THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE REVIEWS. I get a notification for every little thing and usually stalk all of you ahahaha

GUESS WHAT. I made a KruShi tumblr. YEYEYEYYEYEY it's krustyxshiroe dot tumblr.
it's for krushi drabbles and i'll respond super quick there! (more info at the end)


Okay, so its kind of... yeah...:

Michitaka's dead body falls to the ground at Shiroe's feet. At one time he might have been in shock - might have thrown up right there. Instead, he takes Michitaka's sweater and machine gun off his person and drags the body behind a tree. The cartridge was completely full which made him an innocent man.

But it was only a matter of time.

Gunfire can be heard to the west and Shiroe ducks down, running out of range of the dead body. He taps his right wrist and an icy blue hologram hovers over it. A few people are still in the running, but many are already dead. He sees that Kanami is alive. He wants to find out why her condition is so strange.




At this point, he didn't particularly care. He couldn't feel anymore. Finding Kanami and determining her situation was the only thing that kept him moving.

"Shiroe, why is Naotsugu lying there?"

An arrow flies by his head and he sprints to the right, hurrying along the side of an abandoned building. If it's an arrow, then...

"Isn't it funny? That it turned out like this..." William's voice is hysterical, but calm. Shiroe won't be mourned even if an arrow pierces his skull. And he doesn't respond become the endless hours here have taught him something. He hated the sound of his own voice.

So he remained quiet, taking Michitaka's gun and his own ropes while disappearing into the shadows. William walked leisurely, picking up his missed arrows from the ground. When he reaches for one, a rope twists around his ankle - pulling him into the air.

He doesn't even seem surprised. "I thought you were Michitaka, but when you didn't say anything I realized that it was someone else. Shiroe. I'm glad it was you."

Shiroe steps out and shoots him in the head. He lets go of the ropes and William's body drops to the ground. He snaps the bow under his boot and picks up the pointed metal arrows instead.

"Henrietta loved you! Touya and Minori too, they wouldn't want you to do this!"

He grips his head and when he removes his hands, they're stained with blood. He hears voices from the right and takes his rope back.

"William went this way. We need to calm him down." Dinkuron's voice is nervous. Shiroe will never hear it again.

At the end of the day, the hologram shows that everyone affiliated with William is dead. One of the walkie-talkies that he gets his hands on is connected to every player. People call out to each other and wonder who did it. Who is this mysterious mass murderer?

"Don't you get it, Marielle?! None of this matters anymore - not until they're all dead."

Shiroe pulls the strap of his backpack closer. The sun is rising and he just had five hours of sleep. Darting into the forest was one of his worst mistakes.

"My lord?" A voice can be heard from the tips of the trees and Shiroe doesn't respond. He merely continues running, as far as he can.


"My lord! Wait up!" She shouts, her speed allowing her to almost catch up. Shiroe doesn't turn around until her voice stops. The forest is silent and suddenly, a body falls from the trees, landing with an ominous thump.

"Apparently the holograms update the deaths a little late. Akatsuki is still shown to be alive right now." Roderick's voice sounds clearer in the silence of the forest. Shiroe didn't turn around when Akatsuki was calling, but he does now.

Shiroe becomes a force. He enters a normal area and when he leaves, it becomes a graveyard.

"We're all in this for the same reason."

Someone or something important to them is threatened and so they fight.

Days pass and the numbers are stabilizing. Less people are dead. Shiroe discovers the reason why in a matter of minutes. The largest building on the island is occupied by the strongest. A haven where the strong protect the weak to rebel against the system. But they won't stand for it.

The walkie-talkie tells him that the alliance is being led by Krusty and Isaac. It runs out of battery shortly after and he learns nothing more.

However, he isn't looking for anybody there. So he moves on.

"Sh-Shiroe? Where's my daughter?" Kanami huddles in the corner of the room, her face in utter terror and pain. Deteriorated was a generous term for her condition.

"Kanami, calm down." Shiroe tries to coax her but she screams at him and backs farther into the wall. She's aiming her gun at him and he doesn't know why he cares. It wouldn't hurt him to die by her hand. Why is he hesitating?

Because this isn't the real her.

"That someone special." A voice comes from behind him and he whips around. It's Krusty.

"The one that they're using against us. It must be her daughter."

"Shut up!" She screams and Shiroe lunges for Krusty, stopping Kanami's bullets from hitting him. She wails.

"You have to put her out of her misery." Krusty comments and Shiroe is crying.

She's gone. They injected drugs into her a long time ago, because she had been a beacon of hope for the players. But now she was gone.

"I can't do it." Shiroe shakes his head.

"She's your special person, isn't she?" Krusty whispers.

Shiroe can only nod and grit his teeth. "If I let her die, then I'll kill myself."

"Then don't look." Krusty whispers as he gets up. Shiroe panics and tries to push him down. The shot that zings through the air has Shiroe sobbing.

Krusty covers his eyes before Shiroe can look and injects something into him.

The minute Shiroe wakes up, his mind is unclouded. He reaches for a scissors on the tray of medical equipment and doesn't hesitate to try to take his own life.

Someone grabs his wrist and is strong enough to pull it away.

"I killed William. I killed Roderick. Let me die." Shiroe sits up, but there's only one person in the room.

"Don't let anyone hear you say that." Krusty says.

"How are you guys even rebelling against them?" Shiroe asks without emotion.

"We're pretending to be a facility where the strong preys on the weak and uses them. They don't mind that. We even pretend to lure people in through the walkie-talkies when we honestly plan on helping them. There are no cameras in certain areas."

"Why are you helping people? Why are you still trying?"

"Because I already got my revenge. Kanami killed Misa and Rieze." Krusty says.

"You fucking lied. So you just killed her for your own sake-"

"Exactly." Krusty doesn't even flinch when Shiroe pulls a knife on him.

"You have more people to kill, don't you?" Krusty stares.

"Yes." Shiroe drops the knife and gets up.

Krusty looks him in the eyes. "Then add me to the bottom of the list. Once you kill me, you'll have a hard time getting out of this building alive. Isaac won't just stand still, you know."

"What are you even-"

"I'll help you." Krusty pushes him into a wall. "I need a new special person, you see."

"Funny, so do I."

And he kisses him.

Every single person that caused the death of Shiroe's friends is annihilated. Krusty doesn't even blink when Shiroe rips them apart.

Life has never been so meaningless.

Blood replaces oxygen. But more importantly, Krusty replaces life.

"We all have a reason. It just depends on who's reason is the strongest."

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Krusty asks while it's Shiroe's turn to row their boat. Shiroe stops rowing to sit on Krusty's lap. "We still have more people to kill. I've postponed you."


Krusty kisses Shiroe and bites at his lip. Shiroe frowns at the metallic taste.


"Pain is the only thing you react to lately." Krusty licks the wound and he winces. "Who else is on the list that you so generously postponed me for?" He glances down at the ocean they're on and Shiroe notices his eyes trail to the sea of bodies stretching for miles off the island. Every person who did this to them was doomed to float in this ocean forever.

"Me. I'd rather die than live in a world without you in it."

"How romantic." Krusty spins them around and pins Shiroe to the bottom of the boat. "Unfortunately my list is the opposite."

"So we wait?"

"I'll tell you a secret." Krusty licks his lips and kisses down Shiroe's throat. "I lied to you. I didn't kill Kanami because of Misa and Rieze."

Shiroe is silent, so Krusty continues. "I was jealous."

"You were jealous." Shiroe repeats.

"You've always been my special person."

There's more silence and Krusty breaks it forcefully by biting into Shiroe's hip.

Shiroe gasps. "How romantic."

"That's it?"

"I have a secret too."

Krusty raises an eyebrow.

"I was jealous so I killed Misa and Rieze." Shiroe runs a hand through Krusty's hair.

"We're awful people, aren't we?"

"This world has been awful to us."

Yeah, I know. I did it.

this was inspired by a battle royale-esque video game. it was pretty well made - its just that when i attack anyone i run into, i usually end up losing. ;P


so as for the tumblr i made :D

its really simple, please check it out - once again its krustyxshiroe dot tumblr (there's a link on my profile)
i can respond quickly with short fics and drabble things and more smut (im actually going to try okay so KINK IT UP)
there's also a royallymadhatter page that will have my current projects and sometimes the date i plan on putting them up - if you're curious

this sounds like fun!