Hey! This my first fanfic here!
So this is what you need to know before reading this story. Please read this. Once in a few years a special happening is held in Fiore Kingdom, called the Great Magic Ball. At the ball, Lucy and Natsu got drunk and banged (what else?!), but they decided to keep their relationship as it is, so they remained friends.
This fanfic here takes place some months after the Ball, let's say 6 months later. Oh, and it takes place before the whole Tartaros arc.
To Lucy's house:
Lucy opened the bathroom's door with a towel around her and came out, followed by a cloud of steam. "Aah, that was refreshing". She walked to her closet, picked some clothes and when she was about to take off the towel, she heard Natsu's voice.
"Yo Lucy!"
Lucy quickly turned around and launched a kick in his face. "What the hell are you doing here?" Natsu lost his balance but the table behind him prevented him from falling. "Geez, always popping up out of nowhere.."
"Sorry" Natsu said rubbing his cheek, which got red from the hit.
"If there isn't anything you want, go home, you trespassing freak!"
"Calm down, I just wanted to give you your keys. You dropped them at the guild."
The angry expression on Lucy's face disappeared. "My keys?"
Natsu, took a key case out of his pocket. A bunch of golden and silver keys glowed inside it. "Here."
"Thank you, Natsu!" She took the keys. "Aquarius is going to scold me for that…" The image of the Celestial Spirit whipping her formed in her mind. But she snapped out of it quickly, and realized Natsu was still standing there. She looked the other way. "Anyway, can you leave now? This is getting akward.."
Nothing had changed in their relationship since the time they decided to forget about that night. They were still best friends, still going on missions together, still laughing their hearts out whenever something funny happened. Yet something was different. They avoided staying alone with each other. Whenever Happy or their friends in Fairy Tail were not close, they would both pretend they had something to do and leave with a hasty "See ya later". However, they never admitted themselves that they avoided each other on purpose, they wanted to prove themselves that it was something they had completely let go.
Natsu broke the silence, half serious, half joking. "Alright.. But it's no big deal you know! We've been though more akward situations, don' ya think?"
Lucy froze. She didn't expect that answer. She thought he would cope with the awkwardness and leave. She turned around again, slightly blushed, without looking in his eyes.
Natsu sighed, regretting for what he said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He wasn't sure whether he should expect an answer. After a few seconds, that felt like ages, he thought he should give Lucy some space and started to walk towards the window to leave. He never used the door in Lucy's house after all.
He had only made a few steps when Lucy said nervously: "Say Natsu, do you ever think about… that time…you know.."
"Sometimes." He really did. Sometimes that he couldn't sleep , it always was one of the first things that would come to his mind, or maybe it was the reason that sometimes he couldn't sleep. He wasn't sure. What he knew is that whenever he recalled that night, things about Lucy that he is too used to, like her voice, her smell, her skin, would suddenly become more lively in his mind, and he would find them cute.
"Me too.." Lucy replied. She had gotten closer. Natsu did the same. Their lips were now inches away. Lucy closed her eyes as he was about to kiss her. But instead, he said in a low voice "I feel like I don't want to hold back."
"Me neither." She opened her eyes. "I can't go on wondering what it would be like if we were like this…"
He put his arms around her shoulders, his forehead resting on hers. "Wanna give it a try?" he said in the same low voice.
"Yes, I think."
"Great!" He was now speaking loudly and quickly. "I'll do it right this time! Come on Lucy, I'm taking you on a date! I've never had one."
"Okay!" Lucy smiled. She felt unexpectedly happy. It's kinda weird, she thought, but it feels good. "Just let me put some clothes on!" She ran to her closet and started searching for clothes. What should I wear on my first date, what should I wear?... Suddenly her enthusiasm dissolved and she turned to Natsu. "Hey, we depart for the mission with the others in an hour. Baka"
~Flashback ~ One day before, at the guild:
Erza picked a piece of paper from the request board and waved it in Gray's face. "This is our next mission. We're going to Onibus"
Gray took the paper and read the mission. Then he looked at Erza. "I don't know, it looks too easy. I want something more challenging, like beating bad guys to a pulp."
Erza's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about? The client is Yajima-san! Master's lifelong friend needs our aid and you're turning him down?" she asked angrily.
Gray looked puzzled at his friend. She seemed really serious about it. "But...I intend to become an S-class this year.."
"Gray… you want some S-class kick ass?" she threatened him.
What the heck.. Gray thought, she has rage mode on…
The door opened and Natsu, Happy and Lucy got in.
"What's going on here?" Natsu asked.
Erza stopped glaring at Gray and turned to the others. "Guys, what do you think of this mission?"
Lucy read the mission quickly, skipping the details. When she read the reward, she started doing maths in her mind. A couple of seconds later, she was smiling. "That's exactly how much money I need for my rent! Hell yeah, I like this mission!"
Erza nodded in content. "Natsu, Happy, what about you?" she put the paper in their faces.
"I'm in." Natsu said.
"Aye!" Happy added.
"Great!" Erza's eyes were sparkling. "Mira, we're taking this mission!"
"Okaaay!" Mira's voice sounded from the bar.
"We're going to Onibus!" Erza said thriumphantly. She gave Gray another angry glare and then left the guild.
~End of flashback~
"Shit. I completely forgot about that." Natsu sulked.
"Natsu…" Lucy started, hoping that he wouldn't get her wrong, "I don't want them to know about us. Not yet at least… Cause, I don't know…it's too early and we don't even know if it will work out.."
She was afraid of his reaction. What if he thinks that I'm embarrassed about us? I'm not. What should I do…What should I do?
Natsu frowned and his eyes grew wider. He imagined their friends' reaction. He could see a happy Erza, an even happier Mira, Happy rolling his tongue at 'You liiiike each other", Cana drinking to that, Gray stripping (out of joy, he guessed), Elfman babbling about that's what being a man is, Master holding a party to celebrate it and everyone else... Knowing that this is what Lucy meant, he rushed to reassure her. "Yeah. We won't tell them for now." He had a weird expression on his face, still affected by the madness of this fantasy.
Lucy sighed out of relief. "Thank you."
Natsu looked at the clock. "Whoa, there's no time, I have to go pick Happy!"
"And I have to pack!"
Natsu gave her a quick kiss and then jumped out of the window shouting "Later"
Lucy stood at the window and starred at Natsu as he was running to find his partner. "Use the door, idiot" she said softly.
So this is the first chaptrer! There will probably be 5 or 6 more chapters. Review if you liked it!