investigator to a messy, unfocused person. She ended up going MIA in Israel a few months later. I went looking for her, but if she doesn't want to be found, she won't. I searched for months before finally locating her. She had been traveling all over Europe, visiting places important in her past. Everything that had happened to her, it was just too much." Tony is struggling to keep it together. He glances out the window over the city and says, "She chose to stay in Europe, to do something new. I guess the lifestyle had finally caught up to her. She couldn't deal with the consequences of the job, so she chose to no longer do it." Tony is silent for a minute, then adds, "I tried to convince her to come back to DC, but she was set on staying."

"Do you know where she is now?" I ask.

"Not really. But last I heard she was still traveling around Europe." Tony responds while still looking out the window.

"Clearly I have some big shoes to fill. They sound like great agents."

"They were. Man I miss them. I'm still hoping that Ziva will come back someday, you know, just check in so we know she's alright." He says. He is starting to tear up, and that is when I see how much he really cared for them. Especially Ziva. Although I can sense that is wasn't just a friendship between him and Ziva. The ways he speaks of her, its like they are something more. I squeeze his hand to let him know that its okay. He looks over at me, the first time in minutes his eyes have left the window. He makes eye contact, and holds it for a second. I knew right then that he trusted me, and that this was the beginning of what was going to be a beautiful friendship.

Yep, thats it! Just a cute little friendship bonding moment between Bishop and Tony. Please R&R!

Heres the section on McGee:

"Where does McGee come into all of this? I though he had been there since the beginning?" I ask.

"I'm getting there, don't worry. At the time, we were one of the best teams, so we had the most cases assigned to us. Many of them were at Norfolk. This is where McGee comes in. He was working there, not as a field agent but still for NCIS. We were working an especially hard case; a little girl and her mother were kidnapped, and the dirtbag demanded that a million dollars be transferred to an offshore account. We called in McGee to help because of his computer skills. He was the one who ended up saving the mother, when he came up with the brilliant idea at the last minute to hack into the dirtbag's computer and speak to him, telling him that the FBI had the building completely surrounded, when really it was just Gibbs, Kate, and I. But luckily the dirtbag bought it, and we were able to catch him. After we all got back to headquarters, McGee was promoted to Full Time Field Agent."

Thanks for reading!