Summary: Before, Micca Owens was a kickass Colonel-until a strange Doctor for Umbrella gave her an offer she should have (but couldn't) refuse. Now, Micca is in the middle of an outbreak and must fight to survive while at the same time coping with the changes happening to her body that are altering her DNA. Along the way she meets another experiment, Alice. As their relationship develops, so do more problems with Umbrella. Together the two experiments will find answers and bring the Corporation down. (will be rated M for later Chapters.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or its amazing characters.

A/N: Guys, I am SO SO SOOO sorry it took sooo long. Ive been promising this story for a long time, but I haven't been able to publish because of computer problems. But here it is, finally. The first chapter of Project Micca.

Project Micca

Chapter 1

Colonel Owens just couldn't shake the feeling that today was going to be one of those days. Those days were your entire life was going to change. That feeling you get when you knew you were going to be promoted or fired was exactly the feeling she had right now as she walked through the halls of the Pentagon. She'd been requested by her superior for an audience in his office.
She wasn't nervous; she was never nervous in this sort of situation. Maybe when she was a Private First Class, but that was years ago. Five years? Yes, five years. She'd been in the military for ten years, joined right after her early graduation from high school, on her graduation day. Since she can remember, ever since that day in Baltimore, all she has ever wanted to do was protect. And in those short ten years, shed breezed through the ranks and wars, and was finally a Colonel. The military wasn't stupid enough to let go someone of her skill. They needed her.
Colonel Owens rapped quickly twice on General Critchton's office door, and after a brief pause, she entered, instantly taking in the three men in the room. She internally rolled her eyes, she should've changed out of her PT attire. Oh well. One man was dressed in an expensive looking suit, another looked like a Special Tactics Officer and the third was the General. She closed the door, saluted and when given leave, stood at ease.
"Colonel, this is Doctor Isaacs," the General introduced and Owens shook the man's hand and gave a curt nod, "and he has a proposal I think you will want to hear." Owens raised a brow inquisitively at the doctor, whose lips twitched at a smirk.
"Colonel Owens, I am the lead scientist at the Umbrella Corporation, and presently my section is conducting a study on a…" he seemed to consider how to word it, "…serum, that will enhance genetic abilities such as strength, speed and agility as well as accelerated healing. However, we've hit a snag in our research."
Owens furrowed her brows, "A snag, doctor?" the good doctor nodded and clasped his hands behind his back.
"Yes, you see, we are ready to conduct live experiments on humans but, as you can imagine, very few people are willing to take such risks and considering our earlier experiments on animals, I don't blame them." He said with just the right amount of compassion.
"I hear a 'but' in there somewhere." Owens said dryly, narrowing her eyes slightly. Again, the doctor almost smirked.
"General Critchton wasn't exaggerating when he said you were intelligent." He said smoothly, and Owens bristled a little, but controlled it, "our research requires a subject with exemplary physical and mental performance prior to injection. The general suggested that I give the offer to you."
Colonel Owens shifted her weight and crossed her arms over her chest, "What offer?"
"To be our test subject."
Again the Colonel bristled and she raised another brow, "You want me to be your lab rat?" she asked a little bit disgruntled.
The doctor raised a hand in surrender, "Please, I meant no offense. With this serum, you will gain superhuman abilities that by far surpass your fellow soldiers, and therefore you will be better able to protect and serve the civilians of our beloved country."

Owens narrowed her eyes further but before she could open her mouth to reply, the general who had been quiet this entire time spoke up, "Micca, this is a perfect opportunity to better our forces. If this serum is a success, every soldier in the armed forces will receive it, and our people will never need fear of an outside attack again." He said softly and Micca sighed. She had to admit, this was perfect. She would never fail to protect again. She looked at the doctor.
"Alright," she consented and the doctor nodded with a smile.
"Wonderful." He said and the general smiled at Micca. She returned it, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was going to regret agreeing to this.

Scorching, screaming, and slashing, on every nerve ending. Her body was on fire. All she knew was the agony that was flooding through her veins. She wanted to convulse, to scream, anything to ease it. But she couldn't move, she couldn't make a sound, she couldn't even blink. She was helpless and vulnerable against the fraying of her nerves. At the mercy of the scientists surrounding her.
There were needles connected to tubes inserted in various places of her body, including a shaven area on her head near her temple. Each tube was feeding what she had been told was a serum that was in reality a virus, into her blood. Into her brain. Changing her, making her something less than human.
She was lied to. They told her it was a serum to enhance the army's abilities. To enhance her ability to protect. Lies! All of it lies!
It was a virus. Viral weaponry.
They were making her a monster.
Her pain was just the beginning. Soon, the whole world would be changed. Soon, the world would end.
Finally, Micca's world...went black.

Her eyes fluttered open, only to be squeezed shut again against the bright light of the sterile room she was in. She slowly sat up, only to scream in agonized anger at the needles in her arms, thighs and sides. With a painful yowl, Micca tore the various needles out, taking more care of the ones from her brain.
She didn't remember where she was, or why she was there, but she did know, that whoever brought her here, had done something to her and now she didn't feel human anymore.
She needed to get out of this place, where ever it was, and get the hell out of dodge.
Her eyes trained on the card slider on the wall by the steel door. She glowered and stumbled off the steel bed she had been on and caught her weight on her hands on the edge. She mentally growled at herself for her weakened state. She yanked a needle from a tube and shuffled over to the key card slider. Sliders where more difficult to pick, but not impossible. She was glad she'd taken the time to figure out how to do such things during her time in boot camp, with that knowledge, stabbing the needle in the right place on the slider to bypass the security lock was relatively easy.
As the door swung open, and she was met with the hall of a hospital, her memories came flooding back. Dr. Isaacs, the serum, the lies. Her expression darkened considerably as anger and hatred nearly consumed her, and her strength came with it.
She turned to the left, and saw on a plaque, 'Project Micca' engraved in white. She gave a rueful laugh and stumbled away down the hall. Something wasn't right. The halls of the hospital were completely devoid of any sign of life, or activity. She narrowed her eyes and took a lab coat from the back of an abandoned desk chair and slipped it on, holding it closed around her body. 'Okay, first things first.' She thought as she sat in front of a computer in the admittance office. She clicked on the monitor. "Damn," she breathed. Password required. She'd hoped it wouldn't have been logged out. She took a breath and started searching the desk for any clues of what the password could possibly be. From the items she found on the desk, the owner was female, which meant the password would most likely be related to something they'd cared for, or were passionate about. Micca opened a drawer and found a picture of a woman with an infant.

She turned the image over. Keran, dated 12/22 and the year was faded. The former Colonel tacked in the name Keran and as she was about to hit enter, an echoing monstrous sounding growl reverberated through the deserted hallways. Micca furrowed her brows and looked towards the opened door of the office. Her accelerated heartbeat and the screaming of her gut of danger was not lost on her. She could sense that whatever had made that sound, was made by whatever virus they had injected her with, and that it was a few hallways over. She frowned. She didn't like that feeling. She stood and closed the door then returned to the chair and clicked the enter button. Access was granted.
Once she was in the computer, she looked for the present date. She froze and confusion mixed with anger flooded her. Three days. She'd been in that damn coma for a week while she was experimented on. She clicked on the icon for hospital files, scrolled through to find the file labeled Micca Owens, and clicked on it. What she found, greatly disturbed her. But she still didn't know enough about what was happening to her body. Micca huffed and exited the file then deleted it. But before she logged out of the computer, another file caught her attention. Scanned copies of newspapers from the last few days were inside. She read with growing horror and anger as the last remaining pieces of the puzzle clicked into place in her mind.
The virus got out. The dead were walking. All of Raccoon City had been infected in seven days.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Micca murmured as yet another haunting echo resounded through the hospital. It was getting closer. Micca turned her head to the door again and clicked out of the computer and rose from the chair, just as she heard the clicking of claws on tile just outside the office door. She controlled her breathing with some effort and backed silently away from the office door. She sneered as realization struck. She was made to survive this new world she'd awoken to. Isaacs' words "She will be evolution…" haunted her present thoughts. She was no longer human. The thought angered her further, and she kicked the door of the office off its hinges to crash into what she knew had once been a dog, but was now five times the size, hairless, decomposing and bloody and had a face composed of an unnaturally large brain and the remainder of a dog's head. Aside from its gruesome appearance, the first thing Micca noticed, was the stench. She could smell the virus in it, and that it was infected on a massive level that sent her blood singing. But she could also smell its desire to kill her. To kill anything in its path.
The creature snarled and stood, blood dripping from its detached jowls. Without thinking, Micca took an IV rack and snapped it over her knee, resulting in two splintered halves of the metal rod. The infected beast roared and pounced on her, but she had faster reflexes from her increased speed, and agilely twisted out of the way, thrusting one of the halves of the metal rod deep into the exposed and mutilated brain of the once dog. If the dead were walking, like some sort of reality version of the Night of the Living Dead, then the brain was the way to go to kill it. And it worked, the creature squealed and fell in a mutilated heap at Micca's feet.
Startled by her unnatural agility and speed, and ease in which she'd slain the creature, Micca turned and dropped the other half of the rack, then walked towards the exit of the hospital.

What Micca saw when she stepped foot outside the hospital, made her tense up and slow in her stride. Chaos. Utter chaos. Cars were abandoned and left haphazardly in the street, debris and papers littered the asphalt, blood was splattered randomly on car doors and on window sills of the surrounding buildings from people frantically trying to escape whatever had happened here. Instantly she knew that what she'd read in the scans was true, and that the once leisurely Raccoon City, was no longer a safe place to be. She breathed, remembering her survival training and broke into an abandoned police vehicle, and armed herself with the shot gun that was located inside. The next thing she needed to do was get to a hunting retail store, to find herself suitable clothing and weapons, then maybe find a working ride.

The former Colonel grinned ruefully to herself. Maybe she could locate a nice Harley. With her senses on high alert, she quickly and cautiously made her way down the street to locate an outdoor activities store.

If she had been anyone else, she would have been more distraught at her situation. She had just been taken to an illegal lab, experimented on and woken up in a city she was not in the least bit familiar with, in the middle of what would surely be the next apocalypse while her body was going through a series of changes she didn't know about resulting from said experimentation. But she wasn't in the least bit overwhelmed; she was unsure and wary, a little bit afraid, but these were conditions she was familiar with and thrived in. And in her current situation, she didn't have the time to sit and ponder, and fret about what was going on inside of her body. Micca needed to focus on survival, and escaping the city, and then she could find the time to figure out what was happening to her. Though she had the distinct feeling that she would figure it out on the fly and through experience, so she wasn't going to waste any time mulling her altered genetic make-up over in her thoughts. She was going to survive and escape, and then rain hell upon the Umbrella Corporation.

Micca trekked expertly through the deranged streets of Raccoon City, climbing over various cars and debris that blocked her path. She was greatly unnerved by how silent she was, even to her own augmented hearing. She didn't let that dampen her progress however. She had a mission to complete, and worrying about things she could not control wouldn't aid her in that mission. She kept having to remind herself not to dwell on what had been done to her until she had made it safely out of the city. She may not know exactly what was going on around her, but she knew Umbrella, and the military. They would do what they needed to, to neutralize the situation, and keep the outbreak contained. Which meant nuking Raccoon City. She couldn't waste any time.

Finally, she found what she was looking for, and kicked in the glass of the front display window of the Outdoor Sporting Goods outlet, then climbed inside. As soon as she saw the weapons on the back wall, she felt her blood come alive with excitement and anticipation. Micca cleared the building of any undead or other nightmarish creatures and quickly adorned herself with clothing and weapons. She slipped on some cargo jeans, a tube top, archer's gauntlets and fingerless gloves. She pulled on some steel toed boots and strapped on various holsters and sheaths on her thighs, back and sides filling them with multiple weapons until she was armed to the teeth. She filled her pockets on her cargos with ammunition and strapped on a quiver of arrows for the compact bow she lifted in her grip, relishing the feel of the steel on her skin and the weight in her hand.

As she turned to head out of the store, a white hot pain shot through her body, from her toes to her scalp, sending her crumpling to the ground with a low agonized cry. In her pain induced haze, she glanced up while gripping the sides of her head in her elbows, her hands clasped behind her head, and saw in the reflective surface of an outdoor stainless steel grill, her reflection. But the eyes of the reflection, were not her usual icy blue hue. The eyes that stared back at her, though filled with pain and obviously hers, were a bright almost glowing amber color that reminded her of a predator of the night.

With another low cry, she squeezed her eyes shut against another flare of pain that slowly faded away again. The ex-military dog stayed hunched over on the floor holding her head, taking in deep and slow sweet breaths. After many moments while feeling drained and more than a little abused, Micca raised her head and this time in the reflection she met, her ice blue orbs gazed back at her. Shakily the dark haired soldier stood and drew in a wavering breath to steady herself, and with renewed vigor made her way back onto the streets of the decimated city.

After ten minutes of hiking through the chaotic streets, Micca suddenly halted in her path, listening. She turned just in time to block a swing of a baton at her head. Without thinking, Micca twisted her arm around in an arc until the baton slid into her hand and tucked it into the crook of her arm, at the same time kicking outwards. Her booted foot made contact with the soft flesh of an abdomen, and the baton was released from her attackers hold. In one fluid motion, Micca pulled one of her Glocks and loaded it before pointing it at her attacker. She froze when she saw the person's face. A teenage girl with auburn hair was staring up at her wide fearful honey colored eyes. She recognized the girl. Mary Kay. Her niece.

Mary Kay blinked, "M-micca?"

The older woman sighed and holstered her glock as she crouched to pull the girl up onto her feet, "Mary Kay…just what did you think you were doing?" she asked a little bit annoyed.

The teen had the decency to look impish, "I-I thought you were one of those…things," she answered frightfully, and Micca bit back on a smart remark and instead gave the girl her baton.

"Stay close to me, and keep quiet," she ordered, and didn't wait for a reply as she turned and continued on her way, knowing the younger girl would follow her without question. Micca knew she shouldn't be surprised to find Mary Kay in Raccoon City since her brother, Mary Kay's father, moved them there some four years ago, but the last she heard, her brother and Mary Kay's mother Martha had divorced and Martha won custody of the redheaded teen and moved them back to Washington State. She'd thought the teen was still in Washington.

As expected, Mary Kay followed her Aunt without any question, and stayed as close as she could without hindering the soldier from any ability to fight or draw weapons. Micca suspected she kept the distance because she could sense that Micca was different now. Her suspicions were confirmed a few minutes after the sun had full set, casting the cluttered city into eerie darkness.

"Micca…what happened to you?" Mary Kay voice quietly into the night. Her aunt's sudden drop in mood as soon as the question was voiced wasn't lost on the girl as she took the older woman's hand that was offered to help her over a flipped police car. Mary Kay also noted that Micca's touch was colder than she remembered.

It was a long while before Micca finally opened her mouth to speak, "I'm not human anymore M.K.," she answered finally, thankful that her niece didn't shy away in fear at the admission.

"What do you mean?"

"Umbrella did something to me…I'm not even sure what it is yet," Micca sighed and hoisted the girl over yet another toppled vehicle.

Micca had to give her credit. She soaked in the information without as much as a wary glance in the direction of her Aunt. This eased the older woman quite a bit, making her release a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. If she were to be honest with herself, Micca would say that she was afraid. Afraid of what had been done to her, of what would happen to her because of it, and if it made her a danger to those around her. She had never wanted anything more than to protect and serve, and if that ability had been taken from her by turning her into something dangerous, Micca didn't know what she would do. Because she was sure that the virus in her system wouldn't allow her to die. She already knew that she healed rather quickly. The puncture wounds from the needles were already completely healed in a matter of a few hours.

Stubbornly, the ex-soldier shoved such dark thoughts from her mind, reminding herself that there was a mission she had to complete. Get Mary Kay the hell out of the city before it was blown to hell. With that set firmly in the forefront of her already overactive mind, Micca turned a corner only to jump back behind a wall, shoving Mary Kay flush against it, and pressing herself to it as well.

She felt her niece cringe beside her when a loud and ferocious roar echoed against the brick and steel of the surrounding buildings. The sound was guttural and metallic, like iron against stone, and a hissing sound followed immediately after. Without permission, Micca's breathing hastened, and her heartbeat became erratic. Her muscles tensed and locked up as her mind reeled. New fear shot through her.

She wanted to attack whatever manner of creature was on the other side of the wall. She wanted to kill it, make it suffer. This new revelation scared her, and she almost turned and ran back the way they came, but if she ran, that thing would surely follow them when it caught scent of fresh meat. She couldn't let that thing get anywhere near Mary Kay. With that decision, a new feeling came over her as if something had been switched inside her.

Not only had the virus enhanced her physical abilities, but also her more primal instincts and her protective mannerisms. Suddenly, she knew what she had been made to be.

With a confidant and dangerous grin, she pulled her glocks from their holsters at her thighs and held them up by her face so the barrels were parallel to each side. "Stay here," she ordered the fourteen year old girl beside her who nodded. Without pause, Micca turned on her heel to reveal herself, pointing her guns straight out in front of her and pulled the triggers. When the creature-Micca opted to call it a Mega Licker due to its monstrous size and freakishly long tongue-screamed shrilly as the bullets pierced its slimy hide, Micca couldn't help the jolt of satisfaction that slithered up her spine at the sound of its pain, or the excitement at its anger. But the beast didn't fall down. Instead it merely seemed pissed off. Micca grinned and set her feet firmly the ground, centering all of her weight to her feet as the Mega Licker charged her. Without thought, on complete instinct, Micca shifted to the side as the creature came upon her so that it missed her and she wrapped her arms around its mutated neck.

She grinned and vaulted over the Mega Licker's neck, bending it backwards and the creature flipped over onto its back. On impact with the hard asphalt, Micca lost her grip and was launched fifteen feet away, rolling and scraping painfully across the rough surface of the street. She grunted painfully as her back slams violently into the side of an eighteen wheeler denting the side. Micca barely heard Mary Kay's distressed cry before she was up and blocking the girl from the mutated monster's attack. New and animalistic rage washed over the ex-military dog as the thought of something so disgusting had almost hurt one of her pack. Wait. Pack? What the hell? Where did that come from?

The train of confused thought derailed when Micca pulled her KS-23M shot gun from its holster on her back, and a second later, the Mega Licker's head exploded in a shower of blood and brain matter, spackling Micca's clothing in red droplets. With a fluid motion the former soldier replaced the shot gun on her back and held her hand out to Mary Kay who was gawping at her in what Micca knew was awe. The bedazzled teen gripped her new idol's hand in hers and allowed herself to be led deeper into the infected streets of Raccoon City.