Hey! This is the last chapter of my story! Enjoy!

The next morning, at the guild:

Erza was eating a strawberry cake as always, Gray and Juvia were at the request board, trying to pick a mission, and Wendy was chilling with Carla and Romeo at a table nearby.

"Found anything good?" Gray asked.

"Not yet. Juvia is looking for a long mission."


"Because Juvia wants to spend much time with Gray-sama!"

"I see.."

Carla took a sip of her tea. "The weather is very mild today. It's perfect for a wa-" before she completed her sentence she stopped and her eyes widened."

"What's wrong Carla? Did you have another premonition?" Wendy asked worried.

Carla giggled. "Yes."

"What is it about?" Romeo said.

"Na-uh, I won't tell you. But it's a good one! You'll see.."

Meanwhile, Lucy and Natsu walked towards the guild with Happy flying above their heads. "So you're going to say it."

"Yeah." Natsu mumbled. His arm still hurt from last night.

"We agreed it's time we should, but to show up and just tell the news.. I don't know, it's akward . Aaah what should I do?" Before they realized it, they were now standing outside the doors of Fairy Tail.

"So what do we do?" he asked.

"Let's just walk in an act normal, we'll figure something during the day." Lucy said.

Natsu opened the door. "We're back!" They headed at the bar, where Mirajane welcomed them with a big smile.

"Welcome back! Do you want something for breakfast?"

"I want a brownie!" Lucy said.

"A big burger!" Natsu added.

"Right away!" she said cheerfully and gave Lucy her brownie.

"Lucy.. can I have some of the brownie?" Natsu asked.

"Come on Natsu, you're gonna eat a whole burger!"

"Please" he begged with puppy eyes.

"Fine! Just one bite!"

"Thanks Lucy! Oh, you have some chocolate here" he pressed his lips on hers to suck the chocolate from her lower lip, without thinking thet there were people around.

"Here's your burger Na- Whoa.." Mira lost her balance at the sudden sight of them kissing as she turned around, then tripped and fell on the floor. The noise of the broken plates and glasses caused everyone to look at the bar.

"Whaaaa.." a mixed sound of surprise echoed at the guild hall.

"My God, the whole guild is looking at us! I wanna die of embarrassment" she whispered in Natsu's ear.

"My my, what do we have here?!" Mira said, rubbing her hurt butt. She was smiling with joy.

"Say Natsu-nii, Lucy-nee, are you kind of..together now?"

Natsu giggled. "Umm..well…"

Macao and Wakaba starred in awe. "That lucky bastard!"

"THAT'S A MAN!" Elfman cried out.

"Lu-chaaan, that's great!" Levy run to Lucy. "That's what you wanted to tell me the other day?"she asked in a low voice.

"Yeah" Lucy whispered back with her face was still dyed red.

Gray gasped. "Seriously?! Man, I can't believe you managed to get a girlfriend."

"What was that, you stripping bastard? Even Gajeel has a girlfriend and you're surprised that I do?" he shouted in Gray's face.

"What did-ya say, Salamander?" Gajeel screamed, pointing his fists towards Natsu.

"You wanna fight? Bring it on, I'll take on both of you!" Flames appeared on Natsu's fists.

"CUT IT OUT YOU THREE!" Erza jumped on the trio, knocking them out. She brushed the dust off her and picked Natsu from the floor.

"There's nothing that would make me happier as your friend than this. I wish you the best."

"Hold on a sec" Gray tried to stand on his feet, "this means that you already were together when we went to Onibus?"

"Aye sir!" Happy said.

"Shame on you, you didn't tell us anything." Gray teased them.

"H-hey now G-Gray, they m-must have had their reasons t-to do so.." Erza mumbled.

"Naaatsuuu!" Lisanna jumped on Natsu and grabbed his neck. "I knew it! I knew it!" She put her free arm around Lucy's shoulder. "You guys just earned me some good 700 jewel!


"Cana, gimme the money!"

"Dammit! Natsu is dense my butt! All men are the same after all!" Cana muttered as she pulled some money out of her bra and put it in Lisanna's hand.

"Hey, did you make a bet on us?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, I bet that you'll become a couple before summer." Lisanna said cheerfully.

"Just wait, I'll get it back when I win our other bet!" Cana threatened.

"You've made another bet?!" Lucy couldn't believe her ears.

Cana giggled. "You see, I bet that Gray and Juvia will hook up by the end of the month."

"Lisanna, I'm afraid you have to give her money back!" Happy confided in her.

"What?! Oh come on!" She gave Cana her 700 jewel back.

"Suck it Lisanna!" she put the money back in her bra. "Alright" she climbed on the bar so that everyone could see her. "I want to raise my glass-" she started in a loud voice.

"Ahem..dear, that's not a glass.." Gildarts corrected her.

"Sorry, my bad. I want to raise my barrel to Natsu and Lucy, and all the lovers in every present and future tense! Kampai!"

"KAMPAI !" the guild hall trembled by everyone's screams.

Lucy started to blush again. "That's just…"

Natsu gave her a grin. "It's no big deal, they're just looking for an excuse to party. We'll be laughing about it later on, remember?"

"Guess you're right". Natsu put his arms around her.

Mira walked on the stage. "Minna, this made my day and I feel that I want to sing a song! It's a duet, so I need a guy to back me up."

"These people are crazy!" Lucy cried out. Just when I thought that they had already reached the peak of madness... Good thing that Master is not here today.


"I wan-" Gajeel started but Levy jumped on him and literally climbed on his head to prevent him from finishing his sentence.

"Give us a break Gajeel, my eardrums still hurt from the last time!" she said.

Laxus, wanna sing?" Mirajane asked smilining.

Laxus coughed. "Sorry Mira, I have a sore throat."Although he looked serious, he smiled inside. His old self would have said something like Get your head out of your ass Mira, I don't sing. But the man that he is today would never say something like that to the sensitive, despite her demonic hidden nature, Mira.

"Too bad, and I wanted to sing with you. Freed, what about you?"

"Alright" he joined Mira on the stage.

Mira picked her guitar and started to sing in the most angelic voice.

We were strangers starting out on our journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

"Freed, it's your turn!"

No one told me, I was going to find you
Unexpected what you did to my heart
When I lost hope, you were there to remind me
This is the start

Surprisingly, Freed had a good voice.
"Together now!"

And Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road now and forever
A Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Mira continued.
We were strangers on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming that our dreams would come true
Now here we stand unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

They united their voices again, as people joined the stage one after the other for a dance.

And Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road now and forever
A Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

"Isn't it amazing Carla?" Wendy said, restraining herself from letting out a tear. "Happy ever after, just like a fairy tale."

So their friends' reactions were even more boisterous than they had expected. A total chaos. But then again, that's Fairy Tail.

So this is it! Hope you liked it! I liked it, but it's only natural since it's my story hehe. The song is the soundtrack of Anastasia, "At the beginning" by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx.

So...I've made a fanfic blog! it's in my profile, have look if you want :)