Kink fic meme: Wall sex.

They'd been at it all day - this apartment, the stakeout, and each other's throats.

Two windows, two watchers, twelve hours. They ran out of coffee after hour three, chocolate after five, and patience somewhere around ten. That's how she ended up in her current position.

Both legs were wrapped around his hips like a vice, one bare and the other mostly covered by her denim leggings and boot. The painted brick wall behind her back stung and scratched mercilessly each time her partner thrust deeper inside her. Every muscle in her body screamed as she tried to maintain balance and composure, like she was in the throes of a Crossfit workout. If only WOD's included a cock pounding - maybe more people would be interested in physical fitness.

"Not having trouble focusing on the job, are you?" Deeks whispered in her ear.

Her window was still within sight, as was his. That was the entire purpose of this awful position that, if she ignored the discomfort, really wasn't awful at all. "Never."

"Really, because your eyes keep doing that squinty thing they do when you're about to-"

"Just shut up and fuck me harder," she grumbled in his ear, clutching her binoculars to his back.

He squeezed her hips, withdrawing himself almost completely before slamming into her so hard that she felt it in her throat. "Yes ma'am."

"Don't..." Her voice stuttered. Completing that sentence, or speaking at all anymore, wasn't really necessary. Instead she pried her eyes open and stared out into the city like her job required of her that day. She focused on her breathing, and his breathing, and the insanely beautiful rhythm of his hips. He never skipped a beat, like he had an internal metronome to keep him in tune. Fast or slow, gentle or rough, it didn't matter. As long as he remained steady, he could send her over the edge every time. Just a little...bit...

Static screeched in her ear before a high-pitched voice interrupted her concentration. "Guys?"

"Fuck," Deeks muttered. Shifting back a step, he wrapped one arm around her waist and tapped his earwig. "Yeah Nell, what's up?"

Kensi tried to drop her legs, but to her surprise Deeks tightened his grip and drove deeper into her. His free hand clamped over her mouth, silencing her gasp.

"Hetty wanted me to check in," Nell answered slowly. "Been kinda quiet on your end for a little while. Any suspicious behavior?"

"Nope." Pressing his lips together, he whistled a quiet shoosh. "Nothing to see here."

Kensi debated fighting against him, but she found his wicked grin pretty impossible to resist. That was, until he returned to his previous machinations. She wanted to scream at him to stop. She wanted to threaten his life if he did stop.

Nell didn't buy it. "You sure? You sound a Do I need to call for backup?"

Deeks laughed loud enough to cover the moan from his partner that he couldn't suppress with his hands. "Well, Kensi does look like she wants to claw my eyes out right now."

A truer statement had never been spoken. Fire and lust and a little bit of rage burned in her eyes, the eyes that she needed to keep open and focused on the task at hand. But she could feel herself quickly losing focus and control. Her belly grew tighter with every thrust, her vision cloudier with every passing second. And this asshole driving her up the wall couldn't have appeared calmer if he was seated at their dining room table eating breakfast.

"Well, that's nothing new. What did you do this time?"

Deeks met her eyes for a moment, allowing her to see the cracks in his facade. "Ate the last piece of chocolate," he murmured.

Nell tsked. "You're gonna be paying for that one for a while."

"I'll make it up to her," he promised.

Kensi's eyelids fluttered, barely registering the conversation taking place around her. Her body tensed and a whimper escaped just as he removed his hand from her mouth. The whine grew quickly into a cry and he silenced her again with his lips, whispering what could have been either "let go" or "shut up" over her moans. It didn't really matter which one. Both happened.

As controlled and rhythmic as he was, she was every part wild and erratic. She bucked her hips, fighting the pain in her back and cramps of her legs to draw him in, to make him feel exactly what he could do to her. Their windows were forgotten for a minute or five, a distant afterthought behind the roll of her hips and her fingers clutching at his hair. He wasn't the only one who knew a million ways to make their partner come like a love-crazed fool.

Deeks wasn't nearly as quiet, and he almost gave her a damn concussion when he finally succumbed, spilling into her with a mighty force. It was then that she remembered what a hellish week they'd had. Long hours, little sleep, and certainly no time for sex. No wonder they'd been so pissy with each other.

His grip began to loosen, and they both slid to the floor in a pile of half-dressed limbs. He kissed her on the cheek and muttered an apology for the mess before climbing back to his feet. "So, wall sex, yeah? Pretty good."

Maybe at the time, but now Kensi's whole body was cursing her for it. "My back is killing me."

"You weren't complaining five minutes ago."

"Just help me up," she grumbled. Once dressed and straightened, she found her binoculars on the floor and returned to her post. "One more hour."

Deeks reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square in a shiny wrapper, placing it in her lap. The supposed last piece of chocolate. "I knew you'd need it on the last lap. You are truly horrible at rationing, I hope we never have to delve into our earthquake kit."

She smiled and devoured the candy. One more hour and they could go home and sleep, as long as nothing... "Do you see that?"

Deeks grabbed his binoculars and sighed, nodding his head in annoyance.

Shit. So much for sleep.