Well, here it is. End of the road. Thanks for hanging on there. Hope it's as expected.

Since this is the last chapter, the movie reference for last time was standard dress for droogs (teenaged bastards that had fun with rape, murder and other assorted acts of 'ultra violence') in A Clockwork Orange.


Dialing as he fumbled with the keys, Radcliff tried to work out where the two were headed. His instincts told him it was nowhere good. Finally succeeding in starting the engine, he prayed it was all in his head.

"Burgess General, how may I help you?"

"Yeah, this is Detective Samuel Radcliff of the Burgess PD-"

"Hello Sam. It's Glenda. The girls on the 4th floor really enjoyed that muffin basket your wife made. So very thoughtful!" Nurse Glenda Drake's impossibly cheery laugh cut him off midsentence.

"Er, glad they liked 'em. Listen Glenda, I'm trying to reach Ms. Anita Bennett. She was admitted three days ago."

"Oh." The bubbly tone evaporated. A heavy pause played out before she continued. "I'm sorry to tell you Sam, but Mrs. Bennett passed away a hour ago. We're in the process of notifying her family in Pittsburgh and Seattle."

/My cousin said Jack is waiting for her to die first./

There was no way in hell this could have ended well.

Hey, that rhymed.

Back to topic, Samuel G. Radcliff wrestled with the knowledge that he'd hopped in his jeep to chase down two kids most likely merrily marching to their deaths. Followed by their probable murderer; a phantom right out of a damned creepypasta.

Jack Frost wasn't some old man that dropped blizzards on the world in the winter. He was a monster in the form of a young man, so deceptive in his appearance. Hiding the fact that he takes the lives of innocent children. Thinking along fantasy and horror lines, the reasoning could be anything.

Did he feed on them somehow? Sucking the life from them until they can give no more? The kids all stopped aging and were all frozen. Cold is the opposite of heat and heat is associated with energy. Draining them could have...perhaps he was something doomed to survive on the death of youth? Was it transferable from killer to victim? The four of his vics he'd seen, did they kill that busload of people because they were newly born and hungry?

Even more terrifying, Jack simply could be a homicidal demon that enjoyed manipulating his prey to the point that they welcomed their end at his hands. This was all some game he found more amusing with extra playmates.

Maybe he couldn't fully "enjoy" them while alive. All that creepy talk about wanting to be with him the Burgess 7 were known for had a not so vaguely sexual undertone. How Jacob shuddered recalling where Jack's hands were on Pippa; recounting how she melted in his arms, how his body seemed to reacted to her isn't something Sam could forget. Not hard to figure out the spirit got off on it.

Wait, how does that work?

He'd managed to lose himself so thoroughly in thought that he almost missed the Bennetts mounting their sled. That particular hill over looked a sparse population of trees.

And Lake Burgess, their town's biggest tourist attraction. The scientific anomaly that never thawed no matter the temperature since anybody had been keeping record.

Oh hell.

The vehicle skidded to a halt. Without thinking, he lept out, leaving it running as he fumbled over the guardrail. His life was turning into a paranormal chiller. Everyone knows how that goes in these flicks. Something that's never failed suddenly does.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out here alone?!" He called in his best 'stern adult' voice. Both appeared not to hear him. He was still a fair distance away from them.

"What is your deal?" A soft voice asked to his right.

The noise the detective made, contrary to what anyone with ears would attest to, was not a frightened squeal. A manly shout of alarm, yes. Definitely not a shriek befitting a 6 year old girl who just saw the boogeyman in her closet. Followed by a leap two feet straight up and to the left.

"Dude! I knew he'd totally scream like a bitch! Called it!" The second voice (cackle) was eerily familiar. And male.

"You are too easy to freak out." Identical cackle, slightly different location.

"Are you nitwits going to do that to every adult that can see us?" Irritated and female.

"You're acting kinda like you know who." Another female sighed.

Radcliff really didn't want to turn around. He knew what he would see, but knowing it didn't make it any less distressing. Those five could only be the same ones whose deaths he was investigating. Fighting the urge to give another, longer, manly shout of alarm, he looked to the side.

Standing not far away, were the deceased members of the Burgess 7 in all their unnatural glory. All dressed in combinations of navy blue, white and light brown. All with snow colored hair and eyes like sparkling sapphires. And skin too pale to have blood flowing under it.

"Ignore them. I really didn't mean to scare you." Montague stepped a little closer. "I just wanna know why you're so interested in us. In Jack."

"I investigate and solve murders." Oh why the hell not? He's fallen too far down the rabbit hole to climb out now, may as well embrace the madness.

"We weren't murdered. Well I sorta was but that's really an open and shut case." Pippa tilted her head to the side. "I thought they closed that really quick."

"You all froze to death in impossible, totally not natural ways." He frowned. "Pretty sure Jack had a hand in that."

"Well, you're right." Cupcake shrugged. "Jack ended our mortal lives but is wasn't murder. He set us free, we belong with him."

"Wow, that's warped." Sam muttered under his breath. He real needed to stop that. "Is that what he told you? Pretty standard predator spiel to lure kids into their clutches."

"Hey, what are you accusing our big brother of exactly?" Claude glared. Or was it Caleb? Which one wore the hat?

"I think he just called Jack a homicidal child molester." The other wore a matching expression.

"Guys, calm down. It's just that he doesn't know what's going on. Magic usually makes less sense to adults." Monty spoke up quickly. "Besides, it's over now anyways."


Shit! They were a distraction!

Radcliff ran full steam through the trees, panicked that the Bennett kids were no longer at the top of the hill. Tracks from the runners leading down and towards the lake greeted him. Out on the frozen surface, all that indicated any one had been there was the lone pink scarf Sophie had been wearing.


And that brings us to the present. The tacked to a giant oak by spears of ice present.

"Calm down big brother, he's not marked." Cupcake touched the older creature's hand. "Not like my dad was."

"Yeah...Mama and Father will be angry." The Demonic Double Mint Twins chorused as one, standing on either side. Each with a hand resting on Jack's back.

"His time's not up yet either, they'll be pissed. Not to mention there's already a lot of rumors around town." Pippa frowned. She took the other hand. Monty just sighed and leaned on him as he decended to the ground, eyes closed. The winter terror took a few cleansing breaths before revealing once more blue eyes.

"Thanks kiddos. Sorry about that, those little quips of yours brought up less than pleasant memories." That carefree smile returned. Sam brain sorted through the last twenty minutes, deciding this was the most bipolar encounter he'd ever had. Exactly two seconds ago, he'd seen his life flash before his eyes. So very sure this...whatever he is...was going to turn him into an icicle pin cushion. Now it looked like a happy, eager teen surrounded by worried little brothers and sisters.

"What the fuc-?!"

"Shush. You get to watch something no human ever has. Count yourself lucky." Jack turned to the lake. The smaller ones did the same.

The sky seemed to darkened, the moon a tiny pale ghostly circle against the mid morning sky growing brighter in tandem. Bright enough to cast a glow on the frozen surface. Radcliff stood in stunned silence as a web of cracks quickly formed, ice shifting as something rose from beneath. Two somethings. Someones.

Slowly, two small bodies rose from the icy depths, looking head to toe exactly like the six on the hill with him. They were a bit far away but the detective was sure their eyes weren't green or brown anymore. If the cheers beside around him were any indication. The dead kids all glided down the slope without touching the ground to greet their newest additions.

"I'm not evil ya know."

"Uh..." Sam's trance broke.

"Mortal adults can be so selfish in their thinking. You see that I'm related to the deaths of children, those who should not die and assume I'm a monster. Here's the sad truth: everyone dies. Age is no exception." Jack watched the seven kids swoop and soar across the field, most likely playing tag. "I told you I've never reaped anyone before their time and I meant it. I am winter and winter is always an end before new beginnings. I guide children to the world beyond when they pass away."

"But you killed the seven of them. They just admitted it."

"None of them were ever going to see this coming Spring. Monty still would have driven off the cliff. Pippa's dad still would have 'spared' his family shame. A junkie's bad judgement still woulda killed Caleb and Claude. Cupcake had been in failing health for years. All I did was lessen their pain. Promise them a new existence after." With a dismissive wave, Sam found himself free. Immediately face planting in the snow. "I was alone for so long because of poorly thought out good intentions. To make up for it, father gave them to me. Seven unfortunate little angels."

"So you own them now. Wonderful after life." Why won't his mouth listen to his brain's pleas to SHUT THE HELL UP?! Death by sarcasm...

"They are my siblings who share my magic and duties. Don't expect you to understand but there is finally balance in the seasons. Spring, Summer and Fall were born eons before me but father made me most powerful. Winter brings death and can only be ruled by the dead."

Back up.

Sam hadn't exactly been the most attentive when forced to go to Sunday school but didn't God sort that out?

"For those who worship him, yes your god does. The world is made up of layered spheres of influence so complex most humans would have an aneurysm trying to comprehend it all. Ironically, all your religious arguments are moot cuz everyone's more or less right." Jack laughed. It slowly dawned on the human man, causing him to groan.

Fuuuuck. He'd verbalized his thoughts without realizing it. Again. He's officially got no sense of self preservation, period.

"Not that watching your existential meltdown isn't amusing but we should go. It's a little weird having an adult not like Lisette see us but whatever."

"She already knew...what do you mean not like her?"

"There's loads of religious leaders but not many are much more spiritually aware than a brick. If you apologize and tell her the lilies won't die either, maybe she'll explain it to you. Then again, voodoo priestesses are notorious for holding grudges." There was that sly grin again. "Especially since the twins weren't happy about you bothering her. Scaring the hell outta you was sort of revenge."


"Yo kids! Let's go! Big sis isn't gonna blow through the northern hemisphere till the end of March!" Jack called.

A cacaphony of cheers erupted from below. By this point, it should have come as no surprise that the Burgess Seven actually lifted off the ground, swooping and gliding as they laughed together.

"I almost hate to ask but...big sis?"

"Mariposa or as you know her, Spring."

"Gah!" For the second time that morning, Radcliff nearly had a heart attack. Upside down behind him, Jamie Bennett or rather his ghost, grinned like a mad man.

"You're taking this pretty well." Claude floated closer.

"Yeah ya know, 8 dead kids talking to them would send most guys running for a straight jacket." Caleb yawned, scratching his fro.

"Are you determined to drive me to that point?" Was the deadpanned response. His hands slid over his face, coming to rest over his eyes. "This isn't happening. I'm at home, in my bed and the alarm hasn't gone off yet." This was followed by more, less coherent babbling. Something about never drinking again and how long acid flashbacks last.

Sam was so done with this shit.

Fuck being right.

Fuck uncovering the truth.

Fuck this town and it's creepy obliviousness.

Fuck these damned ghosts.

He just wanted the nightmare to end...

"Congrats. You broke him. Proud of yourselves?" Pippa huffed, crossing her arms.

"Yep!" The twins beamed.

"I swear you two are proof Mama is Gramps' daughter." Jack said. "Monty, you're up."


"You suck are this and practice makes perfect." The elder spirit nodded. "Just...try not to cause too much hypothermia and he'll be fine."

"...alright." The shortest boy nodded. Cupping his hands, he gently blew. A whirlwind of blue snowflakes surrounded Sam for a second then vanished. In an instant, the dazed man's body temperature plummeted. So quickly he lost consciousness face down in the snow.

"Is he dead?" Sophie toed his head.

"No snaggle tooth." Cupcake smiled. "But he will be if we don't get him someplace warm in...3 minutes give or take. At least, that's when brain damage sets in."

"Too bad we can't use Bunny's tunnels." Jamie frowned. "Oh well."


Lisette sat in her foyer, sipping tea. Today was the day the last two plants bloom. No sooner had she had that thought, the missing crystals materialized around their respective shrubs. One bursting into white blooms, the other light pink.

"Hmm. I guess it's over." She sighed. "Oh!"

To her suprise, a green stalk sprouted up in each pot, weaving through the a top the new plants, a single large white flower...a lone petal shaped like a pitcher.

"You better take good care of them you little frosty freak." She downed the last drop in her mug. Leaning in, she sniffed the fragrant blossoms. A soft smile graced her lips as she flicked one of the new funnel shaped flowers enough to make it wobble. A tiny ripple of energy flowed from her fingertip. "Or I'll hunt you down and exorcise you myself."


"Ow! The hell?!" Jack's grabbed the back of his head, dropping Radcliff just short of his mattress. "Whoops."

"Sam? You back already?" Came from the master bath. The running water stopped and the sound of a shower curtain opening could be heard through the thin wood.

"Uh..." That moan probably had more to do with pain and slowly coming around than his wife's question.

"That's my cue. Later dude."

The winter spirit probably could have stayed to make sure the man was okay; Mrs. Radcliff couldn't see him. But the thought of seeing the man's wife naked held no interest for him.



He knew the boys would hoot and catcall through the link, but Cupcake, Pippa and Sophie would bash in his skull for real if he didn't leave before she opened that door.

And what big brother didn't have a reasonable fear of his little sisters?

Besides, Mari only gave him an extended snow season (thanks to Phil's improvising with a lighting rig) in exchange for a favor. Right now, he had a 6 foot tall kangaroo to annoy.

Only two months till Easter...


Seriously guys this fic is waaay more popular than I ever thought it would be. Love you all lots for making that a fact!

A side fic called Family is Complicated is up. Check it out for reasons to pity and dislike Pitch all at once. The actual sequel In the Garden of Frozen Blooms is up now too. Read both for more about our favorite group of slightly off characters as they experience their lives and afterlives.

Reviews are like hugs! Sirensoundwave out.