A/N: Moi!

The last chapter of the second part! I never would've believed to get this far in publishing when I started to write this fic.

But believe it or not, here it is, the end of the 2nd and hope you like this one and have enjoyed the story so far! Thanks for my reviewers and you readers who have followed the story of my Evie through 25 chapters! Thank you so much! Also thanks to those who might end up reading this in the future! You can always review my stories even ten years from now! ;D

yours with respect,


It took about two minutes to everybody get ready and lower into the boat. Eve picked up one pistol from the ground, checking it and then pushed it in her belt. Now she had everything she needed.

On the main deck Jack had walked to the main mast, starting to smooth the dark wooden surface as if saying his goodbyes as then gazed around longingly, Elizabeth suddenly stopping behind him.

"Thank you Jack", she said Jack turning to face her.

"We're not free yet, love", he stated. Elizabeth nodded.

"You came back", she said then making a small smile and stepped closer to Jack. "I always knew you were a good man."

Jack gazed at Elizabeth as Eve then stepped forth, stopping as saw them standing together at the mast staring each other. Eve tilted her head and was about to step to the stairs, but was frozen again on her spot as she then witnessed Elizabeth and Jack suddenly kiss each other, Jack backing up toward the mast. Eve was filled with shock as she stared at them. What were they doing?

Eve wrinkled her brows questionably. Why was Elizabeth kissing Jack? She was supposed to love Will so why…

Also Will who was handing down a rifle to the men in the boat happened then glance at the deck and was also shocked, seeing Elizabeth with Jack, kissing. Until Gibbs blocked the view.

"Prepare to cast off. There's no time to lose", he said as climbed down into the boat, Will standing still for shock as thought but got shooed off by him. "Come on Will, step to!"

On the ship Eve still watched Elizabeth and Jack exchange that kiss, which looked quite passionate. She didn't know what to think. Why was Elizabeth doing this even she was engaged to Will? Did she… love Jack?

But then Eve got her answer, realizing the truth as she now heard a click, Elizabeth pulling away from Jack trying to look serious. Eve saw a shackle being attached to Jack's hand now pinning him to the mast.

"It's after you not the ship", Elizabeth said staring at Jack who was starting to smile amused. Eve blinked.

Elizabeth she… had tricked Jack and shackled him to the mast to leave him there! Eve got even more puzzled as she had various different feelings starting to circle in her, still watching them.

"It's not us…" Elizabeth finished shaking her head a bit, gazing at Jack. But didn't look so sure as she tried to sound.

"This is the only way, don't you see?" she continued, now Eve watching her lean a little closer again her eyes closed, as if kissing Jack again but stopped herself.

"I'm not sorry", she still said, now meeting Jack's eyes as if waiting his answer. Jack gazed at her examining but then only smiled wider.

"Pirate", he spat on her face amused, making Elizabeth freeze as if his words hurt her.

Then swallowing and after looking at Jack for a moment more Elizabeth turned, walking away and left Jack alone shackled to the mast. Eve wrinkled her brows in disbelief.

How could Elizabeth do something like that? Leave someone to die? Eve couldn't believe it. That wasn't the Elizabeth she knew. And even if Jack was responsible of them getting in danger because of him, still it wasn't right to leave him behind like this! It was wrong! This scheme of Elizabeth's made Eve so confused, but it also made her angry. How could Elizabeth be so cruel and heartless? Eve didn't understand.

Elizabeth was now climbing down the ship's side, Will helping her to get down but then directed a sharp gaze at her.

"Where's Jack?" he asked slightly hinting, looking irritated as met Elizabeth's eyes. She at first wondered his sharper tone but then hardened her eyes.

"He elected to stay behind to give us a chance", Elizabeth answered indifferently, the men in the boat looking surprised and gazed up the ship's side. But Will got only surprised. Elizabeth then looked away from him.

"Where's Eve?" Gibbs then asked, everybody now realizing that she indeed wasn't in the boat. But then her jacket came to sight as she swung herself over the edge.

"I'm here", Eve stated and quickly climbed the steps, Will also now helping her to come down into the boat.

But before sitting Eve met Elizabeth's eyes. And what Elizabeth saw in hers, was a question under that wonder and resentment. Eve squinted slightly at Elizabeth.

"I know what you did", she said then to Elizabeth, her voice cold and strained.

Elizabeth froze as she hadn't ever seen her friend look her like that. She realized Eve must've seen her kiss Jack. Trick him… But that also made her feel quilt.

Will too gazed up at Eve who then only turned around and sat next to Gibbs to the back, staring to the distance. Elizabeth's eyes then dropped but then they rose back at Marty who still hesitated, holding the rope connecting them to the ship.

"Go!" Elizabeth exclaimed commanding, her voice a bit strained now too as some emotion had taken over her face.

And so Marty did let go of the rope and Pintel and Ragetti took the oars, starting to row. Eve was in her thoughts the whole time as the distance to the Pearl grew, Eve staring now at her necklace. The jewel's shine wasn't so bright anymore.

Eve then felt the evil presence lurk underwater and she let out a sigh. The creature was coming back.

Eve lifted her gaze and looked behind them at the Pearl, her conscience battling against her reason. They weren't too far yet and still she hesitated. Trying to decide was their escape right or wrong. They were about to be saved. But Jack was still there. Trapped, waiting his death and the creature to come and swallow him. Eve knew he might've got what he deserved, but still she wasn't sure. She didn't believe abandoning Jack was anything else than heartless act no matter if it would settle his debt with Jones. Because it wasn't to be paid by anyone but Jack, and it had been Elizabeth to shackle him to the mast to seal his fate.

Eve tried to come in terms with herself, staring at the ship feeling the presence of the beast coming all the time closer. But after a moment of thinking Eve then let out another sigh. She knew what she had to do to ease her own quilt.

Without a word she then surprised everyone by suddenly standing up, taking her jacket off and threw it on the boat. And next all of a sudden she took a step forward, diving straight into the water. Everyone were alarmed and Will's heart jumped as he now saw Eve come back to the surface, swimming back toward the Pearl.

"Eve!" he exclaimed.

"Miss. Eve, come back!"

"Don't be a fool poppet! It's coming back!"

Eve heard her name been called but she didn't care. No, she couldn't leave Jack alone on the ship. She couldn't live that on her conscience.

Will wrinkled his brows as watched Eve ignoring their shouts. But then without a thought he stood up also, jumping over the edge making Elizabeth jolt for fright. Will dove as far as he could then resurfacing, seeing Eve not far from him in middle of the way to the Pearl.

Eve was then about to dive again too, but she was stopped by a firm hand grabbing her waist. She turned in confusion to meet Will's eyes, staring straight into hers. But Eve then wrinkled her brows.

"Will?" she asked questionably and tried to yank herself free but couldn't. Will's grip hold as he stared at her serious.

"I won't let you go there! Come back Eve. Come with me!" he answered and started to swim back toward the boat, now gripping Eve's wrist. But Eve didn't let him. She struggled.

"I am not coming back! Not without Jack! Let go of me!" she shouted.

"And you're not going back there either! You'll die Eve! Now just come with me!"

Will's tone was a bit pleading, but he looked back at Eve serious. He then again tried to swim back to the longboat Eve with him, but she sighed and shook her head.

"No, Will. I am not coming with you this time", she said quietly.

Will froze due surprise, so that Eve managed to yank herself free now diving quickly underwater. Though confused Will followed her, increasing his speed and managing to grab the escaping Eve again, she now turning to him and giving him a fuming look. She struggled against Will's hold, her medallion floating in middle of them. But then as Will met her eyes he saw a flash of realization in them.

Before he could do anything he was suddenly pulled backwards by a huge wave Eve created. It lifted him up from the depths and Will was now riding on it, eventually landing straight on the longboat, where the others got drenched by the water. Everything had happened in a matter of seconds.

Will coughed and got up, now realizing Eve's medallion being in his hand. It must've got tangled around it while they struggled and come off. Elizabeth's hand then moved on his cheek.

"Will? Are you alright?" she asked. But jolted as Will sat up quickly, gazing at the ship where now everyone saw Eve coming out of the water, grabbing the ladder and soon was standing on the deck of the Pearl as if she never left.

Will's brows wrinkled and his heart sank as he then saw her turn around, directing one more glance at them before vanished behind the rail. But at the same moment she was out of sight Will yanked forward in order to get back in the water. But he was grabbed by Elizabeth and Gibbs.

"Let me go! I have to get her!" Will exclaimed fighting back.

"No Will, please listen! Listen to me!" Elizabeth shouted trying to get his attention. "You can't go there! It's too dangerous!"

"Miss. Elizabeth is right, Will. It's too late for both Eve and Jack", Gibbs agreed. But Will didn't listen.

"No, I have to get her out of there! I have to save her before she…"

Will was cut off when all of them now saw those same sneaky tentacles starting to emerge from the water. Will froze but then he started to struggle even more.

"Will, stop it! Stop, you can't save Eve anymore!" Elizabeth shouted, Will then indeed stopping his struggle and directing a stare into her eyes.

"Is that how much you care for your friend?" he stated his voice a bit colder than meant.

Elizabeth then froze in turn meeting his eyes, but then she just let go of him and looked away. Also she hurt that Eve was now back on the ship. More than Will knew. Will tried then one more attempt of diving in but Gibbs managed to hold him back and eventually Will had to accept and just watch with all the time more heavy heart as the creature slowly wrapped its tentacles around the ship.

A bit earlier as Eve reached the ship she climbed up taking a deep breath, then as stood now again on the firm deck directed another look toward Will wrinkling her brows.

"I am sorry Will. I can't have your back anymore as promised", she whispered to the wind, feeling a squeeze in her empty chest.

She then turned around and ran to surprised Jack, who was actually making his own escape pouring some oil from the lamp he had broken onto his shackled hand.

"I see you wouldn't have needed me anyway", Eve said then smiling, trying to sound sarcastic as Jack then looked at her clear wonder in his eyes.

"Why are you here Evie?" he asked. Eve rolled her eyes as grabbed his wrist, starting to pull it through the shackle.

"I couldn't just leave you!" Eve answered as pulled the shackle with everything she got. "You might've gotten us into this mess but you came back to us! That only proved that deep down you are a good man who wants to do the right thing and that is why I am here. I'm not leaving you to die even if others will. I know better."

They exchanged a short glance. Then Jack just smiled and he really was moved deep down.

"I'm glad you're here Evie! But be careful what you wish for…" Jack said back now also pulling his wrist free. "…we might not survive to see the other day."

Eve cocked an eyebrow. "Isn't that exactly why you're trying to escape?" she asked sarcastically as made another yank. "Or is it just a maneuver of yours to always have an escape attempt in every tough situation?"

"Love, that part is written under my name", Jack answered also cheerfully even both of them were well aware of the danger they were in. And now they got serious, pulling Jack free from the shackle Elizabeth had put him in.

Eve still felt the presence getting all the time stronger around them and her brows wrinkled. Until then eventually those rings on Jack's fingers gave in and his hand slipped through he shackle thanks for the oil.

Jack then looked satisfied as gazed at his now free hand. But he then turned gloomy as saw Eve stare behind him and take a step backward. There it was. The Kraken, and its mouth was just before them ready to eat them, as Jack then turned to also face the beast. And at the same moment it opened its jaws.

It let out a growl and Eve closed her eyes in disgust as that horrible stench of its breath hit them. And she felt her skin crawl as some slime also flew all around them from its mouth, hitting her and Jack, covering the deck.

Then the slime stopped flying and both of them opened their eyes, gazing at their clothes even more disgusted. Jack shuddered. Eve spit on the deck as some of the yellowish sticky slime went into her mouth. Gross. Jack gazed at his jacket and then at the open jaws of the beast indifferently, but still disgusted himself too.

"Not so bad", he said and gave the creature a look.

Eve followed her brows wrinkled for loathing as he bent down to lift up his hat, then swinging it getting the extra slime off it and placed it on his head. He then made a smile.

"Hello beastie", Jack said and then pulled out his sword, all fear now gone as faced the jaws of the monster looking at Eve remarkably. Eve was a bit confused at first but then she only smirked, also pulling out her blade and pushed away all fear from herself too.

"Are you ready for this love?" Jack asked offering his left arm to Eve. Eve's forehead smoothed and she tilted her head, linking her arm with his smiling questionably.

"Are you?" she asked challenging, letting out a laugh as then both of them turned their eyes to the Kraken's jaws, knowing exactly what to do.

In unison they stepped forth, gazing into the fanged jaws as they spread around them slowly. And then after exchanging one more fearless look with each other they jumped straight into the creature's mouth, their swords hold out before them. They got swallowed by complete darkness. Feeling only the stench of thousand rotting corpses in their noses before the final oblivion.

And so the ones in the longboat followed the Kraken pull the Pearl underwater, Eve and Jack with it.

Will's heart twitched for pain as he squeezed imperceptibly Eve's medallion tight in his hand. She was gone. Now Eve truly was gone. Will closed his eyes briefly as wrinkled his brows, turning away from the sinking ship. Even she had gone back by her own free will, Will had let her. He had left her there. He had left Eve to Kraken. And if he was truly honest, the part of her going back there voluntarily also made him feel somewhat hurt.

Elizabeth saw Will's grief as it was as great as her own. She was about to put her hand on his shoulder, but then saw Will lift up Eve's medallion, gazing at it for a long time. And then she saw an expression in his eyes that she couldn't understand. And that expression made her stay silent and pull back her hand, as they then only rowed away in silence. And instead Elizabeth then took Eve's jacket in her hands, feeling the weight of the sorrow take over her too.

Later that evening they had managed to row accidentally to the island where Tia Dalma lived.

In darkness that had fallen they were now going along that same small river flowing through the island. All of them were still quiet, just sitting. But then they started to see candles being lit around them in the forest, them then gazing around and seeing those same ghostly dark skinned people to come forth holding on to the candles, all the way to the Tia Dalma's shack standing in the water humming to themselves as the boat drifted slowly forward. The women were crying and everything around the comers seemed like a memorial. As if they were saying their farewells to the deceased.

The group then got up from the boat one by one, next climbing the stairs up to the door but were surprised as Tia was already standing there waiting for them. She had a sad expression on her face as she then directed her hand toward the open door, gesturing her guests to go inside.

The men obeyed, nodding to her. Will was last to arrive and Tia now gazed at him in question, Elizabeth stopping at the door looking back at them.

"Where is the daughter of the wind?" Tia asked looking at Will. "Where is our flower of the wild?"

Will's face dropped and he looked pained, then taking Eve's necklace out of his pocket and handed it to Tia. She instantly looked even more sad, devastated.

"I am sorry", Will whispered giving Tia a sad look. "Eve didn't make it…"

Tia gazed at the medallion, smoothing it with grief struck face.

"Oh, my little daughter of the wind... Where have you gone to make the sun shine and the water fall?" she whispered, then nodding to Will and walking inside past Elizabeth.

Will then also turned to walk inside but froze momentarily as saw Elizabeth, still eventually just walking in without a word and not giving her even a glance.

Tia then vanished somewhere and the crew was left to themselves, Will sitting next to a table and staring at it, throwing his knife on its wooden surface over and over again. Elizabeth sat just a bit farther away from him, looking as pained and depressed as he was. Then Tia returned holding a tray of mugs, walking to Elizabeth offering the drinks. She just shook her head.

"Against the cold. And the sorrow", Tia said now meeting Elizabeth's gaze, until she then took one of the mugs directing her sad eyes back down. Tia then went to Will, giving him a sad look as crouched next to him.

"It's a shame", she said Will then meeting her gaze in turn. "I know you're thinking that with the Pearl you could've captured the devil and set free your father's soul."

Will looked away as took one of the mugs, but then lifted his gaze again. "It doesn't matter now", he answered, meaning it and taking in a breath. "The Pearl is gone, along with its captain… And one of my dearest friends."

Will threw the knife on the table again as gave it a gloomy glance. Tia directed an odd look back at him.

"Aye", Gibbs agreed. "And already the world seems a bit less bright."

Gibbs then walked inside the shack looking at his comrades. "He fooled us all right till the end", he continued. "But I guess that honest streak finally won out."

"As did Eve's. She went back to save him when rest of us didn't", Ragetti said getting glances from a couple of the men. Of course Will wasn't the only one to think about Eve sadness heavy in their hearts.

Elizabeth gave them a look as tears now fell down her cheeks silently. Then Gibbs stepped forth after giving one more remarkable look around the men and lifted up his mug.

"To Jack Sparrow!" he exclaimed as offered a toast, others following his example in turns.

"Never another like Jack", Ragetti said close to tears himself, Pintel then continuing.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was", he said and lifted his own mug.

"He was a good man", now too Elizabeth said. She had spoken the first time for many hours as lifted her own mug too and tried to drink from it. But didn't as the quilt and sadness took away her appetite.

Will gave her a glance and then stared at his drink, taking a sip of it too. But then Tia spoke up.

"And what about the child of the Mother Nature? Are you not going to raise a glass in her great honor as you did for Jack who is less honored in many ways than her?" she asked, giving the men now sharper glances.

Will looked at Tia and saw that Eve's necklace was now around her neck . He noticed for the first time how its color had faded much darker than it was years ago. Feeling a sting in his chest he looked away, sighing as lifted his mug.

"To Eve. She was a great friend and… a reliable comrade in every situation", Will said his voice quiet, then taking another sip from the mug. Elizabeth now glanced at him as surprisingly Pintel also lifted his goblet the second time.

"That other poppet was a great gal, I tell ye. She was the kindness itself... under that stormy nature of hers…" he said, actually now looking sad as drank his mug empty with one gulp.

"Aye. The sun itself was her, Eve. And as the Mother Nature has lost her daughter we have lost our light. The sun and the moon she took with her and not even stars cannot offer us comfort in our dark way", Gibbs continued also finishing his drink.

"She was my friend. Was my friend and a good one. She was like a sister to me…" even Elizabeth then said something. But didn't drink or raise her glass. Elizabeth's voice had this time been more miserable and she just sat there, looking now sadder as remembered the last look Eve had given her.

Tia nodded and touched the emerald on her neck in thoughts. But then Cotton's parrot croaked.

"Bella señorita! Señorita bella, croak!" it said flapping its wings. Cotton looked at it as if not having any clue where the animal had learned that from.

Will stared in his hands, battling against the quilt himself as pondered about Eve's death. He couldn't accept she was so suddenly gone as he had himself seen her come back to life cheating death first two years ago and then only today. But today Eve had also died, permanently. And it made his heart squeeze.

Will then looked at Elizabeth and saw the exact feeling circling in her, her staring blankly ahead clearly in pain. She was wearing Eve's jacket. Did she miss Jack? Grieve him that badly? Will felt another sting of pain but different kind. Then he only turned serious as looked at Elizabeth, starting to speak after another silence.

"If there was anything could be done to bring them back", Will said his voice reflecting sincerity, then meeting Elizabeth's surprised gaze as she looked up. Will stared at her and then stood up. "Elizabeth…"

"Would you do it, hmm?" Tia then demanded and she was then right next to Will looking excepting. And somewhat intense until a faint smile came on her lips as she then turned to Elizabeth, slowly taking steps toward her, expression of Tia's slightly hinting. "What would you… huh? What would any of you be willing to do, hmm?"

Tia now turned to face everyone in the room that faint smile on her lips again. She looked amused as then continued speaking, her voice then turning excited, glancing around the room.

"Would you sail to the ends of the Earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and his precious Pearl? To bring back the Spring rain to water you and the drying plants of the lands and so to say the Goddess you call her?" she continued with another question, her face now slightly amused. Her gaze then landed on Will's eyes lastly, giving him a remarkable look.

Everyone were now quiet. Staring at Tia, until Gibbs was the first to glance around, a serious look on his face as he then stepped forth.

"Aye", he answered without a doubt, Pintel then following suite.

"Aye!" he said also serious standing up.

"Aye", also Ragetti agreed standing up too.

Tia then turned her eyes at Elizabeth as Cotton's parrot uttered an agreeing answer on his owner's behalf. Elizabeth started nodding, now new determination in her eyes.

"Yes", she said Tia starting to smile approving as then turned to Will who was nodding too.

"Aye", he whispered.

"All right!" Tia said but then her smile vanished as she got serious again. "But if you go and and brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end… Then you will need a captain who knows those waters…"

Everybody answered Tia's remarkable looks a bit oddly as her words confused them. But then as she turned toward the staircase, all of them followed as a man was coming down from them.

Everybody then froze on their spots for shock, especially Will and Elizabeth, as they now saw the man to be Barbossa. Alive and grinning at them amused, holding an apple. Jack the monkey then jumped on his shoulder as Barbossa stopped on the last step, gazing at them.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?" he asked, then taking a bite from the apple and laughed, as the monkey twisted its neck and let out a sharp squeak.



Eve in the Locker!?(O_O) Did you see it coming? Well, I actually tried to make this fic different by sending Eve with Jack to the Locker, as many Will/OC stories I have read allow their heroin stay by Will's side. But I didn't, and I wonder how this made you feel... Maybe like WHAT she goes with HIM? Well, let us see, shall we? In the sequel of Heart and Soul ;D

Thanks for reading once again! Let us get back together in the third part of Eve's story and see where does her destiny lead her to.

Adíos todos!