Disclaimer: I do not own the Walking Dead.

Lost Hope: A New Life


(Erin's POV)

It feels as if the world has stopped and everything seems to be moving in slow motion. I just fell ten feet, but if I'm injured my brain doesn't register it. All I can think is that I need to get out of here, now. I still don't feel any pain as I scramble to my feet. By some miracle only two walkers seem to have spot me. The rest seem to be focused on…the RV? Oh no, Jimmy.

I know it's too late for him when I begin to hear screaming. I cringe and begin to run, knowing that if I didn't, the two walkers that spotted me would get me. I'm surprised that I'm still holding onto the knife Carl gave me awhile back. It's fortunate I didn't stab myself with it when I fell.

Walkers are still everywhere, but they seem to be more drawn to all the gunfire that's going on instead of me. I quickly look around and try to find Rick and Carl again, but they are no where in sight. I can see vehicles in the distance driving around with people sticking their heads out the window firing off shots at the walkers. They're too far. I'd never reach them alive with all the walkers between me and them.

I look around and begin thinking of a plan, being careful not to get to close to any of the walkers. So I can't reach the vehicles, and it's way to risky to try to run towards the house, plus I'd put anyone that may still be inside in danger. Obviously I can't shout for help. I turn towards the woods. The woods are my best bet.

I begin a full on sprint to the woods, not daring to look back. I have to dodge a few walkers, but it isn't long before I reach the woods. I don't stop. I keep running, adrenaline forcing me forward. I weave through the trees as fast as I can.

I must've been running for well over an hour, when I finally begin to slow down, adrenaline wearing off. I look around, making sure walkers are no where in sight and then sink to my knees. Then the pain hits me. My whole body aches. I look over my body to check for any serious injuries. Thankfully, nothing looks broken. I will probably be sore tomorrow and a fresh set of bruises, but other than that, there are only a few minor scrapes.

I close my eyes as I continue to catch my breath. Now what am I going to do? I'm in the middle of nowhere, deep within a forest, and I do not have the slightest idea where my friends are or if they even made it out alive.

Then it hits me. What if Carl didn't make it?

No, no. He's with Rick. Rick survived Atlanta and there's no way he'd let anything happen to Carl.

Suddenly I get the weird feeling I'm being watch. I allow my eyes to slowly scan my surroundings, but I see nothing but forrest life. I'm just being paranoid.

I close my eyes and take slow deep breaths to calm myself. When I open them my breath catches in my throat.

…In the distance about fifteen feet in front of me is a masked figure. Fear begins to rise in me. He's just standing there…watching me…not making a sound.

He isn't alone.

I notice something in the right corner of my eye and see another masked figure…then to my left, another…

I don't get a chance to look behind me.

My vision is becoming blurry and I'm falling backwards.

The last thing I see, are four masked figures standing over me…just watching me…not making a sound.

Now, there's only darkness.


A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sorry it took me so long to finish this story, but now it's finally done! I'll be working on the next story of Lost Hope very soon and believe me, things are going to start getting VERY exciting! Thank you for all the kind reviews, the favorites, and the follows! Be looking for the third Lost Hope story very soon! :D