Hey guys, this is my new story I hope you like it :D

I do not own EUReKA nor Psych, nor anything I reference.

Chapter 1

-16 years ago-

Shawn and Gus come out of the theater.

"I can't believe you actually managed to drag me into that movie", Shawn stated. "There is no such thing as a secret society with hover cars and jetpacks! If anyone has those it will be aliens.

"Of course there is Shawn", Gus started, "Haven't you ever heard of Occam's razor? What's more likely? Aliens or a secret scientific community?"

"Aliens", muttered Shawn quietly as they walked home.


Gus and Shawn have been in San Francisco trying to solve a case involving a missing diamond for a large reward, suffice to say competition was fierce. But in the end it was a cleaning lady who found it...but anyway, this is not what this story is about. They, since they drove there wanting to save cash, had to drive back. Gus was driving of course, because we all know Gus wouldn't let him drive the Blueberry. This story starts in the last leg of their trip.

"Shawn how much farther," asks Gus hoping to get home soon.

"Gus, you know I'm not a real psychic right?"

"Shawn just check the map," is the obvious reply of Gus, "Oh, right, the map. Well judging by these trees I'd say we are somewhere...hold on..." Shawn said glancing at the other side of the map seeing Santa Barbara, "...Gus you said to go east right?" Gus, curious at what he was getting at, replied, "Yeah, why?" To which he got a terrible answer.

"Is that left, or right on the map?"

"Shawn what are you trying to say? Please don't tell me we've been driving the wrong way for 5 hours. Didn't you look for the city name?"

"Hmm that might have been a good idea..." replies Shawn considering this. "Okay Shawn, before I freak out, where is the nearest Town?" says a dismayed Gus.

"Ehm, according to this it would be some place called...Eureka. What did some Italians try to insult someone? said Shawn smiling at his own joke.

"Shawn, that is not what eureka means. But just tell me how much farther it is."

"Well according to this map, I'd say..." he glanced out the window seeing a sign saying, "Now Entering Eureka...there. He said pointing to a town.

Well that's chapter 1, tell me what you think, what I can improve on and any other tips.

Also I put a small Easter egg in there that only some people may understand :D

'till next time ;D