A few warnings first of all, this is a sequel to 'The Marvel Alliance' so be sure to read that first because if you just jump into this, You WILL be lost about what is happening so don't ask me stuff about my OC Viktor in this story because it will get annoying very fast. So you new readers be sure to read that first before this ok? Thank you very much :)

This story is also based upon the Civil War storyline and will feature elements from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and the Graphic Novel, along with elements of my own.

Now everybody without further ado

Dakkaman777 proudly presents:


Greetings mortals, I am Uatu the Watcher

It is my sacred duty as a Watcher to observe and learn from events and the peoples of the universe, both I and my brothers across the multiverse have witnessed many events that have tested the many heroes and defenders of multiple worlds.

At this moment my gaze is fixed upon the planet earth and specifically the city of New York, home to the Fantastic Four and the Avengers.

These heroes under my gaze have achieved many acts that would seem impossible for many other species in the multiverse and have proved themselves worthy of my attention time and time again.

They have repelled the world eater Galactus countless times

They have defeated the Alien empires of the Skrull, Kree and Chitauri more times than there are stars in the sky.

They have even managed to battle the evils of their own world and many other worlds and have always triumphed.

But what will come to pass will test these heroes and champions like they have never been tested before. Bonds will be broken, friendships will be tested, innocent blood will be spilled on all sides and the people of this world will be helpless to intervene.

It greatly pains me to watch the suffering of any race of people, but it is my sacred duty as a watcher to only watch and never intervene in their ultimate destiny.

But there are glimmers of hope yet for the people of earth.

An anomaly, a being unlike any other in this universe who has proved himself worthy of my attention. A man that goes by the name of, Viktor Harrigan, or as he is known amongst the everyday people of this world, Brimstone.

Any being that has survived over 900 years on this planet is worthy of a Watcher's glance but he has managed to set himself aside from many others in the past with his acts of astounding bravery and courage.

The Human male who goes by the name of Peter Parker, or the Amazing Spider man. His acts of bravery and compassion have shone as bright to my eyes as a new-born sun. His abilities granted to him by the bite of a radioactive spider, an accident in the eyes of ordinary men, but to the eyes of a Watcher like myself, these events happened for a reason that even I cannot foresee.

The Human female known as Carol Danvers, or Ms Marvel as the people of earth know her. Her powers and abilities were gifted to her by the alien race known as the Kree many years ago, and since that fateful day her purpose has been to use her newly found powers to defend the weak and innocent of the world, more than enough reason for me to take an interest in her destiny.

These three being's destinies have been entwined into the recent events that are to come. Ever since the day that Viktor Harrigan made himself known to Spider man and Ms Marvel a chain of events has taken place that has led to the situation that they are about to face. These three people will have a greater impact upon this world within the coming months than they have in the past 900 years of Viktor Harrigan's life.

It has been 2 years since the Heroes of earth invaded Latveria and defeated the Masters of Evil on their own ground. And much has transpired in those 2 years, most notably the bonds of love and compassion between Ms Marvel and Spider man, it pains me that the coming events transpiring amongst these three shall threaten to break their friendships and the loving bond between the two lovers.

It pains me greatly that I cannot intervene….but I doubt that even if I did, I would be able to make a difference.

A great power will emerge in the coming war….and I fear that anyone will be able to stop it, from consuming this universe whole.

All I can do is sit helplessly and observe what comes to pass. And as a watcher, it is my greatest blessing and my greatest curse.

Alright everybody just wanted to give a foreboding sense of what is to come in future. Please leave whatever you think because I will try my best to get the first real chapter up within a week.

See you guys next chapter and leave a review