So this idea got stuck in my head and I'm not to sure if it makes any sense but whatever. Tell me if you think I should continue!

Chuck watched as two of his archangels trapped each other in the cage, one went completely insane and another got killed by his older brother. Least to say he wasn't pleased, they had forgotten about why he chose humans and he finally decided to put his foot down. They needed to learn how to be human and honestly leaving them with the Winchesters wasn't going to be the best of options considering how they wanted to kill at least half of them. He took another sip from his glass and set it down on the table in front of him. Snapping his fingers four chairs appeared soon to be occupied by the very children he decided needed to learn. Another snap and the chairs were filled. In order from oldest to youngest sat his four archangels.

Michael and Lucifer were glaring at each other, Gabriel was shooting looks at Lucifer and every time the older one looked back would shift his gaze away, and Raphael was simply sitting there staring at him. Chuck cleared his throat and all attention was placed on him. He smiled warmly and folded his hands.

"I am not happy."

He could swear he heard a gulp and shot a pointed look at Gabriel who gave him his own version of 'who me?'.

"You need to learn why it is humanity is more favored. I am sorry I had to say it that way but you leave me no other choice. No you will not be going to the Winchesters, not even I can be that cruel"

They gave him varying looks of 'really?' and he sighed. Waving a hand in front of them a folder appeared with each of their names on it.

"So I have decided that I will leave you with a human child, one for each of you. They will be your charges and you are not permitted to do any harm to them. Michael your new charge is named Conner, abandoned at birth and refusing to live in a foster home he is the first to find their 'home' he is nine years old and I do believe he will remind you of yourself, furiously protective of those he cares for, doesn't harm people unless necessary, and refuses to back down from a challenge. Lucifer your new charge is named Jay, only six years old, ran away from his mother when he was three, he is quiet but very strong, he has had a bad life Lucifer and I expect you to take care of him like you would a baby brother. Raphael your is named Shy, he has no real name so he is called shy because he is so quiet, he too has had a difficult childhood, very compassionate for a seven-year old and he has a knack for putting others needs in front of his own. And last but certainly not least, Gabriel, since in the end you did seem to get the hang of the humanity issue I leave you with Charlie, he is eight years old and a little ball of energy, quite the creative being he is, very mischievous and loyal but has trouble trusting people. He has been let down by many people and refuses to get close enough to allow it to happen again."

Chuck snapped his fingers and the four boys described to them appeared in the room, sleeping soundly on the large couch beside Chuck's desk. They stunk and their clothes were worn and frayed. Chuck gave them a sad smile and looked back to his archangels.

"They are simply fledglings and yet have had to deal with things no person should deal with. I leave you this house to raise them in. They need to be taught, bathed, fed, and loved. Michael and Lucifer put aside your arguments and be the older brothers I know you can be, you too Gabriel. Raphael, my little healer, show that compassion I know you have. I wouldn't have made you lead healer if you didn't have it. I leave you to it then, I will come back in a months time to see what you have learned and how they are faring", Chuck gave the children on the couch one more look, "They need good people in their lives, just for once. I know you four have that ability. Don't let me down"

Chuck stood and left in a breeze. The four archangels looked back over at the stinky children and at least one of them frowned. Raphael looked at his charge and to his brothers at least twice before standing to approach the child. Shy startled awake and sunk back into the couch. He accidentally kicked Charlie, who smacked Jay, who head-butt Conner. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle at Jay who was rubbing the back of his head. Jay grumbled something under his breath and shoved Conner off the couch. The nine-year old jumped back up and grabbed at Jay, immediately starting to roll on the floor.

Shy was still, staring up at Raphael.

"Hey its ok I'm not gonna hurt you."

Shy stared at the archangel for a moment and jumped into his chest. Raphael was taken aback and stilled for a moment before slowly wrapping his arms around the child. The others stood to follow his example soon had all four children at their sides, standing quietly as if waiting for orders.

They only had to do this for a month right? It's not like they'd get attached.

So what do ya think? Continue?