Hello everyone! Thank you for talking a shot at my story. It is in the infancy of its life and a firstborn. (gah, that was corny; in plain words this is my first ever story). This story will mainly be set post Avengers. There will probably won't be romantical Frost-Iron in the future, I'm thinking more of a really deep friendship. This first chapter is really short, but I promise longer updates in the future :) I hope you all enjoy!
"I could have done it father. I could have done it…for you."
"No Loki."
The power of two simple words. All his hopes and dreams of proving himself to be a worthy son of the All-Father, of being accepted amongst his family, dashed to pieces like the ruins of the Bi-Frost drifting into the unknown. He felt his grip on the staff slip. It would be so easy to let go…to drift into nothingness. There he would find no pain, no suffering. Only an end to the masquerade of a life that should never have been his to begin with.
"Loki, No!"
Once again, the same two words, yet with a different meaning. Thor, his brother. Thor, the almighty God of Thunder, beloved of Asgard. His own personal eclipse. How could it be that after everything he had done, his brother could still look at him with those piercing blue eyes full of concern? With hope, that maybe there was still a chance for his wayward brother. The gale of emotions in his mind receded to a dull ache as he made his decision. He would no longer look upon faces that would inevitably show disappointment and contempt. No longer would he be emotionally rent by this fallacy of a family.
He let go.