"Hey Red." He started, standing outside the closed computer room. "Can I use the computer for a little bit?"
Crowe had been living with Red for a few months now, yet he couldn't help but fall back on old habits. He almost always asked permission to use this or do that, despite that he now technically was responsible for at least half the stuff in the house. Red had been very laid back on that, so long as you didn't break anything or mess with his stuff you were free to do whatever.
He stood outside the door, shifting from one foot to the other as he waited for a response. Red was always a bit...slow to respond to other people's words.
Minutes crawled by at an unbearably slow pace.
Crowe decided to try again.
This time, he knocked. Perhaps Red hadn't heard him?
"Hey Red, are you busy?"
This time, he got some sort of response. Not in words. No, instead he heard someone...or perhaps something, shuffling around in there, knocking things over and moving stuff around.
Crowe sighed and decided to come back later.
He went to go read a book, only to find Red sitting there. An overwhelming sense of confusion and mild panic overtook him.
"Red, were you using the computer earlier?" Crowe asked.
Red muted the t.v. before continuing.
"No, havn't touched it all day." he answered before turning back to his show. "You don't have to ask to use it. I've told you already."
"It's not that, Red. I think...there might be someone in the computer room."
Sighing, he muted the t.v. again. 'What do you mean someone's in the computer room? The door's jammed a bit. Gotta push it open really hard sometimes."
"I'm serious. I heard noises coming from inside." Crowe so desperately wanted Red to believe him. To not be alone if there was someone in there. "What if it's a thief?" He hoped to appeal to some part of Red, even it was just the part that only cared if something was getting scratched or broken.
Red looked at Crowe skeptically...or what he thought might have been skepticism. It was hard to tell what Red was feeling most of the time.
"Fine, I'll go check it out." He had finally conceded. Getting up he muttered something about paranoia and seeing things that weren't there.
Red stood at the door to the computer room, Crowe showing up not long afterwards.
He pushed it, hard.
It didn't budge.
He tried again, this time jiggling the handle. From inside the sound of moving about could definitely be heard.
Red stepped back, shocked. There was someone inside after all.
"Crowe, go call the police." He whispered. The mat of hair in front of his mouth, dampening the sound a little bit more.
"But what about you? What if he comes out?" Crowe asked concerned.
The monster pushed the bird off towards the kitchen. "Just go."
Crowe took off towards the kitchen, both reluctant and relieved that he wasn't the one standing in front of the door.
Red cleared his throat.
"Hello? You seem to have found our way into our computer room. I'd like to ask you to leave." In hindsight, this wasn't very bright. But he could at least be polite. There was a part of him that hoped that it'd be this easy to simply ask him to leave.
Another part of him reasoned that at least he could say he had said 'please.'
His efforts were rewarded with heavy breathing and now aggressive noises.
Still no sign of the culprit holed up in the room. Red stepped back, pensive about what would happen if the intruder popped out. Would they be armed? He hoped to only keep them preoccupied enough that they wouldn't get away before the police showed up.
"Look, sir...or Ma'am. I-" Red was promptly cut off.
The door swung up, the moment of truth! It was all fight or flight now, too late to back down!
Before him stood a tall yellow man. The disheveled, thinning blue hair complimented his crooked nose. He donned a pair of large brown overalls with the letter 'R' sewed neatly onto the front...it was the only 'neat' thing about him.
Behind him, Red could see the computer room was also in a state of disarray. The computer was fine though.
For what seemed like forever and yet, not long enough the two stared at each other in deafening silence.
Then, under heavy breathing, almost inaudible to distinguish from the labored breaths came a single word.
The stranger had spoken.